HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 30 1953 Ord. 18PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO � ss. County of Bannock 4—IDAHO STATE JOURNAL Monday, March 30, 1S 53 Legal Advertisement ORDINANCE NO. 18 'E TO AND ARRERDINANC GULA TI THETING OPERATION SYS- TEM OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUB - BUCK, BANNOCK COUNTY, IDA- HO; PROVIDING F OR RULES AND FIXING T USE ANDING PRICE OF WATER SUP- PLIED BY THE VILLAGE AND CONNECTIONS THEREWITH; ES- TABLISHING A WATER DEPART- MENT FOR THE VILLAGE AND DErIAND POW- ERS: PROVIDINGIES PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THIS ORDI- NANCE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS THERE- OF IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. 13E IT ORDAINED BY THE CHAIR- MAN AND THE BOARD OF TRUS- TEES OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUB- B13CK, BANNOCK COUNTY, IDAHO - Section 1. Water Department. The Chubbuck, Idae of Water Department isrthe herebytllcleated and defined. The Water Aepartment shall consist of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, the Village Clerk, the Vil- lage Treasurer and a Superintendent of Water and such other employees as may from time to time be appointed by the Village Board. Section Superintendent. A Super- intendent of the Water Department sball be appointed by the Village Board, and shall hold such position during the pleasure of the Chairman and Village Board, and receive such salary as the Village Board may de termini; provided, that in tale car of absence of the Superintendent, o vacancy in the position, the Chairman of the Village Board of Trustees shall act in such capacity. Section S. Duties of Superintendent The duties of said Superintendent shall be to oversee and superintend the op- eration and maintenance of the water system, the making of repairs of a kinds, the construction of all extension and addltions and all construction wor of whatever nature whatsoever in con nection with the present water syroe and any new system that may be es tablished. The Superintendent of th Water Department shall be subject a all times to the direction and authorit of the Chairman .and Board of Trus tees of the Village. Section 4, Duties of Village Cler and Village Treasurer — Collection The Village Cleric shall collect and r ceive all deposits, water rentals.or of er moneys payable pursuant to la by patrons of the Village Water D partment. Said Clerk shall keep fill and complete records of all such mo eys received, the date and from who received and upon what account an Shall also keep accurate and comple account of all disbursements, showin the date and amount thereof, the per son to whom paid and upon what a count. The Village Clerk shall deliv all such revenues to the Village Trea carer, who shall deposit said money in the bank in the respective fun and for the respective purposes, provided by Ordinance No. 11 and a other ordinances of the Village Chubbuck pertaining thereto_ Section 5. Rules and Regulation That the rules and regulations as s forth herein be, and the same a hereby established for the manag ment of the municipal water syste of the Village of Chubbuck. Section 6. All applications for servi Installations and for water servi shall be made the the office of tl Water Department on printed for furnished by the Water Departme and shall contain the name of the ow or or occupant, an account numb building permit number if for n building, size of connection require and when possible a description of t property, Iot, block and addition, na of the street upon which the grope Legal Advertisement cure the payment of char.les for water service as hereinafter provided. Section 7. Deposit or Guaranty of Owner. If the applicant for water serv- ice is the owner of the building or premises to be supplied, no guaranty deposit shall be required, but other- wise the minimum monthly charge for such connection shall be deposited with the Village Clerk upon . the signing of the application. This deposit is to guar- antee the payment of water rentals or other proper charges payable to the Village, tine same to be held in a fund known as the "Water Service Deposit Fund," and to be retained in said Fund until such applicant shall have discon- tinued the use of such premises or building, or shall have become the owner of same in which event the de- posit shall be refunded, less any sum that may be due the Village for water rentals or otherwise. Section S. Accounts. All accounts Shall be kept by the Village Clerk on the books of the Water Department by the house and street number and under the account number assigned thereto and the nayre of the owner or of the person signing the application for serv- ice. All bills and notices sent out by the Water Department shall be sent to the house or street number of the property. Section 9. All charges far water serv- ice shall be due at the office of the Village Clerk as follows: a. Water rent for all users of water shall be due anti payable on the 9th or loth days of each and every month for water used during the e preceding month. b. Where the water rental has not been paid within the days herein speci- fied, the same shall be held delin- quent and there shall be added t each water bill so delinquent a additional charge of In%n of th amount due on said account, will shall be added to said account an 11 collected with the account. When S the last day of the payment period k fails on a Sunday or legal holiday the day succeeding shall be the las m day for the payment of bills, c. When a rental has become delin e quent the water service may be shu t off at the discretion of the Water y Department, and may not be turn - on again until. all ariearandand penal ties have been paid, k charge in the sum of 'One Dolla Collections for the turning of the wate e- off and on again. h service pips extending fromection 10. After the ltheomat w De to the extended property line of th 1 nearest property line abutting th n_ main, in the direction of applicant n, premises, including a meter, the nece d sary labor and materials for repat to and maintenance thereof, and the co of maintenance thereof shall be fu g nished and made by the Water Depart c_ ment. Section 11. Each property, after t er effective date of this ordinance an s the installation of said water syste ds capable of title transfer and each res as dente located on any one property an H not joined with other property thereo of inseparably or under the same ro shall be considered as an individu s. consumer, and each individual ce sumer shall be supplied through a Bell et arate service. connection and mete provided, however, conditions not her e- in provided for shall be provided f m by action of the Village Board on # conditions imposed by the Board ther ce for. ce After the applicant has compli ie with the prescribed requirements r ms lating to the application for servi nt, connection and has paid all charge n- the Water Department shall permit t er, property described to be connect ew with the Municipal Water System d, the expense of the applicant. Wher he ever practicable the service tonne me tion shall be made in the street proper front of the proper ,y tober serve Legal Advertisement Legal Advertisement nectrion and of the extension pipe and installation thereof from the water main to the property line of the place of usc, such instaliation to be made under the supervision of the Superin- tendent of Water Works of the said Village. Section 13. In case application is made for water requiring extension of mains, either within the Village or out- side of the Village, the application shall be made to the Water Depart- ment and immediately referred to the llage, and Board e Board of Trustees tslea lldettermine whether Such application shall be granted, and determine the terms and conditions upon which said extension will be made; provided further, one of the conditions of such authorization of such extension shall be that the exten- sion so made from the Village mains to the property line of the applicant shall become and at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of the Village. Section 14. Change in Location or Size of Service Installation: Any change made in a service installation, at the request of the property owner or water user, or made necessary due to any act of his, after such installa- tion has once been made, whether such change shall involve a change in size of pipe or meter, or both. er a change in the shall beimade solely at thetion or n expenseOf the anplicant,.who shalt pay the entire cost thereof. Section 15. All new service pipes shall be placed not less than five feet below the established grade of the street, and at an equal depth below the surface of the "ground upon all pri- vate property for a distance of at least 20 feet from the meter. The Water Department shall have the right to m - n crease this depth pipes shall be laid where deemed necessary. Section 16. A special valve or stop o and waste cock shall be installed on n the pipe leading from the meter into e each property served and no branch which pipe, Bibb or fixture of any kind shall d be connected to the pipe between this valve or stop and waste cock fad the meter. This valve, or stop anal waste cock shall be installed and maintained t by the property owner or water user; it shall be for his use in making ex- tensions and repairs of the plumbing t upon the property, and it shall be ac- cessible to the 'Water Superintendent d at all times, and, where necessary, a suitable box and key shall be provided. rIn case the water is shut off from any service which is not provided with such r a valve or stop and waste cock or f with one which is not in good condition, the property, owner or water user shall n make arrangements to install, repair e or replace such valve or stop and waste e cock, and the water shall not be turned s on again until such a valve or stop. s- and waste cock has been installed, xe- st paired or replaced. Section 17. No sewer line shall be r- laid less than six feet from a domestic - water line. Section 18. All installations for con- nection with the Vi)lage Water Supply System shall comply with the usual m, standard plumbing regulations in force and being used in the vicinity of Chub - buck, and with all ordinances adopted of by the Village pertaining thereto, and al sliall at all times be subject to the in- spection of the Water Superintendent n- or such person employed or appointed r by the Village therefor, and, if installa- e- tions are not so made, the Village Board may order such installations cor- he rected to conform to said requirements. Section 19. No person, firm or cor- e- poration shall hereafter be connected with the domestic water supply or do - ed niestic water supply system of the Vil- e- lage of Cubbubk until such person. s, firm or corporation has fully complied he with all the provisions of this ordin- nace, and it sliall be unlawful for the adWater Department or Village to give e- such person, firm or corporation, water service from the domestic water Bull - ply system of said Village of Chubbuck, in or to connect the plumbing of such a person thereto, until the provisions of For the next 25,000 gallons, twenty cents per 1,000 gallons For the next 59,000 gallons, fifteen cents per l,000 gallons For all over 100,000 gallons, eight cents per 1,000 gallons Provided, however, that in no case Shall the monthly minimum charge be less than the following: $4.50 For % inch meter... ...................... For 1 inch meter............................$6,00 For 11,4 inch meter ........................$6.75 To consumers outside of the Vil- lage of Chubbuck, to -wit: For the first 5,900 gallons, one dol- lar per 1,000 gallons For the next 20,009 gallons, thirty cents per 1,000 gallons For the next 25,000 gallons, twenty- five cents per 1,000 gallons For the next 50,000 gallons, twenty cents per 1,000 gallons For all over 100,000 gallons, ten cents per 1,000 gallons Provided, however, that in no case shall the monthly minimum charge be less than the followili : For 3'a inch meter ........................$5.00 For I inch meter ............................56.50 For 11,$ inch meter ......................$7.50 Provided further, that where the property is to be vacant and unuecu- pied and no water used for a period of one month or more, the owner may apply to the Village to have the water shut off, during such vacancy, and while so shut off from the prop- ertyno minimum or other charge shali be made for water during said period, but such.period of relief from the minimum charge shall not ex- ceed five months in any one year, and at the expiration of any five months period of vacancy or Of un- occupied property where the water is shut off, as above, the minimum charge shall begin and be imposed. Provided further, that when the wa- ter has been turned off, the applicant for turning, it back on shall pay to the Village the sum of $2.59, as a service charge therefor. The Village of Chubbuck shall pay at the above established rates for all water used for municipal pur- poses, which charges sl}all be paid to the Village Clerk from the General Fund of the Village to be thereafter handled in the same manner as the revenues from regular consumers or users. Section 31, Where an individual con- sumer is supplied with water through more than one metered service, charges shall be computed separately for each individual meter, Section 32. If any fire protection service is installed outside the limits of the Village, the same may be dis- continued at the will of the Village Board, and the connection with the main removed at the expense of the owner or occupant of the property served. Section 33, The Water Department shall install, maintain and keep in re- pair all Village fire hydrants and shall control which hydrants shall be used by the Village street flusher. No other person than an employee of the Water Department shall change or interfere in any manner with the fire hydrants or the, econnected therewith. Section 34. No person other than an' employee of the Water Department or the Fire Department or an employee of the Street Department who is en- gaged in sprinkling or washing the pub- lic streets or flushing sewers shall op- erate fire hydrants or interfere sn any way with the Village water system witout first rom heliobtaining authority Supe inti dent ot theWaterf e - p. Section 35, Fire Hydrant Charge: The Village Fire Aepartment shall pay from its cuitrent expense fund to the Wateir Department a monthly charge of $2.00 for each municipal fire hy- drant attached to the system of the Village Water Department, for main- tenance, operation and installation of fire hydrants. Section 38. Temporary water service for Contractozs and others: Contractors ,..i,,, to,,,r,nrarily desire to o•dwcrermwC o� •°a L'F.•�4� m.w"-'w.+.'-irn'��.Rv,'ro�ooA•noQ,G1'rnn`��"wprca �G_fl,'x�rnW19 oH -Mmmdw,5 Warmm0E,apG�roP,`mm am m trJ m' Q.-. m.... ��.•IFr+0 a.� �mnmwo CCw om tia'w wR•nmF o �"'�N'-t �w m k "".'a• rs7nom °�. a±,rono.m .-., vim. oro m maa P °moo `Gromw ='� tr'a w,m"noornda Q H mm� ��°, P'�C Zrp oO R.C� p`mG P.w wa Ln7-�a��Cr� °-r Trona n ,�'� :3- Vim•+". .0'+w xN•N mn•% Y�VD m.' w,dnnrn"" PoK XR'°,�womrnpri• vmm wwmm�,z,m�+owyN�r��mamb��w ��rn R•wo:.3wF,�.Hhawy,.a7..�-'7Yjx mto Ry N•mCOD•yy�+ wrow �°r''a kN wm P.w mP'-A'rvw 'o a.�a• y nm. -,o , 'a .* Z^� C ;+ w m a m Ry u¢a� min ° zx o'aC roi,wN0H C m ,»yw �w m C �mR'o.-a n a, H�'��OLiH9 off°,°'r.-•+�fl.w~r�w�w.mDroa�Nwmvawrom���v=�n'wv¢.'m.3N�mFp'e�':aa�.wogFC-,�yCdpmw'm°�n"r:C.� o .n a orm �'m Q. 0 ,., anXmnapyr+m�� '0 0., flm a•��'OFa-m¢ ��°��O�m� n m rrooyy FA o m�0.amwVlw rtwywm wpm R °wo]Pv n + M C' voCaa1 m 'a nn wp•`^ownr�o-mO v�FCfl.,� ro�p"K �" anmmm .. o°na FFo �F'•'"U1.-.m o C;r.s r, womnp P1 t -'p wtj sowF-oR. r~uw ��mCtiN'�"sm a. r+y a�i$mm W -df nO, P.ov �� ny pnRf R3 rc. 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RY m fA �rn'w +cYA iN��w�� y� G*C mnmO�. 'd ---m 5tw---ovm `CmC aa� c9 oa rnK a-P�yrov a•F �,'.'. y� a d0. .r, ,-'m YA.-. °pp poom C. R'Ha wive 'waw-- Fr raC on�a o*�rCw h,��.N w v •+ m ra m •-.+a C,_, rt+ m m- G• Vi".py a ,..w .a o L . w o .-+ .+r. 't m '�' m a ,: m �, m r+o 4 •d o"O H,Cw n'dra •i ni A.oCn..+ �.� �o 5" wpoamomm.°+•O'a'y cn "� dRyom'.FC''�� mldd mwww 'Cmoa��a'nn�... t-' m5ar;: 0�; C�0Nwx r°r,m° ❑N, yrw GF,�m tiG"{ H@�«n..�}}pp Way.0 htS u:.^sP'�'•"'Cm�''d�wyn�e .-.y rom EN�'0.3'�°in #md w��w`�m�w .gym oa x"mm�wa.Ga'��v4 `IIm yn Coo (iC ..'. s�i�'1p-h'Yn.y w.ry i"-r,w r. -m N`GN Nw Pi m0'w ,pn M n.ryw wwP ii Xp 'I'. m w r'O ww NH mw m .+ Amo .n p K`..'. ayGOm O a'nM p.w ma on ym�G.-.Xr P.mma ��,4 a'•y w.w� Cm "d, P-, 'C��m.rn-w��q °NY mFr4m ,d �.�,Fmr*i-r•�'O,�i �•Cy°my Ca,°�p "o a•rnam NO °a,�i mOhR.��a.n°EwmVC'C�'ti �7� .�n.�tirD "'� m.+ `"��Cm myt�o 7'a'�,`�'k?w pbi,m "XQr'Gy' o aK °oommoy �woya" bc] P w� ryya o3mGw`e� w p o� m �. awhw ww �� a 0"nw�ymm hod , ww Nw�y kHR3n �nm n. -.w O, P•m •d �arFn'on G WRS ar 8. wP�'L�w Cmrn n".+'xa!y N' a-'Y'•Nw O rmOm "'�O °0'4NnfliF m,°yp0 �'wp ' o0 CnF�-^c«Q:.'.:o CP, pa Ow Gmm pmF'�F'�O .7 �Om mow. �',°On?° �aKrmttm,-+C'"..Ymn �n ba �yy i" .°,•w afl.n m''y mm Yp ID. G°•�'hn �i mpi'P.M P'P•CN>w•.'Ci �m V. a.m n..5,, P•'C ?'w rr rt4r"•P•rnmm G."ro FY Ri P•r ri ;m<+w mrfi:'^mma' mh. Cti m"��+w r MMa WmmP•m a R.. mmhP. } o .r.��H,t,S"•C WOECA� , �5.w-H I-'� mak py•wy wo co, ovr 052 rr� n 9 M n h1 h1MC^' n es n ClrmmwwroonUlokmrt?r inn myab°Cow~.� pryapaNn� wpmgm� nm�ro. µCINyyO����o�`R@��atlQOµo�voy�o�^y�°�s�°��y�~Sm°owy CC�>-r,m..m 4'.1- k` -'y `��'Gao �" ro mo nrn �Y.o" � m- �mm mCyoi r7.m �F.,�mw-.� aVa irw45 5 -1; '"_r^�G�,o w�F,m �,C ..��i-+•off; '��m ��,n w'cy t, •'+ ,yaP._ hod"' yhyM 'ro r%�m�UiJmma:Y a' m �C�y O5p�Cya wNraw m�r+'^C'f mw�na; .a'p.+noa Cyo•m p... �R3 Pe,C DG�m.a-�myro �-•.m f]y ���m mM'•'O ranm nwmo�wp�Mw w pP'v y...N 'da C.+ M.-.....�-. p.`�. a'u4ami-r, P'"' rpt �m.0-.' m�'C'9am C!"nam ?' w f«rn N0..y hp..twCm .*•+.0 Or,mmrp �P ..y avow:'. n `t'9aa• o.w ''d „�axwn pw wmM,FY:^'ti r,m Cy w .o o•*i-`.° p,�,oCy--m'a m. -mo ,y°._, Co orCa m'cm ,N Hw •i p' �. �t pom � �w pmt mem C�.'3�'7f° HCho .`C ° omP'���on '. �:... w'°d �m ai nf�a .m r"i3O doom o�m Q7G �+cfm Cooti m nm Mq� aa' wC... Cj •n -•mo y wm�. y'Ht-.r Ow :1 a mm mGC]n R. 4mro Gmmwm ky 'Jw6�t � ��. •-ro "f �o•-*v �mm �� �oY N �,� PMd0 �'m'°� a� w°'°pwm CN � n m�fowm ac+0fm mp maR ym.mt „w,r rr.rt�a'w wm� 'aq �`C wm mo KOm"rti CO 's mpCmwom 000�oo o�C Otii-nk��� Iwo '00 w.wt–�v• ""i a.y o'�b.sN�m 6°�a•o ..w��� `*my"w prt,' � fw C,'�mr+,m0�� mC�"'a''.`'T 4rpi w.�4~a �.� �pC�Fw K= '�G !ipoGoo6•'oN o�y a!+o oo oo0 r°naam� n y° C w7'C Y -k �, p. m�wa 5'd rn,a.0 mm ism Edo, p � � 'no mR..w.O M0, 5Om M'�'• i ��uw gran °q wap wap...' °s�'��wM.UA iti'C '��'. wrn°' r+ mNmO a .w -'m ORmrCi, � n _ r m mC� 500 w'�C'�.t Ma- p.�yy ww `mt ~wpm �`'* wv Gw�.- in �E�.pm �r @CFmE�ij ".wd mp,moa'�' P' 'do rom Kp,m wA. awa'�a' �n m �°•�m._nG p�a'O. °on.�. ow i �i " �„ o'r'° a'70 E '-C,.. " a o N- dyrs f] ow.~emsY yi3, m -.o myw"r,Cj mma R. C N m�+w X' en mm�m ro w�t0-FOa'ocr,.iy `C3 .-M.y '^''0wa' oMow�,a KK nF"t �• :+w�m N m`wC `�� m ~p' C�°a�'m "",6 isS.m in G.wy Ow,°y G'a r�DwS?• ° •• a u ms w0'r�r+,`G n. Yaw�a'�;nmop ma o'ro n�i 'Oma oma wm�y mG]rn ?gym w, ra Ys �s'"m ore arwgaq-n nCo•�5•miS ? np w + Sb m o `z o R3amym'� 0, r+ a n •s w r! p•�•=e n �, r m m �G rn .- w m ...R3 m '� a m m m P'.. rte,. o O. C m i� K • m•yy m w m m w r m'ef .-. cam,, "• a"6 w m m o m i ' O' m y inhnf» w n mri . o•n..'y�.Ray3w G,a.-p mayso Fina� f�9 ~' 'cn, wC°n �ym'[S R7 N•cn r°,w »:m �'.rwO py'. t�S n -n .Nmc'.n w.ty r* p rt Q. Cmm�a '•tw o4 a p N. a'..-.7 'dH w Cm'C .°-r "'m.ti'�m n wC-ig w `e mC F.-wm ow n p m r•. a :'amour. oa Tri R m . Oaa'�011m,y'a a"''m bm mp.tmmmvrPR 04w O rp�C,.rpw aw Q.ya Ctik 04'ak �m Fa"ur Uz 4aw k arum rx� m mmkm i�k r mrsa �t*m �•i `i P•Gr .+ '<mrom r rq .`3 k. a'� +ironr'O'� `•sk yo,+r •t r m-a.m i- mtiP.i maeo rom 'i k 'C i ,woo mm a `C �e A .-.--Y~• v N N 0 0 Wn 0 mn w r 'w M. d v w O V b0. ° a .}°.3 r'LS N +t+ Y 0fil O �+ ,dC' m m i,,� a o u F. ° C fit+' (i1 Q1 ° eV N ..i'L� S ii S y, S ".-" w w,, ', x S.' zy Y% Cmwi. oyin u.^' N w'�.-+mw+.0 ++ m,Qp (ti P.*'w.fi ..'•� -�a .+.. w;:! 1 '" �aai P.�� roc o�:'v� N a°...o uv A4°" ,�N �nC >. sw�mra� +� A P,wrd � 'C.� � Hwm .a..^aaNmu ia�yro .u'�a�vA-+Oo •daC� vYai` �y ,,.w,d��?+ s. '• C� w G c.usa.rm .N+. ro«d 4m R,wwaA y-, mop C•�N u++ a~i aFia �F.^�•:+CN sw+.07 wp'd �'aa ".' O° caiG G�aHi^N!na>Or0'CN i -°c'"' ,r,'.�' i4 o'�' 'w CWa Qc�s,� a-' R oaA mp�Gp°dG°iG .,A., A .�.w a�,�ruµ�o 0.+ asN+�iro F-. F"PNaw '�F^nymC a a rt�m w Ca w.:ob wa A dw 0" 'mo o adm4O m 'd P3_N roO �a� CDa _w.C: •=Am PA��O�C:. 7 U I fl.�-': H pA °o mc"�On�'a.ac: ^� � w o _, SL R 3 ro H G ,,., o w +• w,-., f: �+ a a,n w R�}'a3° Ram �. '.�° �orwa N s. m'tl w F.m a m-+nr�a'.s� aAa�a .Cu µw, 1p -F nn.G u'[SGWcFa �' _o,00- A F3. -:w a?.. �nw3a,., �° wad a,Hmu�� RF F.O. ° ,a:Ly ma cm.� ai `�"'-''..A AM �,� Ga F.�A.CrG a N,G as u s,,d .0 bn Ns.'o m'C G.'''. GH v.. HZ ooy, SL Caw w- m- p C w;a,jE-w•-; Caµ.0 �uu ay,F aa.d o.d R+r�3w a�c su. ��u�6 wN�'�3y"'SL° ° uo�ow��waLsoNo�N t„a mo�C aGR.a+ a��aRac, •C ngyNm wb o+. ca.yrt`tl axy E -r t+ M. epi Ramo '^�sw'd a�"Aaa Rx.w,in waw.w ga93�Fw.,w°'4 `�a.o;y�;"-,.;d Z" w�'atix 2�a-tyros � om mWA ra.'u[4 ronv:fl•oatuf�fiy*'a o ;;ram ass " mQ :«� s. °��a� ��"m ao,.M�'o+. > w.��,wua��m .�oNw M a ��- w�c�a maw o�u 3wy.a, ?pro �SRG H'O rC1wo °d mj paro•�wa� �a U w RY'Sw "^°y-�RrNCFu� µCm'°A uw�c�6 uroFa. LO -v sa. ° '`GSL p^°N'�--❑CR Croraom� •��w��y �v � � d � N.�� opo mm VWoNV 'Oo 5C3N.o yaw s7. c3Cro�Aw�H Hw am�Rf'�'c. m o�Cy �rai,F ��M �a vc'C'n C.a Q.0>,o ��a �w,*'a� A�Aa wwm O�dw .°'ml wo WbDom H.Aod ro o•:��. row maw❑pwu ?�awi t 410 USS.' .k FNo v, •^y 'ii. V�N�b i..w °w .ice" sGtl 'N ;o my��;= v J7 awiuFw �a`NC �'miG �'�-^,a sJw G C�r�n �'A6�r-�u+Cwea �'h"0� .3°a a �7 No owp �.. >+ y Pa .. NZi yy . °a Nmd W pa E. .0 o w C r m o N A+' w q C,C } c. 3 d C A m o w o '° A. > w a b* m' > +' r'• boo a m? be ,.,.#.� A bo a o w C u Y❑bS, nad a m... p,o �o �.0 SAG °N�' �.d.,w a. nnw Go 'Fina as b-4°m•°`°:.Aa t9a oC� o�Y. -}o°1w .°�'a o oG G A Q1a°oaq s. *; •°}.,,Hdtu aRi tv m om+'^� cn'��.�y° RNo «'fi. oma pw.�^' aRG3 ., CUCNromaa•'•c�.'"°a oNy: RA � P W Zmw A H �w�w�°md k3 oie cCa nyu�or� �.m.a"'�RaF�cdym°�°^Cw �'mkro�rmN o°w�C'O �.a,•°wwF ❑u �q.A�R'°"oowwmuw'wCai�gNtiA�Hm?:��yo*'oAaoo A�-S.'N.ci �.:b new A'No..'nn0.�'Fi'o�,a`w°r'�'s"^..�"�uVi �'Loaa+,ro'p"A"�GoaroR i;=q❑wy`�w�Wa]�W-1 (qty Z 'p uU.^a amrm-�d � m a4.CF'�ym w R�r Rbfl� --''oG "r'Ru+' ❑NG. R'da a,zP=a A��a 6'N N'o Rr"pn'd aom 0w Na oaa°*� r'wwK .°FuiN °��^asu Gs'd t..HL'ww ..�Fs.,N° ��C� .. mm.,-,N�o�''PAr3C.• w.:>.au U3N ..vwro .ti epi.^ mmrtA.Z-i 9 aA a�.0 �'... o.a'}r"am _.°fi ro s¢w'�`,w am w0 oa ACGrSC�.O'dC ,a.AwvvwA° mrmsro. .`. rot7m om�_ro twfi>`� �,mG�N,,,oro�wy ?� ww6�•o rAC�'aHm Nd„w,c�caiN a^RAy�,�Raw oewi is�C?3NAnn°u my,37,a �^GA�gN �Gw�No�r.^sa. 'R�s~ap Fy C.. aw Q'*'or sty. ��., wr C �0 7:Rs AU,`�u,o W p�uUNn +AFL ^;a in -eanYwdeUi bunAa�N oFi Z m xwwa°G rFim in Cti w�'ie G4F d " aim?° Foto •-•a'o .sty �},� Li o.o �?=°yoo qty �A ,=; '�R.A,� a Gmo u N� � .oa^,X�a mA �G`w C.a'.r,.'Ooro �r�odAm �� oic+ cp 'd.uku o-.daa oC a'O C. b.G•°aGNza. ow mA�`�Ri 'A''H x s..G �•'.N •" 'RS-:Nti rsvi fi° m.-:�.G c��rs Gam, fi." d;w aRi m.M s.�•G a W ti. aFP w a,C GwaTu �•o °1 �O'Gwnu�✓ G� od°�a Homo vmQ od y°°--' adbL-a�w "a''��Gs. mini a -_Q`4 w, OFC u°w 3N `mow°"'d'"� '�qv��u G., o'A.'R°J'U^G •[s ,_o°N m aoosr uHb"%4o m°CH �A�ro�m� MOQ �/Ri wAr ^+H a'Fa Rw°ro�Lm�.,Nw aaa ,Yr °rAA•d Cu¢yn'�C oro•o�N�3a°G �roM A'wa S:�"'�'S"q''+Ymm�muw m.-`�w� .�ra aAu N��i°-���F�'¢gf"'j [/lp� ❑.m;3.�-+w Ei54°-la a�ttl y^°RO~❑16�N+•�'SG t6 fa at -1 G� wC G•^•'�➢itl °a °'^wy�T'-: LL�Ii OO w Fri SNi a,Q a w d w fi' w w v °aa C,wy w.G C'^ 'a o ..CC �i F %,. iva m° b0 nn o °vHsa. oA cl ++ F C 3^w w a wo an d A e m o A N wF oFa^ o o �o aw 1: wm v,, o u oayP _F OP�.�y^�4 ovwlQCv^a*} RCo wQoac� �AFay��a N� a�Co°k. �moCoou��p�dN�dm�� Opp pvCA�a �° d+a0^romw>pd y water "dC;oc a oRw °o-ia fi G fi a+w dca dna .0 -civ- bnfi C. uwdC3 mm w "'C C�awi a) 'D ewi a.o'o N� v^mo oc. q. 3's•0'., a.n oy-, aaaa, a•.+ .ate?gip.-.•.�ro`•w ?�N maro'G y1'�Q1 rn �Nt7✓Gi?;.o�FSL°oG'y odawi o�F'3. u^ry 0 w}.•D ti�N ACF` �mwGN,��-.a.:��'a mnu�Gm'i.y c�om�,N ayU��'"'�M-e^"��F�wP°tiD 07 �aAi`r p���O�.��v�Cza.Fw.�d,•�,�opO n.���• s°.�u eP,�o��OE (WiU d in 0. op,m w I UJ� o Nw lilkr r m•M C k a�ry +'�A1 usu., mp,W ami "wy i�� d� .a, svfi�m�aaiU°�o.�y°wu .0 �3 mFH vo.s w7,R P4 uwu "N't7 a aranw°' uaipOasma Oa 'd �N• os. a'w m s.N ow'o '~�+a+Ca �mw o 43Gw N s.� OaaO� ou m,,,o wa wnA �-7I F G Ao -awo° 3a �.4 m.0 },a4sCti.aC� uwmuc`�. rc'..°�ul�om N�CN�F•o anc Ss a'maGC�aP'mR""CuaR'C'N="mA a+u'yx., rua �1:1euiCwau•",C O.ovaTJi...°�np;=^f�q'cwdA ww times• oyo R:ykN .o p;A.x baum��oF m.Caa° o�,arCi aFitiAooQ S,."N.�cz �°oaFik `�nA �C ooA'°Rv. ^�,Ap�a-,p y�W �O;-i Y� F OW w °u uw wouAA ow wRu:C RQ ^W.-� a.�=a33wo'FO�.0-. 4. ar�F � :+art umR v�o�3 two, o°trGC�"�a°�' No'�sa.omA Nv �A Row G�-'°ao coo a,"5 cd ..��'aE-f�R v.`A^'ro aU1 q}:�°u aCR � ProG °27o WRw4O'k w'HU To Rw �voCoaaa �vO ��m w•�.,� vRw�r"bnUGm�P.NodHa zf Ry au i qmd 'Ci'd iw.d i d c bA�wr RRRu �w Rw uraua^aa,C da ilo C w- Rn6 >U7"^ us+ ,-:u bn+''in ...w'° d A r7R.o W'��¢` .+gym a G ro•"�d0 A'i d i w +,3w°m'o,Hw(ll. a+a• cB y'G,a oAo. .3 u. -C. CG'�Ra,^ aaNFtGap Os~wN��a oF� �?�gA�,wwc.� 'o C^, u^: fl 'a T. Ul 4"' •� n3r Wb M6xq mpx NAm`A BH N C°=Ria Oa O m_� IGko°^d0d 0_>N".V❑0 NU0-u-;;, as Im CuJy.Q N��rafl� KS td�vd ooy iii �G d HHy dnLw2jW mm�afi� Pl4i RRi WwoaR mmwo omr°.+ oolGa.°-(AR a ocma �o w s 0 dH 6k'o H�7 w r a �+ m A 'oGNAu u i w.. r'...-G°aw a Hm AmRmowo ou u CF,ti �9 moo �A u•p H'� 'O as o u a u c•o Hpp ?m ,n�wC° maw R�" w.0 boPo�yro A'�A,w NH2r .'u N aR�vN,u,RN R+A+ c3nOONa r.�'0�3°V'�.m09�p'N F4F�+7W�H aaN� ar Y,�a+ a'o�n6.b ,� RY d„� d ++w twaty Ja Ab'p. iSx"��"F+o aoyti�a°a ° °Ula w +�+Y ia]Q��i."' oro4 A. 0.6aYW.°w�U`��'���dy Hw'�' F.?�, oF� aa.^ da Vi Hww w W,4 NV w�� ro_ w�! L.w0w +�° .u. Gy�3 F. w Od GO �'.� Wry �m Edi 41 -"4 Myao v y, �M .+: q � �ommN R�tl "z. eai RWM ua..mAa 'O wNww°woo CR. aF o�w eo „L""Gw ,a,°.w., o'tf a^m'Cw ia� CG;.,A,, RU Oyi A,"°'�aA„ NRo G�N�nn .°. a�im�FOR� R+'muo u'.t°^, �G u� RNC A dA.d�a.G +, �a6 u� •�N H a.-: � aroi No Gd Ay A� GF .p aF.uu Cyu mda oo bo oo`� "•'.. A=no �y�+. A u m a ^"a o o G '.iH o rowm as d{y a ofi cc amNo tela Pi:a aaa fn am w., a H ate'"^ u w pm-• �-`M r ❑ 'O o.o N i-�a•.w •p y++a a WO�,r] aN NCJwa fu6 dON... Qat G] 0113 q a o av wR 'd o `�,"' r..s`GHF an d .o _ p t a aeu o GRwa Rud o Nam a :A °R wRCPyw"'m�o �Rp:-�iG om.d ^u•CH'�'aH A'�o`C PRi°U� v :L)bho N*'Uo ''3a oia °N'9.A �A-+N a R�+ °ro �,o CouN iw+°'w z. cwi°w aaa fro+ w Rin rN ,A„� Qwre o wm N°,.am o v��w sa.r^.G �9d � o�Cma SRS*' 'So+ v�o,a, F'?,.-� m" C"so, bA °i 'n ao�t"C °TSNo oCcb-.. .+� qG rto•C'tlr Na�yaa o.-. �m w'�t-' _Doi'.^au FSA m .o �'p,N RA R Aw•.. c.°E C OaO,�aw R Rw'p aomro4Nu�N D Ao wg:v Rw C+' A �w oca,W vairo bA uw my�v 'd N w�i.v CCC Fy..,�NaN °RN G,F, mR3w ti . dRY ° .n w' m •a 3 n° 3 w ~ y N w H a •3'm.. CJ }�^. i°p:.a UG]'o yfiy y ww 3. A w w - O , y p .❑ Q' Ora J O }�'.+ ^ ;; 2S Zj - aroi „uu_, R'° N s. fes-.' .d 4) R t.. ,d ^ fes+` +-' T: r, o bin .'"". A:., w �' R iC ,�.� a q �' a °' 8 •° m a' 'G o � }' G +V °Rt a ,q : , wY N *' y-, FFi H .�; N m a F V °' G' m " F o M C^u. .�� o O R ric 4G •d A 41 U, +NG •d Onn m bo w a a b Aa a i 'P,d" v`w�° vc�xvo°•r�F "! 11 a �m �SnC�.P "� Gw:���wfi�owm a a� moa no sw�Q } o o °� m ss T�°°ao°uy� N>R «�FaawaF .taaN ❑�•^°�o °aR� "w"CaDOe� caAu.3rycwv�voo j�R o. e'm .> � G � nu�anssk roF.� w ma a w �a30 a�,m�Bgty RG OD yw�: .ya in�?ia-r app ao o N.Gw Owroww dat. eJ „ � a� 0 an 0a'd oNOwC Fw..,R Ntoo wufir..: R�+.w w A'7 ow'� !6 d wu� H�� cAtl Nw L'.n^u'"".�s.Qd°V°� 3 aL.�00}V'd3 ��" 'o'd H•.F.y m�.aiand ro .r^"O UN RHoa wP:•G 7.Pwo ^0 00 p3 N.. F a.� a k o � t7 QiYO �N 7�r •X•"Oar"' N"C :-}-:�r.o'o ww •.Gii�RLAa'^F`A roRN��o ¢�Ia-��^AC•^'A++o�~✓av-A >.,$Nv, o uui b�"0� AV.'', o p$+ ro Sia �.�'piv exiw'~a Arta ON d,G r�wo,+'oyj<.0 u�r'ooa'a +.G"O A^ U1 �, 'C"AOR••o C"°' RNwF: ++a r`�'No o,Wca *' i ,y�y�ro io q�..u.a NwyO AmMUuN 4.,v.�u'q Rwr-:� oNNm NPS F, bD �oC }PAA aRiw Gala C¢•rCuANw.0 cuiok p;ao^Cmc.w�mav°i .. u�9ikO�.,-. aG a:�+'�3Awu•.w.ayo+,� 3'r'ms.w�womtiH °R'�sya°do �gaCirro°o aCr' w aM�a�saGKw `"Hro'u" ° R9,ri'u�wti puuouw `���yo �'RR°a R�rowk.p� o?,a awi Auroa�"i�aui Rwzi°-G+. aw 11' ww�,a. m o 00 ywA.auFioH o'CNmN..w cAioa U3Zw Qr°.o•6a�.u^.Gw�, •ad o�.Awmasm. RAm.'G+vNi 'a 0.^R� "rani SLY SLpwum A��w.oN a "Av:X ��m>w a;�Ao+'i w�u'kN'uy N dF�oN °v°w'm F�T.a _..� a •U o. v..00roA co..., �•dyC ti9 wwyNA� ca,.„LO cO u C'c-�ie°c�.0 �' abgoo d ma a A m d oR } ar G a C .m. v rwn?r tiw a N o a _.14 Cur n4 WnAw G.-+ +� om o 7 ably wA Ry'°z.w _ 3V qba^a Co a�G �., nri «+ apww Ap wrw u.°+u q:, a '[io m;J•u aNO. �. a a o•da 1„� FS" F� a w2y [pro rvmw S.w o�U.,,mrowwu;yu .q GaHo,SJ w'^fihy U aA Fi'C: o:�'� A' c9gbaG G mG �11 a1_ .� O a Uaor� H•.+0. tyro Cp, mea..G u�.•.^a s. r,ro o.° m: r'� FSC OC�rd wA A.p�w waa CA stla��iFo s. 3 a•oA�a yCaGiA C>�" Pi�mrF^' o���u .Cwa�., w 'N ..� ro FG9a Y �•O HS'+ran .: G��tl,+, ua.-, as q, .r F. woo a.G roa Fw a�w ?,u A. N,o'^ aAdw s].0 y ry. pti �awA�oaro.w °AA°3FHuw a �u a Ap t°a"mJuG ro v tiuA oomP4 nnAvC A Fd u� v am 3. pan+r o Ada w3 p a as H L A Hw mOaNro N CA ww+ CC S CH'V A°; w3yoc� has. E+ rs R'!' m rC1+� ?r a u '. ❑ T' p m O'� � R � .� N Rc' a �C -,OL) � .J"' .� ai�i � HD F' U.a m . eV w y F � C�+ C a m r'+ bd , Nae o N H ° N w.'�' �' R s°. 3 tri A R ° gun o m owi m c°. m `'i m p ^ o q -I � � u �'� m :a m f F � ° > ~ k+� N. y '..a ¢`.r", � N P� Uw - w . 'Y m N � Sr a-+ � � � y " ln � w p'i� .S'i ,�H+ .4� `� o vo-� w " � � cYi • °O w.G'y:+a a Am NS.... d d rC7Cr. 5w OG :U dam.-. .ti. aD.; •o a bio.... -.a S6 Hs. wy.�,,F .Cogs �uwN a4. �'cV '�"°�w a+'^V: j�.. W o�'a SE per *'w'•o Nett ww a a�, �i s.� �.'!1 'io m �iq c. is „a�aw u.� V a ��i ara tiw aorta„vi � fi a� Gr.+ d a} C o Nca N �i"AG F•.. m wGA �+.ofti iy� .-: fiW T. ""'d a .d.-.0. a ••„u odro wip C^, afi 'dy m.^-: 4�'N Odw F 'a.+G2r'Cf S -.d Sty m F 3 F wRw aev:" 7-w oG� appfiN a o p�y+•wN eC-d ao F.., .,�,.A-awti� ro N CON 3�i U a}�w aaa by o't7 w F a �oaN:4.'G-'^�m'�fiR'"R[wn.:it6°R.a� 'N�voa.w pOG A .ya:royUa�'z7'd °N�p°rymFRUA s~c N uw`°am.�� iso �3 cGcSD°OA�Na m ao Saa 'tG.-:gGom. °uON ,mS,+wUdN'r' ia.NNGmbo- Q.Hm Gw�a ro�A+w'L9 NO a°Id aGV ,^-: .dR'aN.-+N a.=ZSwC .Ca U'm.7�7CG�.vo' 'fl W�' ro*' N L ;N NHu� teary u •C.,. z]+a' uw G'[�u a.G�ro- cuiNAwm Ae'wA^ w a."w.Wu WW N a ooa au '^ Aqm .-+ tiw .�xm m .#°�-P. o'o R,. wNo'�•C 0.'. N�C„u. aviG �aaw wCNYl bans NC. -...w rofi�N°A ON mUN a,"^�^Ov °o�G�yOC ��wu p w p w }� .x �. .Y a wo p:. u o r. a'd y2 G4 0' d u a-� H•. np w o w ^ _ -Q7c°i .Q �+u•Rc+,G CN '� FOCfiro�'�m �agoCa>:was., q,o0�vs w*'abn F`.*',Umut}.q FNd A.. '[i+-' aa0• .dasL 'q�wA aay Am'" Nw a°i o'o N. annu novoi.,� p om�.do mrr C'hs arN awfN a"oo wm'�. 'G3 roAfA.,vu,dw'"ms.aa°mo.-�C dI�roR.ti�a�O �mw.f,..yF,4Nu,00 pC RAC4 s, €J '�GO�°�.:,,, .��Hn..uR,�R"'u C a w C `�. a o'er w A" a inA^'ti IA A'a C�aromo.G .su+ rorty of ' mQ'i MFCbn NN^A�Ua.. SA go G+>>� y�Gk"row �3Frt•^„'Co H roaw Ai•C„mei� Zvi iw °uausy m'C.GA�t'ye suimmx,wr Gu} r. o•dm da.^N s.0 oa.G w'p.^ auwwr. s wouo nR ..3 fil1wNA] woA r1w R3 d.'^3 �rmaa �CLOR ayAn3^Ao SLRm«A(5 u. u N+�w RwR ww.�w oo .wroroN du 9 6n0 a+ wd alJ �'�a onA O�i�F aw ID o4 o�R��Rs �a andau��muo rtla 1roi• an 4a�oHy-Fa v�'N UNm omc CX� �wyL a[y P[r°ro ''110��� G7 'd ivro HH wG.P "' F.0 dTJ "d on w Ri aNd'dw i i OAC 'Cur? m,-:w�9Y '�'4r do nA.dw� ..w o Rm uai F �SLF Fa.. o'-•.C�•o C�wNa�..NC'Gd nRiO S6 Njca�w rte'='" riA Wcfi.o U rug G G u mw 0... w...wi: q Hd s dd ° H i as t d i r'� dROR i-�:'3 Rw wy fl. RRu NF.. w'Cr a[s.-. OC +n �r s. F... Rr.o FLUA a:�ru '0ocai.N-�,�",a oHow app w roA wed^ uwmoai�°m Cro w�uA. c°iw cFa yma�r000,da [°>cany of -:u, arosa-, g❑+' N� A.u., .a ��A Yw rtAA .yA.A f1.�:GG o 27.a? icor" ww �R°a •d a�R,,.,R3 O�w tiau R a,. P. s�-: y.: v dH+w ,> a.,,.a NyG^ Cwr� mmo A N oc�r-Cc,aau Nda, p,a 'CCA w mM ayA Gus. o u u .-Aco 11 .]�•oa :ww.+'�a•��aw r -'AR � �wo�'A"'u'C inro�o�o*' �P hA�fiar'oa�min+. �bq� a >:'- uo 7a'mA 4 m Cr m .o N+•w'o CSF .b •o oa u"o' u.tF, s. t°�i. �"w: a,, ? c°i .w�o� F SG i�wa RRfii.fi ab[•d F'i'?i7H u w a❑� wa„>,-a b r o m� ^ a r. m G a o�w ^'da tiw ONp U .-. wa0 O d am a u a.Gi Ow .o �; N r':•^'w•CF orC�+ wdvo.;--'.R UlfieaiaA Rrtryci �o� r• W a s. O O w.Gp m a O a ra"No aoC .. ?rowoow w -s. GA•p,d C. w oR iA m� ro.~., aF., m wap.�m awy..+,G bl do ka ' N.s]nCq oM ". y;o ain �7 Normo o�m�y fi?uAa .CG G.d mA_N .A S*'o'�a o ..d ---Co m as.'. w! Fw_w aao �w>pw� a .� zoaao QPpw oRR NFanO RHm v o9bk-° w CN° 3RRw Cy �"£1CRu Em rAm aur oA y0 boa N'^ m ,•'C,QC.., a OA-w'p:C A o• ro u N C NRw a+p1m croa a rwr'md z7 ^HV'Om Gw•�a'CNS�`. R•A bn +A+�s,',Q A wmC. �a�i c°a t''q Ccc..,•Q u'i3=mw ,4ow .,'C.,. x° HNoJ4 ;��p^roNaa,00 Zo �y°�aal A-.d+.�;mr aN abnY+"a' •�-....0 u a u0 °�s!,Nor'=aFiu RO t�i1w�U�1 AA R,��aSL rN oio ?'r° �"' 4.�-.a+y, R'od Nw.0 �"m__ m G-•'tiu G`°'° A�� m6 x'�H'°•u'Ou d•p' N G .d wu"rw acn RHm '�r2 y�F.0 ou m aCm.Gau:,owmwH�p•p rt.. m ua u3u � fi a,uRaa.N mqm W.a° oAo�Gv w,=oR mu, bA��oo CwA Aoei,�A. 3vm4NL*. a°R wwv F moV a�•CfmNaAFaAa oCo oo�dos'a Ami tiN+, A'o^ wM aid Cn aooawa maa l2v� uu d.uce-'A. �O as -oz } A.a,wvm�v wrr'fO N.a^ro,-. 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