HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 02 1951 Ord. 10PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO CS C'ni inf%, of RnnnnrL ORDINANCE NO. 10 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE AC- QUIRING OF, CONSTRUCTION OF INSTALLATION AND OPERA- TIONS OF A WATER SYSTEM AND WORK$, AND DISTRIBU- TION OF WATER FOR THE IN. HABITANTS OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK, AND FOR .THE BENEFIT OF THOSE SERVED BY THE SYSTEM AND FOR THE PROMOTION OF PUBLIC WEL- FARE, IMPROVEMENT OF HEALTH, SAFETY, COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE OF THE IN- HABITANTS OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK; SETTING FORTH A BRIEF AND GENERAL DE- SCRIPTION OF THE SAID WORKS AND WATER SYSTEM TO BE AC- QUIRED AND CONSTRUCTED; RE- FERRING TO THE PRELIMINARY REPORT, PLANS AND SPECIFICA- TIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN PRE- PARED AND . FILED WITH THE VILLAGE BY A QUALIFIED EN- GINEER CHOSEN FOR THAT PUR- POSE; SETTING FORTH THE COST OF THE WORKS .AND SYS- TEM AS ESTIMATED BY THE EN- GINEER SO CHOSEN; ORDERING THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUC- TION AND INSTALLATION OF SAID WORKS ANA WATER SYS- TEM; DIRECTING THAT REVE- NUE BONDS OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK SHALL BE ISSUED BY THE VILLAGE- OF CHUBBUCK UNDER AND PURSUANT TO THE PRYJVISIONS OF CHAPTER 47, 1951 SESSION LAWS OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, KNOWN AS THE REVENUE BOND ACT, IN AN AMOUNT NECESSARY TO PAY THE COST OF THE SAID WORKS AND WATER SYSTEM, PRELIMIN- ARY EXPENSES AND COSTS, AND ALL COSTS AND EXPENSES RE- QUIRED THEREFOR; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS AND INTEREST TO BE MADE SOLELY OUT OF THE REVENUES. RECEIVED FROM THE OPERATION OF SAID WORKS AND WATER SYSTEM; PROVID- ING THE MAXIMUM RATE OF INTEREST ON SAID BONDS; PRO- VIDING FOR THE LIEN OF SAID 13ONDS TO BE A PRIOR AND PARAMOUNT LIEN ON THE REV- ENUE RECEIVED FROM OPERA- TION OF SAID WORKS AND WATER SYSTEM FOR WHICH, SAID BONDS ARE TO BE IS- SUED; PROVIDING THAT THE REVENUE BONDS SO ISSUED AND INTEREST THEREON SHALL 13E PAID SOLELY FROM THE REVENUES DERIVED FROM THE OPERATION OF SAID WORKS, AND WATER SYSTEM AND NOT BE A DEBT OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK. AND THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK SHALL NOT BE LIABLE T H E R E O N; , PROVIDED SAID BONDS SHALL NOT BE PAYABLE OUT OF ANY FUND OTHER THAN THE SAID REVE- NUE PLEDGED FOR THE PAY- MENT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE CALLING AND HOLDING OF AN ELECTION BY THE QUALI- FIED ELECTOR:4 nT? CATri 17TT - inhabitants of the Village of Chub• buck, and supplying water to the Village for fire protection, . sanitary uses and other Village uses for the use and benefit of the Village and the inhabitants, for the promotion of the welfare and, improvement of the health, safety, comfort and conven- ience of the Village and the inhabi- tants of the Village of Chubbuck, Section 2. That the Village of Chub - buck shall acquire, upon approval at the election hereinafter provided for, the necessary lands, sites, rights and easements therefor, and immediately construct and install and thereafter operate and maintain a water works and water works system in and for the Village of Chubbuck for the pur- pose of furnishing arid delivering water to the inhabitants of the Village for their use, and furnishing and sup- plying a sufficient supply of water to the Village for fire protection, sani- tary uses and other uses of the Village. a, That a general description of said water works system and water system to be thus acquired, constructed and installed is as follows: Acquire a site , for and drill a twelve inch well and install therein a sufficient turbine pump to pump and discharge the water into the maims, and construct and install a storage reservoir connected with the. mains at ' a location to be selected a sufficient elevation above the general elevation of the Villa�e to provide adequate pressure and storage; also, to construct a system of water mains of sufficient size and rapa- city throughout the 'Village,to serve the inhabitants of the Village, and to construct, install and locate at proper places a sufficient number of hydrants connected with said water mains to serve the Village, and make at least 100 suitable locations service connections in said,lnains from which to serve the inhabitants of said Village and said fire hydrants; also, install necessary mains and connections to connect the said water system with a certain well already drilled and located in Aero Park Subdivision to be used as an emergency supply of water to the Village; to purchase and install water meters for all services for distribution of water to consum- ers for domestic use and fire protec- tion, and the system to be also of sufficient capacity to furnish wafer to users outside the Village, when the Board of Trustees of the Village shall from time to time determine that it is to the interest of the Village to furnish such users on the outside of the Village with water for use and fire pvotection, . That a preliminary report, plans and specifications for said water system and works have heretofore been pre- pared by a competent engineer em- ployed by the Village therefor, and filed with the Village, to which refer- ence is hereby , made. b. That the cost of the acquiring, constructing and installing said water works and system, as estimated by the said engineer chosen by the Village therefor, is $70,000.00. C. That revenue bonds of the Village 1955 January 1,400.00 924.00 July __. ..._._.. 1,400.00 . 903.00 1956 January -, 1,400.00 882.00 July ---L- 1,400.00 861.00 1957 January .. 1,600.00 840.u0 July -. _-_-.. 1,600.00 816.00 1958 January 1,600.00 792.00 July -- -_.- 1,606.00 768.00 1959 January ___,. 1,600.00 744.00 July 1,600.00 720.00 1960 ,January 1,600.40 696.00 July ___ _____.. 1,600.00 672.00 1961 January ,.. 1,600.00 648.00 July _._ 1,600.00 624.00 1962 January.. 1,800.00 600.00 July ._ _.. 1,809.00 573.00 1963 January _.. 1,800.00 546.00 July ... . ___ 1,800.00 519.00 1964 January .......... 1,800.00 492.00 July ................ 1,800.00 665.00 1965 January _..__.. 1,800.00 438.00 July _ 1,800.60 411.00 1966 January _ .. 1,800.00 384.00 July _ .._.._.,, 1,800.00 357.00 I967 January 2,200,00 330.00 July __ ___.. 2,200.00, 297.00 1968 January _.._._.., 2,200.00 264.00. July - _-_.. 2,200.00 231.00 1969 January .......... 2,200.00 198.00 July ...... _...... _.- 2,200.00 165.00 1970 January _....... 2,200.00 132.00 July -,,........... _.. 2,200.00 99.00 1971 January _._....... 2,200.00 66.00 July _.. 2,200.00 33.011 TOTALS ... .. $70,000.00 $22,950.00 e. That said revenue bonds and all interest thereon shall be paid for sole- ly from the revenues derived froin the operation of said works and water system, and shall not be a debt of the Village of Cbubbuck, and the Village of Chubbuck shall not be liable thereon, and said bonds and interest shall not be paid out of any fund, other than the said revenue derived from the operationofsaid water sys- tem pledged for the payment thereof. f. That 'said bonds shall constitute a liena d be a prior and paramount lien on the revenue derived from the operation of said water system, for which said bonds are issuqd, and all bonds of the 'same issue shall be sub- ject to the prior and superior rights of outstanding bonds, claims or obli- gations and of a prior and paramount lien on the revenue from the works for which such bonds have been is- sued over and ahead of all bonds of any issue payable from said revenue, which may be subsequently issued, and over and ahead of any claims or obligations against said revenue sub- sequently incurred. All bonds of the same issue shall be equally and ra- tably secured without priority by rea- son of number, date of, bonds, of sale, or execution or of delivery, by a lien on said revenue of the water system in accordance with the pro- visions of the Revenue Bond Act, Chapter 47, 1951 Session Daws of Ida- ho, and in accordance with the pro- visions of the ordinance authorizing said bonds, and all bonds and interim receipts or certificates issued shall be fully negotiable within the mean- ing of and for all the purposes of the negotiable instruments law, . Section 3. That an election is here- by ordered and, called to be held wit in the one ward of the Village j ofvbonds authorized by it, the ma- turity 'dates of said bonds, the maxi- mum rate of interest they shall draw, the voting places, the hours between which the polls will be open, and the qualifications of voters who may vote thereat, and the Clerk shall also post three (3) copies of the Notice, of said election in three of the most public places in said ward where the election is authorized to be held, one of such notices to be posted at the front door of the building of the place where such election is author- ized to be held, and the other two at the most public or suitable places in said ward; which notices of elec- tion shall be substantially in the fol- lowing form; NOTICE OF SPECIAL REVENUE BOND ELECTION Pursuant to Chapter 47 of the 1951 Session Laws of the State of Idaho and Ordinance number 10 of the Vil- lage of Chubbuck in the State of Idaho, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a special revenue bond election will be held in the Village Of Chubbuck, Bannock County, Ida- ho, within the ward of said Village at the voting place hereinafter desig- nated, on the 27th day of August, 1951, beginning at the hour of 9:00 o'clock A. M. and closing at the hour of 7:00 o'clock P. M. of said day, for the purpose of taking a vote'of the qualified electors of said Village, upon the fallowing question, to -wit: Shall the Village of Chubbuck be authorized to issue revenue bonds in the amount of $70,000.00 for the pur- poses provided by Ordinance num- ber 10 of the Village of Chubbuck, which purposes described in said or- dinance are as follows, to - wit: Acquire a site for and drill a twelve inch well and install therein a sufficient turbine pump to pump and discharge the water into the mains, and construct and install a storage reservoir connected with the mains at a location to be selected a sufficient elevation above the gen- eral elevation of the Village to pro- vide adequate pressure and storage; also, to construct a system of water mains of sufficient size and capacity thrgughout the Village to serve the inhabitants of the Village, and to con- struct, install and locate at proper places a sufficient number of hydrants connected with said water mains to serve the Village, and make at least 100 suitable locations for service con- nections in said mains from `which to serve the inhabitants of said` Village and said fire hydrants; also, install necessary mains and connections to connect the said water system with a certain well already drilled and lo- cated in Aero Park Subdivision to be used as an emergency supply of wat- er to the Village; to purchase and install water meters for all services for distribution of water to consumers for domestic use and fire protection, and the system to be also of sufficient capacity to furnish water to users outside the Village, when the Board Of Trustees of the Village shall from time to time determine that it is to the interest of the Village to furnish the voting place of said election shall be as follows: At W. R. Ward's Business Office. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN That each and every person, M order to vote at said election, must be a quali- fied elector of the State of Idaho, and must have resided within the Vil- lage of Chubbuck for at least three (3) months -preceding the election, and must be registered, as provided by 1 a w. Charlotte Kennedy, Village Clerk, is, the official registrar for the Village. Persons may register at any time, during office hours, beginning with the day that the notice of election is given, and each day thereafter, until and including the Saturday next pre- ceding said election, and on Thurs- day, August L3rd, 1951, Friday, Aug- ust 24th, 1951, and Saturday, August 25th, 1951, next preceding said elec- tion, persons may register between the hours of 9:00 o'clock A.M. and 5:00 o'clock P.M., and betweenthe hours of 7;00 o'clock P.M. and 9:00 o'clock P.M., at the Office of the Vil- lage Clerk. The voting at said election shall be by ballot. The ballots to be supplied to the voters for that use in said election, shall be as set forth in Ordinance number 10 of the Vil- lage of Chubbuck. Dated at Chubbuck, Idaho, this 30th day of July, 1951. VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK By Charlotte Kennedy, l Village Clerk, Section 6. If the revenue bonds are authorized to be issued, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chub - buck will provide by additional or- dinance for the issuance thereof, as provided by the provisions of Chap- ter 47, 1951 Session Laws of the State of Idaho. Section 7. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in -so -far as they are in conflict with this ordinance i are hereby repealed. Section 8. This ordinance shall be irrepealable during the life of any revenue bonds issued, as provided herein. Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and due publication in one issue of the Idaho State Journal, published at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, hereby designated as the official newspaper for the Village, in which this ordinance shall be published. Passed this 30th day of July, 1951. Approved this 30th day of July, 1951. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK By John R. Valehty Chairman of the Board ATTEST: Kennedy CIerk THE 11 August 2, 195111 biz'nva�'�{sl'dtd''"rAflt7ihiH�-3 `3r'��HHCH'zH HOrkiyH `r,' C'-' a0'�d (Jih1A���*3�Hr�}-• �1�00�.'tU'�'f�1}i`'�z�,�0."�tix'.�Z'ap'a.°x0'_' ",Sa'" +x�y.Q'dfnrOnL�➢Q`�tlCdb`�iCn�A �3i�JkIWw'�z �,'�Ox'��hi'd�-3LT10'�"H`>nH�k�',n'z .�zzrilt7 0 �nHzC,'�.LiLin (75HLiH°Li1 Liz t�G�-3��a�xt]z,'�hi7 ��'N�JZaO ,, Y �x,.3�'dGMn'�'��HH,Y]Hn'd�]dFdH:UhiAa� N -3n'�i riihiC.� '�`•-� Hz i-rz Ofnnd iizt x'C �,' l7 C z h CxJ tJ 47 t�7 °OGnmzx 'zkxG ,,.,p` -G7 00�'r,aQLxiL1G:�n �2' Y.�xt1']a:�cw Ol-jt'�t d 0 6'H c� NW ->t r� t]apmntiyY iy Gr�r'Gyz z.. ty - dz��r+epLipr�a>-• �J CLi t w �,rnz marya�x z Hom x n Ati"x rn txm ~xlw �azb�z_. r� �� H >zmdymnm:jnG�ieH-iw"o wtb tiz Myy �� °� rldwnmrr� r n1zozH-do '1 y�z ztrim� z° c cnoozG+zowd�rr�rxr i~bi CcC-1j G m pmo a,x HG °off oz�i o �muo �c xzq y"x ani H �,H-_ s tj y '130°0 .nMO'tW1 d" m JC�� �O�mr"N Mni" mm'jMoHwn-rd' 'Sty�Li'dn 'yL1[y"1Hti�'"Lirn `� rn'i3�cnHC°u�ioY nZ�d�n �]rn hi H ��'apx Om"x�O� r�"tl`�1°� -i '�. ,� •n r yt7 �i" " H H (n W"�m n r-30La0� HHLim� 3 Li G� y �ntr] {l �• �1 �o' Jmz ' MCHC ,�� roi b;n- 0H'Jo"�az�v: x�" ,� O�" m°x� zxmx 3r,z m zo° r x Li ��zl e�� A r� �xv GHz mHz oin bye 0O"� 0-6D D Z :1'0 z y�-, C' 'C�GLyy��"_ "�''O hi0 Ot7 G' [nt7 Oty'C [3H 'p0 M4 Z rnz?' 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