HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 26 1950 Ord. 1irtion of the license fee for the
e of Chubbuck shali be collected
quarterly on January I, April 1. July
1, and October I of each year. Of
the license fee so collected on each of
uch devices licensed, $125.00 thereof
• the pro-rata portion thereof, if is-
ced for less than, a full calendar
year, shall be collected for the State
of Idaho, and $125.00 thereof, or the
{ pro-rata portion thereof, if issued for
I ess than a full calendar year, shall
PR � be collected for Bannock County; and `' CAT I O N
the balance of said license fee, as
collected quarterly, shall be deposited
in the general fund of the Village.
-Provided further that the moneys so
STATE OF IDAHO collected by the Village for the State
55. of Idaho and the Comity of Bannock
Count of Bannock shall be deposited in and kept in a
y special trust fund and remitted to the
State of Idaho and the County of
Bannock quarterly on April 1st, July
ist, October 1st and January 1st of
:ach year.
-r rrovided further that no such ma- Iran B. Van Leuven
ORDINANCE IPO. 1 II ine or .device shall be licensed if --------- ------------------------------------------•--------
AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR i ie same shall be in denominations
THE LICENSING BY THE VILLAGE , f 50c or $1.00 per play, and sh de- lth deposes and says: That -------- s–he
OF ----------------
UBBUCK, BANNOCK COUN- „rices in such denominations areuchere-
TY, IDAHO, OF COIN-OPERATED 1%y expressly prohibited.
AMUSEMENT DEVICES AS DE- SECTION 4. The license issued under entioned a citizen of the United States of
FINED BY CHAPTER 15 OF TITLE flag Ordinance shall be in the form
50, IDAHO CODE; PROVIDING THE of a license stamp, an a separate ars Of age, and the Principal Clerk of THE
EACH SUCH MACHINE OR pE _ license must be isued for each. coin-
VICE AND TITS APPORTIONMENT ,operated amusement device. The li-
AND PAYMENT OF THE PQRTI�,I censee immediately upon issuance a daily newspaper, printed and published at
TO THE STATE OF IDAHO AND thereof, shall securely affix the said
BANNOCK COUNTY AS PRO,rIDED stamp to the coin-operated amuse-Yr fdah0 and having a general circulation
BY THE STATE LAW; PROVIDING ment device in a conspicuous place,
REGULATIONS AND CONTROLS cid cancel the same by cutting it
FOR. THE OPERATION OF SAID criss-cross with a sharp instrument.
y Oottherr person such li-
LICENSE OR STAMP TO BY OB- censes so issued, a transfer the li- iOYICe a true copy of which is Attached, was
censee devices to any location other
than the one originally authorized
OF; PROVIDING FOR THE FUR- therefor, without making application owg
NISHING OF FORMS FOR APPLI- to the rand Board Trustees
CATION FOR LICENSES; PEIOVID- for such11 transfer.
traanss fer, and obtaining the
ING FOR THE PRO-RATIlTG OF approval therefor,
LICENSE FEES FOR THI: C.ALEN- lb) The Chairman and Board of
DAR YEAR; PROVIDING FOR THE Trustees may authorize the transfer of
ISSUANCE OF SUBSTITU3 >✓ LI- such a license from one person to
CENSE IN CASE A DEVICE LI- another or from one location to an-
CENSED IS BROKEN OR DES- other, and if such transfer is so auth- 19__ , 19______
TROYED OR HAS BECOMES DES- orized by the Chairman and Board
LESS; PROVIDING PENALTIES of Trustees, a transfer fee of $1.00 for
FOR VIOLATION OF THE LTIES eac5 such license transferred shall be'
NANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE RE- collected r the Village Clerk preced- 19 ------ 19 ------
NANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE RE- ing such transfer.
VOCATION OF LICENSE-S AND Ing such transfer. _
FOR NOTICE OF HEARING PRE- (c) No license stamp shall be used
on any. device Other than the one for `
CEDING S U C H REVD(-ATIONS; which said license stamp is issued; 19______ 9__"___
DINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDI- provided however, the Village Clerk
E may issue a substitute license upon
NANCES INSOFAR A S "£HEY ARE presentation to the Village Clerk of
NANCE, a sworn Affidavit showing such de- 19_ 19 -
vice to have become wholly or in '
BE IT ORDAINED BY T"IE CHAIR- part, worn out, accidentally broken
THE VILLAGE OF CHUBE.UCKEBAN- extent tthatait llisrendered u eless.estroed, tohThe 19 ------
NOCK COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO: substitute license shall be issued by ' 9""""""
SECTION 1. R shall be lawful to the Clerk in the manner the same
operate within the Village of Chub- as the one originally issued, and shall
buck, Bannock County, Idaho, coin- be designated a substitute license, and been continuously and uninterruptedly pub-
operated . amusement davices as de- bear upon it the word "SUBSTITUTE,"
fined by Chapter 15 of Title 50, Idaho and the number of the original license. a erlod of sevent -el ht Weeks prior t0 the
Code, provided a licen..Se is first ob- Such substituted license shall be af- p y g
tained from the Village of Chubbuck, fixed to the device for which it is
as provided in this Ordinance and issued, and be cancelled in all re- or advertisement and i5 a newspaper within
the rules and regulations andpro- spects as required by law for an ori-
visions concerning tho licensing and ginal license, The original license
operation of the same, as provided in stamp shall then be void. Idaho.
this Ordinance, and 'as provided in SECTION 6. R Y.00ATSON AND t�r)
said Chapter 15 of Title 50, Idaho CANCELLATION.—If any licensee of
Code, are complied with. a coin-operated amusement device vio-
SECTION 2. Before any such coin- lates any of the provisions of this
operated amusement device may be Ordinance, or is convicted of violating
operated within- Village, an. appli- any °£ the provisions of said Chapter - -------- -- -----------------------
cation for a license for each such de- 15 of Title 50, Idaho Code, the Chair-
vice or devices, shall be filed with than and Board of Trustees of the
the Village Clerk of the Village of Village of Chubbuck are hereby auth- �tti
Chubbuck on an application form pro- orized to, and empac:,ered to revoke :)before me this -_______-___-----------------------------
vided by the Village therefor. Said all licenses to open .te such devices
application form shall provide, among issued to said licensee; Provided, how-
oth ..t:'Lgs, the folio',wvig informa- ever, that in the ev+mt it is brought 9 5a
tuh: to the attention of the Chairman and ------ i
The name of the apk•licant; the Board of Trustees that such violation /
name of the place and locate."on where or violations have taken ,place, then
it is proposed such coin-operated de- before revoking such licenses, the :
vice or devices are to be olnerated; Chairman and Board of Trustees shall---------------- -- -- -------
the number of such devices al td the cause a notice in writing to be served
make, serial number, type of � each upon such licensee setting forth in
such machine or device desir0d to general terms the violations claimed Notary Public, State of Idaho
be operated by the applicant at such to exist or to have existed, and such
location; such application shall be notice shall provide a time for hearing Residence: Pocatello, Idaho
signed and verified by the applicant, therem
on before the Chairman and
or if the application is made by a Board of Trustees, Which date of hear-
partnership, then by one of the part- ing shall not be less than ten (10)
ners, or if by a corporation or aso- days nor more than twenty. (20) days
^iation, then by an officer of such from the . date of service of such
cot,,�nration or association, ; notice, and upon or following said
Such. application shall be acs=om- hearing, the Chairman and Board of
pand e<,by satisfactory documenftary Trustees upon finding that. the pro-
evidence ;that applicant is the ovvner visions of this Ordinance or the pro-
of such. dein-operated amusement ,de- visions of said State Law, said Chap-
vice or de hces. Ler 15, of Title 50, Idaho Code, have
Such application shall be filed 'kvith been violated by such licensee, shall
the Village Clerk before being 1(re- revoke all such licenses issued to such
sented to the Village Board for ftnai licensee, and no refund, or any unused
action. All such . applications shall be, portion of the license, fee paid shall
by the CIerk, referred to the V311a$!'- be made to the licensee.
Marshall of the Village of Chubbuc2c, t SEpTION 7. Any violation of the
and he shall endorse thereon hisa 55- jprov ions of this Ordinance, the
proval or disapproval thereof before; I pez?alty for which is not provided for
the same is presented to the Village 61,Y said Chapter 15 of Title 50, Idaho
Board. I (.ode, shall constitute a misdemeanor,
The Village Clerk shall not Teceiv and any person so violating such pro-
the license fees hereinafter provider visions shall be guilty of a misdemean-
for- until the applicati.._ °++''r, .?,,3•,nrc..cu3yxrii shall
proed VillayethUpon rape approval of i 1e fin ed not to exceed p100.00and
the application by the Village Board. uT, `° failure to pay such fine's hall
the Village Clerk shall collect said'
committed to the custody of the
l Vi'_i1age Marshall and confined in the
license fees, and upon the paymen+ �• -ill
thereof shall.Issue the ?+cense staT, Vage Jail at the rate of $1,50 peri
hereinafter rovided for, p day until such fine is paid in lull.
Provided pfurther hcT such SECTION 8. That all Ordinances or
coin- parts of Ordinances insofar as they;
operated device shall h$ A} elated un- are in conflict herewith, be, and -the:
til there bas been placed thereon and Isarne are hereby repealed.
cancelled the license stamp as pro- SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall be
vided by law. in full force and effect upon its pass-
SECTION 3. The license fee required age, approval and publication, as re-
for the obtaining of the license stamp quired by lacy.
for the operation of said coin-operated PASSED this 22nd day of March,
devices shall be the sum of $500.00 for 1950.
each calendar year, which license fee APPROVED this 22nd day of March,
shall be pro-rated as beginning with 1950.
the actual month of issue for the re-
mainder of the calendar year, and CHAIRMAN of the Board of
the license fee shall include the license Trustees of the Village of
for the month in which the same is Chubbuck.
issued, providing, however, the entire ATTEST:
amount of the license required for (SEAL)
the State of Idaho and for Bannock JAMES E. VAIXNTY
County shall be collected at the time village Clerk_
of toe issuance of the license. and March 2% 1950.
the pro-rata tiny a'�5au–YnZi c+of
.zed for less than Da folie calendar
lyear, shall be collected forthe State
of Idaho, and $125.00 thereof, or the
ro-rata and
thereof, if issued for
P lppess tftim a• full calendar year, shall I CATI O N
be collected for Bannock County; and
the balance of said license fee, as
Ru-collected quarterly, shall be deposited
in the general fund of the Village.
Provided further that the moneys so
STATE OF IDAHO collected by the Village for the State
55. of Idaho and the County of Bannock
Count Of BarInDCIC shall be deposited in and kept in a
Y special trust fund and remitted to the
State of Idaho and the County of
Bannock quarterly on April Ist, July
Ist, October Ist and January Ist of
:ach year. ] � Van Leuven
ORDINANCE NO. I Fr'ovided further that no such ma- -----
AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR " 11ne Or device shall be licensed if
THE LICENSING BY THE VILLAGE ae same shall be in denominations She
f 50e or $1.00 per play, and such de_ Ith deposes and says: That_________________________-_
OF CHUBBUCK, BANNOCK COUN- ,:ices in suet' denominations are here-
TY, IDAHO, OF COIN-OPERATED py expressly prohibited.
DEVICES5 AS DE- SECTION 4. The license issued under entlOned a citizen of the United States Of
FINED BY CHAPTER 15 OIs' TITLE 'Ibis Ordinance shall be in the form
50, IDAHO GODS; PROVIDING THE i of a license stamp,an a se arate ars of age and the Principal Clerk of THE
LICENSE FEES TO BE PAID ON license must be isd for eachcoing ` P
EACH SUCH MACHINE OR DE- ,operated amusement device. The li-
VICE AND THE APPORTIONME*,I' censee immediately upon issuance a dais newspaperprinted d ublished at
AND PAYMENT OF THE PORTI �l I thereof, shall securely affix the said y P Per , P anP
TO THE STATE OF IDAHO AND stamp to the coin-a crated amuse-
13ANNOGK COUNTY AS PRO7riDED stent devise in a conspicuous Idaho and having a general Circulation
BY THE STATE LAW; PROVIDING and cancel the same byuou pl cit , r
REGULATIONS AND CONTROLS criss-cross With a sharp instrument.
DEVICES AND LICENSING. THE transfer to any other person such li-
SA,ME; PROVIDING THE FoV.M OF tenses so issued, or t!�Dt1Ce a tof which is attached was
LICENSE OR STAMP TO BF, OB- transfer the h- rice copy
tensed devices to any location other
than the one originally authorized
OF, PROVIDING .FOR. THE FUR- therefor, without making application r g
NIHING OF FORMS FOR :kPPLI- to the Charman and Board a Trustees
CATION FOR LICENSES; PIIOVID- for such transfer, and obtaining the
approval therefor.
LICENSE FEES FOR TH>•: C'ALEN-(b) The Chairman and Board of
DAR YEAR; PROVIDING F013 THE Trustees may authorize the transfer of
ISSUANCE OF SUBSTITUTE LI- such a license from one person to
another or from one location to an-
CENSE IN CASE A DEVICE Ll- other, and if such transfer is so auth- 19
– - _119 19--___
IS BROKEN OR DES- orized by the Chairman and Board
TROYED OR HAS BECO�" USE- of Trustees, a transfer fee of $1.00 for
LESS; PROVIDING PENh�LTIES each such license transferred shall be
FOR VIOLATION OF TAE ORDI- collected by the Village Clerkreced- 19 ------ --------------- ------------------- ____, 19.- .
NANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE RE- in g such transfer. p
FOR NOTICE (c) No license stamp shall be used
device other than the one for
CEDING SUCH REVOCATIONS, whichy said license stamp is issued; 19 ------ ------------- -11----------------------r 19....___
AND REPEALINGr ALL 057HER OR= provided however, the Village Clerk
DINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDI- may issue a substitute license upon
NANCES INSOFAR AS riiEY ARE presentation to the Village Clerkof
IN CONFLICT WITH TkdIS ORDI- a sworn Affidavit showing such de- 19__ 9_
NANCE. -----
vice to have become wholly or in
BE IT ORDAINED BY T' IE CHAIR- part, worn out, accidentally broken
MAN AND BOARD OF TR iJSTEES OF or accidentally destroyed, to such an
THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK, BAN- extent that it is rendered useless. The 19 ------ --------------- ----------------------- 19_-__-_
NOCK COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO; subsjitute license shall be issued by
SECTION L It shall be lawful to the Clerk in the manner the same
operate .within the Village of Chub- as the one originally issued, and shall
buck, Bannock County, Idaho, coin- be designated a substitute license, and peen continuously and uninterruptedly pub-
operated amusement cl'Wices as de- bear upon it the word "SUBSTITUTE,"
fined by Chapter 15 Of Title 501 Idaho and the number of the original license. aeriod of sevent -ei ht weeks rior to the
Code, provided a licen?e is first ob- Such substituted license shall be af- P Y 9 P
tamed from the Village of Chubbuck, fixed to the device for which it is
as provided in this Ordinance and issued, and be cancelled in all re- or advertisement and is a newspaper within
the rules and regulations and pro- spects as required by law for an ori-
visions concerning the licensing and Sinal license, The original license
operation of the same, as provided in stamp shall then be void. Idaho.
this Ordinance, and 'as provided in SECTION 6. REVOCATION AND
said Chapter 15 of Title 50, Idaho CANCELLATION.—If any licensee of
Code, are complied mjth. 1 a coin-operated amusement device vio-
SECTION 2. Before any such coin- later anyof the provisions of .this
operated amusement device may be Ordinance, or is convicted of violating
operated within the Village, an. appli- any of the provisions of said ChapterF-r� -------------
cation for a license for each such de- 15 of Title 50, Idaho Code, the Chair-
vice or devices, shall be filed with Than and Board of Trustees of the
the Village Clerk of the Village of Village of Chubbuck are hereby auth-
Chubbuck on an application form pro- orized to, and empowLred to revoke 3 before me this_________-_4th_____________________________
vided by the Village therefor. Said all licenses to opt,*'.te such devices
application. form shall provide, among issued to said license-; Provided, how-
othg^ Jt:j;gs, the folio wDig mforma- ever, that in the ev,mt it is brought
tito the attention of the Chairman and--------r 9--
The name of the apl,)licant; the Board of Trustees that such violation 1
name of the place and locat,-,on where or violations have taken place, then
it is proposed such coin-oper�
ltcd de- before revoking such licenses, the
vice or devices are to be of crated; Chairman and Board of Trustees shall---------------
the number of such devices ai ld the cause a notice in writing to be served
make, serial number, type of � each upon such licensee setting forth in
such machine or device desire''-d to general terms the violations claimed Notary Public, State Of Idaho
be operated by the applicant at such to exist or to have existed, and such
location; such application shall be notice shall provide a time for hearing
signed and verified by the apps ieant, thereon before the Chairman and Residence: Pocatello, Idaho
or if the application is made by a Board of Trustees, which date of hear-
partnership, then by one of the part- ing shall not be less than ten (10)
ners, or if by a corporation or aso- days nor more than twenty (20) days
^ration, then• by an officer of such frons the date of service of such
cocv,nration or association. notice, and upon or following said
Such, application shall be ac,-om- hearing, the Chairman and Board of
panted by satisfactory documentary Trustees upor finding thatthe pro-
evidence`.that applicant is the owner visions of this Ordinance or the pro--
of such Chin-operated amusement ,de- visions of said State Law, said Chap-
vice or devices. tar t5, of Title 50, Idaho Code, have d4TEWAY Pp1kTER6--POC�TELLOfl.
Such apps?cation shall be filed With been violated by such licensee, shall
the Village Clerk before being 1, re- revoke all such licenses issued to such
rented to the Village Board for f,�nal licensee, and no refund, or any unused
action. All such applications shall be, portion of the license. fee paid shall
by the Clerk, referred to the Vi1h;r;^ a made to the licensee.
Marshall of the Village of Chub'ouc':, SECTION 7, Any violation of the
and he shall endorse thereon his a)�- provisions of this Ordinance, the
proval or disapproval thereof before; penalty for which is not provided for
the same is presented to the Village t,Y said Chapter 15 of Title 50, Idaho
Board: (-ode, shall constitute a misdemeanor,
The Village Clerk shall not renew` and any person, so violating such pro-
the license. fees hereinafter provide*. Visions shall be guilty of a misdemean-
for until the application has h0 .i- e?r, ttna „ops rnnviction thereof shall
proved by the Board of Trustees of Tie fiss-•ad not to exceed 100.OU," an
the Village. Upon the approval of IuPo..LR failure to pay such fine shall
the the Vxplla etioCle 3{ the sball ilcollect sa d"e Boardbe committed to the custody of the
license fees, and upon the paymen+} =�iilaee Marshall +land confinedT in