HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 10 1951 Ord. 6VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK ORDINANCE. NO. b ORDINANCE. NO..6 NO 11conse. slim] be gr,inted to any✓? AN ORDINANCE PROV,pilm Fop, persoli who has been convicted of a' THE I.ICENSING OF THE SALE AND'Jelnny m• of violating the National; DISTRIBUTION OF BEER, PROVID-' Prohibilion Act or any law of this; ING AN APPLICATION FORM; FICO- State�:.01• local ordinance relating to! VIDING THAT A LICENSE BE RF.- 1nantacturing or transportation of in- QUIRED OF ANY RETAILER; PRO- toxi ting liquors. V,DING AN ANNUAL LICENSE license shall be granted for the FEE; PROVIDING CONDITIONS FOR sale; on any premises where the Ti- I THE ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE;.! censee has been convicted of the\,io- PROVIDING FOR THE REVOC.A-Nation of this ordinance or where any TION OF A LICENSE; AND PRO- license hereunder has been revolted VIDING AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE; for Cause for at least one year after, ANI; REPEALING ALL OTHER OR- the Said conviction or revocation. DIANCES OR PARTS OF ORDI- No sale of beer as defined in this, NANCES INSOFAR AS THEY ARE ordinance shall be made to any per IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORD,- son under guardianship, nor to any NANCE. person under twenty years of. age. AE IT ORDAINED BY THE CHAIR- All premises where any license MAN AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES, hereunder is granted shall be 011011 OF" THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCIK, to inspection by any police or health. BANNOCK COUNTY, STATE OF, officer, or other properly designated: IDAHO: officer or employee of the Village, at SECTION 1, No retailer shallsell, any time during which the place so ]ei]d, deal in or dispose of, by gilt, granted is Open to the public for business. Sale or otherwise, or keep or offer for sale, beer as defined in thi= Or- All licenses granted under this - dinance, within the Village of Chub-, ca shall be issued to the appor- buck, without first having a license' cant only and shal, be issued far the therefor as hereinafter provided. premises described in. the application.' Such license shall not be transferred SECTIOI+j 2. All applications i'or Si- to another place without'the approval cense to sell beer as a retailer shall of the Board of Trustees. be made on forms to be supplied by Retailer's beer licenses shall expire the village setting forth the name of on the last day of May of each year. the person asking for such licence, his SECTION 5, Any license granted age, representations as to his charaa- hereunder may be revoked by the tell as may be required, his citizen- Board of Trustees without notice tb' ship. the location which such busi the grantee or a hearing may first; ness is to. be carried on, the business be held by the Board and the revs in connection with which the proposed cation then made for cause. Any Vic - licensee will operate, whether the ap- lation of any provision or conditiorl plirant is owner and operator cl said of this ordinance or any falsifica- hisincss, time such applicant: has tion of any statement in the agplf beeii in that business at tl�1at place, cation shall be ground for revoca- and _1114 other information a.a the tion. No portion of the license fee governing' body may require from time ppaid into the Village Treasury shall to time. be returned upon revocation. SECTION 3. All applications for re- SECTION 6. That all Ordinances or" tailors b er license shaI] be acvain Parts of Ordinances insofar as th^y ],noted by a receipt from the Village' are in conflict herewith, . and tile. Cleric for the required annual fee saSE are hereby repealed. for the license, and such fee shall' SECTION a That an emergency isi be maid -imc, the general fund of the hereby declared to exist, artd this Village; upon rejection of any appli- Ordinance shall be in full force aud: cation for retailers beer licece; the e nffect upon its passage, apprm%.1 and; publication according to law. Treasurer shall refund the amount. PASSED This 8th day of Mly, 1351.. TI annum fee for a retailers beer APPROVED This 8th day of May, ]icise to sell beer within the Vill- 3051. ane," of Chubbuck, Idaho, shall be $25.0n. JOHN R. VALENTY, SECTION 4. All licenses grChairman of the Board ofanted Trustees of the Village of hercauider shall be granted svbiect, to Chubbuck. the following conditions, and all oth (SEAL) er conditions of this ordinance, and ;&.TEST: suhject to all other ordinances of tile. Charlotte Kmuledy, Village applicable thereto. '[Tillage Clerk No license shall be granted to any May 10, 1351 Prrsgn. under . twenty-one years of. - agE'