HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 29 1976 TreasurerPROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO ss: County of Bannock Katherine Warner ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------•-------------- CITY of CHUBBUCK being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: That___ 6 ------------------ QUARTERLY STAREPTOF RT CASHR ECEIP TER Was at all times herein mentioned a Citizen of the United States Of STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCE JULY, AUGUSTANOSEPTEM-BER,1976 America, more than 21 years of age, and the Principal Cleric of THE Cash on Cash on Per IDAHO STATE JOURNAL a daily Hand Ha n d S a l a r y S a l a r y y news a er p p ,printed and published at 7 -1 - 76 Received Disbursed 9-30-76 Approp. Expended Used Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and having a general Circulation RAL 133,067.82 105,293.51 120,159.44 118,201.89 112,200.00 84,888.51 76 Pct. R therein. 116,276,72 121,605.73 94,218.47 143,663.98 65,500.00 47,666.81 73 Pct. 2 CONST. 25,238.09 -0- 11650.00 23,588.09 That the document or notice, a true copy of which is attached, was R BOND T. F. 24,993.93 14,925.00 39,850.00 68.93 published in the said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, R BOND RVE 31,470.67 4,207.50 -0- 35,678.17 to -wit: R 43,230.81 100-00 NUE BOND 0- 43,330.81 'ALS 331,047.23 289,362.55 299,108.72 321,301.06 --------- 0 -c -t -o -be -r --- 9. --_, 19__76 -------- U.S. Postmaster 450.00 Amcor, Inc. 260.20 , 19 __ DISBURSED I.B.&T. Fed WH' 714.30 Animal Clinic, P.A. 129.00 WS' Idaho St. In. Tax 208.23 Automotive Wholesales 1.73 ------------------------ I Fund July, 1916 ---------------------------------- Public Employee Ret. 204.57 A. Carl Croft, Sheriff 224.00 ' er Idaho 1,415.42 Net Salarie4,401.90 Bannock Co. Sheriff 100.00 er 198.00 is$ 120.00 General Fund -August, 1976 Bannock Paving 15.09 - - -----------------------------------r 19------ ----------------------------------------- 19------ i 165.00 I.P.E.C.U. 80.00 Bangs Office Products 206.29 man 225.00 R. Nelson 350.00 Blocks 71.15 ell 222.00 D. Burnett 439.43 Boise Cascade Bld. Mat. 253.00 ell 171.00 Bannock Co. Sheriff 100.()0 C. Ed Flandro 6.00 ----------------------------------------- 19----- , 19 _ -- s 237.00 A. Carl Croft, Sheriff 178.50 Chevron Oil Co. 650.81 Dck 81.00 Bannock Paving Co. 208.16 Chubbuck Service Corner 8.33 Der 207.00 Bangs Office Prod. 187.80 Chubbuck Waterworks 135.40 -------, 19 ------ ----------------------------------------- 19______ 183.00 Bannock Memorial Hosp, 17.00 City of Pocatello 130.00 Blocks 64,51 Crackerjack Janitorial 139.00 -ish 111.0)0 CAL Ranch Store 13.01 Dan's Market 3.28 That said paper has been continuously and uninterruptedly pub- •ish132.00 Chevron Oil Co. 1,064.78 David V. Bolinder 13.45 ler 171,00 Chubbuck waterworks 135.40 Dan Burnett 464.60 fished in said County for a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the Deder 192.00 Ch bbuck Service Cor. 90.58 Denny's Wrecker 15.00 )er 177.00 Cot�mbia Paints 73.78 Dyke's Pole Line Elec. 135.51 publication of said notice or advertisement and is a newspaper within aka 63.00 Concord Press 48.16 Denny's Tune-up 10.00 man 171.00 ❑Yke's Pole Line Elec. 101.50 Denny's Oil 25•�0 the meaning of the laws ofah . I 189.00 Denny'S Tune -Up 137.10 Electric Service Co. 43.74 = d 201.00 The Eagle Co. 34.93 Farmers Feed &Seed 8.00 165.00 Gateway Printers 18.50 Gateway Cycle 12.64 1 U 150,00 Gem State Dist. 107.50 Gateway Printers 342.90 -------------- ,on 350.00 Grand Central 31.04 Gem State Dist. 75.90 -nett 439.43 Idaho Glass & Paint 23.94 Idaho Power Co. 989.43 ck Co. Sheriff 100.00 Idaho State Journal 172.48 International Conference Subscribed and Sworn to before me thss________ 4th------------------------------ I Clinic, P,A. 151.00 Idaho Power Co. 843.76 of Building Inspectors 109.50 Croft, Sheriff 203.00 I.B.M. 26.80 Junior Pacheco 725.00 Jim VoelIer &Assoc. 27.00 November 'j-- .. Fullmer Ins, Agen. 166.78 Kruse Ins. 14,689.00 day Of___________ _____----------------------- _ i 9____._ 46.03 Kruse lns. 1,996.80 KWIK Broadcasting 65.00 vers, Inc. 39.77 Lith3 Printing 7"5 Ken V. Carter 1,200.00 �.. Office Products 203.99 Larry's Gas Service 17.50 Med-Alert Ambulance 290.00 ck Memorial Hospital 17.00 Luxaire 26.70 McLelland Home Center 99.24 Med-Alert Ambulance 290,00 Massey -Ferguson 173.21=Y ---- ck Paving Co. 32.79 67 )n Oil CO. 581.Monroe Fence Co. 1,163.70 Mountain Bell 219.58 ,,,.� c.,_,.,,.�,-.,_..or ,. �n Mountain Bell 244.24 Nyies Texaco 65.92 Notary public, State of Idaho OZS 'ON 9161 '6Z 'la0 Eq•W ;;aujng •a SOT gjOmJa4eMalangqn4:) )Ianggn4J ;o A41J 00.OSE fE'8Z uOslaN b 'au! lsuaAawll!g D7,0 Oil au!4d;OH .a we4+ejg,w JajnseaJl �IJaIJ 9L61 'Jagwaldas—punlejaug OZ'86uoJ;sway j9l5'f . „;uawa;e;s lelaueul; anoge a4; 1S8OLS 00.09 saueleS ON 'n'J'3'd'1 609E WSuimOiRood au1 oaplem s,auAeM 10 spJOOeJ 6u!4joddns palle;ap 94; pedsul 0; P041Au! aJe suazll!J,• L8'Z9Z ';aa aaAoldw3 arlgnd 99'L7Z of •d!nb3 s4Jomja4e OD'M'6E Mues 6WeN ST LSZ xel'Zul a;e;S cyepI 08'OZZ 6ulgwnld puepue;S . 4-113 o4epl 0L'678 HM Pad 1TS I DOW Pl 10 SAJOM JO;e!p 8 'oJ pun. s;ul 9 pub og 3M3S L9'oZ9'9L yaay OVU WEE aill 01la4e3od 00059 puoe anuana�' JaleM samOS-404d salelsnpul ale;urtowja;u1, 0''L Xanggn4J ;o A41:) Aalsjee k •a WOE 56'19S laalS SJau;Jed AlddnS ueW.JON 00'OOZ't uo!lanj;suoJ 00'002 4unco513ouues 0007 -n•S•3"d•l _ Ilagdwe:) aor pLnd U011anJ;suoJ jameS 00'01 08'Z sulilmeg-N sAjedS •M L7'6E S8'59 119g u!elunoW sN ioM 6u!JdS uq teW [619[617 LL'97L'l sa!JeleS ON 00.1 auAaj0-1 •a 09'97 seg ule4unowja;u1, DO'OL IIODxel;Oaa!90 02'7 aa!Jd-N WE 'dlnb3J!y'gallnejpAH FUER rl'J'3'd'1 ';ON aaAoldw3 allgnd oZ'ZOL 67'76Z -43eW'8 •pN Wa;saM •d!nb3 gjomja;eM Wt£L 9E'LE •oJ JBmOd o4epl 'd0 aalAuaS sa!4dejg S7.9EZ 06'76[ 'Ala xel ale;S o4epi '1'8,1'3'1 7L'9L "aul oaPlaM EL'95 sjalulJd Aema;eg 'CO El'799 HM Pad 'dlnb3 PaA Ia;eM DOW 80'S77'L cull 0119;eaod 0119MOd 10 A4!:) 7S'Z SZ'L7 aalAuaS 31Jl3al3 'aJ 110 uOJAay� 96'E7 6uEJeag wa;saM [217£517 AlddnS uewuON L9'M'L OIRWaod;OA;IJ Do's Anatm w L9'LOL uasn6ua3-AasseW 06'ZO7'L Pund aAJaSe-d S r'Z silo Jaul!d 'r00'9L •a Ilag ule;unoW Pu09 jamaS A:mggn4J Jau;je6wneg CE-L -o:) seg ule;unowja;ul 00'5[6'7 pund;saja;ul g SO'S s6upeag uja;saM L0'9W8 '0J Jamod a4ePI Puog Jamas Amcl(In4J 9Z'9L Co ,djnb3 UJ94SOM DO'58£ uosjepuy u!m13 68'SZ OJpueld P3 'J 60'09 •aul10aplem SD'lE dn•ounls,Auuaa SL79 Oul'saaAawll!6 LE'9EL Bulgwnld PJepue4S 72'1.6L 991,3 aul"I alOd s,a'!Aa 6Z'7Z seg ueANaouueg DOW a-ill olleleaod OO'SL sajols -1yJ DOW AlunoJ i =uueg EL'790'L A1ddnSuewjoN OE'LZ jaujoOaalAJas)langgn4J 9161'A1nr—pund s)ljomjaleM 00'9L 00'00[ 'lag ule;unoW sdwnd ueuuoje aor 00'616'7 pund;saja;u118 puOS JameS a1anggn4J 06'617'L LL'W't SOIJeleSWN 'laa saAoldw3 allgnd LS'S96 OS'Z07'L pund anaJsatl E9'ZZE xel •aul aleis O4epl aJ jamod 04MPuOg JemaS 51anggn4J 09 LLO'L HM Pad '1 BIla' I EO,VZ 'co sieO7U!e;unowJa4ul 75'E9L 'OJ 110 uojna4J OVOL aay'8 a;ll 1e!uo10J 09'[9 sJa;u!JdAemaleg 81'961 'OJ SulAed )laouueg 76'8L7'L 040140ssojJanlg 96'9Z8 'd1nb3 ja6lnod OE'8L sy6nojjng 00;05 �laag •d OS'OZ '3a13 aul� clod s,a�'Aa 00' L9Z'L 'auI 'joawy 00,5Z ';dao •aaa s6uludS epoS 56'ZSL dn-aunls,Auua(3 ML 4sn6ny--pund sAjomjalieM 06'ZL£'L uauJng'a 05'ZO7'L pund aAJasab 8['56£'5 sa!JeleS ON DOW Maas •s puOS JamaS )1anggn4J Z8'9£Z'L laN aaAoldw3 allgnd DO'S L Maas •d 00'SL6'9 pund;seja;ulI 7L'67Z 'Ala XelalelSO4epI 00ZL1 s!Ae(3'9'M PUN jamas )langgn4J OL'ES8 14M'padl18i 8l'SZ 6uoJlsw�y•yA 59'1,7 'aJ 110 uoJAa4J 00'791 aay19 a;li lelu010D 00'75 pue1aAO.1 •A • 50'6 seg Jen Naouueg 48•9S7OL 04epl ;o ssoJJ anlg DOW 66aJg N :00'006 Aluno:)Aoouueg OZ'DLL'9Z ;unoaayanuanaNja;eM OO'8L X:aOs's 7S'68Z'L ` 'aul'jO3wv i1anggn4J 10 Al1J DO'9 xaas'r OE'67 'Ala sa,4dej61;1bW 00'f0E'L llauJng .a 00'81, 4anojJ.r 00"%Z'L pund tejauag 95.1 PuelmOb .H 00:9£ 06pajpl3 'g 0015£8'7 pund lejauag L7'91 puelloo led 00 7Z A-las 'a WOWS puna lejauee V1.19 dn•aunl s,Auuaa DOW Maag '1 9L61 'jagwa;deS—pund "JomJ940M OZ'SLi OZ'6 leplelS'y u04su40{ •ala DOTS 00'06 JaIJOs-S imped •W 06'16Z'9 sapele' ON S9'Z1 II!H "-I'1 1,6'7L auo;s •r•y 67'872'7 yoO xel;oa !:40 59'Zl Aea 'H 'r 68'9' xojax 00'08 rl'J3'd"I SL'LE sal!g -a 97'81,1 A:)nggn4J T'aul o3P1aM L6'9LE'L 4a21 aaAoldw3 allgnd 00-OZ A4a04S .r 68'EZ umolpood s,auAeM LE'S8Z xel'ul OMS O4epI OD'Z7 14asJlH •>I OD'OS 'OJ Japu!lag .H uJaA 09'996 HM Pad 11891 00'ZL U911y'21 00.5E aossv T Ja1100A'r 7L'LLL 'aay19ap-1IeluoM 00'ZL uasua;spU'N SO'LL Ie41dsOHAuOWuy'lS 91'9ES'L o4epl;OssOJJanj6 00'EE Ja;JOSS 05166£1[ s;JodsspoomJa4S 00'ODD'L 0Jd'IOA'u9SPOJ!4a?1 DOM JONJed•WD£'89L uealjawys,analS L6'fE om pund gjjeleM 00'9£ SPIPH .r 8E'8Z ja;uaa 6nja s6beNs WE SAaljpua}''s 0016E Aaag •S 99'LL9 bulgwnld pJepue;S . 70'66 slapurtZ 00'87 u!ijed •g O5'Z pjepue;S s,Aea L8'S8 xOjaX DO'87 ulilJed 'a 00'7 'peJ T oe!luod s,ined 9VOL um04P003 S,auAeM DO.OE Maas -1 £l'75 d04S'43eW sljagON Ined 00'6L a3nja •H jalleM 00'9 Am •r DO'5Z 'OD 1884s jau;Jed OS'9Z Ajalleg uja;saM 00.9 asaaa •N Ol'Ol7 sal4dal shed 6L'OOZ 'auI 103pleM. 0019 ja�la0;s -r S7'EZ asnoquaaJg olla;eaod 00'05, 106u! 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