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04 29 1976 Treasurer
STATE OF IDAHO County of Bannock PROOF OF PUBLICATION M AY 71976 CITY OF CHUBBUCK QUARTERLY REPORT -1st QUARTER Statement of Cash Receipts, Disbursements and Balances January, February and March, 1976 r�-atherine Wanner says: That ------- __ he - -en of the United States of the Principal Clerk of THE Cash on Cash on Hand Per Salary Salary Cent ter, printed and published at Hand 1-1-76 Received Disbursed 3-31-76 A,Ppra Ex ended Used GENERAL 88,896.73 163,133 3 io1,888.59 � 0,14 T� X11 ' i�F�S Per cenf- aving a general circulation WATERWORKS 131,834.76 64,961.90 65,963.90 110,032.76 65,500.00 12,109.00 18.5 per cent SEWER CONST, F. 25,236.09 .0- -0- 25,238.09 SEWER BOND & INT F 19,993.93 14,925.00 29,850.00 5,068.93 SEWER BOND RESERVE 22,408.93 4,207.50 0 26,616.43 ,y of which is attached, was 2 7,702.49 897.38 'IAL, on the following dates, CASH DISBURSED A,wa,YcSkgilip.CO. WeldcodcolInc. 480.86 18.90 D. Burnett Andy's Canvas Shop 463,70 2.65 FOLLOWS: General Fund -January, 1976 Mrs. T. Bloxham 10.00 A• Carl Croft, Sheriff 52.50 128.00 F.K. Nate 1,10 Animal Clinic J. Barber 78.00 R. Chase 7,06 Bannock Memorial Bengal Construction 17.00 62.50 S. Barfuss 75.00 L. Torres III J W. Evans 4.05 l.la D. Burnett 155.21 19 E. Dick C. Dickman 93.00 120.00 Idaho First National 2,360.00 D. Burnett Bannock Co. Sheriff 14.00 100:00 -------------------------- - B. Howell 126.00 Idaho Bank & Trust -F -WH Idaho State Inc. Tx 435.10 125.48 Blocks 27.51 9 D. Howell D. Jones 144.00..............................r 144.00 Public Employee Ret. 164.47 Bangs Office Products 690.11 G. Kinlock 114.00 Idaho Public Emp Cr Un Net Salaries 40.00 2,606,50 Bannock Paving Chubbuck Service Corner 86.99 3.40 J. Lowder 105.00 Chevron Oil Co. Chevron 1,006.22 r 9 R. Mitchell E. Muir 69.00 156.00 General Fund -February, 1976 Chubbuck WW Fund 135.40 B. Parrish 171.00 P. Nelson 1,809,25 Crackerjack Janitorial Forsgren, Perkins 69.50 471.16 19 K. Parrish K K. 99.00 D. Burnett Andy's Canvas Shop 463.70 18.35 Forsgren, Perkins 835.50 ----------------------------- ------ Parrish 141.00 Animal Clinic 120.00 Handy Service 28.90 Jim Raeder Jahn Roeder 93.00 156.00 AM -PM Photo Service 6.96 Hanson, Inc. Idaho Glass &Paint 79.43 40.07 9_- ----------------------------- ___ D. Stinger B1.00 Anderson Lumber A. Carl Croft, Sheriff 13,01 420.00 Idastries 323.54 M. Tanaka 9.00 Amcor, Inc. 1,963.60 Idaho Power Company 889.47 and uninterruptedly pub - J. Tydeman 162.00 Andy's Upholstery 18.50 Int• Conf. of Bldg Insp 60.00 D. Wahl 174.00 D Burnett 604.42 Lake Crystal Salt Co. 84.50 -eight weeks prior to the g p. Wood 117.00 Bannock Co. Sheriff 100.00 Mountain Bell 237.29 R, R. Nelson 1,245.00 463.70 Bannock Paving 379.93 Med-Alert Ambulance 165.00 nd is a newspaper within Burnett D.Assoc. Cal Ranch Supply 1.40 Medical Mart of Poc 51.89 Idaho Cities Animal Clinic A. Carl Croft, Sheriff 725.60 67.00 458.50 Crackerjack Janitorial Blacks Chubbuck Waterworks 69.50 59.42 135.40 Max MiIier Ins. McCarty's, Inc. Parish Furniture 715.00 34.50 13.53 D. Burnett Sheriff Sheriff 273.35 100.00 Chubbuck Lbr & Weldco 148.45 Paul's Pontiac 2.50 Bannock Co, Denny IS Tune -Up 194,47 Parks & Sons 11500.00 }------�� 4 '�=.---------- Bannock Paving 289.78 Pete T. Cenarrusa 10.00 Pickens Electric 363.54 Bannock Supply Co. 188.10 99.31 Chevron Oil Co. 277,70 Paul's Trophies S8 11.83 332.89 4th k.,Billmeyers 58.91 Electric Service 68.34 -SO Stationers 2.77 --------------- -------- Blocks Electrical Distributor 600.40 Steven's Chubbuck Waterworks 135.40 Electrical Contractors 6,95 Steve's American 66.45 j Crackerjack Janitorial 69.50 Firestone Stores 2.50 Sam's Loan 23.50 The Caxton Printers 16.90 Frosgren, Perkins 798.00 Skagg's Drug 34.41 a Centre Glass & Paint 7.73 Glen's Chevrolet 14.52 Standard Plumbing 7.28 w Chevron Oil Co. 803.15 Hinckley Insurance 1,093.00 Stirling Coal Co. 88.50 w Chubbuck Service Corner 1.25 Idaho Power Co. 861,02 The Eagle Co. 93.85 Dellart Floral 1. Denny's Tune -Up 9.26 225.45 Intermountain Gas 164.31 Vern H. Bolinder Co. Webeco 100.00 14.50 - ------------------ " Denny's Wrecker 40.60 Idaho State Journal Correctional Ind. 225.50 1,831.06 Weldco & Chubbuck Lbr 665.93 tary public, State of Idaho " Dale's Auto Supply w 9.34 1.C B.M. 1,413.00 Zundel's 132.12 p Electric Service Co. 111.49 Kruse ins. 175.00 Xerox 61.46 e5idenGe: Pocatello, Idaho I+ Fred's Photo Service 13.20 lake Crystal Salt Co. 39.40 J. Rowland 13.96 + Firestone Stores 105.34 Mountain Bell 214.19 A.J. Stone 2.3B r Gateway Printers 375.30 wiled -Alert Ambulance 165.00 State Insurance Fund 819.99 R Hanson's Inc. 20.72 Nimlo 118.25 Amcor, Inc. 2,587.60 P Hudson s 24.99 Paul's Pontiac 4.50 Gateway Printers 405.10 Idaho State Journal 12.43 Parrish Furniture 59.73 Idaho State Journal 8,36 Idaho Power Company 802.83 Pickens Electric B79,21 Transport Clearing 7.00 Intermountain Gas Co. 138.91 Partner Steel Co. 39.75 U.S. Postmaster 40.00 inkiey's 46,74 Radio Shack 2,19 Pocatello Supply, Inc. 35.61 Lomita Tag Co. 44.35 Sheehan'sof Pocatello 13.09 U.S. Postmaster 103.95 Mountain Bell 250.04 Steve's American 5.40 B. Wills 100.00 Med-Alert Ambulance 165.00 Sterling Coal Co. 88,50 M. Davis 60.00 Paul's Pontiac 6.50 Sargent -Sowell Inc. 95.51 N. Terry 40.00 Picken's Electirc 17.95 Super Save Drug 2.54 Idaho First National 10,061.85 Pocatello Supply 144.29 Lewis Selders 25.00 Clerkof Dist. Cl. 27.00 Partner Steel 5'25 Glen Tabor 16,51 1.8.&T. Co. -Fed, WH 1,486.90 Ray's Standard 2.14 Transport Clearings 8,20 Idaho Inc Tx Div 422.66 Skagg's Drug 25.14 Jim Voeller &Assoc. 75.00 Public Employee Ret 1,620.27 Sheehan's 41.11 Wayne's Foodtown 21.30 Officeof Tax Collector 4,190.14 Steve's American 224.35 Xerox 60.00 Colonial Life Ins. 174.00 Stirling Coal Co. 88.50 Horton Concrete Const. 81.00 Book Publishing Co, 11000.00 Wayne's Foodtown 187.82 Bengal Construction 1,694.00 BlueCross of Idaho 1,296.77 r Vern H. Bolinder Co. 58.70 a+.+o of IHAhn.nanf of I. P. E. C. U. 160.00 ZV 'ON SLAbL UOSIaN'd i�lc'E 'O:);uawaipG� pOdsuPAI 6u!gwnld pjvPUP4S 9L61 '66 lPdH 916L '4DjeVV—punct 1ejauao 917'517 a.i!_L 011alel% 13nggn4a to AI!J 00'S jajnseaa aa1� U'V99'1 sa!jeleS laN o0'vv9'Z AlddnS uew.JON 6uoalswly '7 eJOA L5'899'Z suos'g s)lled 00'ZL llag u!e;unMi e;s le!aueu!; anOge aul 00'017 3 : d I ;ab aaAoldw3 3!IgndE0'E6£ 00•AZ doi4S au!43eW An4i•ivOW 04epi j 6u!4joddns pal!elap a4; L17'091. lamod 4 pai!nu! ale suaz!}!:)„ 85'041 n!Q xi awoaul o4epl 69'SL OD seo ule;unowaa;ul (InH-•ldao Isnilr l / -:VODaa9g 0©£ 0SSPK);oasnoH Ee8 leuo!;eN isj!d o4ep1OZ'Sv P 'S-n 00'L86 •0:) -d!nb3 ja6!no3 9L6t CoaeW—Punct 00'00£ lalsew;sod SUEZ oa13 au!-i aiOd s,a)lAa ,g puog anuana8 aaMaS 00'E punct MMSu? gaf4D OL'L5 do-aun.L s,Auua( 05'ES Alddns 4aued le, sa!je1eS ON GL't meyspea9'l .S 00'098'L 01191eaod loAp:) f;'D'3'd'I 50'17 slag 00'5L6'V punct puN V ao;oallo:)xel;oa3!;;o 50'17 xun4S'I ;sala;ul jamas NDiiggn4J -. •;ab aaAoldw3 3!IgndOO'OL uewli?H'd 05Z017'L pun=J 'A!(] xl'oul o4epl WEE samog Aau;!d ?Ajasa?j lames NDnggn4] HM Pad-'07'179'1 OWES ajllol!aleood AlddnS uew.)ON 99761 -OD I!0uoana43 Aluna:) �3ouueg LL'996'L 09'S lauao:) a3!naas )l3nggn43 uapj0ueA WD 0071 liag u!elunovv Ll•95 s,aaAawii!9 me4sua;ing '1 ZL'SOP •0o 1amoci ogepl 06'8ZE -d10o s46n0a1ng o3agahy ES'Za seo u!e;unowja;u! 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Punct puos'g 00'00Z A;uno? sipouueg 00'£51 i '3atf'g al � le!uoio3 Isaaakul jamas NDnggn4D LL'L6Z 'off 1!p uoana4� aa!AJaS SO!4delo OL'SZL 04ep110ssoaDanl® punct ZkTL EL'8E1. isaAA j!V sa46nH iAJasab jamaS i Onggn4:) d.so3 s46nojang 9L61.euo!IPN 'Ajenjga�—puna s�llomja;eAA �6'ZS/.'S Is1Sd 04ePL , pun-,j a3uelnsul a;elS s,aaAawll!g LZ'OZ s6u!jeal] ljodsueq •off 6ulned )laouueg 00'886'5 sa!aeleS ON ZE.Z auols'+d ; •3u1'103wv SZ'ELL 'Sul a;!l Ieluolo:) vY LL 6uo1}sujad •n a3ln1aSs3!gdejq 1eW s�1a0Maale/y, 00'091 LO'VVZ'l 'n'J'3'd I ;aa aaAoldua3 3!lgnd OQ'LEZ s,iapuny s;3npo.+d a3!;;0 s6ue3 '. punct KYLE A!Qxlawa3u1o4epi SB LSS'l xoaax sa!jeleSON 09'L60'L HMPad'0]'18'9'i 00'09 05'6Zl sa!1o;ejogelpe4!un , 4a6aaAoldw3a!lgnd 09'175L o4ePIJOSSOQOn19 ZB'LE s,lapunz uasueHuewssaa6u03 00'51 10gej 6E'OZ Oul'oVlaM ' .n.'.3.d.1 o4epl;OssoaDanlg 00'1769'1. ;o ldaQ o4PPl 10 ale4s uo!;ana;suo� 1e6uag pL'85 0� aapu!!0g 'H wad , umolpood s,auAPM ; ,o:)6u!gs!lgnd 4009 00'1.8 uooH ;suoD alaaouo:) la ZB'LgL 05'88 'OD leo 6u!P!;s 'Sul a;!l IE!u01oD 00'09 OE'LZ xojax umolpood s,OUAeM SE'VZZ UP3!1aLUV s,ana;S jolaalIOD xel 1()'a:) Wo lad aaAoldw3 3!Ignd 00'5L '3OSSV 12 AIPOA w!C Ll k17 YL'SZ s,ue4994g 6njQ s,66els n!Q x,J_ Sul 04ep1 OZ'B s6u!jeap;jodsueal 00'Z plepuelS s,Aed HM'Pad '0J'1'B'g'I 15'9! loge L ual9 SZ'S laa;S tau;led I {s!❑;] a 00'SL 175'Z sjaplaS s!mal jades 6nja 6Z'vvt A1ddnS ollale30d 04e leuo!;eN;s1!d o4ep1 ! 15'S6 os-49AeS au1 llamos;ua6aes 56'LL 3j!;aal3 s,ua)ia!d Ajjag'N •W 05'99 '0a leOD 6u!1161s 05'9 3e!4uod s,lned S!neQ 017,5 Ueo!jaw'q's,analS 00'99L aouelogwy laaly-paw SlI�M'9 aa;sewlsod •s-n 60'EL 0113RO% 10 s,ue4aa4S 170'056 SE, Pt, I!ag u!elunoW OD 6e1 el!wo'l; •aul 'A1ddnS 0119;e3od 61.7 �oe4s 0lpeN VL'9P s,A,31jul lalsew;sod 's'n 9L'6Z of Iaals laulaed •0:) se0 u! a unowaa u 6u!aealq ljodsuejl LZ'6LB 3!j;aai3 sua)Ia!d C8708 AuedwOD lamod 04ep1 leujnof alels o4epl EL'65 aanl!ujn=j 4s!jaed Ev'ZL ieu-mor awls owp1 sa04u!1d Aema;eo 09'h 3e!luod s,lned 66'62 s,uOspnH •3U1,107w,d 5Z'SLL O1wlN ZL'oZ •3ul s,uosueH punct a3uejnsul alels 00'S9L a3ueingwy Ijald-paW OE'SL£ saa;u!.Ad Aemaleo auols .r.d .l. 6l'17lZ 017'6£ 1139 u!elunoW 0D Iles 1e1sk.0 0)iel VE'SOL sato;S auo}saal3 . puelmo-d 00'5LL -Sulasna-A OZ'£L a3!naaS 0404d s,Pa r3 xoaax s,lapunz 00'UP'l W 9� 617'414 17£'6 oa a3!nlas 3!a;3313 AlddnSo;nys,aleq jql �langgnqD g ooplaM 90'LEB't pul leua!l oaaao 00'Q17 jal,paaM s,Auua4 ooagaM OS'SZZ Ieuinor a;e;S O4ep1 5v'SZZ do-aun.L s,Auuad •off j131)url09 •H uaan LE'V91 seo u!elunow ta;ui 9Z'6 leaOld IaellaO . .OD aI6e3 341 '07 ZO'L98 00'E60 L '03 jamod ogepl a3ueansul AaXau!H SZ'L aaujoD aa!njaS )1anggn4J leo 6u!!j!;S 91,T08 'off !!p u0ana43 6u!gwnld pjepue;S ZTPL 00'86L lalojna4:) s,ualg su!)Ijad uaj6Soad EL'L lu!ed I ssel0 aa;uaJ 6nj(3 s,56"S sago;S auo;saj!d 46'81 s1a;u!jd uo;xeD @141ueo-1s.wes 05'Z nc•.co IPlialluer )13e11a 3eJ]