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HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 17 1975 Bond ElectionPROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Bannock ( Form of Notice) CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL BONDELECTION November 4, 1975 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a municipal bond election will be held in the City of Chubbuck, Bannock County, Idaho, on Tuesday, November 4, 1975, for the purpose of voting on the following question: WATER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDQUESTION SUBMITTED: Shall the City of CgbbbucK, iaano, oe aurnornccu ,v rbsve anti sell its water improvement revenue bonds in the aggregate principal amount of 5250,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of providing funds with which to improve, extend and better the water system of the City, said bonds to mature serially com- mencing within two years from and after the date of the bonds, and ending twenty years from and after the date of the bonds, to bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed eight and one-half per cent (81/2 per cent) per annum, as more fully provided in Ordinance No. 157, signed and approved October 15, 1975, the principal of and the interest on said bonds to be payable solely from the net revenues to be derived from the operation of the City's water system? At such election only registered qualified electors of the City will be permitted to vote on the question submitted. A qualified elector is a person who shall be eighteen years of age orolder on the date of the election, a citizen of the United States, and a bona fide resident of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, as of the date of registration and of the election. Any registered qualified elector desiring to vote on the above bond question will be required to sign a written verification of registration setting forth his or her qualifications to vote at the election. The pol Is wil I open at the hour of 12:04 o'clock noon on said day, and will be open continuously until the hour of 8:00o'clock p.m., at which time the polls will be �c closed. There shall be one voting precinct with boundaries coter- minous with those of the City. The polling place for the qualified electors and the officials serving thereat shall be as follows: CHUBBUCK PRECINCT Polling Place Chubbuck City Offices 5160 Yellowstone Chubbuck, Idaho Officials Clerks Janice Johnson Edna Bayliss Shirley Leslie Ellen Kunz Virginia Finkelnberg Judge Phyllis Armstrong Katherine Wanner being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: That ------- She -------------- was at all times herein mentioned a citizen of the United States of America, more than 21 years of age, and the Principal Cleric of THE IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, a daily newspaper, printed and published at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation therein. That the document or notice, a true copy of which is attached, was published in the said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, to -wit: October --17---------, i 9-15 -------Qct ober--24__-------, 19-35 October__3_j---------- 19--75 19--- 19------ 19------ 19- 19------ 19 ------ 19------ That said paper has been continuously and uninterruptedly pub- lished in said County for a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the publication of said notice or advertisement and is a newspaper within the meaning of the laws of Idaho. -------------- - - --------- — ----- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------------------- 31 -4. ----_------_-- day of ----_--__October -------------- _ 19__75 --------------- Notary Public, State of Idaho Residence: Pocatello, Idaho s4insan 6mig spayssDID jou,in or 514 'ON 9L61. 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