HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 29 1975 TreasurerPROOF STATE OF IDAHO 55 County of Bannock OF PUBLICATION ��° jT�}S',o7�inn Sif�anl-1Fi�' CITY OF CHUBBUCK QUARTERLY REPORTAST QUARTER Statement of Cash Receipts, Disbursements and Balances January, February and March, 1975 s: That------- She -------- of the United States of Principal Cleric of THE printed and published at lg a general circulation CASH DISBURSED Cash On Waterworks Equip. 735.21 7.00 Cash On 30.00 30.00 )f which i5 attached, was FOLLOWS: FUND Per G. Brown J. Girard Hand G. Carlsen 30,00 Hand Salary Salary Cent D.H.Zundel 1-1-75 Received Disbursed 3-31-75 Approp. Expended Used GENERAL 73,537.60 120,382.92 67,776.09 126,144.43 103,012.00 26,839.20 26 Pct. WATERWORKS 66,219.53 56,121.05 63,384.91 58,955.67 63,172.00 8,128.00 13 Pct, SEWER 75.31 122,509.00 'iT141-R1�T-A� 122 400 i[i nn 584. 1 . 104 AAA Al Public Employee Ret. 101.25 s: That------- She -------- of the United States of Principal Cleric of THE printed and published at lg a general circulation CASH DISBURSED A5 Waterworks Equip. 735.21 7.00 E. Shaw D. Hall 30.00 30.00 )f which i5 attached, was FOLLOWS: FUND G. Brown J. Girard 4.90 G. Carlsen 30,00 .GENERAL 1975 Idaho First Nat'l D.H.Zundel 30.00 -, on the following dates, .JANUARY, Blue Cross of Idaho 605.40 Bank 2,268.27 T. Rueberry 10.00 6.55 D. Jones 29.00 I.B.&T-FedWH 266.40 B. Sanchez 463.66 J. Roeder 60.00 57,00 Idaho State Tax Div. Public Employee Ret. 63.58 101.25 D. Burnett 1.8.&T. -Fed WH 266.40 J. Roeder 0. Howell 30.00 Net Salaries 1,630.93 Idaho State Inc. Tax 63.58 D. Wahl 42.00 GENERAL FUND Public Employee Ret. 101.25 J.Tydeman 48.00 FEBRUARY, 1975 Net Salaries 1,630.93 --------------------------- 19------ __B. B. Parrish 45.00 Blue Crossof Idaho 52.00 GENERAL FUND R. Parrish 27.00 R. Nelson 284.00 471.90 MARCH, 1975 R. Nelson 121.50 19 K. Parrish B. Howell 18.00 36.00 D. Burnett A. Carl Croft, Sheriff 42.00 D. Burnett 469.90 --------------- R. Mitchell 24.00 Anderson Lumber Co. 7.36 Anderson Lumber 85.40 63.00 G. Kinlock 36.00 Animal Clinic 62.00 21.92 Animal Clinic A. Carl Croft, Sheriff 48.50 ------------------ 1 D. Wood 27.00 24.00 13 -Mart Bangs Off!ce Products 121.70 Bannock County Sheriff 100.00 D. Stinger M. Metcalfe 21.00 Bannock County Sheriff 100.00 Billmeyer's Inc. 7.50 19 D. Burnett 471.90 104.50 Bannock Paving Bengal Construction 65.55 391,05 Blocks Bangs Office Products 185.14 ---------------------------, ------ 238.61 R. Nelson Anderson Lumber Co. 20.47 Blocks 36.46 790.05 C. Ed Flandro Chubbuck Service Cor. 17.03 8.23 19______ Animal Clinic P.A. 109.00 600.70 Blue Ribbon Homes Chevron Oil Company 447.44 Chevron Oil Company ___________________________ 29.62 Assoc. of Ida. Cities Atlas Equipment 201.00 Chubbuck Lumber 23.97 Chevron Oil Company Chubbuck Waterworks 571.90 133.40 nd uninterruptedly pub- A. Carl Croft, 5heriff A. 42.00 65,00 Chubbuck Waterworks Electrical Contractors 133.40 11.57 Denny's Tune -Up 104.97 Candy Badger Uniforms 30.07 Denny's Tune -Up 66.00 Green Triangle 346.79 sight weeks prior to the Bangs Office Products 28.30 100.00 Electric Service Fred's Photo 109.51 11.64 House of Glass & Mirror Idaho Glass & Paint 15.42 15.32 d is a newspaper within Bannock County Sheriff Bannock Paving Co. 516.68 G. K. Machinery 154.00 Idaho Peace Off. Acad. 9100 Bills Food Center .95 Gateway Cycle 61.14 Idaho Power Company 736.75 9.87 Bills f=ood Center Blllmeyers 44.24 3.81 Gateway Printers House of GI ass 55.75 74.59 Idaho Power Company 1 daho State Journal Int. Conf. Bldg. Off. 27.06 60.00 Blocks 146.32 Idaho Power Company 23.41 Firestone Stores 290.54 Idaho Power Company 724.61 Med-Alert Ambulance Mountain Bell 165.00 ----------- 247.82 Chevron Oil 441.80 Idaho State Journal 204.82 8.73 N IMLO 118.25 Chubbuck Service Corner Chubbuck Waterworks 2.07 133.40 Inkley's Jerry's 4 Wheeler 60.00 Partner Steel 3.16.._------.2R-th_________________ Dellart Floral 12.50 Wayne's Foodtown 3.89 Pocatello Supply Inc. 171.02 82.30 Denny's Tune-up 120.00 Kruselnsurance 66.00 260.00 Steve's American Sheehans-Pocatello 67.10 Electric Service 53.90 37.50 Max Miller Insurance McArthur's Machine 82.43 Skaggs Drug 16.69 Empey Sign Company Forsgren, Perkins 741.00 McLelland Lumber 79.08 Standard Plumbing 950.34 Fred's Photo 22.05 Med-Alert Ambulance 165.00 Stirling Coal82.50 Symms -York 99.00 r Gateway Printers 47.20 18.15 Merlin's Insulation Mountain Bell 460.00 256.25 Wayne's Foodtown 12.94 :_ _ ____ _____ _ ________ Gateway Cycle Key Janie Harris 34,69 Northwest Law Ent. 20.80 Weldco Inc. V. Bollnder Co. 9.14 100.00 y Public, State of Idaho Hobson Jewelry 1.00 2.40 Palmer Chemical & Equip 48.06 Xerox 99.60 Idaho Glass & Paint Idaho Power Company 698.79 Partner Steel Co. 282.73 Xerox 13.30 dente: Pocatello, Idaho 34.00 Idaho State Journal 11.00 Pocatello Supply Inc. 101.75 125.92 J. Palmer J. Harris Correctional Industries 8.00 Revere Chemical Corp. 9.95 Zunde!'s 12.19 0.55 Kruse Insurance 188.00 73.44 Sam's Loan Co. Sheehan's-Pocatello 59.53 I. Evans 29.10 Kustom Signals Lake Crystal Salt 73.10 Skaggs Drug 60.65 Public Employee Ret. 1,476.14 3,615.63 Med-Alert Ambulance 165.00 State Insurance Fund 498.48 Office of Tax Coil 45.00 N.T.N. Diesel Service 28.88 Steve's American 16.68 22.05 Postmaster Postmaster 82.41 Norman Supply 377.27 335.00 Steve's Stationers Sterling Coal 82.50 Pocatello Masonry 2,027.25 Paynter Steel Parrish Company 636.00 United Laboratories 156.50 7.40 Blue Cross of Idaho Colonial Life & Acc. 484.80 101.00 Parrish Furniture 41.44 United States Welding 4.00 I.B.&T.-Fed WH 1,375.70 Pocatello Supply 47.34 Veri-Klean Walter F. Stephens 127.08 Idaho State Inc. Tax 377.73 Radio Shack .69 27.85 Weldco, Inc. 46.80 Net Salaries 7,269.52 Sam's Loan 250.00 Williamson Truck 53.82 WATERWORKS FUND Ed Simons State Insurance Fund 4,219.33 Xerox 60.00 4.25 MARCH 1975 Anderson Lumber Co. 168.75 Steve's American 83.47 3,950.00 A.J. Stone J, Roeder 51.00 Amcor 44.34 Starline Equipment 10.00 H. White 4.93 Bannock C. LandflII 200.00 J. Stoor Stirling Coal 82.00 D.A. Kinghorn 8.75 10.00 Bannock Van Gas Chubbuck Service Cor. 29.07 43.95 Vern H. Bolinder VernBolindFoodtoer 62.09 P. Cenarrusa D. Higbee 104.96 Chevron Oil Co. 137.60 13.51 __ -1 1. M AU An City of POcatel10 840.00