HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 08 1977 Ord. 185NAL CODE; PROVIDING A SHORT TITLE FOR THIS ORDI- NANCE; PROHIBITING INDI- VIDUAL CONDUCT RELATING TO AIDING IN MISDEMEAN- ORS, OBSTRUCTING OR DE- POSITING MATERIAL ON THOROUGHFARES, ESCAPE, OFFENSIVE SUBSTANCES IN PUBLIC PLACES, FALSE REP- RESENTATION, AVOIDANCE OF ADMISSION FEES, GIVING AS- SISTANCE TO POLICE OFFV CERS, LOITERING OR PROWL- ING, INTERFERENCE WITH PERFORMANCE OF DUTY BY AN OFFICER, TRESPASSING, VAGRANCY, CONCEALING OR FALSELY REPORTING INFOR- MATION TO AN OFFICER, CONSUMPTION OF BEER, WINE AND INTOXICATING LIQ- UOR IN PUBLIC PLACES, LIT- TER AND DIRT, CURFEW FOR JUVENILES, AND PROJECTILE OR EXPLOSIVE WEAPONS; REGULATING USES OF PROP- ERTY BY ENUMERATING GENERAL NUISANCES, PRO- VIDING FOR RESPONSIBILITY AND ABATEMENT, PROHIBIT- ING INTERFERENCE WITH REMOVAL, ABATEMENT OR DESTRUCTION OF NUISANCES, AND SPECIFYING SPECIAL NUISANCES; REGULATING VE- HICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC BY DEFINING VEHI- CLES, REGULATING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES, AU• THORfZiNG CONTROL OF TRAFFIC BY MEANS OF PO- LICE OFFICERS OR OFFICIAL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, LIMITING PROCESSIONS OR ASSEMBLAGES UPON PUBLIC THOROUGHFARES, ESTABLISH- ING SPEED LIMITS FOR VEHI- CLES ON PUBLIC THOROUGH- FARES, PROHIBITING THE OP- ERATION OF ANY VEHICLES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY OTHER THAN THOROUGHFARES OR ON PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT PERMISSION, AND PROVIDING FOR IMPOUND- MENT OF VEHICLES; CON- TROLLING ANIMALS WITHIN THE CITY BY PROVIDING FOR LICENSING OF DOGS, REGU- LATING THE PRESENCE OF ANIMALS IN PUBLIC PLACES OR UPON PRIVATE PROPER- TIES, PROVIDING FOR ABATE- MENT OF ANIMAL NUISANCES, AND PRESCRIBING THE LOCA- TIONS AND FACILITIES IN WHICH ANIMALS DEFINED AS "LIVESTOCK" MAY BE KEPT; PROVIDING FOR THE SEVERA- BILITY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; RE- PEALING PRIOR CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; AND PROVID. ING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO: SECTION 1; Short Title. This or- dinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Chubbuck Crimi ' for an offense under this section, ons. It shall be unlawful and Sian50fthis Ordinance. oughfare within the City wh;^h is afford the actor an opportunity to punishable as a misdemeanor for D. Special Nuisances. Notwith. part of the highway System dispel any alarm which would any person to discharge any in- standing the foregoing provisions maintained by the Idaho DeAart- otherwise be warranted, by re- strument that propels shot, bul. relating to generally enumerated mens of Transportation (or its questing him to identify himself lets, shells, or other projectiles nuisances, prior ordinances of the successor agency). and To explain his presence and or harmful substances, by the ac- City governing nuisances created (b) Thirty five (35) mill's per Conduct, No person shall be con- tion of gun powder, compressed by weeds or by inoperative motor hour on Poleline Road as it ex- Victed of an offense under this air, springs, elastic materials, or vehicles, and future ordinances of tends from the infersection with Section if the peace officer did explosive matter, within the cor the City governing Other specific Yellowstone Avenue to the south not Comply with the preceding Porate boundaries of the City, nuisances, shall be in full force erly boundary of the City. provision, or if It appears at trial Provided, however, that this pro. and effect and shall exclusively (c) Thirty (30) miles per hour an that the explanation given by the hibition shall not apply to super- control their subject matter. thoroughfares which are designdt- actor was true and, if believed vised activities within a shooting SECTION4: Traffic Control. ed herein as "arterial thorough. by the police officer at the time, gallery located at a regularly es- A. Definition of Vehicle. "Vehi. fares." "Arterial thoroughfares" would have dispelled the alarm. tablished and licensed place of cle" shall mean any mechanical are East and West Chubbuck I, Interference With Performance business, to the conduct of a lave device which is self-propelled Roads, Hawthorne Road; Hiline. of Duty by an Officer. 11 shall be enforcement officer in The proper and/or designed to travel along Road, and Syphon Road. unlawful and punishable as a performance of his duty, or, to the ground, on water or through (d). Twenty (20) miles per hour misdemeanor for any person to any citizen in the lawful defense the air, including, but not limited on all Thoroughfares not other - interfere with the performance of of person or property. to, aircraft, water craft, automo- wise classified above. duty by a police officer or other SECTION 3: Uses of Property. biles, buses, motor bikes, motor. (4). The Chiei of IOlice is au - officer of the City of Chubbuck A. Enumeration of General Nui- cycles, motor scooters, mo-peds, thorized to post or cause to be fl) by physically resisting, delay- sances. It shall be unlawful and bicycles, and olher devices pro- posted the foregoing speed limits ing or obstructing such officer in punishable as a misdemeanor for pelled by the effort of the opera- upon thoroughfares within the the discharge of his duty, (2) any person to create a nuisance tor, trucks, motor homes, Trac- City, consistent wit, the Stan threatening harm or otherwise at- by conduct with respect to prop tors, go- carts, and golf carts. dards for traffic control devices tempting to intimidate such offi- cer during the discharge of his erty, or to maintain or permit the existence .of a nuisance due B. Parking of Vehicles. It shall prescribed by the Ida to Code. duty, Or (3) by soliciting Or em to the condition of ro property. The be.unlawful and punishable as a misdemeanor for F. Limitation Upon operation of p P Vehicles. It shall be Unlawful and couraging others to interfere with following forms of conduct With any owner or operator of a vehicle to cause or punishable as a misdemeanor for such officer in the discharge of his duty d5 g provided in clauses respect to property, and condi- tions of property, P R y, are hereby de allow a violation of the following any person to operate any type (1)or(2)herein. claredlobe public nuisances: regulations: (1) No vehicle shall at any time of vehicle upon any public prop- erty other than vehicular thor- J. Trespassing. It shall be unlaw- 1. Conduct with Respect to Prop be parked upon any public thor. oughfares or parking lots, or to ful and punishable as a misde. meanor for any person to take erty; (a). The burn-ing Of any hair, oughfare, including any ' street, operate a vehicle upon the pri- down any fence or to let clown leather, rags, or other substances highway, vehicular way, pedestri- vate property of a person other than the person to whom the ve any bar, to upon any gates so as of any kind which produce a an way, or other thoroughfare, in such a manner as to prevent the hicle belongs, without permission, to expose any enclosure, or to ride, walk, drive, lodge, camp, smell, smoke or odor that annoys or is offensive to persons living free and uninterrupted use of the G. Impoundment of Vehicles. A sleep or engage in any other ac- in the vicinity or to persons on thoroughfare by other vehicles and pedestrians, or of any drive- Police Officer of the City may im pound a vehicle, b causingit to tivity in Or on the properly of anyor vehicu Way belonging to or rightfully e towed to a secure place and p another without the consent of thoroughfaredestrian (b) The used by any person other than stored there until claimed, if (1) the owner, Occupant or person in charge thereof. without drawing or writing of any indecent, profane, or often the person to whom The vehicle it is parked or totaled in vlola. limiting belongs. Sion of this ordinance or its op, the generatity Of the foregoing, siva words, pictures 0r carica { No vehicle of any type erafor has for an reason been this prohibition shall apply specif- tures upon properly located on public or on hi which any dimension is greater er ,rendered incapacitated or un- icaily to any of the enumerated premises premises than eight feet in width, twenty- available to € ke charge 9 of ii, activities conducted upon the property of another, where open to the public. 2. Conditions of Property P y' one feet six inches. in length, or and (2) the vehicle represents a such activity occurs within an ease- (a) Appearance On property, lo- nine feet in height, shall be parked longer than one hour traffic hazard or is endangered by potent'aI theft or vandalism menT which does not expressly P y cated on pedestrian and vehicular thoroughfares or upon any public thoroughfare, in- Unless m ved. The police officer grant to the general public the right to engage in such activities premises open to the public, of indecent, pro eluding any street, highway, ve shalt melte reasonable inquiry un 4 Y (ane, or offensive wards, ictuses P hicular way, pedestrian way or der the circumstances as to the availability of to K. Vagrancy. It K. Va rant It snail be unlawful g y' or caricatures. , other thoroughfare. (3). No van, trailer, tractor an Y Y person move the vehicle with the own - and Punishable as a misdemeanor tor h Hales, vaults, or cellars which are open and unprotected, or other vehicle having a gross ca- er's consent. If such person can- P any person (1} So wander abroad and id accu occupy, lodge or or from which grates are miss- Pacify greater than six (G) tons not reasonably be identified or lo - cated, the police officer may or - sleep in any vacant or ing,, located upon or near g P pedes shall be parked longer than two P g hours location der Impoundment b P y a reputable pied barn, garage, shed, shop, or hop, or Irian and vehicular Thoroughfares or premises open to the at any within a residential zone of the City, as commercial towing and storage other building or structure, or in any automobile, truck, railroad public, (c) All cellars, vaults, drains, proiiidied by ordinance, unless c rvice shall non car or other vehicle without own- pools, cesspools, privies, sewers, (a1 such parking is for a tempo- rary, as summoned discs na oe owner or op- ing the same or without permis- yards, grounds or premises which for any cause have become foul, nonrecurring purpose, or (b) such location is a commer- athe eta oasis,eCnf specifies p particular serv. sion of the owner, occupant or P person in charge thereof, or (2) nauseous, or a menace to health, tial or industrial enterprise which ice. The service shall be entitled to charge to wander abroad and to from or which give font: odors which is Subject to a lawful variance from the provisions of the zoning and collect from the owner Of the vehicle reasonable door of residential homes or of are offensive to persons on adja. cent properties or to persons on Ordinance, or which represents a fees for towing and/or storage. commercial or industrial estab- lishments, or to himself nearby pedestrian or vehicular valid preexisting use under the This section shall not limit the place upon any public way or place thoroughfares. ordinance. authority of y police officers to im- open to the general public, for (d) All carcasses, decaying flesh, (4). The City Council may by resolution Round vehicles incident to search and seizure, or as otherwise - the purpose of begging or receiv- fish, fowl, or vegetables, all de authorize the Chief of Police to cause lines, markings per mittedbylaw. ing alms for himself. Posits of manure or other un L. Concealing or Falsely Report. wholesome substances, and all or barricades to be placed upon SECTION 5: Animal Control. ing Information loan Officer. filthy or offensive water or slops, public vehicular thoroughfares or A. Licensing of Dogs. It shall be It shall be unlawful acid punisha- adjacent or in close proximity to parking lots, or upon the curbs unlawful and punishable as a ble as a misdemeanor for any private grounds of another, po. adjoining such thoroughfares or misdemeanor for any person to person knowingly and intentional- intentional destrian or vehicular thorough- 'lots, to designate prohibited and own, harbor, keep or possess a ly to conceal or withhold fares or other premises open to permitted parking spaces, and to dog over the age of four (4) edge of the commission of, or at. the public. regulate ingress and egress to months within the City without temnt to rnmmit- nnv fa,_ — (e) Any junk items kept adjacent and from such thoroughfares and complying with the license provi- an impounded animal shall be paid to the Chubbuck City Trea Surer. Failure to wive notice' as set forth above sha!I not prevent disposition of any impunded ani Mal if the Chief of Police or iiia designee is unable, fallowing in quiry, to ascertain the name or location of the owner or person having charge of the animal. (4). Notwithstanding the provi cions of the foregoing subpara graph, an animal shall not be de stroyed if its owner, or other person seeking to claim it, files with the City Clerk a written re. quest that such destruction be postponed pending review by the City Council at its next regular meeting. Such written request shali be accompanied' by paymer,l !a the amount which would be required by the lime of the meet ing in order to claim the animal as provided above. When such re quest and payment- have been made, the animal shall not be destroyed pending a hearing by the City Council. When the hear ing is conducted, the person mak ing the request must must ap pear and show good cause why he should be allowed to claim the animdl and how he,will core for it in order to prevent it from continuing to conslitule an animal nuisance. Following the hearing, the City Council shall determine whether or not the animal should be destroyed. If' the Council ap proves destruction, the animal shall be destroyed in a humane fashion and the payment nude by the party requesting the'heat' ing shall be retained by thy City to defray its costs of impounding the animal pending the hearing. If the Council decides that the animal should not be destroyed. the animal shalt be released from impoundment upon such terms as the Council may reason- ably impose; and the payment made by the person requesting the hearing shall be retained as the fee for claiming the animal. (5). The Mayor is hereby author ized to provide for the creation and maintenance of a facility capable of providing animal im poundment services. In addition, or in the alternative, with the concurrence of a majority of the Council, the Mayor may enter on behalf of the City into an inter- governmental, agreement with any other public entity for the provi- sion of such services. D. Location and Facilities for Livestock. (1). It shall be unlawful and pun- ishable as a misdemeanor for any person to own, harbor, keep or possess any animal with the City except household pets and "livestock". "Livestock" are de fined to consist of cows, inclusive of all bovine; sheep, inclusive of all ovine; goats, inclusive of all caprine; horses, inclusive of all equine; rabbits; and fowl, incIu sive of all turkeys, chickens, ic-wa3,m!T�aon4msn$ygc=�p.o!,nd_,yo-nmaao�'aomo�3on3-3--3*--maQAm3maFDma0'F3`_,'T-�D"`aoarnnzWrn_gTOWv`�-�D��ODrr-I��b�O-�Om•nn��ar-�r--i��n�2zDO��D<G�m�OC-1C�n�-nCDv�n�nD��O^ivO�C2$z :n Ny - .O107w=K7w .,�_ 'n .0 ID=` y_-NJgN r�ET--3IwC.CK7w-� 31n :!.030 -E`N =0=' n-°m�DmSO�mzlr�r=OZmmAZ_Dr:.r2�m��Z�zADr02�-v��yDf"'AnCZmm Zpmapm.'o m0-GyDDZm mNOmGm20�OpD y xTmacTa,30 =nod wn0 w= o cn Pronm 7 o<mmn o. n=n ow acw nmc3roD n^wn{{ D vb Qom- vZrn-ImmpzO y Dim O Dm DQX1mD w G10-2 G1 {fizz TG7 70 G1p� uW�l rn O _ c F m JaDwaNmoa a m m�c a� N_.mJ aero, mm�mlDm-•�a-•�-_1 0- -4 -r- --i< �- c�Zznr"�CO"OZC�rmi�y�`� •-�� ����'mrSOAO- Zm<CmZ➢ m�,�m�p-r' rnDumrmAr_>> -j i' n- wy_Go n_;caroc atrN= m -o =?d�•b �o mooJwcm^�m m=v-aN30-=3 o-_omdc m _O_ma QOA r*ZZS _O WT ��D.n N-- - O' OHO Z� -D rX- Z COrD O-` Z Z -Z -4O-r--- ro a ww°w C m m as,<cn 3_. 3 c=N m M3 M� 3a = 3_ Ca ro <_N O_- Zv >070 r rn n O_ m n rw�oMf - = wa< 3n -i .=. 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M c wsx=._ _-•_>• 3 33N Fano _ 1/� _ =m g 3 =�+N-�aJN=o�y"SKJ 3 Oro _.w Aro �Nn<< w ro='�trro-.m`Z_,Trower ^ m -JD n-`=w'07w=C `•mm w<w_O N =._-0 d ym N aN 7�ti'n wJ D G 7 n << •.� 3 wv nl Ov O m`GK C n n O ma C wyp•-<m 17 U C••=C j N n -+7n n =_.a m m _ R m Ola n 1D O �m = O -M y;ao 0 y G a w O N = a m 1G m ;18 -< a K J J aK �. N Q -_ w a =. y w w 0 N a tr -��< _ a= a n n ti _� o n n O x O D n = - C j d 3 1 a n N- �-= y a w N a '< c d O = ^ N .. D m 7 w N m� 0 0 m 3 w m n .z_. < a e y In _ JaDc ^ m -in D o' o m w. ro = , = n = am -w= mN n � w_Kav 3'` vae Nam=mmc mo om•wcan wve �' w ypy- o'<' `^ •7em w=b N=1 trip- m ai m a' �oio ... 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Nw '1 2« a o: _.c- ,.gym n l wwo ooh- n <n=N c �'N' i y�roa N oa-m,cnm . =_n mo ts'-- �v 't A• C :E -.m 'f aN a -!C•13 T aroip' a w ,oaK� _oo=ma�Kon�3m a��� 3pa `a_'�m c3.cci"om cs3D3v _a�� = o w� N= nH3 c o .mw 'vc <m o = UT =c o= w y o-m'nn1`°r,00-•ma�mp o= 3•=�03�03 aa'iYoro 2�=M oW=m w�movo�ow_ J3 a�� 3 < c a o N = o=< w � n-�awa q'a,t am .am rn vivax ° a= n<N c- c e c nn o' m 13- w 3 0 <' a ,=3 a - •''in ma•<w ciao n Fn 3'= ro * w -n P=° �= N3wTa N o J m=m .3 om m'c a o a3 a a :1- a mo, i o a ul N° � z ^'5m ^ o o= ^ nn �E `m ti- T`<a a n a ra a= 3 m m N o a M y' a m •[ v = m ro a z a m m n a n no °' n w K o ^. inn _. n m v. m c m a' w 0 a m 3 n a m 3 w m e �• m F w T n = n rn0 = N < v ,a'' - 5- _ a n o n o' P 27 ' P a o m c w z o o a J m 3 a o �. m= m q _. w N n m= o q' n a m c om 0 r'n o.. germ _. c•o w 3N az - 3 ^germ N w --w% a_ g n -�mao •o° __ - N < m+,N a v- 1n ==a?a ^=v v� 7 1 +y. c���m ay mnE POEf C.3ro drn Dap,oa=� :� o C 7 d- n -err d w O 3m mo=m O, d J -No, d0 1l0 a� - oaC m N= O n o -N 3l'm.N?m ew nu%o=ma'mTvmi am�ua�m-nmm dtm'ryK 4mep<u p <' °.a��yoro wm-- Gymro3Tnc ao':5n mso5cn Qymoµ eye 1�gR n=tr-pm a9joam mm<ac7 a eo om3aa< o m a a� =m nba3am oeRl nn'o=ro wAJ_ n.N n lT y m n = N N O ro. .< N w y n O m m O'_ o a n- a 'Yaw { e a .... N ^, m n emi' O N O O O N m r" O .r d y :n V+ a 1 m w as w O" o m o= N n= a N 3- J m C w a J q 1° 3 w n- OG a wo ^-.w U C 'K an = m_ 3 a a= o o m = a w o - ^ a' 3 F= _� c n `: ' o o N m a- c a- rn N m n c o w= m w w o N c m m v n o_ o c o m �n a c m es m m y 3 w O N 3�1 n..� m m O 40 G o n� 'O wm m A- n w O==X.O = !' O 3N ° �= 11 ~•a a .•. N 1oi1�7 aw N Jn o0 o wg �N Oa C =mro •aCa 3r°m!{ ID = n m 0 a ,mm� a K p m wui0=m O O P vv�-' N yn^ J Ta mm �~ -G a mJ m o m a m 3'�ti:-=a NomNNN TI; wvmoTa=p�..z oo=ov-mom oc w� m3�mao ° c o o3 as n nyN o cc a.a o'' _- n gmrogmn ? mmaT <0 3rciw an a c o wn =yy w TN maNm o'o m 0 3 v 3 omw =o o n T n oco wG =-'v doc ' nom 3 QmJymw-a °K ww .w mw7 .aw w�---a'+y �' s+ am v .m a= �Jm=<n =c �o c crnasd�=gm da3n'= c a� 3-o ua =N<oN = v KO moi o m<$c Nmron K . J � n w'= j tfNO o?�7 ?N N 3 =m = -NG R -N a3l`Jn . - . = w 0 y ro0W`-=iOa. 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O C m n t O g O == 3 d.- n 1. n { m �m trim a^ Ow=O m:��O I,nw-_a r%wa �-.�=nn nO=B Sc g-• V1- m 7 O aroNprof=a mmm�w, <�= rpn a�O.ON =m°_ � -am V,nOO N= 3,=D?_.trwmC Wm =Cro om D P Nma.a nd g m c_O 6m n nN F -g �m a- J'N 03.w0 _3 O'=� ° �`<N�nO -'K a W ° 7- O 7 m _'CmC -1 N pro' 3 7' am 7 ^a n n= a _=� ti; n n w O -° te a 3 �- a A w a w _= 0 � n =; = l= N O R �C C o w ID m Fro =< __ a m w ro ymm <wc ;;-'a nm^�mn w _ W0-=-- w0=- -o dao - n •c Fa< A,D10an no w<.._o°n3 rl� Jw oa amta m=.m zmroZ, =aw o w a=o o -q n o woo O q <- a mn=n +'a>:w 7� Ow ai=m _ w .1: m3=` Tfi-a Ver=<o~<00 c-Q=m wa,p?.b aw aO mm <.o dNw<am< �nao m nv''_wm= n= aw �y'm� N-ooma Fac'-m�3 C .no- ac LnaO' 2m^ I ro �n o 3roNDmw= vm J 1 an<f �� nmdN3Nn' tr =�o. iFwrn mon m O an _=mµ� ?m 0T'•ca 7.vwn 3= ammyyo'J310 �m'3•an.n ww mvw °I =N _ S.;I I ^ enc°° 7,7 m =- _. - - O,CO mO <mro O .p = =ww74 =_• O -O bN w<e3'n^N =_.na S e=3E'= - .oPq-nJo J -u m3o o n3o�row m QowzofT z=O 3�^oa=bo -nmJ=m_ =mro n na a my_a, J = •1 n =oo ro . m._ _ �1D aNooam,-o, wmm avp covmto<v-"y^ammamo0mowo_nca Jo=gLas-c gw ==Nw =oa^nw P3amaosanaa==0. an DH [0 mn ^ ao a1n O .y N a�o.o a -I ow ca nom....=n C ,; 3ow= m mm a p -nm n=rD tO m "-p NN W. a ^ Ory m m =a<.r, m .r wa w>-av< c °. 7c_an° ZC73w- K <'an�-•° -Ycn=gym 7n '� 0. om=� =a C O.c - o w w �_. : n C, o.aNn62Pw a?.�nwm �3a?_GOn� nQONa'<<�7w1'O wa�.�Ip.=ro`u°i�avmlC7j°'<a ia+O �.w a3 dwO�nmN6�.,AOO�� Of C-'� m ,,,0 T N <-. 'O == n N A .'===m &-wm1° m O = m iLw y,< N nMa . K m 7r a -ro nriA"a�' C C w Q a-- 3 n mnaJ mm`o ^.' o aa-+ K ro m 3 mro � nK i =z �vw_.J aro - mwo=w a a =v am?<og� o�NT� < 3T�cwo n=<.o�cm°�u� a3PmT30.yC=?A _ < 7- o= or r: W3 d y C N C 5 W C n x 0 % n m O1 a r•' J a w m J' K K C IP % _ J W -, m -, J 6 = 7 c n N a O - `n M a g 'n C 1D n 3 J N O m 7 1n m a n n ,a n N C .< C D •1 w^ 7c `� P o 7C � C = m 0- .< o w = ' w = N �._=m 7c7= a wC 7 m T=ro ..ma n O 1L= 13n. Om _ 3Owa a m 3 �noA n N d J1Q - N N N 7a 0 rw00 7 F N.wa -�a N ay= wv r1� [_] 3 N a w al mC C= O< o P d a o,,, <_ ^= O .1 ya=O O 1pO w �� N m Zr 1= gm `C'r w'S p1� N J mO=1-<nO g. nDm� n_ _ = N N O C m w w_= D a N rG 4 m o C N y j J Ip -. n O y y N== o = O O� O -O ? a P �j w C 3 O 0 O O •"I a s 0 w w C r'1 'cow'3 J;c acnvaoaoom0 a w q p - wy = `°� o�=_. � 3J o>aooF �= mo DE; m4 ^To w.=ma _� oK as=� �o�Joa u'M ET �t1, m-1 .,. •vacZ nm amX 2moo �J n w oo-m nac•ae aver ma'e 0mw0-Mr-, ".Jom� na = a 0 m `q '� m p1 1° /A a .^ _^ = a = N n 'O w N 1D d = 0 N N 5 N K m a n' , N m `4 a d O a N A �. ' um' O 'S G y m D I mac�aoa roam mmm�3 a'ronroymoo r��.o=io.on gpiam_1=o 10•< m1, Gmm'='m `no T_maro� :'rom3 w 'nom O -y+3Z ^� w•y,%N j n� n m =•.ac 03�'.g3ID <�J"�' ••--5; d=�mm t<9� 3aao � ro� y ° Nm �Cw�3C-=aaN w a m N C_ m = m m y m w N p a 3 0 m b< �aJro- tr3�w nes c a3 c ==a3 3a 3 0' o Jw =c .n' wmam N_ o rovaa3-'co �ro = n'r"-".t7dIDmJ ooQoo�Ta 7' 53F;M o oaa om5c o'o<mo ^a -m baa-.�To3 X00 4 nwo0,orolnoian= 3 m N n m n n n 0 0 n = < m w rD m= r w N w v N m 7 T J K m m o-_ m a ti a- a= D a iO Na Oa�N-O=*w 0= F;n W, a'Zn gaon'=aN am0caw =m'3c a mo ma n awN=40 n;;m Pa,an�N io =� C-'=n3v, n3 a0 3C Du1 ..c a ro? 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C 1O. y es= � w_ = m 8 S q d d^ ^ N N rip a j O. wa�Jmo�-7 o'<n-m ao ad o.w c'ca mo-"o6?M ==w a=a = N,- D <"_n`c �t•poca ly=n °-s'=v n'- o=yNo f� ai o� �o�=j'� a O = �v� ��NC 4no� aN ser ^� o ryala ^ N 'trw _a o• Z II*9 n00, w,'D M IaO nn_.°., K� � SOC -,c - I m1Ci'= xM am r�Fro _nOQoo 3 �y �O �o w.a= 2L EW •-•cam n =� < N 0m axn n� m33a�a n ?-. o zca3oo -Z ; _0IO=roc b "'=r^pmnm� m w a _< a, o w0" omm o -• d 9 _. O n =+ m 3 N A 7 m w = n = w w �. J 3= -G O y a= C a •< 3 ry 0 0 N _ w m O N l N. fy= Orn 1.- - m 7=0 ^ mai mn n ='4O ^ a 7s Iaw m ^ r:0 �nli ai y n=- on= 0 qi C a 4=, r�D mS � C N B. fi a s n es O = C N W =^ N C _ m �' n �. m a r< 0= 7 N w m O a _ `� z Ip b _ a d a Z m D 41 d _ n C = m m a • '_ n„ O O - C C C m IO d a a_ H= - TwN Nro C Z- o, ?Ca a _w ^=0� C m-C.w as 3aa v'a` namN aro a °rowlnw = ~`��1ai, n-mO r - a m in' m 0^ y= n _. a w e O m - n= a _. m m a= O . O n m= O _ o a m a- o �- a* C-- ^ 0 0 0 ro J m a m C. a a •:`N <nnm N n �= 1d�y w Nn mK �77n n J= -'Jm mK_ 1D 't ro ro _-, nwtDN m`CKN --•a Ow m na 0 a aw..an c m -�v TodN3'g-ed'a a O *• n m m iia == 5', 0 =,,D-<- erg mw �' mn N N m N C. =rN w N a n o =.na a m w P c=w o trram za . n -2.- C< = 0 C= .^.ovlQcacoaa = 3 d m m 1n n= <vo a m w= °oro=<=1^p J,Qn y! m-5pN ra m A U n 7 ' ^ c w m Hca 2 Q N J n 3 0 a n n m N.o w mm 3m�-, C a n N O a d • mn0 5O.mao? nan= m a amc a+ww • m =r4 0Q -0 0_-7 �<o D mo w-0 CTa anca --g o2;UMno m ^m -<;;(=,&.l _^u' a o 3.a�uw=2*arom•<cmomwo-tc<0=3K�7<m O bm�0. n=wac 7C m. yw_.aq�w_.7a00'ia'^�,b�Oac3wwo + a C = N N 3 3< 3 n m w< a m �. A w 3 a = _. n C a m r0 ,K t J= N < O y 0" N v er p' N ro Q <_ no -. y ra = 6 m ^ O°• n'1 m _o -o 'aP N m Jif a 7m -_i. < N .r -..n nN._ a m ro w as N =o -1ty 0. m."= rn. a-AA=.wn'm�� eomm3` wo ,Q=3won �a��-'a nm3rtro-mp ?'maa3-' nm -i -=tea_ m,-roc=rI* o=, m' a ,<cm< q -ma- m' rt'$3ocan-K Jn..� ?=".m a=�_=aa oaoamc m=n �aN_. a...'n-.ten= F= d `m ,:, =='00 'o moo = m N .T ^ i 3 m ym? G _mm r`m1 c no,m �mN � •=n,m<Z tai 7y w m ran J o 6m w iro? p m a1 !_"o o p TQ 3 i °JO3 K I ID f' ^ -=o = d Y _. = O fC5 a a tr. < n m R` W m O} y1 n m P_ 0 n Vo N -, < O c p, r Q •aC GO r) (D = K<� n a m O 1D 4 3 ti oyer �m o <.m Imn J=_30•,�-=OC mg aro n 00 c n 3 N< m = ON == d r0 lD 1a °.0 = of NN dK D m <nwKm _ O N J a n y N o m n 3 p' m a ° w O m O ? a w o w =' = y= m u°, • a ,n o 0 a O< o .3 ro n J = .=IO < m w Z y a -n N w 7 =wa d' ._. 3a0 n w o a -Cm 1D tr�O= w m < N uwinmmw?glow==mmm f°m Cro wo,n=-"F;mn0 p=lo-m a= _5 a- mF w*3 oan p'O aid Aro --'n 3.oc-m..`o Mq,jm CP 7n--aaro o <1Q a�,=wm T _.< nn n<m pEj w -.<o m_-od n ~C m 7d �'m o �2 m=� m-J•.Z1w .' `4 m 7 0 - y n m 6- N d g C A w< n _ =. < Ina ro C D w 7 d m ro a• m n n m* a -° 10 "K w rQe C U o J - N In 1 .o N. a .m mm. o &' w -c o N °O' - n* n m - n o awm-.a 3: m w%'m w_.<m m o nv m o n� pr..,. O w' -,lo'. m a Q w m •1 an=w •1�;m a - ma ny a3 c?,� o o c 3 Im f� - = a oro =�•e Sari aml�mCy�ma� om mrwnnmaam� o_.Qv_^. 3330 oCvp m n �aa> �mCm T nn�=ate =�d� =4. N 3 w N O mw, y 3 a O ro N C = w N 0 7__ {wj = 3 n w J rn i1 n 7 jmi m n ro? n m `. C o -•'� N-= ro O y .p w g mm O•'0j3= On 3=O.G-`'w[ O J JO-nC ."„N<O 7_O "1 1n <+IG�•� mo T mo �G G p f0 J - Q xc F O N C N= _ � �,<= d _ = O _- m a - o n a _ < N ' o N = _. a W e o N ' I'D 3.= m a_ ro v O a1O x 0 0 7 7 r= 7 m n ro N R o m v a 7 3 N <o m St v O a O 7 0 N j 7'Q C m C o n N 3 d ? M K A y 0 m 7 �_ . m rG m n m meD om �3aw J . vna D . , ro r . m"a- w m Nm . -1 m x . . J _ . -. N-3 en r0D ymz $n0 0C a0 W - A mZO DODZ 0;K n➢ M, MZ �n-n m z Dz o r0x- nmmw - '^F n �D� -T{ •n -00,a .n D� n -I•n na^a-on- a-.",,-o^N Pc= wm^ •n w c o-• -•ny COKOw N -•a D' nNmneso-�• od wO,aa nas nes^^ w -^ w - •a Naa J n =a a aw- -•w n Mgv a40N^>•aJ3p a N•00, a y 0 yC 3 p 303 y Oq QV 7.O -O 3� a �_D, 3la y 7 >a< 6SJw N= a 02 m 77 m J 7 a-]r� 7 C - 'n ,-r Q-.� 0 w3� 3 �� � -oaa a =n roo=C ,o �m m33=M 3.Cy 3m o=3-.0 C -,m n aw C m 3 NC a o limo o na ='Cyw° oa. w`r Jto O=VroO. C 'owC ModC - -C, -fV ma'�mam n°i'-'IoOW;TnnCC�= 7- �a•�-� 6_«C7^CVQm...mmaa Oma ro IO'<NwP �m .y'1 m wrpeam am 'aD wm<�m3,1ni'�d0"C•y_.W p'� ma gas^ip°m= »n=3N a< .- J aw < an -i ~{.... w`G- Nyw yes. 7y 3Ju 3 Gn W _n CL ..1 aa[<D< w m =oma on --7a n' a.<33 3 °' _-<a� d N Rr.a cw_-mi - O<'o 3-. 0 O '1 [;m oaa o, °'w10 w nFNm m o0a- wm= _ q ro m ON Ao m err =nom N B. .a v r �'r1 7aa = N w w O m='(1=3===• - O pa m = 1DO- O ' n m m!D 1n� _= N D on N ~,'„n p1n Zm �N <C m il_R�mJ =zC<�4 -i ....<in isw w=3 0, _00ID (D m 7 <- N Oa _�N» T a C mmm -M_o men M� m Nm C w w �n,,,5 N=• 3" a?N2 ry "MO 6 a a m o ro oD m o =mJ d = w== _. wry o_,tp mNm`o 00 3 3 ?m _ w ro z=m awe n _o = < a3o a J � 3 n = Nw 3 C m=p Om d O ti'O- 3 00 N nwa -'1 N O w 'a o w mnKm n mI, n =0 w �'- C N 70� ^c3 ,< i w �- n 'N In w0 md- n _.G a 10 - c- nx ~ w ^ ---3 ro m c3 'w N n<N .n C o a, o m m w -«O N _•T a n- mon wn aKo .ow -..m Cr• = ma,- 01 ,m - v a_ - m N < a o am mb nrow =�� =ro a o-,. •< N3 F. n3•<-0 no = 3-n ° a3=a w ca= m-= a• P =° a o _ a D c v' .a �7c-w T, 9�u a .n o 0 00 = 7aeS «ova ° ^ T - �mwroT yruT-3m a ° e<cuNc wcme oma= °¢wmm m= S.v"mrwir°ad' Nac�anmTb3a n3 o v 3=oa_ m�anm <oo D4an Acna oam+'savn n' wn_ro e�ao y- mow-'S� _ m ru o a < N a O C C C -m r -.7 ?,y nN n+•o, �. J J d N rtr`p rn a w 3 n i o w d y 10 O a '0" 3< a m <. a. n o 0 3' a^ a= 3 n w w= m« 7 7 ,D a= a°= m n a rD = N J N y i N h .-= a 0, a o. '' o _ 0 ,= mro - rC I a d rD N 3 0 .,, C -. a n Io N n - N m P n m ,< n ra w G C m 3 -Ka mN ° aTm ,NN0 ma= Now' mn N MoE;In o_ga0�" DmQ--:, a30 =� ° ��w N73.= No �o�p a mrp-ro 0 mw.an= .K 'N m' a n�.a c o j n � amoy =Jai c *_=3r w=c �ro-' �o Tmc 3 < o nn c - a n m w < a• c = 'o w v =- T ro o K m y R m C _• o C N J a a= a n m y n d N R G) °' m �. a m o . 1D Vr w V, m a ' N . 7 m [ W y -n - O w n 0 3= n a _ m o m' _ n a 4 { m^ 4 _. O m = a 3 p, m M J m 7 M r0 d' n N • N - C - d O J- m Irl • ]r w 7 r < d 7 rl o m m =' O O O n n d w m =o `9 = T3' -n a „3'3ac �_.� o=0.rm mag -•P a0 m . _ 3 � O Jw _.o O Q J' a C. u'N O p =t U3 nes -,C <n 70i w0 x J t°i' m-< �n < �,0 R== 01 p7 N = C = 0=3 m - c 3' c n < -o_.a= mmmoc v m g ny-m w mFQ= aa�c c =n_.� Kw _ a c3wa a_dn =_.0 w_ _-�3 <n__� a m b 3owv Noaa nrb 0 a w �wm- - _- aslow=wm G -n_a x w0Ca µ �1a = 6 = ro w 7 a -m m =n m 'ID -m= N_O a .0 m0 >' �a =._. ,Oa 3m -�{_ -.rL a�NmO:mgSryOj= �o N 7 'o= -Tn w n O J = p = = O a O 7 y N=n 3 7Ca �•m 1^ g 3 N< `C O n w 7 _ N Od m=o -'Nn N a N m=N.N..No n N= 0, =N pNrA3 000'1< ^ g U w :S '.'7 _ C = O a wm Ca m J =3m n Nal=Nm m n3 HN= o =aN a^ J `.n N N I a n>'m =Z -a riO 0033 -j 43=i0 g 6; 11 7IO o 0,_ ^• d,� •1= mn g3' 7,7 a a -v3 w°ro - 0 ft n CL °J p a 3 < oaa p ao a -n<a^neo a n_mm o = on w_ myo cm *0, -w_ 3m 'n y owoloJ - •n3 nN o mp -- o KQ mw 1 o 3 c N ao: m n - Nwpr �j <'7cy y'aaa_.�- yc^co cm m oN'nvoo a - m o N3 m3 003 �1 3 3w no J K7 0_ _ 7 ^ oro =a `,=. o !n 7 n� w. = n. _ m m N N n n d G m a; J NC n 3' c w a N n N N� R N O- p N "_ - 3 7 K w N -i - O V O i 3 0 C C ^ n a_ a m d 0 :0 - a _ m m' 3 = n = m A ro n n = w = D a m m w tO ? m 0 P a o `0 < = w J m= o N m = -" N N _. o fr D O= in O ry 7C m 3 w -. W m =. CCC w 0 O N m w a i ": N a J G N. w 3 o x -'1 3 C n 5 O ,< 7 7 w = m = ro 3 c m . Vr 7 a m -s 7 x m g C O -N t0 N =tP m n O. '.»^,w 0- NON CwN� = N 2 n o �-�mw 77 N ?'3 a w v J m ry C 3 N n C n am = J d a a n 3 m m cw °' w y rj N d w7 r_0 "`r<^I :" JD m 30 ^= N a 3 �_ - Kro m f E a a - = d N•< mm �° N m Mw _ro = `< c3 = < 3 _ an=wo mn�=n rwm=w=mA aw-o .-mN ^ �a �a 1a=nNo»mo =n0 n -=a = rt=c nc 'mnaav o F^=v v-=_ mrocowm.n7� m£Jm<Ea 3 n y-.oa JmN 7=p = _ _ _ _ =aacom mN m°p$ c a? mao�= ax , = IIowo�vo oro � ncm ornmC+q ata N wed oxo ver 'a v �J o 7n 3 ?ewer ^•n in Pa �? _ 'naronw Jcw ■ _ wmc.mm c w n �'pm w _ mw= :3 n° c<ma,aa'm' e a a ioa a_ N- a n' a n a a 7 < -N J e9 N J = - li] _ - = OO ry 5 't a?_.ry O =n_ mC - m N•<m nr l .-.w' 3 == a = n 10 _o Q SJ 1D<=J bmS7 i rt] 'm m g v n�� n o 3 c m R m e C � 3a m1 J 3 3 a < ='fl 4 a P N o o o` � ro N� w � o n� � N w� P w a vc v n J n .-^ ?« = n N 3 Y N a� z. n =o ff= 0 _3 � ^ a 3 m oaa ' w 3 w o d1 <°, _c o a. w a n== m u m -1 7 a a n _ a w m < a a ,a w o a - w a n _ a rp o w - c .N w w a c 3 o w_ F a a m 3 ro cA -' = a 'n = m m r} o =°' = N N= m N c m o ro ., r ,� M o o w m w -� o o S m 3 m=$ 0 m m s m 3 m w. n q a m _ E v; ` n J O= a w C a a o< ao == fG o a < J o a> j 3 -" o o w 7 3 n m c 3 fl 3 a 's , W n = o w 1 = a °n a t7 N a b a a 0 a G m ti < o ra o J. 3 a n, Q 3 N n^ m n N_ a: :. a? 5' n=' m ,C o a n o n a 25 ' C, l - Z -. =n N o re e_. _= m a N v -' < 7 ro m- < J N a 7 C. m Q e n G- 3 ,a C 9= - 2- ro m N ] 1 n- o rt' 668 'ON U61 '8 Jagwaaao 6uoJtswJV ':) eiaA/s iS31iV JoAeW 'Jr 'luetuo:) 'O u4of/s 'il6('Jaq waAON to Aep g4S1 s!ql 'otlepl 'Honggn4D to Al!J a4t to MC)AVW 3H1 A9 d3AOdddV (INV -11D -Nnoo A11] 3HI. Ae a3ssvd mel Aq pap!Aoid se uo!lea!Ignd pue IeAaJdde 'a6essed sl! uodn OA!t oatta awoaaq Ile4s aaueu!pio s!gl pue 'W!m pasuads!p Agaiag s! %U01seaao alewdas aaJ41 uo peaJ aq of saaueuipio 6u!J!nbaJ a(ni 441 ale(3 eA!l30413 :0 No1w:)3S la!liuoo alge)nuaaaJJ! Ions 10 tualxa atit of paleadaJ Agaia4 aie 'aaueu!pio s)41 Ul!M taili .uoo Algellauoaajq 4o!gm 'oUePI 1Xanggn4:) to A4!0 a4l to saoueu!p Jo Jo!Jd IIV 'leadaa :L NOI1]33 •suors !Ao d Jo suo!laas 6u!u!waJ a41 10 AI!p!leA aUl laa;te IOU IIe4s 6u!plaq pans 'uo!t!a!ps!Jnl Iualad U10.) to 3Jnoa Aue Aq p)(enu! play aq smogs aaueu!pio s!44 ;o uo!s +AoJd Jo uo!Iaas Aug leUl Juana a4i u! 'At!l!geJanaS :9 NOII:)aS lewlue a41 ;o obJego 6u!Ae4 uosJad Jo Jaumo aq1 }o pup pateaol s! uogsanb u! lewlue aql aiagM Aliadoid }o Jaumo aq; 10 uo!le6!(g0 leis Aas pue tu!o4 anal aq IletK anOge 4tiot las suo!Ieln6aJ toJluoo iew!ue lie 41!m aouelldwo3 •(A) 'suo!1!sod xa. yaotsaAll pue soapoi se Uans sluana AJeiodwal pue le!aads of Aldde Aayl !legs Jou 'lauuaM Ieo!JawwOo 40 le;ldso4 AJeuiia taA pasuaa!l Alnp a le tdaA Jo pa -lead 6ulaq slewtue of Aldde lou IIe4s spiepuels 6Ulo6aJOJ ayi •(9) -sa:iues!nu Ja4to Jo 6u! -paaiq Al;.'siopo anlsua;lo aleaJa IOU llegs pue a6eu!eip Jadoid yt!M pap!Aoid aq Reqs 'slejjoD Jo sued pue 'spays Ja saigets p84001 Japun s6u!pue4S saltJadoJd 6w punoJJns uo paleaol saint in JJs agl gllm tuals!suon Jauuew L, u! pau!etui,ew pug pat>nJts uoo iq IIe4s 'Salgels pue 'sleJJoa 'spays 6u!pnpu! 'saJnlanils IIV s(ewrue ayt u!e4ei of gl6uails pue 4y8}ag tua!o)l;ns to aq lsnw so)nsoioua Jel!w!s Jo s)eJJaa 'sued io saauad uO!Iellgeq uew ng Jo} pasn ainlanJls Aue wait laa; AI1}1 uegl ssal lou paten o{ aq llegs 'slewlue bu!daa)l Jot pasn solnI)oJls Jaglo JO 'sdooa 'salge;s 'spa4s lie pue 'aAOge a,ir'baJ sleJJoa Jo sued IIV '(S) apoo s! 4t Japun po! Jad too-asegd Jatyltn) oil aq 045 aJagl 'UR 'Jagwaldas woJt JeaA. auo to polJad a iaAO slew!ue 6u!wio;uoa uou 10 Ino-asegd Jol pap!Aoid 6u! Aeq aoueu!pio 6u!peoaid V -LC6t 'Jagwaidas Jai;e Pap1A!pgns uaaq seg AlJadoid gens p 'ease ul a.ue ;leq-auo ue4t ssal Aliadoid ua Jou 'NaolsaA!I Jot aaueu!p -Jn An nauni inu AiJadnid un sdav 6u!wlel] Jai paJ!nbaJ sae; asuaall JO sea; tuawpunodw! IIV 'uo!gse; auewnQ a ul lew!ue apt 6U!AoJ4s -ap (L) Jo :Aue #! 'slsoa 6u!suao -!I AJessaaau ql!m Jagla6ol 'aal agl Aed (!!m oqm uosiad Aue of 1! 6u!JaA!1ap Aq (1) lewlue ay1 to asods!p Aew aau6!sop s!q Jo all od to ta!g:) aql 'eat pagiJasaJd ayl to IuawAed lnoyl!m Jo w!ela ;nogl!m paJ!dxa se4 u!aiaq po!Jad aw!1 aql uaLfM 'aaiiod ;o la!UJ agt Aq pau!uJJalap AlgeuoseaJ se 'lew!ue agl to Apolsna pue aiea to ISoO lenlae aUl said 'lewlue awes oql to luawaul;uoa tuanbas -qns Jo puooas Aue Jot 00'Obs Jo luawou!;uoa IBJ!; a4I Jot 00'9ls to aat a ;o IuawAed uodn uo!l!sod -sip 01 Jo!id paw!e(o oq Aew Jew -we uv 'tuawpunodw! ;o aoilou 6u!mollot pasdela aAey sAep aiow Jo aAl; Jal;e lew!ue papunod -wi ue ;o asods!p Aew aau6!sap s!4 Jo 8a!10d 10 01140 941 10 'M Jo (a) AJaBalea Japun aaues -inu lewlue ue salnl!lsuoa 4a14M JO '(a) Jo (q) 'le) AJoBoleo ul a]uea!nu lewlue panulluoa a sale; -!&S= 4a!4M lewlue ue ssassod Jo doa,4 'JogJey 'umo of uosJad Aue Jo; Joueawapslw a se alq -eyslund pue Inimelun aq lleys 11 -I!ew ssela ISJ!; Jo AJOAIIap IeUOS -Jad Aq 'uo!isanb u! lewlue a41 ;o a6Jeya 6u!Ae4 uosiad Jo Jaumo aql of uOgDe 4ons ;o aaliou ual -I!Jm 6u1A16 'Iewlue aq4 punodw! pue az!as Aew aau6lsap s!y Jo a3110d 10 la!q:) iql 'aAoge (a) Jo (p) sa!i06a4eo u! aaues!nu lewlue U9 saJnl)tsuoa lewlue a41 t! Jo •aaueslnu lewlue ue ;uasaidaJ of sanu!tuoo uolsanb u! Iewlue oql 11-aoues!nu a41 alege of w!4 bul -laaJlp 'umousl ;! 'uo!tsonb ul Jew -!ue aql ;o a6Je4a 6u!Ae4 uosJad Jo JOUMO a4i at 6u!uJPm ualtllM P I!ew sselo Isil; Aq pias Jo Ja -Allap lleUs aau6lsap s!4 Jo ao!lod ;0 la!43 441 'anoge. (a) pue (ql '(e) SOIJOBa;ea u! ls!xa OI puna) sl aaueslnu lewlue ue ua4M '(L) 'Ainlu! leuosiad Jo a6ewep Aliadoid to uollailtu! 'aseas!p to peaids tuanaid at Jaumo aql Aq painaas aq IouueD Jo IOU sl pue ainleu sno!a!A a sey Jo pasea -s!p sl slalom (a) Jo 'Aliadoid s,Jaumo ay; JO Jaumo a4i 04 ueyl Jagto pu!N Aue ;o AJnlul leuosiad Jo a6ewep Aliadoid pasnea seq ga!gm (p) 'pooyiogg6iau 6ulpunoJ -ins ay; to tainb pue aaead aq4 6u!gnJls!p as!ou saleaia 431Um (a) 'ulaiaq paJ!nbei s! ainsuaa!1 11 pasuaall ;ou sl yal4m (q) 'a6Je) le 6u!uuni aq 01 puno; uaaq sey ga!14M (e) lewlue Aue Aq pa -IeaJa s! aaueslnu jew!ue uV '(11 'saauesMN lew!uV 'pamolles! aulnbo Jo sosJOU 40 6u!plJ aql aiayM saaeld a!lgnd Jaglo Jo s�Jed a!Ignd to seaJe to saieiOno Doul a!Ignd o1 aallod to ;a!43 aql az!Joglne Aew uollnlosaJ Aq 113uno:) Al!:) aql le41 Ja4# -in; 'pap!AOJd pue .saaeld D!Ignd ul palt!wiad aie yl6ual ul taat ua4IJ!J 6ulpeaaxa tau Sa4SP91 Aq palloJJuoa shop legl 'Janamo4 'Pa -Joy} Aue Uadn 'gsllge$sa .Aew (Aaua6e Jossaavns sl! Jo) uoll -eliodsueJi to 4uaw4ieda0 o4epl a4l se l!wll Ja44o UDns Jo Jnoq Jad sol!w (SC; 9A!;4IJ!41 (e) Inimejun sl 1! IeU1 pue luapnid Jo algeuoseaJ lou s! paads a41 te41 aauapina a!ae; ew -!Jd aq IIeUs 511w!I pans to ssaa -xa u! paads Rue Inq 'lnimel aq llegs molaq paltlaads sl!wll aL4 10 SSaaxa u! lou ata14aA -Aue ;o paads ayl 1ydeJ6eiedgns s!41 411m aoue!Idwoa to asodind aq4 Jot paads Jamol saJ!nbai leyl slssxe. piezeq le!aads ou aiayM aie? anp asn of suosiod lle ;o Atnp aUt pue stuawaiinbai le6al 4l!m oauelldwoa ui aJe146noJog1 a41 6u1Jaiva Jo uo aDueAaAUoa Jaylo Jo 9131yan 'uosiad Aug gtlM 6u! -P!Ilao p!one Ol AJessa7au aq Aew se P911MU07 as aq l(eys paads 'Iuana AAOAO ul 'Bul1S!Xa Ua41 spiezeg leslualod pue lenlae aql 01 pJe6aJ BUTAey pue suoll!puoa aU1 Japun luepnid pue algeuoseaJ S! uegl JaleRib paads a 1e 'aJe# -gonoJ04l Jaylo Jo 'Aem JelnD!4 -OA 'Aemg6lq 'hails Aug Bulpnlo -ul 1aJe;46noioy1 :)!Ignd Aue uodn ala!4aA a aleiado of uosiad Aue Jai Joueawaps!w a se algeys! -und pue In;melun aq lle4s 11 -(b) 'paldope Agaiall aie suo!; -ea!w!l 6ulmolloi a44 ,molaq 4tioi las sl!w!I Jelna!1Jed 6ultsl(gelsa Jo; s!seq a4i se uoaiagl luawwoa o!lgnd 41!m Ja4to6ot 1s6u!pu!t yens paiap!suoo 6ulAey l!aunoD pue JOAeW a41 pue "J!Duno:� PUP JOAeW a41 aiotaq bu!laaw a!Ignd u! s6ulpuli st! Paluasaid 6u!Ae4 pue Apnls sli palanpuoa 6ulAe4 aaltiwwOD 241 'A4!:) aill Jot sl!w!I paads algeuoseaJ puaw -wo7aJ of pue 'uolleliodsueJJ- to luawliedaa Ogepi 441 to aouelsis -se aql uletgo of 'Jaau!Bug Al!J 411m tinsuoo of 'sAanins Dille'" lanpuoa o1 (pieog AJoslAPV sail �AJaS pue SIUawaAOJdWI led!a!u •nW a44 paweu-aJ Jatel) aaltlw -wok uOge7ipineag pue A;a;eS' 'a!{;eJi s,Al!:) gill p96Jey3 anew Ipno: pue JOAeW aql 1s1iw11 paads algeuoseaJ asodwl of paau aql to uoglu6oaaJ ul 'A;l:) aq4 ulgl!m paleiado aq AEw. sala!4aA y3!4m to paads aqt uodn pasodwi aq sllwll algeuoseaJ tegl aJ!nbaJ ,At!:) aql 6u!I!s!A SuOsiad to se llam se 'Al!D a41 ;o stuel!gequ! ayl to aie;lam pue Alales 'Ullea4 a44 le4l Aa!lod o!Ignd to Jai -few ,e se aiepap aio;aiay; pue .pul; (!ouno:) pue JoAeW oql. 'll) '51!w1-1 paads .n aie;Ism pue Alales'glleag ]!((Intl aq4 haloid o1 Japio ul a6elgwasse Jo uo!ssaaoid aq4 to ainleu Jo 'ahoy 'az!s a4l uodn uollellw!l algeuoseaJ 'tlwiad Aue to swial aq4 Aq 'aglJasaid hew aallod to ;aryl a41 'Aliadoid pue suosiod to uo!laaloid aallod pue IoJluoo )!;Jeal to swalgoid aql alenlena llegs aa!lod to ;414] a44 'uo!lea!Idde yens Aue buliaplsun ul 'aallod 10 t114:) aqt 'Aq pans -s! pwiad uattaim a pue 'at spew uaaq sey uo!lealldde t! patonp -$Aoid aql 6u!aio;ua to asodind ayl Jot AlJadoid o!lgnd Jo 0JPA!Jd uodn )Blue of IU36e JO JOI7eiluoa 'aaAoldwa 'Ja3tllo Alla piz}1041 -ne Aue molle at asnlaJ Jo Jap -u!q 'gtlM Gia;Jatu! of uosiad Aue Jo; Joueawapslw a se algeyslund pue intmelun aq t(e4s it 'aDues -InN to uo4:)nJlsaO Jo 'luawilegV 'lenowaa gllm a7uaia;Jalul ':) 'mel Aq pap!Aoid tuaixa 441 of Aliadoid a44 1su!e6e uall a awoaaq Reqs t! 'Japioaaa Aluno:) �oouuee aql to aa!;lo a41 le papiooei s! ales -!J!1Jaa a4l ;I 'Mel Aq pap!AOJd ;ualxa a41 0l Atiadoid aq1 uodn luawssasse lelaads Aq papal -Ina aq pue 'JainSeaii. Atunoo ayl at pall!wsueJl pue i{Jal:) Alla atil o; pa!i!lJao aq ogle Aew asuadxa aUi 'aa; s,Aauiolle algeuoseaJ e PUP stsoa 4ilM JaylaBot 'uolJa!ps!J .nl Iualadwoa to 1Jnoa a u! pall; uo!lae IIA13 Aq asuadxa sl! Janos -aJ of pallllua aq lleys Alli 941 'aaueslnu atll AoJlsap Jo atege 'anowai pue uo!tsanb ul sos!waid a4I uodn o6 "stua6e Jo siol agiluoa s,Ay:) a41 Jo 'All7 aql )o saaAoldwo legs laaJlp Aew JoAPW 444 'uollnlosaJ a 4)ns to uo!t -dope 6u!mollod -aaueslnu aq4 Aq paha;le eaJe a41 ul aJeilam pue Ata;es '4peay o!lgnd aql haloid o1 paiinbai sl Alts a41 Aq uoll -ae tettl pue 'aaueslnu 441 AOJls -ap JO 'alege 'anowaJ of aallou e 411m aaue!Idwoa to ain(le; e uaaq sey aiayl leq; 'ts!xa of pal -t)wiad uaaq se4 Jo paleai7 uaaq se4 aDues!nu a 1e41 bu!pul; uoll -nlosaJ a #dope Aew Ilauno� a4t 'umeipgl!M Jo pal;!pow uaaq lou se4 lent aA!JnJ!p a 41!M ague -I(dwoauou to luaAa 441 ul (E) 'uatilJm se paaio;ua Jo umeip -411m 'pali!pow aq pinogs aagou aUt JaUla4M aplaap IIe4s Ilauno-3. a41 pue 16u!laow palnpa4as Alie! -r•,6ai ixau sll le Jatlew aq4 uodn 5ulJea4 a 4Dnpuo3 11egs I!auno:) Alli aill 'paltlwgns sl lsanbaJ pans ;I 'Ilauno� All? 04; Aq ma!A .aJ ioi lsanbaJ ualllim a llwgns '6ulliew io/pue 6ullsod 6uimol Iot sAep ual u!gt!m 'Aew sallied alq)suodsoJ otil ;o auo Aue IL -4l alets 110ys aa!lou UanS 'sts!xa aaueslnu aql asagM uo!leool aq4 Jeau Jo ie saslwaid uodn aaeld luaulwoid a ul Adoo a 6ullsod Aq pue 'sassaippe umous( Isel s!agl at (Jew palllliaa Aq sallied algls -uodsaJ aql 'uodn paniaS aq IIe4s aa!tou yang 'sAep (01) not ue41 ssal IOU po!Jad a uiU;lm paAoilsap Jo 'palege 'panowaJ aq aaueslnu 'e $e41 6u!l!Jm u! ao!iou ani6 Aew 'JaAeW aql Aq pa4eu6!sap At!:) a4l t0 Jaal;}o Ja4to Aue Jo 'tuaw -tiedap aallod oql to Jagwaw Aue 'Ap:) aql to JoAew a4i (L) Aelep Ino -UM aaueslnu ayl AoJlsap of Jo 'stege 'anowaJ at 'paleaJa uaaq sey Jo sts!xa aaueslnu Aue 4a14m of taadsaJ 4llm Jo uodn 'gas! -waid Jo AlJadoid '6u!pl!nq 'fol Aue to a6Jega u! uosiad Jo 'Ja -6euew 'aossal Aue to pue Jaumo aU1}o Alnp aq4 aq Reqs 11 (1) ..._..._.__.._.._ I...._._.._�__..._ deaM aA!soldxg Jo al!IaaloJd 'd 'Sa7uelswn3i!3a4{ al ale!Jd -oidde se 'oyepl ;o aielS aql 10 PV aAllaaloJd PO4? a44 Jo PV uo!leltll!geyab 44noA aql Japun uo!la!pslJn1 lualadwoD ;o tJnoa e ui pal!; aq Aew uo!lllad a 'suols -eoaO sno!Aaid aiow Jo auo uo a6Je4a oNet pue awoa of palsonb -aJ uaaq sett uosiad llnpe Jo 'ue ,IpienB quaied flans ;l Jo 'a6Je4a a,4e; pue awoa o1 slle) Jo pales •ol aq touueo uosJad tlnpe JaUlo Jo 'ue!pienB Iuaied aq1 1l 'Joules ayt ;o a6Je4a 94e; pue awoa of palsenba.i aq IIe4s Joulwa41 to Apotsn� pue aJea 6ulAe4 uosiad linpe Jaglo Jo 'uelpienb 'luaJed atil pue tuawliedap aallod Alli a4i ;o aallto 041 as uOMel aq 11245 Joulw aql 'Ma;Jna to uollelolA ul sl aUs Jo ail teyl uolseaio snolA -aid Aue "o POSIAPe uaaq sey Jou -Iw atil 11 Jo 'ssaippe pue awe" Jpaiioa Ja4 Jo s14 asolasip o} sa -snjoi Jo 'Jaol;;o a41 Aq uo!laaJlp flans paay of sasn;ai Joulw 04; ;I 'IOJluoa Jo Apoisna 6u1Ae4 1105 -Jad i0 'uelpien6 'sluaied s,iou -)w 94t of poliodai aq of uo!lDe yang asnea ogle llegs Jaaltio a4i 'apoge to aaeld lensn Jo awoo Jaq Jo siU 01 aouo le paaaoid of Jou!w a4l taaJ!P pug Ma;Jna to uollelo!A u( sl a4s Jo a4 le41 Jou yes 441 uiem 'JOu!w 044 JO s"Jp ,pe pue aweU 041 ulelJaase Heys uollalJlsaJ Ma;Jna s!U7 ;o uollel -O!A luaiedde ul Joulw a Bulpull Jaol1}o luawaaio;ua mel AuV 'g 'Alnp OA113e UJOJ) aneal pazlio4ine uo Jo Alnp OAltae uo satels Patlun a44 to saoJod powiV aql ;o Jagwaw a s! oym Jo palJjew Alln;mel sl 04m Joutw R (p) Jo 'pamtou uaaq SeU 0311 -od 10 la143 941 4314M 10 AJlA!tae dnoJ6 41noA (n;met a ul Bulled •pilled Joulw a (a) 'Joulw p!es to ApOlsna pue aJea ayt Bu!Aeq uosiad ;Inpe Ja44o Jo 1uelpien6 'luaied Ja4 JO sly Aq pezlJo44ne Jo pahaJ!p ssau!sng 91ew111601 Jo pueiia AauaBiawe ue uodn Joulw e (q) 'Joulw ples to Apotsna pue aJea 6U!Ae4 uosiad t)npe Ja410 Jo uelpien6 'tuaied Jay Jo s!4 Aq poluedw000e Joulw a (e) of Aldde lou Heys uolllq!goid s!4i 'L 'Japlo Jo a6e to SMA (90 uaalxls siou -!w ;a asea a41 ul 'w,e OO:S pue 1481up1w BO:n to sinO4 ail; uaaMl -aq Jo 'sieaA (91) uaalxls ;o a6e 441 Japun sioulw to asea a4l ul 'w'e oo:5 pue 'w,d oB:ol to sinoti a4t uaamlaq 'uo!leool Uans Aue ;e ap!g9A a u! apli 01 Jo aleiado o; Jo 'ailgnd aq4 of uado ses!waid Jaylo Jo aaeld allgnd 'aie;g6no -Jogl Jeln3l4aA Jo ueiJ{sapad Aue uodn u!ewaJ of Jo ob 0l Joulw Aue Jai In;melun aq llegs 11 -t •ma;Jnr •O •aauels -qns alsem J6410 Jo lJlp 'le!Jalew pa14611 196egJe6 Jo 4seJI 'ailm ''4ae1 11!eu 'uea 'ssel6 'Jell!& ')ad -ed 's!Jgap Aue 'JO19Jagl paplAOJd AlleO!tloads siouleluoo u! ldaoxe 'Ja44oue ;o Aliadoid aleAlJd Jo At -Jadoid 3!lqnd Aue 6uole Jo uodn Isaiie Aug 01 Jo!Jd ,lleus Jaal;to aallod a 'algea!1aeJdw! 11 a42UJ saauetswnaJ!a Jawo Jo Jolae a4s Aq w6m ssalun Iaalgo Aue Jo ;las s,auo leaauoa of s1Jo;;a 15at -S!uew Jo Iles s,ouo Apluap! of lesntaJ 'Aaol;;o aallod a to aoue -Jeadde uodn IgBgI aJe patueJ -Jem si wiele pans Ja44agm 6u! -ulwJalap ul paiap:suoa aq Aew Us!4M saauelswnaJl:) aql BuOwV 'AIIUlalA ayl ul A1JadoJd J0 suosiad to Alales a4l Jo; wiele slueiiem 'saauetswnDJl3 atit Jap un 'yal4m Jauuew a ul Jo aw!1 e le aaeld a u! Imoid of Jo Jai .iol of uosiad Aue Jot lnimelun aq IOUs tl '6uilmOJd JO bulJa1!o1 'H •a)gedeD AllealsAgd sl uosJad pies 4a14/A to aauels!sse pons JapuaJ at 1aalBau Jo asniai of palleD ua4m uasiad Uans Aue Jai , Joueawaps!w a se algeUs!und pue Inimelun aq Netts 11 pue !AJessa eau wasp Aew aU leyl A;IJolew to a6e a4t JOAO suazlllD 10 Jaq -wnu Aue 'uolla!pslin1 luatadwoD to linos a Aq pangs! lueJJBm e SPI04 J071;;O 4]ns IsaJJe asoqm Jai io iaal1;o ue to oauasaid aU1 ul asua;;o ue pall!wu= se4 oym uosiad Aue ;o isaiie ue taotta of AMSaoau ua4M Jo 'a6elgwasse lntMelun pue snon;lntun; Ja410 Jo loll a ;o uolssaiddns ul pie S14 01 (lea of poiamodwe Agaiay S! Jaol;;o aallod AUV 'SJaa1110 aallod of aauelsISSV Bu!A!O 'o -p06Jeyo aJe saat "01S .Slwpe aiaym uo!leaol Ja410 Aue Jo 'juawulelialua to aDeld 'IIeU uo11!g14xe 'A4111ae; Jo plait 71141 -41e 'aileagl Aug 'aa; uolsslwpe Jadoid aUl ;o tuawAed lnot(Ilm 'iatua o1 Alivalnpnei; uosiad AUe io; Joueawapslw a se alq •eyslund pue In;melun aq Reqs tl •saad uolss!wpV to aaUeplOAV •d 'ApJOUJne tnogllm Jaa!JJo y3n8 to ;legaq uo Jae lelalilo Rue wio;Jad O$ Jo 'Jeal;;O 43ns Aue aleuosiadw! 01 tdwatte of ',lanq .qnq:) )o A11:) 041 ;a Jaai;;o 'tie aq at ilaswIq ;uasaidaJ of Alaslel uosiad Aue Jot Joueawapslw e se alge4s!und pue lnimelun aq IIe4s 11 1104eluasaJdalll as19d '3 •ailgnd a41 of Ueda aaeld JO 6u!pl!nq Ja410 Jo 'gDJntia 1J1Jed a!Ignd Aue u! Jo 'Dllgnd aql of uado aJe1g6noio44 JaUto Jo Aem uelJlsapad 'AeM Jel .nalyaA 'APMU614 IaaJls Aue uodn sasuas ayt of anlsuaJ;o aauels .qns Ja4lo Jo alsem uewnq llsod -ap OSIMJaglO Jo aleoa;ap 'ateulJn '11ds 'gleiotDadxa at uosiad Aue Jo; Joueawapslw a se alge4slund _ pue (n;melun aq llegs 11 'saaeld a!lgnd u! saauelsgnS OAlsual;o 'Q •Ap -alma wait adema oI Idwatle Jo edema of '04ep1 to aletS aU1 10 smel aql to Jo 3anggn4O to A413 aql to aaueulpio Aue ;o uo!Iel -OFA qt!M paBJega sl o4m pue 'Ap -otsrn inimel u! asiMJ0410 Jo MA -Je Japun sl oUm uosiad Aue Jo; Joueawapslw a se algegs!und pue Intmelun aq 1124S 11 •adeos3 ':) 'lsanbaJ iqt 41!m Alale!paww! Aldwoa F04 PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Bannock 1977 - -- --- - ------------- `�----------- being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says. That__________ ___ was at all times herein mentioned a citizen of the United States of America, more than 21 years of age, and the Principal Cleric of THE IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, a daily newspaper, printed and published at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation therein. That the document or notice, a true copy of which is attached, was published in the said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, to -wit: :&_Q Xe—A k_"__Y---- i 9--'Zf/ ----------------- 19------ --------------------------------------- 19------ ---------------------------------------- 19------ ----------------------------------------f 19------ -------------------------------------- 19 ------ --------------------------- 19------ --------------------------------------- 19 ------ -------------------------------------- 19------ ---------------------------------------/ 19 ------ That said paper has been continuously and uninterruptedly pub- lished in said County for a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the ublication of said notice or advertisement and is a newspaper within the m aning of the laws of Idal o. Subscribed and sworn to before me this____________ ----- l --------- ._______. day ofz).�C'exy G-e,-`�J------ 19-.Z7 -\ ------------------------- Notary Public, State of Idaho Residence: Pocatello, Idaho