HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 21 1977 Ord. 179PROOF OF PUBLICATION
County of Bannock
----------- - -- - - - - ----
cannot be located personally, It snau (525.00),constitute sufficient notice if a Copy cause aof the same is posted in a con- permit to be issued forsavage of on oath depo es and says: That-_ --- _ --
spicuous place upon the property parts from one vehicle and -or for
and duplicate copies of the notice necessary repair of an existing in mentioned a citizen of the United States of
are sent by certified mail to the vehicle. Such permit shall be valid
owner of the vehicle and the owner for a period not exceeding thirty (30) 11 years of age, and the Principal Cleric of THE
or occupant of the property, if days. No more than two (2) such
known, at their last known ad- permits may be obtained' by any sIAL, a daily newspaper, printed and published at
dresses. Persons to whom notices person orhousehold during any -
are directed or their duty authorized twelve (12) -month period. When a t Idaho, and having o general Circulation
agents, may file a written request permit has expired, if inspection by DL1ny,
for hearing before the Chubbuck the director of traffic or his designee
City Council within the 15 -day period discloses that the unused salvage
prescribed herein, for the purpose of has been removed and -or the vehicle
showing cause why they should not repaired by the permittee, the feet or notice, a true copy of which is attached, was
be' required to comply with the herein specified shall be refunded;
terms of this ordinance. Such but if such salvage has not been DAHO STATE JOURNAL..., on the following dates,
hearing shall be held at the next removed and or the vehicle repaired
regularly scheduled meeting of the within the specified time period, the
Chubbuck City Council at least five director of traffic or his designee
(5) days after the filing of the shall issue a notice to remove as
request for hearing, and the persons provided in Section 4 above and shall
to whom notices are directed shall proceed as directed by this Or-
be advised by ordinary mail or dinance. The permit fee shall be 19
personal delivery of the time and retained, crediting it against the ----
place of said hearing at least five (5) city's cost.
days in advance thereof. The time SECTION9: Penalties
remaining for compliance with the a. Upon failure ofcompliancewith
notice shall be tolled upon the filing this ordinance by the owner of a
of a request for hearing and shall not vehicle or by the owner or occupant
again commence to run until the of property from which such vehicle -----r 1 9 - - 19 ------
JANCE N0. 179 hearing has been conducted and the has been removed by the City, the
ICE OF THE CITY OF City Council has issued its decision. City may file a civil action against
IDAHO, GOVER- At any such hearing, the City and the any or all of them to recover the.----, 19 ------ --------------------------------------- -- 19 --
;LES THAT DO NOT persons to whom notices have been unpaid expenses incurred by such
NSES OR SAFETY directed may introduce such wit- removal, including litigation costs
I CERTIFICATES AS nesses and evidence as either party anal a reasonable attorney's fee. In 19 ------ .-----_--__----------------------------- T9 -----
BY LAW OR THAT deems necessary. The city council addition, as part of or separately
R U C T U R A L L Y shall decide whether or not the from the civil action, the City may
, DISMANTLED, vehicle in question should be im- cause a lien or special assessmentto,as been cOntinuouSly and uninterruptedly pub -
Y DISMANTLED, pounded (unless impoundment has be placed directly upon the property
ABANDONED OR already occurred as authorized where the vehicle was located for for a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the
�; DEFINING THE below) and subject to disposition the amount of such expenses.
ED IN THIS OR- pursuant to this ordinance. b. Any violation of a provision of Ce O advertisement and is a newspaper within
PROHIBITING AS A Notwithstanding the foregoing this ordinance shall be unlawful and
THE STORING, provisions of this section, if the Punishableasamisdemeanor.Each
LEAVING OR director of traffic reasonably day that such violation continues'S Of Ida O.
I I N G OF SUCH determines that the condition and with respect to each vehicle may be
FIXING RESPON location of a subject vehicle are such deemed a separate offense.
:OR REMOVAL OF that the vehicle represents a clear, Prosecution for such offense shall not
1CLES; PROVIDING present and serious hazard to life, not preclude a civil action for
.E AND HEARING safety or health, he shall, without recovery ofCos
isaspravidedabave. /� n
ISPOSITION OF SUCH delay, attempt to ascertain the SECTION 10: Invalidation Claysg lrn to before me his .............. .-,------+-`-
B Y THE C1 T Y ; identity of its owner and of the owner
If any section, paragraph, clause or
NG DISPOSITION BY or occupant of property on which it provision of this ordinance is held
'ION OR PUBLIC is found, and shall personally serve invalid by any court of competent 1971!
MITTING REDEMP- upon such person(s) a written jurisdiction, for any reason, such ------------
I M P O U N D E D demand that the vehicle be removed holding shall not affect the validity
PROVIDING FOR within twenty-four 124) hours. If the or envorceability of any of the
'ERMIT AND FEE; identity of such person(s) cannot be remaining provisions.
SECTION 11: Re eat of Con-
PENALTIES FOR readily ascertained, or if there is a .......----
N OF THIS OR failure to comply with the demand flitting Ordinances. prior or -
PROTECTING THE for removal, the director of !raffic dinances and parts thereof, which Notary Public, State of Idaho
PROVISIONS OF may remove and impound the cover the same subject matter
iINANCE IF ONE vehicle as provided below, and shall governed by this ordinance, are Residence: Pocatello Idaho
SHOULD BE HELD give notice of such action in the hereby repealed.
REPEALING ALL manner prescribed in Section 5 SECTION 12: Etfecti The
DINANCES IN CON- below. Opportunity for hearing shall rule requiring an ordinance to be
i THIS ORDINANCE, be granted as provided above, ex read on three separate days is
„xTENT OF SUCH cept that (a) hearing may be hereby dispensed with, and this
ordinance shall become effective
AND PROVIDING, requested after either notice to
ORDINANCE SHALL remove or notice of impoundment, upon its approval and publication as
:FECTIVE. and that (b) the person(s) receiving provided by law.
IRDAINED BY THE notice may request, and "shall PASSED BY THE COUNCIL AND
D COUNCIL OF THE receive upon request, an ac APPROVED 13Y THE MAYOR of
UBBUCK, IDAHO: celerated hearing before a quorum the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, this
1: Definitions. For the of the Chubbuck City Council at a 14th day of June, 1977.
t —15 ordinance, the special meeting conducted no later -s- John O. Cotant Jr.
ms, phrases, words and than seven (7) days after filing the Mayor
itions, shall have the request for such hearing. Notice of ATTEST:
cribed herein. When not such hearing shall be personally
with the Context, words delivered or sent by ordinary mail
present tense shall in- no less than five (5) days in advance -s- Vera C. Armstrong
Lure, plural words shall- thereof. City Clerk
singular, and singular SECTION 5: Removal and lm-- June 21, 1977
include the plural. Theoundment b It . If the violation No. 475
is always mandatory Ue-5-c-r-lb—ed in the notice has not been
to wns aqj ;o Japia Aauow JO
,:)a43 pal;!lJaa 'Use:) u! juawAed Aq
pa!uedwoa3e 'tiwjad les3ads a aol
uosJad Aue jo uoilea!!dde uodn 753
pue j!wJad Ie!3a S =8 N0IiJ3S
,uo!j3adsu! 3!Ignd Jot algel!ene
apew ag IIeUs Pue 3WeJl 10
J01oaJ!p a4110 931110 aqj u! palsod aq
Ileus 's1so3 lenge ;o uJalled s,Am
a4; bu!13a11ai sasuadxa 6ulsslJanpe
pue a6eJols 'lenowaJ lensn 'pajim
.u! Apeaile sasuadxa 6u!s!t)aA
-pe ales AJeu1w!laJd Ave Snld
'a6eJ0ls pue lenowaJ to asuadxa
algeuoseaJ pue lenjoe a4l Jol x!1 pue
au!wJalop Ite4s 3!1leJl ;o Jo13aJ!p
a41 se wns 43ns to NJaI:) Al!3
a410l juawAed pue `jsaJalu! paJnaas
Jo ua!l 1d!4sJaumo 10 towd uodn
uo!13n.31sap Jo ales sl! 01 Joud 1nq
lenowaJ sl! Jalje awls Aue le a1314aA
43ns waapaJ Aew ameulp" s!4l
10 suo!s!AOJd a41 Japun papunodw!
al3143A Ave 'u1 lsaJalu! paJn3as Jo
ua!l a bU1jJaSSe uosJad Jo 'to Jaumo
a4i •uaT :L NO!1335
vmou�ll!'lsaJalul Al!Jnaas Jo
ua!l p!!eA a buiplo4 AlJed Jo'al314aA
a4i 10 JauMO a41 0l pled aq Ileus
spaamid snldJns Aue pue JaJnseaJi
Al!:) aqj Aq At!:) aqj to ja6pnq
tuawaaJotua Mel alelJdoJdde 941
of Pallsodap aq l!e4s uo!laq!Jls!p Jo
ales Rue ;o asJno3 aqj ul paJano9aJ
stso:) 'paA!9D4J a3!Jd ase4aJnd aqj
)o lunowe a41 0l pal!w!I Al13lJls aq
Ileus slua6e Jo saaAoldwa sl! to A11:)
a41 10 A111!ge11 a41'plleAu! aq UoseaJ
Aue Jot ales a44 pino4S -luawlJedaa
uo!lelJodsueJi o4epl apt to
a3!t;0 ale!idoJdde a41 0l papJemao;
aq of Ado3 Ja4loue pue 'AJai3 At!3
aqj 4l!m pal!; aq of Adoa auo 'Jase43
Jnd 941 01 uaA16 oq of Ieul6!Jo aqj
'ales to 9jea11ljJa3 aje!JdoJdde ue
alnaaxa Ileus 3111eJ1;o Jo13aJIp aqj
'a3!Jd ase43Jnd 941 to juawAed to
awls 941 lb' 'Japp!q lsaq pue jsa46!4
a4j 01 4seD Jot plus aq IIeUs al3!4aA
a41'ales to aaeld pue 'aw!l'atepa4i.
to uo!le1!3aJ a (31 pue 11! Apjuap! 01
lua!�!yjns alaMaA a4l jo uolldl jasap e
(q) 'At!:) a41 Aq papunodw! A1JodoJd
;o s, ales a4l. te4l luawalels e
(e) apnpu! Ilegs ales to a3ljou 43nS
-ales pasodoJd 941 10 alep a41 wo;aq
sAep (OL) uaj ue41 ssal sou ales
�!lgnd to aallou a 'Aj!3 a41 u!41!m
uo!jelnaJ!3 IeJaua6 10 Jadedsmau
e ui aouo gsllgnd pue 6u!pI!nq
led!:)Iunw Alin aqj u! Altuaulwoad
tsod Ileus 01j;eJ1 ;o Jo43aJlp
a41 'anoge paq!Josap se slso3
;o ssa3xa ui pas!eJdde si 81p!4aA
a41 11 'luawtJedaO uollelJodsueji
ogepl a4j so a3ltto ale!JdoJd
.de aqj of papJemJo1 aq Ileus Ado3
Ja4loue pue NJal3 At!:) aqj 44!m pall}
aq I legs a4e3jpsJa3 goes to Ado3 auo
•uo!13nJlsap jo ales to ase31;!sJa3
a1e!JdoJdde up ajn:)axa pue a13!4aA
a41 10 asods!p AI!Jewwns ua4j.
Aew 311teJt 10 Jot3aJlp aqj 1(uoll3ne
3!lgnd le plos aJam (s)al3l4aA
aUt t! paJJnw! aq pinom le4j slso3
6uIs11Janpe a41 6v!P(1l3ul) POIMu!
s4so3 a4j uegj ssal le pas!eJdde
S! al3!4aA 341 11 'pasieidde aq of
a13!4aA ags asnea I1e45 Al!D ay; 'pled
sjsoa s,A1!,_) a44 pue paw!el3 uoaq jou
seq al3!4aA aqj 43!4m 6u1Jnp'9Aoge
,AlJadoJd aqj 10 juedtuao JO Jaumo
aqj pue 191al4aA a41 10 Jaumo 941
11 A4Jadoid a4j;o juedroao JO Jaumo
a4s Jo-pue al3!4aA a41 to Jaumo
al41 15v!e6e pa!Aal aq of AgaJa4j
paJJn3u!51503 .aUl gjkM lenowaJ
flans a !elJapun Ileus aau6!sap sl!
Jo A1!:) a41'swJa1 sl? 44!M Aldw03 0l
aJnl!el uodn 1eut as!Ape Ja4jJnt Ile4S
aallou aqj 'aallou a41 t0 a3uenss!
6u!mollo; sAep (SU u0011111 u!411m
lenowaJ s11 6u!jsanbaJ pue a3ues!nu
aql 10 a3uajslxa aqj 10 wa416u!A1! jou
'jua6e s!U Jo AliadoJd aqj ;o
Jaumo 941 uodn uaw 4uedrn3o OAS
ou s! aJa41 ase3 u! Jo'sls!xa aauzs! nu
aqt a)agm Aliado.id a4s ;0 4uedn3
ao aqj Pup ala!4aA aql 10 JauMO
a41 uodn PaAJas aq llegs 601!Jm ul
a3!jou e'Aj13 aqj u!4l!m sls!xa aAoge
Z u0q:)aS u! pau!;ap se aweslnu
Aue 1e41 31tteJl to Jo139J!p a4l 10
uo!tualle a44 Oj saw03 11 JanauagM
pue a3!i.oN :v NOIl]3S
juanbasgns Jo 'u01Ss!w
-.lad 1a6palmous Jo!Jd s,4uedn33o
Jo s,Jaumo a41 tnoUl!m AlJadoud p!es
uo peoeld sem uagsanb u! a13!4aA aqj
le4t 3!tteJ4 10 Jo13aJIp apt of stead
-de Alpo43e;s!1es 1! t! AsJadoJd a4i.
;o juedn33o Jo JauMO a41 04 QW11P
lou lle4s Aj!I!geil cans 1e41'Pap!AOJd
!paJJnaui sasuadxa aqj Jot algell
aq IIegS pale>0l 51 813!4an aqj aJa4M
A1JadoJd ateA!Jd a44 to luedn33o
Jo Jaumo aqj JO -PUP 'ala!4aA 941
to Jaumo aqj 'At!:) a41 Aq uo!l!sodslp
PUP leAowaJ 10 Juana a4i. u.l
-lenowaJ 1dwoJd s1! Jos alglsuodsaJ
aq 11¢45 'wa4j 10 He Jo Ja4l!a
'paleaol s! al31.48A LIMS g3!4M u0
AlJadosd aseA!Jd 941 }o juedn33o Jo
JauMO 941 pue 'a13!4aA j3algns a to
Jaumo a41 'molaq pa!tpoads se pJeaq
aq of A1!unlaoddo pue a3!jou JadoJd
uodn' 1l!q!sMUS ant :E NO1173S
,sail!:) pajeJodJ03
u! u!4l!m sal3!4aA of sa!ldde
1! 1e4j tuajxa aW 01'ZSL-59 '38S aPOD
ogppI Aq pau WA015 alalgaA Auy 'p
.wall s,Jot3allo3 ap!;
euoq a aq of spu!; 3!t;eJj 10 Jo13aJlp
aUl 4314m pue uo!leaolsaJ 10 ssa3oJd
aqj u! s! 4:)!4M ala!4aA Auy '3
'sAema3eJ Jo
sd!JjsbeJp uo uo!leJado Jot pau6!sap
Jo paldepe Alleal}!3ads uo!1!p
.uo:) algeJado u! 013!4aA Auy 'q
'Al!:) a41 10 smeI
6u!uoz aqj Aq pall!wJad si ssaul5nq
e 43ns aJagm Pate up u! pale3ol pue
At!:) a44 Aq pasua3!I Allnlmel os!JdJaj
-ua ssau!snq a 4tlm u0113auuo3
ul p!a4 alal4aA Ave Jo A;JadoJd
aleAlJd uo 6u!pl!nq a u!gl!m pasola
.ua Alajaldwo3 a13149A Auy 'e
:oj Aldde
IOU Ileus a3ueu!pJo s!Ul 'JanamOH
molaq pap!AOJd se palege aq Aew
aoues!nu 43nS 'Aj!D a4410 sluap!saJ
aqj ;o aJejl9M pue a3ua!uaA
-uo:) 'Alales '44!ea4 3!lgnd a41
01 pJeze4 sno!Jas a stuasaJdaJ 11 1e4j
U! a3ues!nu a aq of paJepap AgaJa4
s! AjaadoJd a!Ignd Jo a4m!Jd uo
'toaJa4j s1Jed 10'alDIUM aA!le.lad0u!
ue to a3uasaJd 941 'sJno4 (rz) Jno;
-Atuamt 6u!paa3xa awls;o po!Jad e
Jot As!:)a4j u!4j!m A1JadoJd a1eA!Jd
Jo 3!Ignd Ave uodn 'jou -co papualle
«:�,u Benno nauuan cp wnHiaA
orsryvn vWF ll i�m'.ca — v" moi•
a13!gaA agJ asne� Ile4s Ai!� em 'p!ed
sJso3s,Al!0a41 pup pawl el:) uaaq lou
seg aplgaA aq1 4a!4m 6u!Jnp 'anoge
pozpoglne se aa!jou 6UTA16 pup
ala!gaA a 6u1A0waJ Jajje asd2!a sAep
A{x!s 11 'uoll!S S!O :9 NOUDEIS
'l!ew AJeulp-10
Aq juas Jo AlleuosJad pa-1aA!lap
aq llegs aa!ION 'abeJOls pue
leAOwaJ sl! jo; AJ!J aqJ Aq paJJrnui
slsoa aql olels pup 'pa -101s sl alargaA
aqj aJagm uo!leaol aqj Ajlaads
!legs aa!jou aql aaueu!pjo s!44
10 u014e101A Joj pato Js pup popunod
-WI uaaq seq alal4aA p!es le4l
'UMOUA J! 'paAOwaJ SUM ala!4aA a4J
galgm woJj Al-1adoid aqj jo luedn000
Jo Jaumo mqJ 01 osle pue'Japloquall
umou� Aue 01 'ala!gaA a4J jo
Jaumo aqJ of a3llou aA16 llegs aljjeJI
10 JOIaaJ!p aL9 'al3lgaA gins 10
lenotuaJ aqj jo sJno4 (9V) lul6!a-AIJOj
u!tll!M 'aneuipjo s!ql Aq paz!Jogine
se alalgaA a anowaJ of 6u!ldwalle
aau6lsap s!q JO aljjeJl 10 J013DJ!p
aqj of ssaaae Auap Jo Japu!4 '4J!m
aJalJalu! o1 uos-1ad Aue Jol lnjmelun
aq Ileuls 11 'pa;eDol s! it a-1agm
sas!waid aqJ w0J1 11 anowaJ Pup
uo!lsanb u! al3lgaA aq1 jo uo!ssossod
aAeJ 01 pazlJo4lne s! aaublsap
s!4 Jo o:ljeJl10 JoJaaJlp agJ'I!DunoJ
A1!J 04i Aq u0!4e€O!A Gull 10 aauewJU
-je 6u!molloj paJ!dxo seq pO!Jad
aaue!idwoo aqj pup palonpuoa
uaaq seq 6u!Jeaq a p Jo 'po!jad
aaue!ldwoj atil 411m pa!paw0J
uaaq JOU se4 aa!Jou aqJ u!a rJasa
uo!lelo!A aq1 11 ' 1!� q Juawpuno
wl pup .lenOwaa :S NOUDEIS
joa-1a4 J
a3uenpe u! sAep (S) aAII uegJ ssal ou
l!ew AJeU1pJ0 Aq JUGS Jo paJaA!lap
AlleuosJad aq llegs bul-1eaq gans
10 a31ION 'bulJeaq Mans Jot Jsanba-1
ay1 66!1!l Jalj'e sAep (L) lianas uegl
Jalel ou palanpuoo 6ur4aaw le!aads
e 1e llauno0 At!J ADnggnulJ aqj to
wnJonb a OAOIaq bu!Jeat( POWJ9193
,oe lie '4sanbaj uodn OA!aaal
IIegS - pup 'Jsanboi Aew aalJou
6u!A!a21aJ (s)uos-1ad aqj (qj Jegl pup
'JUawpunodw! 10 aa!JOU 10 anowaJ
of aa!lou Jatlpa 1911e palsanbaJ
aq Aew bu!Jeaq (e) JegJ Idaa
-xa 'OAoge pap!Aad se palueJ6 aq
IIeulS 6u!Jeaq Jot AJ!unlJOddO 'Molaq
g uoWiaS u1 paq!nsa-1d Jauuew
aqJ u! uo!1ae flans jo 93!Jou OA16
11245 pup 'mo{aq p9pino-1d se ap!4aA
G41 punodw! pup anowaJ Aew
a!11eJ; io JoIOaJlp aqJ '12AOwaJ Jot
puewap ag1 yl!m Aldwoa o1 a-1nl!e1
e s! a-1aq! 1! Jo 'pau!elJaase Al!pep t
aq jouuea (s)uosJad flans 10 AJ!luap!
aql 11 'smoq (Vg) Jnoj-Aluamj u!gl!m
panowaJ ag ala!gaA aglleull puewap
ualilJm a (s)uosJad gins uodn
aAJas AlleuosJad Ileqs pup 'punol sl
J! gargm uo AlJadoJd jo luedn3ao Jo
Jaumo aql 10 pup Jaumo sl! jo Al!luap!
oqJ ulel-1aase of Jdwaile 1A2lap
Jnogl!m 'lle4s aq '4lleaq Jo Alales
'aj!l 01 pJezeq sno!Jas pup 1€JaSGJd
'Jeala a sluasaJdaJ 010140A a44 Jeql
guns aJe alalgOA Iaalgns a jo uo!lea0l
pup uo!J!puoa aqj le4l saulwJalap
AlgeuoseaJ 3!jJU-4 10 J010aJ!p
941 1! IUOI130S sl4J to SUOjS!AOJd
6u!O6a-1oj aqj 6u!puejSLWMJON
uoll!sods!p 04 1aalgns pup (molaq
-Aluaml 6u!paa3xa awll jo po!Jad e
Jol Al!J ayl u!gl!m Al-1ado-1d aleA!Jd
Jo a!lgnd Aue uodn 'lou Jo papuaJJe
JagJogM 'anoge pau!jap Se alp140A
laalgns Aue jo luawuopuege Jo
6u!Aeal `buljols'6ugjed a411!wJad
Jo'uopuoge '0A2al 'a-1ols 'iIJed lleys
suos-1ad ON 'aau2s1nN Jo uo1JeJ2Iaa0
pup uo!I!WgOJd :b NOIlJ3S
Jo pauopuege pa�unl 'pall
-uews!p 'paFewep AlleJnanJJs s!
43,!4m JO 'mel Aq paJlnba-i a -1e awes
a41 j1 'alea!j!i-1aa uo!Jaadsu! Alajes
alJ!4aA IUaJJna a pup saleld Jo aleld
asuaa!l paJ!dxoun up gioq ola-1agl
pax!jje Allnlmel 4Ae4 IOU sa0p
g3IQM 'anoge paUgap se 'ala!gaA
Aue s! ,alJ!gaA laalgnS„ 'a
'uo!jepunol a of pax! jje
Jou pai!gegU! Jagl!au aae 4a!gm
sJapp.q pup s-1adwea apnlau! osle
(legs 11 pup :olaJagl saoueuel-1nd
-de Jo sJ-1ed se Ilam se 'sJJea
jlo6 pup 'Sjjeo-06 'sjo.Dejj 'sawo4
Jolow 's)j:mjJ 'sjaJOOas Jolow
'salaA3UOJow 'sa�!q Jolow 'sasnq
'sallgowolne 'ileJ3J31eM '112-11
-J!e 'ol pal!w!l lou Inq 16urpnlau!
'J!e aql 46noJ4J Jo Jalem uo'punoJ6
aqj 6uole lanell 01 pau6!sap JO-pue
pal!adoJd-1laS s! 431UM alalgaA
Aue Ueow 11245 .,8;0,gaA,, •q
'Al!aedea s!y1 ul aAJaS of
JoAeW agi Aq paieu6!sap aaAoldwa
At!:) Jaglo Jo aa!lod jo la!gJ aqj
-AJOIaaJ!p Ala-1au)IOU pup
AJOJepuew sAemle sl „Ile4s„ PAM
a41 Iejnld aql apnlau, lEegs sp-1Om
Jeln6u!s pup 'Jeln6uis aqJ apnpti!
lie4s spJom 1piold 'ainInj aqj apnla
-ul Ile4s asual luasaJd aw u! pasn
spJom 'txaJuOD aqj qJ!m luajs!suo3ul
lou ua4M -u!a-1aq poq!Jase s6u!ueaw
aql aneq lle4s 'Suo!JeA!Jap J!agJ
pup spJOm'saseJgd'sWJaJ 6u!mollOj
a4J 'aaueu!pJo sal jo asod-1nd
a4l Jod -suo!J!u!J00 �t NOIIJ3S
:OHVOI'>6n99nHJ dOAlIJ
3H1 d0 -1014nO'3 (INV aOAVW
3Hl A8 03NIVONO ll 39
-3AI1J3dd3 3WOJ39
HJnS =10 1N31X3 3H1 01
'3JNVNIOaO SIH1 H11M 13I -Id
3NO dl 3JNVNl02JO SIH1
31-11 9N€1J31ONd '3JNVN10
-a0 SIHl d0 NOI1V-101A
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