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04 27 1977 Treasurers
PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO s County of Bannock CITY OF CHUBBUCK Quarterly report iStOUARTER Statement of Cash Receipts, Disbursements and Balance January, February and March, 1977 19�L�_ - - -------------- 1 oath deposes and says P R 2 1977 ----------------------------------- That .... %110(tu --------- mentioned -------------•--------------------That------------- mentioned a citizen of the United States of Cash on Hand Received Disbursed Cash On Hand SalarySalary Per years of age, and the Principal Cleric of THE p 1-1-77 pry pprap. Expended 3-31-77 Used -- �L, a daily newspaper, printed and published at 91,107.66 185,260.78 105,603.23 170,76.5.21 112,845.00 39,182.40 35 lion 'tan 57,901.62 123,588.09 74.355.26 91,634.75 140,622.13 62,380.00 14,480.75 23 Jnty, Idaho, and having a general Circulation .0- 4,550.00 19,038.09 rit14,925.00 19,993.93 29,550.00 5,368.93 serve 40,820.51 41207.50 .0- 45,028.01 Bond 39,384.12 .0. 6,056.67 33,327.45 or notice, a true copy of which is attached, was Bond 2,210.71 8,568.75 7,05,6.25 3,723.00 AHO STATE JOURNAL., on the following dates, Bond 66.83 12100.00 0 1,?66.81 SED AS FOLLOWS General Fund February, 1977 Chubbuck Service Corner 23.50 anuary, 1977 City of Pocatello 250.00 Amcor, inc. 4,335.36 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 456.30 439.43 A. Carl Croft, Sheriff 112.00 Concord Press 32.04 1`�-- 19 643.90 Barlows, Inc 3.00 D. Burnett L282.02 _ _r ______ ------ r -------------------------------- r ieriff 100,00 Blocks 64.86 Electrical Contractors 7.03 24.86 Bannock Paving 111.79 Electric Service Co. 228 1919-____- 5.00 BannockCo. Sheriff 100.00 E.W. Cellan 104.00 .., ------------------------ rod. 70,28 Bengal Construction 366,W F. Morton Pitt 43.83 rod. 18.00 Bangs Office Prod. 122.56 Gateway Cycle& Key 49.95 19 19 %8.02 Bee Cleaning 126.00 Gateway Printers 231.44 - , ------ trworks 163.40 8i IImeyer's, inc. 11.07 Goodyear Tire& Rubber 51.46 13.36 B.& B. Painting 2,609,15 I.B.M. Corp. 29,10 )Ply 2,375.00 B. & 1. Furniture Co. 519.00 I.D.L.I.S. 4.00 19 ------ --------------------------------------"", 19 ------ 9------ 9 Co. g 102.55 Chevron Oil Co.895.06 Idaho Power 1,034.98' Iter 147.64 Chubbuck Waterworks 163.40 Idaho State Journal 326.00 ractors 203.89 Chevron Oil Co. 18.03 tntermountainGas Co. 24.5.02 19 19_.___- ins&Assoc. 25.00 Denny's Tune-up 210.40 Inkley'S 32.10 --_ I ------ ---------------------------------------- ars 166.20 Denny sOiI Co. 4.00 I.C.B,o, 25.00 at 3,451.50 Dale's Auto Supply 38.05 I.C.B.O. 60.00 is been continuously and uninterruptedly pub - et. 34.25 International Conference J. VoeIler & Assoc. 900.00 Gas 94.04 ofBidg.Officials 45.00 John& Jerry'$ 4 Wheeler 134;91 or a of seventy-eight weeks prior to the alnt 121.91 D.V. Bolinder Co. 53.25 L.N. Curtis &Sons 3,336.77 period �. 989.61 E. Muir 85.00 Larry's Gas 20.00 is rnal 58.83 FirestoneStores 57.06 MountainBe31 264.01 ce or advertisement and a newspaper within 3.00 Fred's Photo 7.00 Med-Alert Ambulance 290.00 Tire 34.22 Goodyear Tire & Rubber 150.48 N.L.M.L.O. 118.25 ofQx�� e 175.00 Gunter Plastic 9.89 N.W. Law Ent. Equip. 43.12 65.51 Gateway Cycle & Key 1.50 Ostler Glass & Paint 174.28 Rply Co. 56.00 House of Glass 24.70 Partner steel Co. 4.00 �ulance 290.00 Idaho ass PaintPocatello Blueprint 4,17 223.52 Idaho Power Co. 1,012,18 Pocatello Fire Equip. 26.40 Cad. 2,50 Intermountain Gas 156.96 Products Int. Co. 25.00 n t0 before me this4�]_y_� c 21.95 Bobbs, Merrill Co, 23.63 Roadrunner Travel Shoppe 21.80 ____..-....-__-- --------" avel Shop 7.00 John & Jerry's 4 whir. 462.96 Skaggs Drug Center 2.34 hello 45.72 Kruse Insurance 123.00 Transport Clearings 36.66 Labor & Industrial Med-Alert Ambulance 290.00 Sheehan's Pocatello 13.25 me----------, 197171 9---5.00 5,0o MCLelland Home Center 35.40 Steve's Amoco 113.80 88.30 Mountain Bell 251.82 U.P. Railroad Co. 150.00 Aach. Co. 38.35 Old FaithfVi Beverage 6.00 V.H. Bolinder, Co. 50.00 r 40,00 Palmer Chemical 35.55 W. R. Brown Corp, 9.65 _ _ )wn 9.09 Partner Steel Co. 3.12 Weldco, Inc. 228.76 ------"----- 17 91 Pauts, Pontiac, Cadillac PauiSmlthAgency 2•W 75.00 Western Equipment Co. 71.35 Notary Public, State of Idaho n, Jr. 64.41 Williamson Truck Co 342,45 'ion 101,07 Pickens Electric 236.50 Xerox Corp 25.20 389.40 Pocatello Fire Equip. 12.50 Xerox Corp. 99.24 Residence: Pocatello, Idaho y 63 Pocatello Blueprint 4.50 , L. Evans 24.00 263.00 Pocatello Supply 4.44 L. Selders 25.00 :hine 79,64 Skaggs 3.86 Zundel's 209.30 121.60 Sheehan's Pocatello 56.17 Rush Equip. 9.50 119.72 Stevens Stationers 12.54 Stirling Coal Co. 96.50 5W.00 Short Stop 15.30 1,1,M.C. 20,00 sh 10.00 Stiriing Coal 185.00 Bee Cleaning 147.00 r Fund 5,938.11 Steve's Amoco 211.67 FMC Corp. 21500.00 705.59 Sirchie Laboratories 12.86 Colonial l_Ife & ACC. 205.74 Zonal 2,246.00 Taylor Rental 20.00 Olue Crossof Idaho 1,512.36 95.E V.M. Bolinder 50.00 I.B.& T. Fed W.H. 1721.90 72.00 Williamsen Truck Equip, 4.05 Idaho State Income Tax. 518.36 114.00 Waynes Foodtown 9.87 I.P.E.C.U. 120.W 165.00 Weldo, Inc. M•76 Public Employee Ret. 7.,224.30 174.00 Western Bearings 15.75 Pacific Empire Life 802.00 174.00 Xerox Corp. 68.26 Office Tax Collector 5,431.51 183.00 S. Clinkscales 27.00 Net Salaries 10,360.06 183 00 R. Sandusky 27.00, 141,00 R. Sandusky 27.00 245 00 J. Clinkscales 27.00 159.00 L. Evans 27.00 Waterworks Fund --March, 1977 24.1,T L. Evans 27.00 Bannock County 200.00 I....,, ri InnPq 51.00 -- 'ZIC'ON 00r'£9l S1I1JOAualeM)13nggny3 CS .02M S8POWS4aN LL6['LL IIJdV OD'Or Jledea u4or n-:) S8'99! {ab aaAoldw3 3I1gnci PVC s;Jed olnV'O 9'7 09'01 xl awo:)ul atelS O40PI r1'91r s14o019 W"r i• IMP:d'1'B'g'1 )pnggn47lOAtl7 1915 Oul `sJaAawllig ts"WuI I JaJnseal-�Ja17 00'001 WJayS 'off �Iaouuvg _88UVE puog anuanaa JO49Mj BuoJiswJV '� eJaA 118'LL1. 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