HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 01 1977 Ord. 184PROOF OF PUBLICATION
County of Bannock
and insurance, Inc., properly;
Ibl a 10 -inch ductile iron water
line of approximately 1100 feet,
with appurtenances and service
connections to property lines ex
cept the Parrish Realty and In.
surance, Inc., property; and {c}
street improvements including
pavement approximately 1300 feet
long and 36 feet wide (parlialiy
overlaid upon an existing sur
face), curb and gutter on both
sides of the pavement together
with approximately 100 feet of
valley gutters, approximately 1960
feet of sidewalk four' feet wide
running, along all, of the south
side of the improved street and
along. that part of the north side
excluding. the portion abutted by
the Parrish Realty and insur-
ance, Inc., property, and an irri.
gation dilch crossing. These im.
provements represent additional
improvements or enhancement
and reconstruction of existing
improvements within the District.
Section 3: Assessments. The total
cost of the foregoing improve.
ments, and incidental expenses
including engineering, legal and
clerical services, costs of collect.
ing assessments, and bond and
interim financing interest, shall
be assessed against all benefited
properties in the district in pro-
portion to front footage on west
Burnside Avenue, except that to-
ial assessment against the Par-
arrish Really and Insurance Inc.,
property shall be limited to the
sum of $1,980.00 in recognition of
limited benefits derived by said
property from the improvements.
The- engineer's revised estimate
of all costs is approximately
$100,000. All owners of affected
properties within itse district have
agreed to such assessments, and
the assessments shall be imposed
as provided in Chapter 17, Title
50, of the Idaho Code, including
any pertinent amendments.
Section 4: Assessment Roll. The
Chubbuck City Clerk is hereby
directed to establish an assess
ment roll which shall be con.
firmed by subsequent ordinance,
in accordance with procedures
set forth in said Chapter 17, Title
50, of the Idaho Code, together
with pertinent amendments.
Section 5: Improvement Bonds.
There shall be issued in the
name of the City, upon terms
and conditions prescribed by sub
sequent ordinance, improvement
bonds of the "Local improvement
District No. 1 for Chubbuck, Ida-
ho" as provided fn said Chapter
17, Title 50, of the Idaho Code,
together with pertinent amend-
Section b: pians and Specifica-
tions. The project engineer is
hereby designated as Farsgren,
Perkins & Associates; and the
project engineer is hereby direct
ed to prepare necessary plans
and specifications for the con-
struction work, to the extent fhat
such preparation has not already
been accomplished. The project
engineer shall consult with the
Chubbuck City Engineer in re-
gard to such plans and specifica
tions and all further engineering
D E 1977
being first duly sworn on oath depose and says: That ---
---------- was at all times herein mentioned a citizen of the United States of
America, more than 21 years of age, and the Principal Clerk of THE
IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, a daily newspaper, printed and published at
Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation
That the document or notice, a true copy of which is attached, was
published in the said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates,
to -wit:
�1QU-r�br ....... 197171
-------------------------------- -----, 19---
---------------------------- 19------
---------------------------------- 19------
-------------------- 19------
---------------------------------------- 1
---------------------------------------------- 19 ------
That9 ------
That said paper has been continuously and uninterruptedly pub-
lished in said County for a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the
aion of said notice ra ertisement and is a newspaper within
ning of the laws o Idaho.
Subscribed and sworn to before me is ----- -- 1111 -----------------------
day Of ---------, 19-1,
�- -------------_----
Notary Public, State of Idaho
Residence: Pocatello, Idaho
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