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11 07 1978 Treasurer
RECEIVED ii -31 '91978 RECEIVED NV, V 7 5 197 PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO ss: County of Bannock CITY OF CHUBBUCK QUARTERLY REPORT -4th Quarter -- ------ ---- -- ------------- - ----------------- ------------- of cash receipts, dis bursements and balances July, August and September, 1978 oath depos and says: That-_- _ ______- mentioned a citizen of the United States of Cash on Cash on Hand Hand Salary Salary Percent years of age, and the Principal Cleric of THE 7.1-18 Received Disbursed 930-78 Approp. Expended Used 154,929.52 134,744.95 188,620.36 101,054.11 205,665.00 194,646,90 94.6 �L, ❑ daily newspaper, printed and published at J 199,891.41 151,945.80 88,406-64 236,430.57 106,380.00 95,750.98 90.0 14,979.09 -0- 736.06 14,243.03 lnty, Idaho, and having a circulation ,and general 27,493.88 17,125.05 39,250.00 5,368.93 69,326.18 2,805.00 -0- 72,131.18 and Dr notice a true copy py of which is attached, was -0- 6,621.19 6,621.79 -0- AHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, 12,468.21 51040.00 12,343.75 5,164.46 10.266 Al 2,208.84 .0- 12475.65 ^Woffstone- ED AS FOLLOWS D. Jones 228.00 Donn ley & ieriff 21420.00 J.Lowder 91.00 McMannama 2,369.16 r�p 810.68 E.Muir 186.00 B. Garton 12.00 9.1D 19------ °rv. 38.61 Orchard 124.99 S. Sortor 24,00 ------------------------ ___------------, S. Ogburn 42.()0 J. Koval 78.00 3 B. Parrish 220.82 G. Hirsch[ 61009__-___ 9____ 407.27 K. Parrish 130.82 Dyke's Electric 1,259.40 , d & R. Parrish 151.82 Orson's 39.52 2,662.30 Jim Roeder 40.00 City of Malad 40.00, I9-_ 19____ 155.54 J. Roeder 88.00 C.R.D. Inc. 159.04 ------------------------- ig 4.52 M. Roker 227.00 Kirchner Miller Co. 626.54 156.66 B. Spencer 43.00 Burroughs Corp. 233.75 3.38 D. Slinger 137.50 Don's Chubbuck Tire 54.04 ---, I9------ ----------------------------------- ------ 19------ Suppiy 510.00 J. Tydeman 304.00 Paul Roberts Co. 30.51 ,forks 460.80 D. Wahl 343.50 Quality, Auto Parts 2.89 8,416.91 P. Wood 309.00 Western Equip. 1.75 19 ------ ----------------------------------------- T9 81.00 City of Soda Springs 50-M C. Campbell 4,00 ---, ------ & Align 662.37 Public Employee J.C. Thompson 1.10 ice 94.50 Retirement 8,372.22 G. Gigger 4.10 3s been continuously and uninterruptedly pub- 314,66- B,&T. Fed. WH 7,755.10 D.P. Barnes 8,80 51.68 Iaho State Income Tax 2,373.68 K. Later 4.55 or a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the Gravel 644.25 Idaho Public Employee T. Pledger 7.00 37.34 7876.19 Credit Union Pacific Empire Life 1,060.00 1,816.00 C. Ed Flandro City of Chubbuck 315.06 c Ora ertisement and IS a newspaper Wlfihln aint 491.53 Equitable Savings 750.00 Bond Construction & nal 307.90 Blue Cross of Idaho 7886.04 Acquisition Fund 6,621.79 f Idaho. as Co. 105.86 Addressograph-Multigraph 159.32 Bahn-Fair, Inc. 21.50 10.29 Bannock Co. Landfill 600,00 Bengal Paving 420.00 'ervice 730.24 Chubbuck Sewer Int. Bilimeyer's Inc. 8.92 _-------------------- ------------------------ 129.55 & Bond Ret. Fund 17,125.05 Book Publishing Co. LOD0.00 ------- lance 870.00 1061.81 Chubbuck Sewer Res. Fund 2,805.00 Bureau of Indian Affairs D.&N. Jenkins 3.18 Chubbuck Water 38.00 rn t0 before me i5________�______________________-. 3787.39 Rev. Denny's Wrecker 50.00 g- 666,00 Bond & Int. Ref. Fund 5,040.00 Dodge Building 11,50 Credit Bureau of Poc. Idaho Dept. 23.55 Cost Services 27,20 Ohl T Y „ Inc. 42.09 of Health Electrical Contractors 37.43 -- - " ----- 473.04 & Welfare 22-M FOrsgren, Perkins Inc. 242.82 131.53 Kodiak Tire Center Pacific States Cast 189.00 & Associates, P.A. 254.00 Gary's Welding 126-00 el 1.25 Iron Pipe Co. 414.90 Home Laundry & Equip. 12.00 �welery 274.88 Pitney Bowes 393.21 Kirby Co. of S.E. Idaho 8.70 ^_----------- nc. 311.62 U.S. Postmaster Transport 1,240.00 M. Harris 10.00 Notary Public, State of Idaho Mt, Inc. 27.75 Clearing 19.32 Litho Printing 53.70 Ila der 86.70 93.04 Water& Wastewater Services, Inc. 2,595.70 P.D. Romriell Rich Boyce Recreation 131.25 Residence: Pocatello, Idaho Ig 19.77 Waterworks Equip. Co. 933.26 Equipment 2,359.00 Brake 97.28 Waterworks Supplies Co. 783-W Safety-Kleen Corp. 24,75 forial 444.44 Yellowstone Auto Parts 47.32 Scott's Refrigeration 137,75 ort T.A. Cash 1.10 Sherwood Sports 836.25 4,950.00 R. Braschler 6.45 Wycoff 6.30 47.85 D. Scott 7.00 Bush -Hog Redi Rain 340.71 n 192.79 S. Alford 7.60 Western Battery 31.75 96.68 S.M. Smart 24.00 Farrell Poole 81410.00 ach. 101,00 A.J. Stone 3.47 Waterworks Petty Cash 9.91 270.90 J.O. Cotant, Jr. 184.06 Century Equip. 16,20 320.40 American Family Life Chubbuck Water Revenue 12.00 insurance Co. 248.00 Bond Reserve. 1,700,00 78.00 Bannock Van Gas 25.62 Idaho First Nat'l 39,250.00 84.00 Chambers Tree Service 550.00 Empire Construction 717.00 &W Eagle Electric 41.80 Con. Seal Inc. 31789,00 12.00 Ellsworth Dodge 30.00 FOrsgren, Perkins 2,615-79 120.00 Fullmer -Miller Ins. 1,309.08 Union Pacific RR 736.06 6.00 G.R. Anderson 90.00 Electric Service Co. 5,28 534.00 Jay's Plumbing 6.88 McArthur Machine 312.51 6.00 K. Morrison 175.00 House of Glass 2.62 46.00 Kean Recreation 307,03 J. Jones 3 15 48,00 Kruse Insurance Co. 22,171.50 L. Phelan 7.60 60.On Massev Fernusan lir,. , ,-__._"_. zk'9W jagwnj �3nggnUD 'o3pLaM 05'ZCL 114MOH 'O 6C'89L Leluab JolAe.L SL'CLL uewx3{(1 '] S18'ON Y8'£B 'off Ila»aW sggoq ayl 00-BLI L#nl:) '3 BL6L1LJagwanoN £L'L89 SJau011e15 os-rzz IlagdweD '] )+onggnUD;o Al!D jUnO3SI43 U1JOMU4nOS 00'9£1 oAuag .W JoinseaJl- )JJOI] 00.000'1 'H']'1'3'S 9L'6YLr -0D 1!0 AOgMOD 5uOJ4swJy']eJan/s OS'LYY Jalooa-otob 00'09 IlasMod 'O WaWOMS lel3ueu!; anoge aUl C0 -0Z sasn0y1JaaJ0 ollale3Od 00'00Z ADuabv twWS Ined ;o SPJ030J 6u!lJoddns pal!elaP 441 LtUt'L apeJed 6u!JaM3!d 00-9 uauua9 's lzadsui of pal!Auj aJe suezq!D„ 0L'Lt0'9 a3Uaj aoJuoW 00'11Z Ja101S 'W 00'66Y'YS sa!JeleS ON L9'9L Jali#nW Ja;seW 00'x6 I1e89 'H 00-01 AaIU:)I!J] 'r nsu uasn61ad AasseW 00'09 uepJof 'd 091 Uelayd I OS-LL1'ZZ -oD anueJnsul asnJ>l Weir uIli eW '9 51'E sauor -r Eo'Lrc uo!4eaJ3aa uea)l Wev llea9 '`1 ZQ'Z ssel0 10 ast'OH 00'SLL uOSiJJoW 'N 00'9 PUOUJIV '0 LS'ZLC aulgDeW jngljy3W 88'9 6u!gwnld s,Aer DD'r£S u05!JJow .>I U'S '0] a31AJaS 3!Jl3al3 00.06 UOSJapUV 'b'43 00'9 IIam0H 'Cl 90'9CL as O!I!3ed uoiun 90'60C't -Sul Jall!W-Jawl{nd 00'0ZI UOSI!M 'O 6CSL9'1 SUPPad 'uaJ65JOd 00-pE a6po0 LWOMSII3 00-ZI uasua;slJyD '] 00'69Z'E '3Ul IeaS 'uOD 0911l, a!Ji3al3 al6e3 00.9 UOMWeH 'D OWL LL uogmi4suoD aJ!dw3 00 -OSS aD!AJaS aoij sJagweyD 00"r9 S00JJ0H '0 00'OSZ'6£ I,IeN 4sJl3 04ePl L9 -SZ se0 ueA )3ouue9 00'8L asaaa .a 00'001'L aAJasaa puog 00-WZ '0D 83ueJnsul 00'ZL UGH100 's anuanaa JaleM )13nggnq] a;!l Al!wed Ue3!Jawv Or'OZ£ slapunz 01'9L dlnb3 AJn;uaD 90'Ygl jr 'luelo] 'o,r 06'OLL 'dJo] xoJaX 16-6 yseD Auad s71JOM-[ORM LY'C ams 'r,v 00'101 UDPW Peob uJalsaM 0o-OLY's. 0100d IIaJJe3 00-0,t iJewS 'W'S eq.% AJa;leg uJa;saM SCLC AJaµeg uJa;saAA 09-L PJOAI7 'S 61-Z6L UMo;POod s,auAem L1'OrE Ulea !Pan 60H-USng 00'L 44o3s '0 SB'LV '3u1-oasawivn OE'9 JjOaAM SY'9 Jal43seJg '2i 00'0S61 su0!lelS SZ'9E8 siJodS POO—a4S OL't Use] 'H'1 1JO;w0D.MaSJadns SL'LE1 UOUGIJ060110b s,UODS ZC'LY slJed 0;ny auOISM0119A "'M le!Jolluer uealD JadnS SL'PZ 'dJoD uaal>l-A1aieS 00'CBL o] sallddnS v4JoMJa4eM 8Z'L6 ONVA13 'B 61Jlu!1y S,M04S 00'69£'Z 4uawd!nb3 9Z'CC6 'o] 'dlnb3 s)1JoMJa4eM LC61, 6u!gwnld PJepuelS uo!4e0J3aS a3AOg y3!2l OL'965'Z '3UI 'sa3!AJaS YO'E6 JaluaD Brua s66e11s lop[ '01ID40Dod :9Du3pisa_I SZ -LEL 101Jw0a '0'd JaleMa;SeM'gJa;eM OL'99 ollale>od s,ueLl"LlS OL'£S 6ul4u!Jd OLM-1 ZC'61 6u!JealD lJodsueJl SL'LZ '3ui 'luawdlnb3 AIIJmas IDP, }o a}O}S 'Dilgnd AA04ON uO'OL s!JJeH 'W 00-OrZ'L Jolsewlsod 'S'n L9'LLE -3ul 11amoS-lua6Jes OL'9 oyepl '3'S ;o roD A4Jl)I 1Z'C6£ samog Aaulld 98'11LZ AJalaMat 8 ueo-1 s,weS ---------------------- ` 00'ZL dinba v AJpune-i aW0H 06-VLIF 'oD ad!d uOJI SZ'L I8ABJI JauunJpeO2I 1 00'911, 6ulplaM s,AJeg ;sed salelS �!;!ped CS-L£k oul 'AlddnS OL1a4eWd V 00'YSZ 'Td 'saWPOSsy V 00'68L JaluaD aJ!l xelpo)l ZB'LYL 31J13aL3 suaM31d SUPIJad'uaJ6sjoj OS -ZZ aJellaM 'g r0'£Lx salydoJl S,Ined Cp'LC sJo43eJluoD le3lJl3al3 U11eaH 10'1da0 OUPPI 60'Zr '3ui 1.03 laajS Jautied �j 61, 6Z'LZ sa3!AJOS lsO] SS -Et '3ad ;o neoing ppaJD 05'LL 'nae In1U41ed Pio �3 6u!pl!ng aep00 oD,m,5 pun. 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