HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 21 1978 Public HearingSTATE OF IDAHO SS. County of Bannock ments in the project. Each owner of property within the District is hereby notified that in revising the Assessment Roll at or after the hearing, the City Council is empowered by the Idaho Code to increase any as sessment or assessments up to twenty percent (201o) of the orig. inal amount thereof without giv- ing further notice and 'holding a new hearing thereon. Any objections to said assess ments must be submitted to the Chubbuck City Cleric at 5160 Yel- lowstone, Chubbuck, Idaho, prior to the date and time fixed for the hearing. Date: 15 August 1978 CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO s/Vera C, Armstrong Chubbuck City Clerk ENGINEER'SREPORT AND ASSESSMENT ROLL I, Steven Smart, Chubbuck City Engineer, hereby certify that the improvements specified for Local Improvement District No. 1, Chubbuck, Idaho, by Chubbuck City Ordinance Number 184 have been completed. The total cost of said improvements and related expenses of the Local Improve- ment District, to be paid from assessments, are as follows: A. Expenses defrayed by issuance of interim warrants: 1. Bannock Paving Company, inc. (construction) ...$77,525.70 2. Forsgren Perkins and Associates (engineering) ..........S 10,078.34 3. Donald L. Burnett, Jr. (legal) ......................$ 1,365.45 4. Idaho State Journal (publications) ...........$ 232.84 Subtotal .................... $89,202.33 Interest on interim warrants through 10/15/78 {estimated date of bond sale closing) .............$ 4,366.94 Total .......:.................$93,569, 27 B. Expenses remaining to be incurred: 1. Donald L. Burnette, Jr. (legal) ......................$ 1,000.00 2. Gerald W. Olson (bond counsel) ...:.....5 2,500.00 3. Chubbuck City Clerk (further ordinance and notice publication costs, ,. bond printing costs, misceiianeous administra five expenses and time reimbursement fee) ..$ 1,430.73 Total .........................$ 4,930.73 TOTALCOSTSAND EXPENSES ..................$98,500.00 The foregoing costs and expen- ses shall be borne by the benefit ted property owners within the district, according to the follow- ing assessment roil: ASSESSMENT NO 1: Owner—Parrish Realty & Insur- ance, Inc. (or its successor in in terest), 250 East Center Street, Pocatello, ldaho83201. Description, of property—Begin ning at the NE Corner of the S 1/2, SE 1/,,, NW V4 of Section 10, t. 6. $., R. 34E. B.M. Bannock County, Idaho; thence westerly along said north line of the S 1/3, SE 44, NW Ira to the west right- of-way line of Yellowstone Ave nue a distance of 35.7 feet, more or less, to said point being the True Point of Beginning; thence S 02034'48" W - 140.14 feet more or less along the west right-of- way line of Yellowstone Avenue to the north right -of way line of West Burnside Avenue; thence N 89028'24" W - 646.9 feet more or less along the north right-of-way line of West Burnside Avenue; thence N 00009'33" E - 140.00 feet more or less to the north line of the S V2, SE Ii4, NW 1/4, Section 10; thence 5 89028'24" E - 653.2 feet more or iess along said north line of the 5 1/7, SE 1/4, NW 114, Section 10 to the True Point of Beginning. This parcelis known as the "Parrish Realty & Insurance Inc., property." Method of assesement—Fixe sum as set forth in agreemew among City of chubbuck and oth- er property owners in Local Im- provement District, and recited in Chubbuck City Ordinance No. 184. Amount chargeable -51,980.00 ASSESSMENT NO. 2: Owner—Interstate Group, Inc. (or its successor in interest), 405 SoutA Main Street, Suite 711, Salt Lake City, Utah B4111. Description of property—Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the Interstate Group Subdivision, a plat of record, recorded as Instrument No. 575288 in Bannock County, Idaho. This parcel is known as the "In- terstate Group, Inc. property." Method of assessment—In pro- portion to front footage along West Burnside Avenue, except as modified by agreement with Par- r;sh Realty & Insurance, Inc., Specified above. Amount chargeable—$63,048.69. ASSESSME NT NO. 3: Owner—Reliance Investment Company, P.O. Bax 4863, Pocatel. lo, Idah083201, Description of property— Begin- ning at the NE corner of the S V2, SE 1.,4, NW 1/4 of Section 10, T. 6 S., R. 34 E., B.M., Bannock County, Idaho; thence N 89028'24" W along said north line of the S 1/2, SE '14, NW 1/4-660.00 feet more or less to the True Point of Be- ginning; thence N 89028'24" W- 652.36 feet more or less along said north line of the 5 'h, SE 1/4, NW 1/4 of Section 10; thence S 00004'49" W - 140.39 feet more or less to the north right of -way line of West Burnside Avenue; thence S 89028124" E - 652.16 feet more or less along said north right-of- way of the West Burnside Ave nue; thence N 00009'33" E 140.39 feet more or less to the True Point of Beginning. This parcel is known as the "Reliance Investments, Inc., north proper- ty " Method of assessment—In pro- portion to front footage along West Burnside Avenue. Amount chargeable—$25,318.91. ASSESSMENT NO. A: owner—Reliance Investment Company, P.O. Box 4863, Pocatel. lo, Idaho 83201. Description of property—Begin- ning at the NE corner of the 5 1/2, SE 1/4, NW 1/4 of Section 10, T. 6 S., R. 34 E., B.M., Bannock County, Idaho; thence S 00009'33" W - 190.39 feet more or less; thence N 89028'24" W - 1102.07 feet more or less to the True Pain' of Beginning; thence S 00004'49 E - 472.64 feet more or less to an Idaho State highway right -of way monument; thence N 89029'42" W - 210.02 feet more or less; thence N 00004'49" E - 472.72 feet more or less to the south right-of-way line of West Burnside Avenue; thence 5 119028'24" E - 210.02 feet more or 'less along said south right-of-way -line of West Burnside Avenue to the True Point of Beginning. This parcel is known as the "Reliance Investments, Inc., south proper- . Method of assessment—In pro- portion to front footage along West Burnside Avenue. Amount chargeable—$8,152.40. Total amounts chargeable $98.500.00 /s/Steven Smart STATE OF IDAHO) County of Bannock) ss. STEVEN SMART, being first duly sworn, states that he is the duly appointed City Engineer for the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, that the foregoing report and assess- ment roll are submitted in com- pliance with Title 50, Chapter 17, Idaho Code, and that the contents thereof are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. /s/Steven Smart SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this 15th day of August, 1978. /s/Vera C. Armstrong Notary Public, State of Idaho Residing at Chubbuck August 21, 22, 23, 1978 No. 646 - SES' 1,11918 --------------- -------- - 5&z That ---- -------- f the United States of 'rincipal Cleric of THE -inted and published at a general circulation which is attached, was on the following dates, --------------- -------- 19 ------ ----------------------- 19------ ----------------------- 19------ --------------------- 19 ----- ---- ---- 19 ------ uninterruptedly pub - (ht weeks prior to the is a newspaper within ----------------------------------- --- B -AVN_......... ----- 1! ` ------------------- Notary Public, State of Idaho Residence: Pocatello, Idaho a4DP1 `011a;DDod :aauapisad ayDpI p a;D;S 'Dllgnd AjO;ON .IIH;lM jadodsmau o s1 )L.l; O; joljd slaaM ;Ll) •qnd L(lpa;dnlja;uiun --[ I I ---------------------- s0,4Op 6ulmollof ail; uo Mm 'payaD;;D sl 4DI4m .IOIjDIn:)jp jojaua6 0 ,D p@Ljsijgnd puo pa;ui. 1H 13O �ljajD lodiDu,j{ sa;D;S pa;iun aq; ------------- ------ -------- 9V9 'ON BL61'EZ 'ZZ 'iZ 1sn6nV M:)nggn401e 6ulp!salt o4epl toa;e;5'a!lgnd A19ION 6uojtswjy'a pjaA/s/ 'BL61 'ISAMV to Aep g15L 5!41 3W 3NOd39 al N210MS ONV 039ndosons liewS uanalS/S/ -tallaq pue a6p1lmOwj s!4 to lsoq agl 01 anjl aje 10aj044 slua;uoa a41 telll pue 'apo0 oyep) 'LL jatdey0 '09 911(1 Imm aaug1d -wo3 ur pa;l!Lugns aje !!Oa luaw -ssasse pue ljodal buro6ajot a4t 1e41 '049Pl '43nggn4a to At!:) 041 jot ja9u!6u3 At!:) palulodde Alnp a41 s! a4 4e44 salets 'ujoms Alnp ;salt 6u!aq lldvWS N3A3iS -ss (1:)oUueg to/Llunoa (OHV(31303iV1S 1jpw5 UOMIS/s/ 00'005'B65 algea6jeq:) slunowe lelol '0V'ZSL'BS—algea6jp431unowV anuany ap!sujn9lsaM 6uo!e a6etoot lu0jt al uolljod -ojd u1—€U9wssasse to po4;ayy „'Al' -jadOid ylno5 "3ul 'S;uawlSaAUj aouegaN,, agl se umouA si la3jed s!yl 'bu!Uu!63g to 1u!od anal a4; of anuany ap!Swng tsaM to au!I Aem-to-;46!j 44nos p!es 6uole ssal_ jo ajow ;aat Z6'011 - 3 ,lZ,gZo6R S aaua4l f0nU0AV ap!SUAng tsaM to aull Aem-to-jgbi1 glnos ayt o; ssal jo ajow Taal. 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