HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 21 1978 Local Improvement DistrictPROOF OF PUBLICATION SEP 14 1978 STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Bannock POCATELLO, IDAHO, TU IVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT B. Expenses remaining to be incurred: 1. Donald L. Burnette, Jr. (legal) ......................$ 1,000.00 2. Gerald W. -Olson (bond counsel) .....$ 2,500.00 3. Chubbuck City Clerk (further ordinance and notice publication costs, bond printing costs, miscellaneous administra tive expenses and time reimbursement fee) ..$ 1,430.73 Total ......................... E 4,930.73 TOTALCOSTSAND EXPENSES ..................$98,500.00 The foregoing costs and axpen- ses shall be borne by the benefit- ted property owners within the district, according to the follow- ing assessment roll: ASSESSMENT NO. l: Owner—Parrish Realty & Insur- ance, Inc, (or its successor in in. terest), 250 East Center Street, Pocatello, Idaho83201. Description of property—Begin- ning at the NE corner of the S '/2, SE 1/4, NW 14 of Section lo, t. L. S., R. 34E. B.M. Bannock County, Idaho; thence westerly along said north line of the S 1/2, SE 114, NW 114 to the west right. Of -way line of Yellowstone Ave. nue a distance of 35.7 feet, more or less, to said point being the True Point of Beginning; thence 5 02034'48" W - 140.14 feet more or less along the west right-of- way line of Yellowstone Avenue to the north right-of-way line of West Burnside Avenue; thence N 89028'24" W - 646.9 feet more or less along the north right -of way line of West Burnside Avenue; thence N 00009'33" E - 140.00 feet more or less to the north line of the 5 1/2, SE 1/4, NW 114, Section 10; thence S 89028'24" E - 653.2 feet more or less along said north line of the S 1/2, SE 1/4, NW 'A, Section 10 to the True Point of Beginning. This parcel is known as the "Parrish Realty & Insurance Inc., property." Method of assesement— Fixed sum as set forth in agreement among City of chubbuck and oth- er property owners in Local Im- provement District, and recited in Chubbuck City Ordinance No. 164. Amount chargeable—$1,980.00 ASSESSMENT NO. 2: Owner—Interstate Group, Inc. (or its successor in interest), 405 South Main Street, Suite 711, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111. Description of property—Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the Interstate Group Subdivision, a plat of record, recorded as Instrument No. 575288 in Bannock County, Idaho. This parcel is known as the "In- --- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- - E PAGE 6 -SECTION A IDAHO STATE- deposes and ays: That '-- _ &�_ ----------- LEGAL ADVERTI 5EMENT entloned a citizen of the United States Of ors of age, and the Principal Clerk of THE HEARING IN THETICE DIS RFCT COURT OFa dally newspaper, printed and published at THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DIS- TRtCT OF THE STATE OF IDA-(, Idaho, and having a general circulation HO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE In the matter of the Adoption of, JA50N MATTHEW MOSER andlotlCe, a true Copy of which is attachedwas JOSHUA AARON MOSER, Mi- , nors. O STATE JOURNAL, on the followingdates NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above entitled matter for termination of the parent child reiationship and adoption will come an for hearing on Wednes- day, the 6th day of September, 1978, at the hour of 10:00 o'clockl 19 _--___ A.M. in the Courtroom of the Magistrate Judge in the Bonne. ville County Courthouse in Idaho l� 19 Falls, Idaho.----------------------------------------� ----- DATED this 27th day of July, 1978. s/William W. Black 19 ---------------------------- ---------- 19 ------ Magistrate August 8, 15, 22, 29, 7978 No. 611 19----- ----------------- ------------------------ 19------ U — N Case No. SP -851 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 19------ ----------------------------------------r 19------ F IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 1 THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DIS TRICT OF THE STATE OF IDADeen Continuously and uninterruptedly pub - HO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BANNOCK a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the In the Matter of the Estate 01 1 DENNIS D. HADLEY, Deceased. or advertisement and Is a newspaper within q NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE that the undersigned has beer appointed Personal Repre$enta. I ho. tive of the above-named estate All persons having claims again$ the said deceased are required t -- -----------------_---_-_-___------------------------- present their claims within four months after the date of the first Q l publication of this notice or saidto before this -------- .--$-T-- --------------------- claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presenia r (ay not_ ........ 1 y-- -------- >`=?1_--------------- ---------- Notary Public, State of Idaho Residence: Pocatello, Idaho ogoP1 '0118;0OOd :aouaplsad ogopl fo a;D;S ':)ilgnd AjO40N --------------------- -------------------------• u1L.{;Im Jadodsma ay; o; joiJd sola -qnd Alpa;dmio. ------61------- ------ 61 -----------61 ------------- ------ 61 ------------------61 ------------- ------ 61 ----- 61 ------------- 'Supp 6uIM01104 som 'paL.1a0;40 S 1J01401n3JIa IDJa ;D paysilgnd pu ---------- —J ------- --- - O AD "EE,60000 S a3u04; ,ogepl 'A;unoj x�ouueg "W'g "3 PE "21 "S 9 ' L 9WON 8L6L 'EZ'ZZ 'It Isn6ny Aonggn4a le 6u!plsa8 ogepl loalelS':)!Ignd AJe;oN 6uoJ4swJV .a eJOA/s/ '8161 '4sn6nV 10 Aep 4151 S!4I 3W 3NOd3g 01 WdOMS (INV 039I213SOnS ;JewS UOAOIS/S/ '1a!laq pue a6palmOUA s!g 10 lsaq aqi OI anal aJe )oaJagi slu941Jo3 awl ;eW pue 'apo3 OWPI 'LI Jaldega 'OS all!i 4l!m aouelld -wo3 ul paWwgns aJe 110J Waw -ssasse pue ;Jodai 6ulobaaol a41 Jegl 'o4ep! 14:)nggn4a to Alla awl Jot Jaau!6u3 Alla palu!odde Alnp alit s! a4 Wwl salels 'UJoms Alnp IsAl; 6uraq '12JVWS N3A31S 'Ss (Aaouue9 joA;unoa (OHVO1 4031x15 lJewS uanalS/S/ o0'009'86$ algea6JewD slunowe Ie;ol '0P'ZSL'9$—algea6J eq3 lunowy anuaAV aP!suJng IsaM 6uole a6elool luoJ; of uollJod -oJd u!—luawssasse 10 powj9W Al JadoJd g;nos ­Dul 'sluawlsanul a3ue!la8„ awI se umouN s! 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