HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 30 1979 Ord. 195PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO ss, County of Bannock LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEG -T-- uxw - --------- ---- U -- - ------------ - -- ------------------- ALADVERTtSEMENT n on oath deposes and ys: That-- . _ _ ---------- C I TYCIF'CHUBBUCK, I DAHO _.-__----CITYOF'CHUBBUCK,IDAHO IOW5tOne Highway North 0 de' rein mentioned a citizen of the United States of ORDINANCE NO. 191 grees 01' 13" West, 1726.61 feet to a '/z inch iron pin tagged L 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY . 968; thence South 89 degrees 31' 21 years of age, and the Principal Clerk of THE OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO ANNEX- ING CERTAIN LANDS KNOWN 57" East, 1496.46 feet to the AS THE "NORTHSIDE PLAZA" Westerly right-of-way line of the RNAL, a dally newspaper, printed and published at AS B E INCLUDED "NORTH WITH € N Union Pacific Railroad; thence THE BOUNDARIES AND JURIN South 1 degrees 26' t8" East. County, Idaho, and having a general circulation THEDICB NAL LIMITS D THE along said Westerly right-of-way CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO; line, 1727.49 feet to the Northerly SPECIFYING THE ZONING right-of-way line of Siphon Road; CLASSIFICATION WHICH SHALL thence North 89 degrees 31' 57" West, along said Northerly right- ent or notice, a true copy Of Which is attached, Was BE APPLIED TO SAID LANDS; of -way, 1539.21 feet to the Point DIRECTING THE CHUBBUCK of Beginning. J IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, CITY CLERK TO COMPLY SECTION 2: Zoning. The above - WITH THE FILING REQUIRE- described lands newly annexed W MENTS CONTAINED IN IDAHO the City of Chubbuck, €daho, CODE SECTION 63.2213; AND shall be subject to the zoning PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDI- classification of light industrial NANCE SHALL BECOME EF- (M-1). FECTIVE. SECTION 3. Filing. The Chub- �)Q_- 19-`Aq ---- ---_---------------------------- 1 19 ------ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE puck City Clerk is hereby direct - MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE ed to comply with the filing re - CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO. Codements contained in Idaho. ---- -____ 19 ------ ________________ 19 SECTION 1: Annexation. The fol- lowing described lands, located Code section 632215. within Bannock County and con- SECTION A. Effective Date. The requirement Mat ordinances be tiguous to the existing boundaries read on three separate occasions "----"---"' 1 ""-""-""--""""""""-""""""""-""""""""""-""""-" ' 19 of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, is thereby dispensed with the this are hereby annexed and included ordinance shall become effective within the boundaries and juris upon its passage, approval and 9 9 dictional limits of the City of publication as provided by law. Chubbuck, Idaho: PASSED BY THE COUNCIL A parcel of land situated in the AND APPROVED BY THE MAY ------------ 19------ ----------------------------------------- 19__ East /-2 of Section 34, Township 5 OR of {he City of Chubbuck, Ida - South, Range 34 East, Boise Me- ho, this 13th day otMarch, 1979. ridian, Bannock County, Idaho, s/John 0.Cotant,Jr. 'r has been continuously and uninterruptedly pub - more particularly described as Mayor follows: ATTEST: ity for a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the Commencing at the South quarter s/Vera C. Armstrong corner of said section 34, said City Clerk south quarter corner being a 1/7 notice rtIsement and IS a newspaper within inch iron pin; thence South 89 March 34,1979 degrees 51' 08" East, along the NO 243 laws f Idaho. South line of said Section 34, 29.15 feet, said point being on the Easterly right-of-way of Yellow- stone Highway; thence North 0 degrees 01' 13" West, along said Easterly right-of-way 24.81 feet to Subscribed and sworn to before me thi -_ the Northerly line- of Siphon ------- - 41 "-"""--""-""""-----"----- Road, the same being the True Point of Beginning and marked Qg by a 1/2 inch iron pin tagged L. day of------ T 1.1�.------------------- 19 ...... l S. 9thence continuing along Ea the Easterly right-of-way Of Yel- C� Notary Public, State of Idaho Residence: Pocatello, Idaho PROOF OF PV BLICA11ON STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Bannock ' LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT 1Rtin. A LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT -- 1:1--k - - ------- Road,.,�he sa Point of ,Beginning and marked by a y! inch iron pin, lagged L. •--}((�� S. 968; thence continuing along day of______-uN�--------------------- The Easterly right -Of way of . Yel•. -- ���� (jk Notary Public, State of Idaho Residence: Pocatello, Idaho lowstone Highway North o de - oath deposes a d says: That p y CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO CITY grees 01' 13" West, 1726.61 feet to ------------ DRDINANCENO.195 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY a 1/3 inch iron pin tagged L. S. South 89 degrees 31" 1 mentioned a Citizen of the United States of AN OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO ANNEX- CERTAIN LANDS KNOWN 965; thence 57" East, 1496.46 feet to the Westerly rigi line of the years of age, and the Principal Cleric of THE 1NG AS THE "NORTHSIDE PLAZA" Union Pacific Railroad; thence TO BE INCLUDED WITHIN . South 1 degrees 26' 18" East, AL, a daily newspaper, printed and published at THE BOUNDARIES AND JURIS- along said Westerly right -of way OICTIONAL LIMITS OF THE line, 1727.49 feet to the Northerly intyIdaho, and having a general CirculQtion CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO; right-of-way line of Siphon Road; , SPECIFYING THE ZONING thence North 89 degrees 31' 57" CLASSIFICATION WHICH SHALL West, along said Northerly right - BE APPLIED TO SAID LANDS; CHUBBUCK of -way, 1539.21 feet to the Point Or notice, a true copy Of Which is attached, was DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO COMPLY of Beginning. SECTION' 2; Zoning. The above- , WITH THE FILING REQUIRE described lands newly annexed to AHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, MENTS CONTAINED IN IDAHO the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, CODE SECTION 63-2215; AND shall be subject 10 the zoning ; PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDI- classification of light industrial NANCE SHALL BECOME EF- (M-1) FECTIVE. BE IT ORDAINED 8Y THE SECTION 3. Filing. The Chub buck City Clerk is hereby direct - MAYOR AND COUNCIL. OF THE ed to comply with the filing re- _ 19-n -------- --------------------------------- 19----_- CITYOF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO. quirements contained in Idaho SECTION 1. Annexation_ The fol- lowing described lands, located Code section 63.2215. SECTION 4. Effective Date. Ti 19------ ----------------------------------------- 19_. within Bannock County and con- Yequirement that ordinances be, tiguous to the existing boundaries read on three separate occasions of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, is hereby dispensed with the this 19 are hereby annexed and included ordinance shall become tend ` within the boundaries and juris- upon its passage, approvali dictional limits of the City of publication as provided by law. - 19------ 19------ Chubbuck, Idaho: PASSED B Y THE COU N C I i ---, ------------------------•------ , A parcel of land situated in the AND APPROVED BY THE MAY - East 1/2 of Section 34, Township 5 OR 'of the City of Chubbuck, Ida - 19 1 South, Range 34 East, Boise Me- ho, This 13th day Of March, 1979- ---, ------ ----------------------------------------, ------ ridian, Bannock County, Idaho, s/John O. COlari Jr. more particularly described as Mayor S been continuously and Uninterruptedly pub - follows: Commencing at the South quarter section 34, said ATTEST; s/Vera C. Armstrong ]r o period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the corner of said south quarter corner being a 1/2 City Clerk March 30. 1979 inch iron pin; thence South 89 No 243 ^ advertisement and IS a newspaper Within degrees 51' 08" East, along the South line of said Section 3+. them in of the In sof Ida o. 29,15 feet, Said paint being on the Easterly right-of-way of Yellow- slone Highway; thence North 0 degres 01' 13" West, along said -------- --- - --------------------------------------------------- East rly right-of-way 24-81 feet t0 Easte of Siphon the 4?rtherly line.. me being the True Subscribed and sworn to before e this___----____±____ Road,.,�he sa Point of ,Beginning and marked by a y! inch iron pin, lagged L. •--}((�� S. 968; thence continuing along day of______-uN�--------------------- The Easterly right -Of way of . Yel•. -- ���� (jk Notary Public, State of Idaho Residence: Pocatello, Idaho