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12 30 1987 Treasurer
11'UND CITY Ola QUARTERLY EXPEND111JRE REPORT FOR 3 MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 31,1987 PERSONNEL O&M CAR IMP. TUFAL %0111 bum. � 01 General 47,158.14 12,149.98 59,308.I2 2y 02 Street & 1l+vay Hi 8,918.7(} 5,714.11 9,113.96 20,746.77 .32 03 Parks & Recreation , 924.28 FUND 924.28 .05 04 Library 1,480.02 '.1,975.99 874.83 4,330.84 .19 65 Tort Bi]I)GC' 2x%4.37 5,918.70 2,554.37 .14 30 Airport ' 291 32 8625 86.25 .19 50 Revenue Sharing OS 0G OT�ry 14,148.85 14,148.85 1.f10 601rrigation 5,918.70 __..9.225.02 30A3rport ' _ 15.143.72 34 TOTALS . 60,475.56 32,630.00 24,137.64 117,243.20 _ ,32 25 Water 6,218.70 5,361.03 11,579.73 .14 26 Sewer 6,218.70 2,381.58 262,313.43 270,913.71 .34 Z7 Sanitation 34 .32 • 13,5220 6928'7026 6218 70 13.522.60 .25 TOTALS 12,437.40 21,265.21 262,313.43 29Ei,016.01 .25. TOTAL ALL FUNDS 72,912.96 53,895.21. 286,451.07 413,259.24 .29 Citizens are invited to inspect the detailed supporting records of the above `financial stntement. ,laity C1crk Citizens_ are invited to inspect the delniled supporting records or the nbove liinsnriol statement.:, laity Clerk My OF QUAR ERLY EXPENDl7'[1rrE REPORT FOIL 9 MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1987 FUND PERSONNEL O&M CAREMP. TOTAL %OF 01 G"Wral 47j5&14 • 12,149.98 Bi]I)GC' 02Stnwt&highway 5,918.70 .4714.11 9,113.96 b9 308.12 20,746.77 291 32 03 Pones & Recreation 91,428 92428 OS 0G OT�ry 1,480.02 1,97649 874.83 4,3;30.84 19 30A3rport ' 2,654.37 2,55437 .14 ; 50 � � 86.25 .19 60lrrigation 14,144.85 14J48.85 1.00 "AIS . 60,475.56 32,0000 24,137.64 51 T1 117,243.20 34 .32 • 25 water Sewer 6928'7026 6218 70 8"361.03 11,579.73 .14 27 Smnilation . _ mss 13.52260 262r313.43 270,913.71 31 7f7IAl i 12437.40, 2IA521 4;3,313.43 13.522-G4 296,016.01 2G .25 TOTALAiL FUNDS 72,91296 ' b3X521 266,451.07 4132v929 29 Citizens_ are invited to inspect the delniled supporting records or the nbove liinsnriol statement.:, laity Clerk