HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 05 1991 Ord. 358PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Bannock ORDINANCE NO, 358 CITY OF CHUBBUCK AN ORDINANCE OF THE Crit OF CHUBBUCK, BANNOCK COUNTY, IDAHO APPROPRIATING THE SEVERAL SUMS OF MONEY DEEMED NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT TO DEFRAY ALL. EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING ON THE IST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1991 AND ENDING ON THE 30TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1992, AND DESIGNATING THE DIFFERENT FUNDS TO WHICH SHALL BE DRAWN AND PAID, AND KNOW AS THE "ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE OF FISCAL YEAR 1991-92" PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 50- 1003, IDAHO CODE, PROVIDING FOR THIS ORDINANCE TO TAKE EFFECT AFTER ITS PASSAGE, APPROVAL AND PUBLICATION ACCORDING TO LAW. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF IDAHO AS FOLLOWS:. Section 1: That the following funds are designated as the proper funds into which all revenues accruing to the City of Chubbuck from all sources shall be paid during the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of October, 1991, and ending on the 30th day of September, 1992. General Fund - Internal Central Garage, Waterworks, Sanitation and Sewage Fund - Sewer Revenue Bond and Interest Fund, Series 10-1-72 - Water Revenue Bond and Interest Fund. Section 2: That the following sums of money are hereby appropriated from the General Fund for the payment of all General Fund Expenses of the City of Chubbuck during aforesaid fiscal year: 410 General Government $279,243.00 422 Law Enforcement 582,357.00 423 Fre Control & Prevention 266,940.00 424 Building Inspection 27,695.00 430 Transportation -Hwy, Streets & Roads 509,144.00 432 Engineering 9,483.00 438 Parks and Recreation 124,131.00 453 Health and Welfare 15,723.00 490 Other General Governmental Purposes 83,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,897,716.00 Section 3: That the following sums of money are hereby appropriated from Internal Central Garage, Waterworks, Sanitation and Sewer Fund for the payment of a31 Central Garage, Waterworks, Sanitation and Sewage expenses of the City of Chubbuck during aforesaid fiscal year: 470 Internal Central Garage $92,343.00 433 Sanitation - Salaries & Administration 319,000.00 434 Waterworks - Salaries & Administration 776,500.00 435 Sewage - Salaries & Administration 799,700.00 CENTRAL GARAGE, WATER, SANI & SEWER $1,987,543.00 Section 4: That the following sums of money are hereby appropriated from the Water Revenue Bond and Interest Fund, Series September 1, 1976, for the payment of all bonds and interest due on water storage tank project of the City of Chubbuck during aforesaid fiscal year: 434 Water Revenue Bond & Interest Fund $21,600.00 Section 5: That the following sums of money are hereby appropriated from the Sewer Revenue Bond and Interest Fund, Series 10-1.72r for the payment of all bonds and interest due on sewer system project of the City of Chubbuck during aforesald fiscal year: 435 Sewer Revenue Bond & Interest Fund $68,600.00 Series 10.1-72 Section 6: That following sums of money are hereby appropriated from the Capital Improvement Funds for the payment of Highway, Streets & Roads special nrninMc - LORI A SEKOT being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: That she was at all times herein mentioned a citizen of the United States of Ameri- ca, more than 21 years of age, and the Principal Clerk of THE IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, a daily newspaper, printed and published at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation therein. That the document or notice, a true copy of which is attached, was published in the said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, to-wit.- September o-wit:September 5 19 91 19 19 _ - _____ , 19- 19 19 _ 19 19 r That said paper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County for a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the publication of said notice or advertisement and is a newspaper within the meaning of the laws of Idaho. t0� a. &1,4 - STATE OF ]DA1ta cousTy or Bannock 5th day of Se tembe in the year of 19 91 . hcloxe :e. On this , a Notary Public, personally appcare4 LORI , known or identified to ac to be the person whasc na:c sutscribed to the within inatrumcat, and being by ae first duly sworn, declared that the staiesments therein are true. and acknawlcdged to ne that he executed the save. r t - iio Y Yublic'iot ,Idaho •satjd>;a uaissT�o3 dH 6 (�. 6uTPTza? agrpl to ?Ti4�d d aN •aers aq3 pasnjolm aq 3rg1 a3 PagpainouX32 put 'ants axn ajoxag3 s3uousa3e36 aq3 3rg3 patrT39P 'utons drop 3sxT; as dq 8ulaq put �3uamnz3suj ujg3jm aql 03 Pagjtasgns accu asogn u0s3od 043 oq of an os PaT;iTuopl xa unauK I��Z p03radde diieuosi0d •3Tjgnd Ltt3ald e P sSg3 uo 'aw atojoq '� 30 It*.(aq3 ul agU15 ag Io Cc ills r ]Tz)oUUvq 10 ugno:) 30 sms 'ogepl 10 smel eql lO 6ulueaw all ulgl!m sadedsmau a si pue auauaaSllaanpe as 80130U pies to uolleollgnd aql of aoud S1,90M 1g610-Aluanas to poiaad e aol Alunoo pies ui pagsllgnd Alpeldnijolulun pue Alsnonu+luoo ueaq seq waded pies legs 6 3 —63 63 { 63 --6 L — 61 64T6 6l S aagmajdas :llm-ol 'salep 6ulmoll0l aql uo IVNuno 3ivis OH'dal pies aql ul pags1lgnd sem pagoelle sl golgM to Rdoo anal a 'aollou jo luawnoop eql legl ulajagl uo!lelnoj!o leaaua6 a 6ulneq pue 'ogepl 'AlunoO �oouue8 'ollaleood le pogsllgnd pue palulid 'sadedsmou AIlep e `fit/ uno aivi-s OHVGl 9Hl 10 �aa10 ledlouiad aql pue `06e to sieaf( I -Z uegl ajow 'eo Z96ul 1664 'S aagweldaS aenspeal �laa10 A110 'ulluoo •0 uoa :1S-S_UV aodelry '4ueloo yp u4oE oyepl ;a uol#eaodaa0 Iedlolunyy Monggn40 10 A110 -4661 '1sn8nV }o Aup 41LZ slgl `o42pl 143nggn40 }o Allo eyl to IIONnOO QNV IJOAViN 3Hl AS Q9AOaddV aNV Q3SSVd Mel Aq POPlAoad se uol#eollgnd pue €enadde sp uodn GA110a49 awooeq lle4s eoupulpao s141 pup '411m pesuadslp Agaaay sl sAup olumdas aaay# uo peaa eq o; s60ueulpa❑ 6ulalnbea alna e144 1e4.1 :pel2edea Alsseadxe eae yllMeaeq #ollluoo ul '}oeaegl sued ao 'suollnfosaa 'saouuulpao €le 1241 :L uollOeS 00'LL8'9e 3 sppo>_l pue slaaals s#eea1S '�'Apm14Blli leloads speoy 'g 'em B1 sloa(wad 4 H to #uawlfed 6141 aa; spun) luauaenoadwl lelld20 ayl woal pal'opdoadde Agaaay eae Aeuow ;o scans 6usrnollol #241 :9 uollosS 00'009'89$ pun J #seaalu ZL 4 01 s61aeS l V puog onuanaH aamaS get :aeeA leosl} plesaao}e 6ulanp �onggny0 ;o A410 ey1 ;o loefoad waleAs camas uo enp #seaeaul pue spuoq lip }o luowApd aq; col 'ZL-1-O# selaaS 'punt #soae#ul pup puog anuan6H aamoS 941 w04 pelepdoadde Ageaey sip Aouow }o swns Bulmollo; e4# 3241 :9 uol#oes 00'009' 43$ punJ #seaelul 'g puog anuanalJ ae1eM tiE4 :apart Ieosll plesaaolp 6uunp ilongqn40 to 8110 all ;o loefaad Nue; 96eaols aalem uo enp;saae#ul pue spuoq jle;o luewAed ayl col '9L64 '4 aegweldaS sauces 'Punct #eaaelul pue puog enuaned asleM 9141 woa} pelelidoldde Ageaay aap Aeuow ;o swns 6ulmollo; a4l #e41 :b uol;oeS 00'E179'L86` 1$ HW3S '8 INVS `H91VM '30VHVO lVH1N]O 00'OOL'66L uo112a#slulwPV 'g selaeleS - DOEMeS SEB 00'009'9LL u01lea#slwwPV 8 salauleS - S1fa0m1eleM b£b 00'000'646 uo!lpalslugwpV V salaeleS - uol#plluuS EEb O0'E3�E`Z6$ aBeaeo 1pa;u80 MAjolul 0/-17 i a •aee�( Ieosl; plesoao;e 6ulxnp ilonggn40 3n Al.S y# } o sasu6dxa o6uma S pue nolle#lues 'sMJo,welpM '66eap0 1e4ua0 lle to 1uawATed a41 ao; punJ aamaS pue uoll2l€upS 's)gaomaaleM eaeauo Iealue0 Ipuja#ul woa} polppdoadde Ag6aaq om Ifauow to swns 6ulmollo} a4112y1 :e uolloag 00'9;L'L68`1 QNnJ IVH3N99 IV1O1 00'000`08 sasodand fe4uawua8A00 lea8ua0 a04;0 06b 00'EZL'94 aapllaM Pup 4112eH ESB 00' l 04d 1 u01112aaoaH pup sAaed 88i, 00'E8tr'6 bulaeeul5u3 361, O0"444'609 sPeO'd 'g slaaalS 'AmW-uol#eliodsupal 0£b 00'969'LZ uorloodsuf Gulp€€n8 tZb 00'Olr6'993 u01#u8naad 'g €0a#uo0 aa!J EZV O0'LSE'Z8S luawaoaalu3 Mel ZZq 00'£6Z`6LZ$ luewua9n00 Ieaaua0 04q :meA Ieos!1 P!esaaole 6uunp � onggn40 to l�}10 ay# ;o sasuadxg punJ Ipaaua0 Ile ;o 1uawApd a141 col punJ fpaaua0 aql woal papidaaddp Agaaa4 was Aeuow to swns 6ulmollol ay# #241 :Z uolloas punJ lsaaalul pue puog anuan08 aaluM - ZL-4-04 salaaS 'punJ lsaaalul pue puog anuanaH aaMaS - pun a6BMaS pup u011pllupS 's)laomaalpM '06eae0 Iea#u60 leuaalul - punJ leaauaE) '9664 'aagwaldeS ;o /oap ylOB ay# uo 6ulpua pup'064 'a6go1o0;o Aep #sl ay# uo 6uluul69q aea( Iuosy ay; 6uunp pled aq €le4s saanos Ile wow; ){onggny0 to X110 e14# of 6ulnao0e sanuenea Ile yor4m olid spunl aadoad oql se paleu6lsep ace spun} 6ulmollo; 6141 ;e41 :; uolloas :SMOIIOJ $V OHVdl JO NOI.LVHOdHOO wdiowm V 'NOnaanHO JO ,1113 3H1 JO IIONnOO QNV HOAVA 9H1 A8 C19NIVCIHO 11 38 '3UOd3H9H1 MON 'MVl Ol ONIC€HO00V NOUVOIlend GNV IVAOHddV '9JVSSVd Sll U33 -:]V 109333 931V1 01 3ONVNIQbO SIHl HOJ `3NI0IA08d '3(300 OHVQI '6001 -09 NO1109S JO SNOISIAOHd 9Hl Ol 1NVns)jnd 26-4664 dV3A IVOSIJ JO 30NVNIQHO NOI1VIdd0HddV IVnNNV., 9H1 SV MONA CNV 'dlVd GNV NMVHQ 3e IIVHS HOIHAA Ol SQNnJ 1NaUaJ410 3Hl E)NIIVNJISEG aNV 2664 'H291N3ld98 JO AVO HIM 9Hl NO JNIQN3 (INV 4664 H980100 JO AVG 1Sl 3Hl NO ONINN1938 dV3A IVOSIJ 9H1 )dOJ AonssnHO J0 A110 3HJ. 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