HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 02 1996DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Ju 1. y 2, 1.9 9,5 DESIGN REVTEW - Teach-�%-Tot DETE: Ju.1y 2, 1996 Ji-1.1.an6� Ward PROJECT: Site Plan Review - Day Care at 5565 Yellowstone Ave. Present; Mayor John 0. Cotant, '71ittorney Tom Hol.me�;, r7tevc�. "3mart, Charlie Dickman, Cary Campbell, Ron Conlin, Kent Kearns Jim Phel.ps and Larry Kohntopp, Jillane Ward and Brad Frasure were present to present a site plan for a day care faci.l.i.ty for approy, 60 nhi.l.drpn, at 55,159 Yellowstone Pve. Discussion about required parking spaces of 4 parking spaces for publ.ic and. 1. for every two empl.oye.�s, PWD Smart stated there should be no backing onto Siphon Rd. Mr. Frasure stated. customers coul.d enter on Siphon, then exit onto Yellowstone Ave. Discussion about landscaping requirements, also flow of traffic in dr -Ay cRrP parking 1.ot, Cary stated there shoul.d be a 40' maximum curb cut. The dimensions will need to be checked. Landscaping needs to be set 40' from section I.i.np. Jillane Ward felt there will be only 5 or 6 vehicles at any one t i.mG, Tt was decided there should be a more definite plan presented. 71.fter discussion, Design Review Committee decided Mr. Frasure and Jillane Ward could get started on the building addition at once, the parking, landscaping, curb cuts and dimensions will be discussed when more accurate measurements are available. T-arry Kohntopp and Cary will assist Brad Frasure with the measurements. June 26. 1 gc)6 TO: DRSTGN RRVTRW COMMTTTRR FROM! RON CONT.TN RRPRRRMCR! DRSTCN RRVTRW COMMTTTRR MP.P.TTNG WTT.T. RP CONDUCTRD AT 10:10 A.M., TURSDAV, JITT.V 21. lq96. - DAVrARR. TRF.RP. WTT.T. SP A DFSTrN RP.VTF.W rOMMTTTF.P. MP.P.TTN(-,. TF VOIT WTT.T. NOT RP ART.R TO ATTRND, PT.RASR ADVTSR. Tf-�ANKS. (.4'r - - . RON DF�STCN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES July 22, 1.91�r) DESIGN REVIEW - ISO" Construction - Gary Ratliff Y 2) or r-'-IrrY over from June 2r:,, I !�PPLICANTt Gary Ratliff PROJECT: rli.1747� rl.an ERSt ChUbhUrk TR(i, dp Present; Mayor John 0. Cotant, "ttorney Tom Holmes, Steve Smart, CharlJe ni-ckman, Cary Campbpl.i., Ron ConlAn, Kp-nt Kp,-3rns Jim Phelps and Larry Kohntopp. ("R ry rR,,t 1. i. f f (,hp— 17'OCate-1-1.0 Presenteri hi.s rp PCj ed vi.,c3 . propos P)Rns for building storage sheds on E. Chubbuck Road. Mr, Ratl.i.ff was tol.d the Property i.s unpl.attpd, thi.�; pro trigger a Plat review. Mr. wi.1.1. devel.or Rurl.ey Dri.ve-, Ratliff Will be required to Mr. Ratliff was told if approved, there can only be a temporary accp - s 'IPPrOved from E. Chubbuck Roarj, Mr, r"'atl.iff proposal will not work I- f Issued a temporary�*access, because he wi.11. not'. (70mmi-t to the expense wi.thoilt 01_1t knowi.ng hr�. wil.l. have access from F. Chubbuck Road in the future. ,7%ttorney Holmpr, suggestp-(i mr, R.Rt 1. i.f f move the _a.,. tc , ropo thp P end of property, p t next to Burley D as ts *not fea!;i.bl.e, rive. Mr. Ratliff said this Mr. Ratliff argued the proposal cannot go forward without total 'I(-c7P--9q to &-int Chubbuck. 7.ci, Mr, Tr�atijff n d Of utilities and xr, a. e. th 'ost r, security to the storage sheds would be prohi.btti.ve, i.f required to move the proj.:� 't to t be P nf the property, a_t si, rip 7WD Smart told Mr. Ratliff !access management is very important to the City. The City is required to follow the plan. Mr. Rat)iff's building permit for this proposal is denied.