October 4", 2000
APPLICANT: Premier Technology, 170 E. Siphon Road
DATE: October 4", 2000
PROJECT TITLE: Commercial Buildings
PURPOSE FOR REVIEW: Revised Site Plan and concept for commercial buildings north of
Southside Way.
Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Attorney Tom Holmes, Steve Smart, Jerry Rowland, Merlin
Miller, Ray Griffin, Eric King, Ron Conlin and Jim Phelps.
Premier Technology Representatives were present to present a new site plan for the addition of
commercial buildings to their property at 170 E. Siphon Road and Yellowstone Ave.
The following requirements were discussed:
1. Required to dispose of storin water on property.
2. Required to have swell on Yellowstone Ave. Premier Representatives will
work with Steve on height and depth of swell.
3. Curb, gutter and sidewalks on city streets, Southside Way and Industry Way.
4. Approaches are required to be 150'apart. Need good radius approaches, 30'to 40'
5. Fire hydrant in between each building.
6. Approve temporary access until access can line up with Noah Street.
7. Some sort of Fire Department access - hammerhead.
8. Required landscaping with automatic sprinkling.
Premier Technology Representatives said they will present another site plan in approx. 2 weeks.