HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 15 2002APPLICANT: PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: PURPOSE OF REVIEW: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE January 15'b, 2002 Rhoud Porter Family Tastie Treat Restaurant 5231 Yellowstone Ave. Site Plan Approval. Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Attorney Tom Holmes, Steve Smart, Richard Webb, Ray Griffin, Eric King, Ron Conlin, Jim Phelps and Larry Kohntopp. Ryan Porter and Steve Wallace, Wallace -Hudson Architects, AIA were present to answer questions about site plan. Mr. Porter was told a plat is required on all commercial property. Steve Smart told Steve Wallace there is an additional 7' of street right of way required. Ryan Porter stated he has advertized for sale of the existing home for someone to purchase and remove it to a different location. If they cannot sell the home they will either demolish, or let the Fire Department have a training bum. Eric King advised Mr. Porter he is responsible for removal of an asbestos, Mr. Porter can contact DEQ about asbestos removal. Steve Smart advised Mr. Porter there is a well on the property that will be required to be abandon or used for only irrigation water. Eric King stated there has to be a fire hydrant within 150'of the proposed building. Steve Smart advised Ryan Porter they are required to take the sewer line to stub into manhole on Yellowstone Ave. Steve Smart advised Ryan Porter they are required to install a 6" or 8" water line. Steve said he will get sidewalk, curb and gutter City specifications to Steve Wallace. Discussion about the following: I . Required storm water retention. 2. required dumpster pad for dumpster. 3. When a sign is decided upon, the sign is required to come before Design Review Committee. Mr. Wallace said this is a preliminary site plan, the site plan will change. CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO DESIGN REVIEW MEETING APPLICATION The purpose of this application is to establish a meeting and review time with the City of Chubbuck Design Review Team consisting of the: Mayor, Building Official, City Planner, City Engineer, Fire MarshaL Police Chief and other City staff as required. The Design Review Team meets every Tuesday morning between the hours of 10:30 and 12:00 Noon This team will work in unison, with you, to establish the criteria for your project as it relates to the adopted ordinances of the City of Chubbuck. Keep in mind, this is an informal review and is only conducted on submitted applications. This is a review team not a design team. Provide (6) six sets of drawings at least one week in advance of your scheduled meeting. Formal reviews of your plans or project by City staff is conducted after formal application. Once you make your appointment and it is verified it is very important to keep that appointment so others can be scheduled accordingly. Applicant /Agent: Rhoud Porter Family (PLEASE PRINT) Telephone Number: Steve Wallace, Architect -- 232-2255 Mailing Address: 1540 N. Arthur Ave Pocatello, ID 83204 Project Title: Tastie Treat Restaurant Location: 5231 Yellowstone Ave Parcel Number: INST # 2070965 Purpose For The Review Site plan approval Meeting Request Date: Alternate Date: Approved Date: I I 01 1 1-5 / 02 (Tuesdays only) (10:3 0 to Noon) Approved Time: 11:00 AM (Notify Applicant) (Be at permit counter at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time) City Official: L. Kohntopp Date: 01_J 11_/-02 City of Chubbuck v"�ohn 0. Cotant, Mayor Thomas J. Holmes, City Attorney GzZZ> Leroy S. Quick Councilman Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk/Treasurer Steven M. England, Councilman Steven M. Smart, Public Works Director P.O. Box 5604 Mary C. Gunter, Councilman 5160 Yellowstone Ave. Kent Kearns, Councilman Chubbuck, ID 83202-0006 Phone (208) 237-2400 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA January 15th, 2002 TO: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MAYOR JOHN 0. COTANT ATTORNEY TOM HOLMES STEVE SMART RAY GRIFFIN RICHARD WEBB JIM PHELPS ERIC KING LARRY KOHNTOPP - STAFF SEAN HARRIS - STAFF FROM: RON C. CONLIN RE: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED at 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, January 15th, 2002 for review of a site plan from the Rhoud Porter Family for a approval of a Tastie Treat Restaurant to be located at 5231 Yellowstone Ave. IF YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE ADVISE. THANK YOU RON CONLIN DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES January 15'h, 2002 APPLICANT: Joe Ortiz/KIT Manufacturing Co. PROJECT TITLE: Kit Manufacturing Co. LOCATION: 4708 Yellowstone Ave. PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Manufacturing housing sales yard. Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Steve Smart, Richard Webb, Ray Griffin, Eric King, Ron Conlin, Jim Phelps and Larry Kohntopp. Joe Ortiz, KIT Manufacturing presented a site plan for KIT Manufacturing Co. at 4708 Yellowstone Ave. Larry Kohntopp told Mr. Ortiz the City needs to know what size the sign is going to be prior to the sign going in. Mr. Ortiz stated he would like to have two accesses on Yellowstone Ave, with the southerly access being fenced or chained and only used for pulling the production home in. The northerly access is required to be a 40' approach. Mr. Ortiz said Dorm Fenner, property owner wants to leave the existing building there, Mr. Ortiz said he will side the building. Mr. Ortiz stated they would like to start in February. Design Review Committee approved the site plan with the following conditions: 1. 40'radius, street type approach required. 2. Southerly access will have a chain gate or fence with a KNOX box required by the Fire Department. The access will be for production home delivery only. 3. Existing building will be sided. 4. !O'Iandscaping requirement with automatic sprinkling system. One tree every 50'. 5. Fire Department is requiring access from Yellowstone Ave. CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO DESIGN REVIEW MEETING APPLICATION The purpose of this application is to establish a meeting and review time with the City of Chubbuck Design Review Team consisting of the: Mayor, Building Official, City Planner, City Engineer, Fire Marshal, Police Chief and other City staff as required. The Design Review Team meets every Tuesday morning between the hours of 10:30 and 12:00 Noon This team will work in unison, with you, to establish the criteria for your project as it relates to the adopted ordinances of the City of Chubbuck. Keep in mind, this is an informal review and is only conducted on submitted applications. This is a review team not a design team. Provide (6) six sets of drawings at least one week in advance of your scheduled meeting. Formal reviews of your plans or project by City staff is conducted after formal application. Once you make your appointment and it is verified, it is very important to keep that appointment so others can be scheduled accordingly. Applicant /Agent: Joe Ortiz/KIT Manufacturing Co. (PLEASE PRINT) Telephone Number: 478-7587 Mailing Address: 320 W. Center Pocatello, ID 83201 Project Title: Manufactured Housing Sales Yard Location: 4708 Yellowstone Ave Parcel Number: Fonner Homes America lot owned by Dorm Fenner Purpose For The Review Review and approval of the Kit courtyard plan Meeting Request Date: J Alternate Date: Approved Date: 01 1 15 / 02 (Tuesdays only) (10:30 to Noon) Approved Time: 10:30 AM (Notify Applicant) (Be at permit counter at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time) City Official: L. Ko *topp Date: 01 /10/02 Fence J CP CV b N -X CD LO I 00 ;� M, 0) 01 L 0 ;0 C1101J X C ;0 � OP ,b CD r 0 196-0" KIT COURTYARD 4708 Yellowstone Ave Chubbuck, Id I , b, C." 76' 70 -z -,)A 3'.0 -0"X261-8,, Fence Ramp 11 Fence 60'-8 x261-811 CP CD Office EEP",- � Cb CD C) Fence ndscape W—� f Fence Fence Fence ---- /Ex�isting Light I Existing Lig Landscape Sign Power Pole Existing Power Landscape Pole C6 co --------------- jTAccess Power Pole Existing Deck co co M C� (0 Garage & Go X Z:1 'Fence 10 0i Ramp LO Ramp 11 Fence 60'-8 x261-811 CP CD Office EEP",- � Cb CD C) Fence ndscape W—� f Fence Fence Fence ---- /Ex�isting Light I Existing Lig Landscape Sign Power Pole Existing Power Landscape Pole C6 M APPLICANT: DATE: PROJECT TITLE: PURPOSE FOR REVEEW: DESIGN REVIEW MEETING MINUTES June 2 1 ", 2000 Mike Klingner, Kit Manufacturing. June 2 1 ", 2000 Kit Manufacturing Co. Approval of Kit Courtyard Plan at 4708 Yellowstone Ave. Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Attorney Tom Holmes, Steve Smart, Jerry Rowland, Ray Griffin, Merlin Miller, Ron Conlin, Jim Phelps and Larry Kohntopp. Dorm Fenner and Mike Klingner, Kit Manufacturing Company was present to present the Kit Courtyard Site Plan and a proposed sign. Mr. Klingner felt they need two accesses on Yellowstone Ave. for moving the production homes in and out. Mr. Klingner felt there could not be adequate landscaping with only one access. Steve Smart explained the Access Management Guidelines adopted by the City Council. Discussion about the sign regulations. Mr. Klingner was told the sign is required to meet the City Site Triangle Code, either by installing the sign back ftirther off Yellowstone entrances or raising the bottom of the sign to 10' rather than the 6' shown on proposed site plan. The following was discussed: 1. PWD Smart stated a radius turn cut is required, maximum of 40'. 2. The production homes on Yellowstone Ave. should be grassed with automatic sprinklers beyond the office building. 3. Fl) Merlin Miller stated there needs to be access for emergency vehicles. 4. Fire Department requires address numbers to visible. 5. Office building needs to be anchored. 6. Mr. Klingner said he will clean up the structure on the property Mr. Klingner was asked to present a new site plan showing one access, a radius turn, 40' maximum.. City of Chubbuck TO: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MAYOR JOHN 0. COTANT ATTORNEY TOM HOLMES STEVE SMART RAY GRIFFIN RICHARD WEBB JIM PHELPS ERIC KING LARRY KOHNTOPP - STAFF SEAN HARRIS - STAFF FROM: RON C. CONLIN RE: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, January 15th, 2002 for review a site plan from Joe Ortiz/KIT Manufacturing Co. Kit courtyard plan, 4708 Yellowstone Ave. (Formerly Homes America, Dorm Fenner). IF YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE ADVISE. THANK YOU RON CONLIN N-111 \**�John 0. Cotant, Mayor GZZZ� Thomas J. Holmes, City Attorney Leroy S. Quick, Councilman Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk/Treasurer Steven M. England, Councilman Steven M. Smart, Public Works Director P.O. Box 5604 Mary C. Gunter, Councilman 5160 Yellowstone Ave. Kent Kearns, Councilman Chubbuck, ID 83202-0006 Phone (208) 237-2400 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA January 15th, 2002 TO: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MAYOR JOHN 0. COTANT ATTORNEY TOM HOLMES STEVE SMART RAY GRIFFIN RICHARD WEBB JIM PHELPS ERIC KING LARRY KOHNTOPP - STAFF SEAN HARRIS - STAFF FROM: RON C. CONLIN RE: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, January 15th, 2002 for review a site plan from Joe Ortiz/KIT Manufacturing Co. Kit courtyard plan, 4708 Yellowstone Ave. (Formerly Homes America, Dorm Fenner). IF YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE ADVISE. THANK YOU RON CONLIN N-111