July W", 2002
APPLICANT: Becky Robinson
PROJECT TITLE: 4950 Yellowstone Ave. (formerly R.V. Center).
LOCATION: 4950 Yellowstone Ave.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Change of use of the building.
Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Attorney Tom J. Holmes, Steven Smart, Ray Griffin, Eric King,
Ron Conlin, Jim Phelps and Larry Kohntopp.
Becky and Bill Robinson were present to explain their site plan.
Larry Kohntopp explained he has concern about amount of parking spaces as Becky Robinson
adds businesses to the building at 4950 Yellowstone.
Larry explained the Dr. Lube business agreed to park east of the front part of the building, U -
Copy is required to have 3 spaces and the Lonesome Dove, (a new business) is required
to have 3 spaces, Becky's office is required one space, leaving the building short 5 spaces
as required by City Code.
Mrs. Robinson w , ants to use gravel instead of paving the off-street parking on property north of
Ward Drive. Larry expressed concern of what happens if Becky Robinson sells the
property north of Ward Drive, that would leave no parking for the existing businesses.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were told they are required:
1) Required to pave the off-street parking, along with curb, gutter and sidewalk north side
of Ward Drive.
2) Required to comply with Site Triangle Code. (150'from intersection).
3) 10' landscaping requirement with automatic sprinkling system. Yellowstone Ave and
Ward Drive.
Becky Robinson said they could not afford to pave off-street parking.
Mrs. Robinson said she is not planning on leasing the upstairs to the building. There is still a
large area on the main floor she plans to rent or lease.
Attorney Holmes suggested Mr. and Mrs. Robinson review the requirements and present another
site plan. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson said they would.