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06 22 2004
DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING June 22nd, 2004 n. ,_ ey"ma PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: PURPOSE FOR REVIEW: Whispering Pines/Shelly Jones Whispering Pine Assisted Living Center. Approx. 4875 Burley Drive. Site Plan approval. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Steve Smart, Ray Griffin, Merlin Miller, Larry Kohntopp, Randy Severe, Jean Higgins and Ron Conlin. Shelly Jones, Whispering Pine Assisted Living Center stated the center is north of Geraldine's Bake Shop. There will be a maximum of 15 patients at any time. Design Review Committee approved the site plan subject to the following conditions: 1. Only one shared street approach access to the south is approved. 2. Court yard exit gate is required to be further away from the building, as per Fire Department recommendations. 3. 10' landscaping requirement with automatic sprinkler system. 4. Required to present to City engineering plans, stamped. 5. Storm water drainage to be retained on site. 6. Parking should be such that there is no backing out onto Burley Drive. 7. Fire Department approval of knox box or a pad. 8. Address should be visible from the street, also be in contrast with the building. BURLEY DRIVE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO DESIGN REVIEW MEETING APPLICATION The purpose of this application is to establish a meeting and review time with the City of Chubbuck Design Review Team consisting of the Mayor, Building Official, City Planner, City Engineer, Fire Marshal, Police Chief and other City staff as required. The Design Review Team meets every Tuesday morning between the hours of 10:30 and 11:30 AM. This team will work in unison, with you, to establish the criteria for your project as it relates to the adopted ordinances of the City of Chubbuck. Keep in mind, this is an informal review and is only conducted on submitted applications. This is a review team not a design team. Provide (10) ten sets of drawings, (8 1/2 X 11), at least eight days in advance of your scheduled meeting. Formal review of your plans or project by City Staff is conducted after formal application. Once you schedule your Design Review, it is very important to keep that appointment so others can be scheduled accordingly. Applicant/Agent: WhisperingPines/ShetlyJones (PLEASE PRINT) Telephone Number: 234-1200 Mailing Address: 520 Willard Pocatello, ID 83201 Project Title: whispering Pines Assisted Living Center Location: Approx. 4875 Burley Dr. Parcel Number: Purpose For The Review: Site Plan Approval Meeting Request Date: Altei7late Date: Approved Date: 0 6 m/m/1�1 0 6/ 0mm 4 2 2/0 4 (Tuesdays only) (10:30 to 11:30) Approved Time: 10:30 AM (Notify Applicant) (Be at permit counter at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time. City Official: L. Kohntopp Date:0 6/ 0 9/ 0 4 Fee - $25 Initials Receipt # Please pay Design Review fee prior to the meeting time. N.V Do not request or expect to get on the Design Review agenda in fewer than 8 days prior to the regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting! City of Chubbuck John O. Cotant, Mayor CUIIBBUCK CITY PRIDE Leroy S. Quick, Councilman Thomas J. Holmes, City Attorney Steven M. England, Councilman Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk/Treasurer P.O. Box 5604 Mary C. Gunter, Councilman Steven M. Smart, Public Works Director 5160 Yellowstone Ave. Kent Kearns, Councilman Chubbuck, ID 83202-0006 Phone (208) 237-2400 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA June 22nd, 2004 TO: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MAYOR JOHN O. COTANT ATTORNEY TOM HOLMES STEVE SMART RAY GRIFFIN RANDY SEVERE JEAN HIGGINS ERIC KING LARRY KOHNTOPP - STAFF SEAN HARRIS - STAFF JASON MENDENHALL - 4983 PLEASANT VIEW FROM: RON C. CONLIN RE: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED - 10:30 am, Tuesday, June 22nd, 2004 in regards to a site plan approval for Whispering Pines Assisted Living Center to locate at 4875 Burley Dr. IF YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE ADVISE. THANK YOU RON CONLIN 141 -92" 4'-0° R' =0 W m O Ai&�r lei IL PROPOSED PLOT PLAN �V SIGN, DEs� B,-, A NEW ASSISTED LIVING NGME SCALE, 1/0' . r_o° SHELLY WHISPERING PINES PROPOSED � �, 48'15 BURLEY G E�'�N GHUBBUCK - IDAHO PLOT PLAN 4!!9/04 I I I I � I I y I I 41 I I i I I I I I M1 NUJ ASSISTED � L I VINO CENTER I I I a FCRI - u Se360 aQ FT (D " 1 i I I 4r si eolurx I I I I I I I 1 I I I � - COURTYARD ________ 90�XE� CONGFETE CURB LANDSGAPIIYi AREA . BT00 S4 F7 m 4 P RJG SPADES _ �� E S ASPHALT PAN Ws ' r ROOM OS �—u DOUBLE IIi bR ROOM 05 SII•KaLE wm" ROOM f10 SMILE Mm" ,/ ROOM r1 II (ROOM *6 rqrMROOM 05 II ROOM 04 SINGLE SII KsLE SIWSLE SNGLE mm" wbrt ww" wbm CA1Plt r---T=----- I 1 LIVING AREA I I 1 I I ROOM 11 ROOM X14 ROOIM '13 SNGLE SINGLE 6'121LE wbrt ww" wbrr PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN SCALL, 3/*' • 1--0• . 531! 5cWm F"T DINING AREA X ROOM 03 11 ROOM n SMLE DOUBLE Mw" wbn III ;b ' ' IN IN ROOM '1 SINGLE ww" STORAGE ENTRY MIANON. DEBKN By. A PEW ASTM LIVM MCM - --._ ,�Y WHISPERINGS PINES PROPOSED DRAO-b 4815 BURLEY GHUBBUGK - IDAHO FLOOR PLAN DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES June 22nd, 2004 APPLICANT: PROJECT TITLE LOCATION: PURPOSE FOR REVIEW NORCO - (Comel Larson, Larson Architects). NORCO Store 4839 Yellowstone Ave. Site Plan approval. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Steve Smart, Ray Griffin, Eric King, Merlin Miller, Larry Kohntopp, Randy Severe, Jean Higgins and Ron Conlin. Jim Kester, Norco owner and Jim Morphy, Realtor was present to present the proposed site plan. Family members that own the property were also present. Larry Kohntopp explained why the reduction in accesses to Yellowstone Ave. Larry Kohntopp explained why the City would prefer two street radius approaches, rather than a rolled curb along Linden Ave. Mr. Kester stated the two 40' street approaches on Burley Ave will work for him. Mr. Kester stated his property to the west is for future expansion. Mr. Koster said he will keep the weeds down on this property. Mr. Kester said the fence will probably be around the existing business, not around all the property. Design Review Committee approved the site plan as presented with the following conditions: 1. Allowed to have two 40' street approaches on West Linden Ave. The first access will be 150' from Yellowstone Ave. Required to have required minimum space between the two street approaches. 2. The only access on Yellowstone Ave will be a 20' shared access with property owners to the south. 3. Storm water drainage required to be onsite. 4. 10' Landscaping with automatic sprinkler system. 5. Street address is required to be visible from street. The street address shall be in contrast to the building. 6. Fire Department is to be notified of inventory of gas in and around the building. Required to install a knox box. No storage of vehicles, boats, etc on unused westerly property, unless the property has a screening fence. Site triangle is required to be clear. 10. A monument sign on street is approved. Shall be less than six feet high. CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO DESIGN REVIEW MEETING APPLICATION The purpose of this application is to establish a meeting and review time with the City of Chubbuck Design Review Team consisting of the Mayor, Building Official, City Planner, City Engineer, Fire Marshal, Police Chief and other City staff as required. The Design Review Team meets every Tuesday morning between the hours of 10:30 and 11:30 AM. This team will work in unison, with you, to establish the criteria for your project as it relates to the adopted ordinances of the City of Chubbuck. Keep in mind, this is an informal review and is only conducted on submitted applications. This is a review team not a design team. Provide (10) ten sets of drawings, (8 1/2 X 11), at least eight days in advance of your scheduled meeting. Formal review of your plans or project by City Staff is conducted after formal application. Once you schedule your Design Review, it is very important to keep that appointment so others can be scheduled accordingly. Applicant /Agent: NORCO - (Cornel Larson, Larson Architects) (PLEASE PRINT) Telephone Number: 208-376-7502 Mailing Address: 210 Murray street Boise, ID 83714 Project Title: NORCO Store Location: 4839 Yellowstone Ave Parcel Number: Purpose For The Review: Site Plan Approval Meeting Request Date: Alternate Date: Approved Date: n©© so No En No. 0' 0 ©© ua (Tuesdays only) (10:30 to 11:30) Approved Time: 11:00 AM (Notify Applicant) (Be at permit counter at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time. City Official: L. Kohntopp Date:0 6 /M15i0 4 Fee - $25 Initials Receipt # Please pay Design Review fee prior to the meeting time. Do not request or expect to get on the Design Review agenda in fewer than 8 days prior to the regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting! a ,rc jw ip wimam wawmg in moom ass= m tow am wmima Her wwomr mos lo) mumm mt-8A8 (go.) MV8 -VVPI '"R iaal;s Av"nm On OHVa '"esrm 3rMAV 3NOISMOTBA I "--M -1-PZ M-9 � �W-r moneenHo - ookm TV '670MYO-W u0s-W7I— a ,rc jw ip wimam wawmg in moom ass= m tow am wmima Her wwomr mos lo) mumm City of Chubbuck John O. Cotant, Mayor Leroy S. Quick, Councilman CZED Thomas J. Holmes, City Attorney Steven M. England, Councilman Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk/Treasurer P.O. Box 5604 Mary C. Gunter, Councilman Steven M. Smart, Public Works Director 5160 Yellowstone Ave. Kent Kearns, Councilman Chubbuck, ID 83202-0006 Phone (208) 237-2400 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA June 22nd, 2004 TO: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MAYOR JOHN O. COTANT ATTORNEY TOM HOLMES STEVE SMART RAY GRIFFIN RANDY SEVERE JEAN HIGGINS ERIC KING LARRY KOHNTOPP - STAFF SEAN HARRIS - STAFF JASON MENDENHALL - 4983 PLEASANT VIEW FROM: RON C. CONLIN RE: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED - 11:00 am, Tuesday, June 22nd, 2004 in regards to a site plan approval for NORCO Store to locate at 4839 Yellowstone Ave. IF YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE ADVISE. THANK YOU RON CONLIN