HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 13 2004P9 APPLICANT: PROJECT TILE LOCATION: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES July 13 1h 2004 Premier Technology, 170 E. Siphon Road Premier Technology 170 E. Siphon Road PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Approval of Production Building for temporary office, discussion regarding other "temporary" office structures. Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Steve Smart, Larry Kohntopp, Jean Higgins, Randy Severe, Ron Conlin, Ray Griffin and Eric King. Cory Martin, Premier Technologies was present to present Premier Technologies short and long range plans. Staff met with Premier representatives last week in regards to a Stop Work Order the City placed on their temporary structure they located at 170 E. Siphon Road without approval. Staff said they were not happy about the Stop Order but said they would come to a Design Review. Mr. Martin said that two of the temporary structures will be removed when this larger temporary structure is placed. Mr. Martin stated Premier Technologies will expand in about six months and will put the required paved employee parking in. The requirement of paved employee parking at a previous Design Review has not been installed as of yet. Mr. Martin stated the long term plan will go in phases and as the company can afford to expand. Design Review Committee approve the temporary structure subject to the following conditions: 1. Premier Technologies presents Building Inspector Ray Griffin the name of the Company that delivered the temporary structure, so they can get a moving permit issued. 2. Premier Technologies notifies the City of any building, moving in structures prior to them doing it. 3. Removal of two accessory structures prior to September 1", 2004. CITY OF ESIGN RF.V1 CHUBBUCK, F—,W MEETINC IDAHO The purpose of this application is to establish a meeting and review time with the City of Chubbuck Design Review Team consisting of the Mayor, Building Official, City Planner, City Engineer, Fire Marshal, Police Chief and other City staff as required. The Design Review Team meets every Tuesday morning between the hours of 10:30 and 11:30 AM. This team will work in unison, with you, to establish the criteria for your project as it relates to the adopted ordinances of the City of Chubbuck. Keep in mind, this is an informal review and is only conducted on submitted applications. This is a review team not a design team. Provide (10) ten sets of drawings, (8 1/2 X 11), at least eight days in advance of your scheduled meeting. Formal review of your plans or project by City Staff is conducted after formal application. Once you schedule your Design Review , it is very important to keep that appointment so others can be scheduled accordingly. Applicant /Agent: Premier Techno!M Telephone Number: 238-5525 (PLEASE PRINT) Mailing Address: 170 E. Siphon Chobuck, Id 83202 Project Title: Ten1pormy office structure Location: 170 E. Siphon Parcel Number: Purpose For The Review: Approval of Production B Discussion re -"-*-- --- - —,p ag� Lemorary offices. _poru ce structures. y" off, --T7 Meeting Request Date: T13 / FO 4 Alternate Date: F -F-1 (Tuesdays only) Approved Date: (10:30 to 11:30) Approved Time: 1030 AM (Notify Applicant) (Be at permit counter at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time.) City Official: L. Ko kntopl) Date: MO7 / R] / Fee - $25 inifials Receipt # KI Please pay Design Review fee prior to the meeting time. .*.0 0%, Do not request or expect to get on the Design Review agenda in fewer than 8 days prior to the regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting! City of Chubbuck �%�John 0. Cotant, Mayor Leroy S. Quick, Councilman Thomas J. Holmes, City Attorney czz�> Steven M. England, Councilman Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk/Treasurer P.O. Box 5604 Mary C. Gunter, Councilman Steven M. Smart, Public Works Director 5160 Yellowstone Ave. Kent Kearns, Councilman Chubbuck, ID 83202-0006 Phone (208) 237-2400 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA July 13th, 2004 TO: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MAYOR JOHN 0. COTANT ATTORNEY TOM HOLMES STEVE SMART RAY GRIFFIN RANDY SEVERE JEAN HIGGINS ERIC KING LARRY KOHNTOPP - STAFF SEAN HARRIS - STAFF JASON MENDENHALL - 4983 PLEASANT VIEW FROM: RON C. CONLIN RE: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED - 10:30 a.m, Tuesday, July 13th, 2004 in regards to a site plan approval for Premier Technology temporary office structure at 170 E. Siphon. IF YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE ADVISE. THANK YOU RON CONLIN DESIGN REVIEW MEETING MINUTES May 3 1', 2000 APPLICANT: Preffnicr Technology. 107 E. Siphon Road. DATE: May 3 1 `9 2000 PROJECT TITLE: Premier Technology PURPOSE FOR REVIEW: Office Addition/Master Site Plan Present: Steve Smart, JerlY Rowland, Attorney Tom Holmes, Ray Griffin, Eric King, Meft Miller, Ron Conlin, Scan Hands and Lany Kolintopp. Doug Sayer, Premier Technology was PMSM to Present an office addition/masw site plan for Premier Technology, 107 E. Siphon Road. The f011Owing requirements were discussed: I - Parking 'requimMents - After discunion it was decided there are enough parking sPaces including the aldition. 2- Employee parking Inust be paved. Mr. Sayer expressed cow 3. Ron to check and see if city hag a recorded easement. ern about costs ofpavng. 4- Temporary trailem there now will be rcmvcd wben aMtion is compleW. 5. No lambcaping issues at this time. 6- Required to have an addreSS for emagency services on building. Desip Review Committee approved the office addition/master site plan. STAFF MEETING M]NUTES September 6', 2000 Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Attorney Tom I Holmes, Steve Smart, Jerry Rowland, Ray Griffin, Eric King, Larry Kohntopp and Ron Conlin. JerrY Rowland said there is a meeting at the Bannock County Commissioner's Office today at 1:00 p.m. regarding the closing of Trail Creek Road in Bannock County. Eric King said he will have someone attend the meeting. Steve Smart said Bob Hart, owner of the property to the east of Mountain Park Subdivision asked if the developer will be required to install a street across the canyon that separates the north and south property. There are approx 20 acres of land that will develop east of the Mountain Park Subdivision and the Interstate. After discussion, it was decided Staff will go look at the proposed project. Jerry reported there are no speed limit signs on West Clubbuck Road at this time, Steve will check out. Ray Griffm said Leonard Jensen wants to build another building on Blue Gill, just like the first one that was built. Ray was told Mr. Jensen is required to present his plans to the Design Review Committee. Bill Orr, Crazy Comer Auto Sales is required to come to Design Review Committee about a proposed car sales lot in Clover Dell Subdivision. Discussion about Premier Technology, Siphon Road need to removed the three trailers in front of their building- They were given temporary permission to locate two trailers for offices and storage, they have added one. Larry Kohntopp was directed to contact Premier Technology about going to Design Review Committee with their plans. Discussion about Dorm Fenner's property on Yellowstone Ave., Kit Mobile Home Sales wants to put a mobile home sales site on the property. At the Design Review Meeting, Kit Mfg. was required to reduce the accesses to one and install a radius curb cut. After discussion, it was decided it would be okay if the one curb out was taken out, thb City would allow the other one to stay as is, rather than changing to a radius curb cut. WIten the use is changed in any way, the radius curb cut will be required. Dorm Fenncr will be invited to Design Review Meeting to present a site plan reflecting this. Lory Nelson and Barbara Johnson, Briarwood Homeowners Assn. were present to say the developer said he is not responsible to develop the park mi Briarwood Subdivision. After discussion, Larry Kohntopp was directed to research minutes to see what was required on the Briarwood Subdivision Park development. After research Steve Smart will send the developer a letter stating he has until June 1, 2001 to Complete the park requirements. APPLICANT: DATE - PROJECT TITLE: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MRiUFES September 20', 2000 Doug Sayer, Premier Technology, 170 E. Siphon Road September 20', 2000 Commercial buildings for supplies PURPOSE FOR REVIEW: Site Plan and concept for commercial buildings north of Southside Way. Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Attorney Tom Holmes, Steve Smart, Jerry Rowland, Merlin Miller, Ray Griffin, Eric King, Roa Conlin and Larry Kohntopp. Doug Sayer and Representatives from Premier Tcchnology were present to present a site plan and concept for commercial buildings north of Southside Way. Premier Technology wants to rent the buildings out for commercial use. PWD Smart told Mr. Sayer the City will not allow an access onto Yellowstone Ave. Mr. Sayer said they have a need for an access onto Yellowstoue Ave., there is no other way they can make it work. 60, Discassion about a beriin on Yellowstone Ave. to buffer the noise from residents across the street. PWD Smart told Premier Representatives they are required to pipe storm drainage water to a grassy swell, the overflow will go into dry wells. The Premier Technology Representatives were told of the requirement of 10' landscaping with automatic sprinkling system. Premier Technology Representatives were told if an access to Yellowstone Ave is allowed they will have to redesign the site plan to accommodate the required setbacks on Yellowstone Ave. Mr. Sayer was directed to present a revised site plan showing-, 1. Required set barks on Yellowstone Ave. 2. Storm drain plan. 3. 10' Landscaping requirement with automatic sprinklers. 4. Parking requirements. C� Mr. Sayer stated he will have ready for the October 4b, 2000 Design Review Meeting. DESIGN REVIEW CONMITTEE MITNTUTES kpe September 20', 2000 Mr. Sayer was asked when the trailers they are using for office and storage space now wiU be removed. Mr. Sayer said they want to get on with the project as soon as possible so they can get the trailers out. �w *AO( DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUI`ES January 80% 2002 APPLICANT: Doug Sayer/Premier Technologies, Industry Way. PROJECT TrI1,E: Premier Technology temporary office structure. LOCATION: 170 E. Siphon Road. PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Temporary Office Structure. Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Attorney Tom Holmes, Steve Smart, Richard Webb, Eric King, Ron Conlin, Jim Phelps and Larry Kohntopp. Mr. Doug Sayer presented a site plan for a temporary office structure at 170 E. Siphon Road. Discussion about requirement Of Paving drive way to employee parking, including paving employee Parking, not required until Permanent office building is cxpanded, Mayor Cotant asked how long is temporary, Aft. Sayer said it could be as long as three years. Design Review Committee VPMYed allowing a replacement of the existing temporary building kPI-1 with a review of the approval in three years. Eric King said he would like Premier Technologies to put address on front of building and also use large letters or numbers on the other buildings. Mr. Sayer said Premier Technologies will comply. 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