HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 02 2004APPLICANT: PROJECT TITLE LOCATION: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES November 2", 2004 Pastor Josh Robinson, Gate City Christian Church. Gate City Christian Church 202 W. Siphon Road PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Grant approval to exchange existing single -wide classroom for a double -wide production building classroom. Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Steve Smart, Larry Kohntopp, Jean Higgins, Randy Severe, Ron Conlin, Ray Griffin, Eric King and Merlin Miller. Associate Pastor Josh Robinson was present to present Gate City Christian Church's plans for an exchange of an existing single -wide classroom for a double -wide production building classroom at 202 W. Siphon Road. Associate Pastor Robinson stated the plans for the Gate City Christian Church, 202 W. Siphon Road are to develop an architect's plan for an addition to their current building to be constructed in April, 2005. They just need this temporary double -wide production building for classrooms to get them by until, April of 2005. Associate Pastor Robinson said the production building will leave when the addition to their building is complete. After discussion, Staff gave approval to the Gate City Christian Church to replace the single - wide production home on their property with a double -wide production home, subject to they get a moving permit to move the production home in. CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO DESIGN REVIEW MEETING APPLICATION The purpose of this application is to establish a meeting and review time with the City of Chubbuck Design Review Team consisting of the Mayor, Building Official, City Planner, City Engineer, Fire Marshal, Police Chief and other City staff as required. The Design Review Team meets every Tuesday morning between the hours of 10:30 and 11:30 AM. This team will work in unison, with you, to establish the criteria for your project as it relates to the adopted ordinances of the City of Chubbuck. Keep in mind, this is an informal review and is only conducted on submitted applications. This is a review team not a design team. Provide (10) ten sets of drawings, (8 1/2 X 11), at least eight days in advance of your scheduled meeting. Formal review of your plans or project by City Staff is conducted after formal application. Once you schedule your Design Review, it is very important to keep that appointment so others can be scheduled accordingly. Applicant /Agent: Gate CitY Christian Church - Pastor Josh Robinson (PLEASE PRINT) Telephone Number: 237-5002 Mailing Address.- 202 W. Siphon Rd. Project Title: Approve tempomy classroom production building. Location: 202 W. Siphon Rd. Parcel Number: Purpose For The Review: Gram appmal to exchange eAsting single -wide classroom for double -wide production building classroont Meeting Request Date: Alternate Date: Approved Date: 1111/10121/1014 (Tuesdays only) (10:30 to 11:30) 1 Fil Approved Time: 11:30 Am (Notify Applicant) (Be at permit counter at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time. City Official: L. Kohntopp , Date: M10 / M28 Fee - $25 Initials No Fee Receipt # Please pay Design Review fee prior to the meeting time. Do not request or expect to get on the Design Review agenda in fewer than 8 days prior to the regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting'. r I City of Chubbuck �'�John 0. Cotant, Mayor Leroy S. Quick Councilman Th,-- T 14�1— (; A ttorn Steven MF- -land Councilman y 1.y -.Y Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk/Treasurer P.O. Box 5604 Mary C. Gunter, Councilman Steven M. Smart, Public Works Director 5160 Yellowstone Ave. Kent Kearns, Councilman Chubbuck ID 83202-0006 Phone (208) 237-2400 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA November 2nd, 2004 01a TO: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MAYOR JOHN 0. COTANT ATTORNEY TOM HOLMES STEVE SMART RAY GRIFFIN RANDY SEVERE JEAN HIGGINS ERIC KING LARRY KOHNTOPP - STAFF SEAN HARRIS - STAFF JASON MENDENHALL - 4983 PLEASANT VIEW FROM: RON C. CONLIN RE: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED - 11: 3 0 a.m, Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 in regards to a site plan approval for Gate City Christian Church for approval of a temporary classroom production building at 202 W. Yellowstone Ave. IF YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE ADVISE. THANK YOU RON CONLIN 0M APPLICANT: PROJECT TITLE LOCATION: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES November 2", 2004 Intermountain Golf Carts Golf cart sales & service. 5238 Rainbow Lane PURPOSE FOR REVIEW: Site plan approval. Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Steve Smart, Larry Kohntopp, Jean Higgins, Randy Severe, Ron Conlin, Ray Griffin, Eric King and Merlin Miller. Randy Holmer, Intermountain Golf Carts presented a site plan to locate at 5238 Rainbow Lane. Randy Holmer was asked if he is going to have any other storage on the property, for example older and non-operable vehicles. Mr. Holmer said the only vehicles that will be on the property is golf carts. Mr. Holmer stated there will be oil changes, maintenance, etc done on the golf carts. The site plan was approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Required to keep the oil or any fluids other than water separated so they do not go into the sewer. Discussion about plugging the sewer drain. 2. Required to put a key in the knox box in place. 3. Required to apply for a business license. W CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO DESIGN REVIEW MEETING APPLICATION The purpose of this application is to establish a meeting and review time with the City of Chubbuck Design Review Team consisting of the Mayor, Building Official, City Planner, City Engineer, Fire Marshal, Police Chief and other City staff as required. The Design Review Team meets every Tuesday moming between the hours of 10:30 and 11:30 AM. This team will work in unison, with you, to establish the criteria for your project as it relates to the adopted ordinances of the City of Chubbuck. Keep in mind, this is an informal review and is only conducted on submitted applications. This is a review team not a design team. Provide (10) ten sets of drawings, (8 1/2 X 11), at least eight days in advance of your scheduled meeting. Formal review of your plans or project by City Staff is conducted after formal application. Once you schedule your Design Review, it is very important to keep that appointment so others can be scheduled accordingly. Applicant /Agent: WermounWn Goff Cars (PLEASE PRINT) Telephone Number: 801-255-8828 Mailing Address: 9115 S. 700 E. Sandy, UT 84070 Project Title: Goff mn sales & service Location: 5238 Rainbow Law Parcel Number: Purpose For The Review: Site Plan Approval Meeting Request Date: Alternate Date: Approved Date: 1111/10121/1014 (Tuesdays only) (10:30 to 11:30) Approved Time: 11:00 Am (Notify Applicant) (Be at permit counter at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time.) City Official: L- KohWopp Date: M10/ M2O /MO4 Fee - $25 Initials Receipt # Please pay Design Review fee prior to the meeting time. Do not request or expect to get on the Design Review agenda in fewer than 8 days prior to the regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting'. CMAIN ��'Vr, �ENCE A !ERJMf-EP, PROr-OUY T - Ir OL: EA Ser- �"Cl �'C C2 �I-P I S�,W 6 0 C) 5TORAGE ts) ICL 5HOF! ji 62 0 Le LLJ J9, OFFICE 2 z---------------------------------- NEW 5HOF.arici WAPTHOU5f- ovcv-kead City of Chubbuck I �*�John 0. Cotant, Mayor Leroy S. Quick, Councilman Th— � 1 14�1— 1-;h) A ttnrn Iz— MEn land Councilman Ron C. Conlin, City ClerklTreasurer P.O. Box 5604 Mary C. Gunter, Councilman Steven M. Smart, Public Works Director Cl AA Vnil + A— Kent Kearns, Councilman --- W-1 Chubbuck, ID 83202-0006 Phone (208) 237-2400 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA November 2nd, 2004 TO: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MAYOR JOHN 0. COTANT ATTORNEY TOM HOLMES STEVE SMART RAY GRIFFIN RANDY SEVERE JEAN HIGGINS ERIC KING LARRY KOHNTOPP - STAFF SEAN HARRIS - STAFF JASON MENDENHALL - 4983 PLEASANT VIEW FROM: RON C. CONLIN RE: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED - 11:00 a.m, Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 in regards to a site plan approval for Intermountain Golf Carts sales and Service located at 5238 Rainbow Lane. IF YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE ADVISE. THANK YOU RON CONLIN DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MWUTES November 2 d 2004 APPLICANT: KPIF Television - Brian Nugent. PROJECT TITLE: KPIF Television LOCATION: 5023 Rainbow Lane PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Site Plan Approval. Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Steve Smart, Larry Kohntopp, Jean Higgins, Randy Severe, Ron Conlin, Ray Griffin, Eric King and Merlin Miller. Brian Nugent presented a site plan for KPIF Television at 5023 Rainbow Lane. Mr. Nugent stated KPIF is the newest television station in the area. Brian Nugent said he planned on having 7 to 8 employees within a year. The following was discussed as approval of the television station: 1. Landscaping is adequate. 2. Storm water drainage is required to be onsite. 3. Fire Department requires a knox box near the front entrance. 4. Address is required to be in contrast to building, visible from the street. 5. Business license is required. 6. PWD Smart stated the parking shown on the site plan is not adequate. 7. Brian Nugent was directed to present a site plan showing required parking spaces. 8. When Brian Nugent presents a new site plan, Building Inspector Ray Griffin can approve the site plan with the above conditions. CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO DESIGN REVIEW MEETING APPLICATION The purpose of this application is to establish a meeting and review time with the City of Chubbuck Design Review Team consisting of the Mayor, Building Official, City Planner, City Engineer, Fire Marshal, Police Chief and other City staff as required. The Design Review Team meets every Tuesday morning between the hours of 10:30 and 11:30 AM. This team will work in unison, with you, to establish the criteria for your project as it relates to the adopted ordinances of the City of Chubbuck. Keep in mind, this is an informal review and is only conducted on submitted applications. This is a review team not a design team. Provide (10) ten sets of drawings, (8 1/2 X 11), at least eight days in advance of your scheduled meeting. Formal review of your plans or project by City Staff is conducted after formal application. Once you schedule your Design Review, it is very important to keep that appointment so others can be scheduled accordingly. Applicant /Agent: KPIF Television - Brian Nugent (PLEASE PRINT) Telephone Number: 251-3341 Mailing Address: 5023 Rainbow Lane Project Title: Television Station Location: 5023 Rainbow Lane Parcel Number: Purpose For The Review: Site Plan Approval Meeting Request Date: Alternate Date: Approved Date: I I I I / 1 0 1 YJ / 1 0 1 4 (Tuesdays only) (10:30 to 11:30) Approved Time: 10:30 Am (Notify Applicant) (Be at permit counter at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time City Official: L. Kohntopp Date: M10 / M2O Fee - $25 Initials Receipt # Please pay Design Review fee prior to the meeting time. Do not request or expect to get on the Design Review agenda in fewer than 8 days prior to the regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting! MEN on FIF.'r. ME m an Mr. Mumm Won WINMEN NONE "... W� MISS momiummm WESSimmu man IMMUNE D -W W-VINUMME "ME WEREN 0 r I City of Chubbuck "�'�John 0. Cotant, Mayor Leroy S. Quick, Councilman T 14-1- C; A tt- Steven M. Enaland Councilman —1 -1 Ir -.Y Ron C. Conlin, City ClerklTreasurer P.O. Box 5604 Mary C. Gunter, Councilman Steven M. Smart, Public Works Director 5160 Yellowstone Ave. Kent Kearns, Councilman Chubbuck ID 83202-0006 Phone (208) 237-2400 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA November 2nd, 2004 TO: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MAYOR JOHN 0. COTANT ATTORNEY TOM HOLMES STEVE SMART RAY GRIFFIN RANDY SEVERE JEAN HIGGINS ERIC KING LARRY KOHNTOPP - STAFF SEAN HARRIS - STAFF JASON MENDENHALL - 4983 PLEASANT VIEW FROM: RON C. CONLIN RE: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED - 10:30 a.m, Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 in regards to a site plan approval for KPIF Television to locate at 5023 Rainbow Lane IF YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE ADVISE. THANK YOU RON CONLIN