APRIL 15, 1975
Meeting started: 7:13 p.m.
Conducted by: Dave Higbee
Those in attendance: Dave Higbee, Richard Allen, Gary Lewis, Myrna Cain,
Dorothy Lee Worley; Mayor Cotant, Leland Bell representing the LDS
Church 33rd and 25th Wards. Minutes of last meeting approved as mailed.
1. Annex of street discussed during last city council meeting. Suggested
by Dave Higbee to annex sections of US 91 and Siphon Rd & Hiline Road.
Agreed on by committee.
2. Have city investigate dip at Henry & Stuart; Tahoe & Bonanza and Victor
and Tahoe.
3. Read letter issued to local Bishops on having ward areas clean up.
Letter written by Mayor Cotant.
4. Re-level and re-seed where sewer lines have been put in. Also large
rock which have been left on the right-of-ways.
5. Regulations on animal units in Chubbuck Road area.
6. Sidewalk was discussed from Stuart bridge on Hawthorne to street heading
to school.
7. A meeting needs to be scheduled for area church and civic groups for
spring and summer clean-up.
8. Please send copy of recent weed ordinance to all committee members. It
was mentioned that the ordinance should be publicized more and the
public made more aware of the problem.
9. Meeting scheduled for April 29th at 8:00 p.m. to include; T.S.&B.C.,
Service club representitives. Discussion of clean-up campaign at this
10. Discussion of new street numbering
Meeting adjourned: 9:15 p.m.
Dave Higbee, Chairman
Richard Allen, Secretary