HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 11 1965 CM P105 10~ Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck held in the Municipal building of the Village of Chubbuck on May 11~ 1965. Present- Worsencroft, Ward, Underwood, Christensen and McDevitt. Absent- Hillman~ excused for previous committment. Called to order 8:00 P.M. Minutes of the last regular and one recessed meeting read and approved. Bills for month presented tc Board. Motion to approve payment of bills made by Underwood, swconded by Christensen. All in favor. Financial report for month presented to Board. Park- Board aopointed Worsencroft to take care of hiring a man to prepare soil there so sprinkler system can be installed. Quinn Road Water Line- Estimated cost of extending water line to Siebert place is $~,500.00. Board all agreed that clerk should write letter to Tilmar Siebert and suggest that he contact Pocatello and see if he can hook-on to their line as it is just across the road from him. State Hiway Dept.- Don Mecham of State Hiway Dept. was present and stated that the Village should be paying for the Street lights at the Interchange of Hiway 15 and Yellowstone. McDevitt explained that as far as the Village is concerned the construction is not completed as the road is not going any place yet. Board all agreed that we need a meeting with the State H~way Dept. as there are many problems to discuss, including the resurfacing of East Chubbuck Road. Trailer House on Private Property- Nm. Gregan of Eawt Chubbuck Road asked if he could put his Trailer House on his property and live in it while he either builds or improves the property so he can sell it. Board explained that Ordinance # 5~ does not allow for this, and if they made an exception for him, they would be obligated to make exceptions for others. Sewer- L.H.Ballif explained the preliminary survey. Letter explaining the plans and cost estimates was read in full by McDevitt. Letter is attached herewith. Blueprints on plans are on file . Uniform Bogl~ing Code- It was explained that we can wogk with Pocatello on inspections. We can make an arrangement with them and split the fees. This would save the Village money as we would not have to hire a man for this job. Fire Truck- Wo~sencroft read a letter from Pocatello, in which they expressed a desire to wogk with us in fighting fires in their north end and our village. Board all agreed that we should look into this and see if some arrangement can be worked out, and if not, then see if we can work with the County. Campbell Construction Co.- returned their check claiming we owe more than $~5.00. Letter accompanying this returned check is contradictory so Board decided to just hold the check till a satisEactory agreement is reached. Mill Levy- Resolution setting the mill levy for 3965 read in full by Clerk. Motion to a~opt the mill levy as read made by Underwood, seconded by Christensen. Roll Call Vote for passage of Resolution aw follows: Ward-yes, Christensen-yes, Underwood-yes, Worsencroft-yes. Copy is attached herewith. Complaints- Residents are complaining that the Garbage Man is not putting the lids~ back on their cans. Clerk will talk to Parks about this. There are complaints that Dogs at Dr. Haydene are barking and bothering the neighbors. Lessert will talk to ~ayden and remind him that he told the Board his building would be sound-proof, and that this noise will have to stop. Police Car- still not running right. Ward will check with Bogert and all agreed that they should get us a new car. McOmber Plat- for sub-division east of Burley ~rive and south of Chubbuck Road. Board studied Plat and agreed that if McOmber puts in his own water line and makes and grades all his roads 50 feet wide, and all roads are properly brought up to grade they would approve the sub-division. They further stated that for that portion of the new road that would be in line with Burley Drive, the Village would pay the difference between $ inch and six inch cast iron pipe for the ma~n line. Street repairs- to be discussed at a recessed meeting on Friday, May 3~, ~965, to be held at Clerk's Office at 6:00 P:M. Meeting recessed at 10:15 P.M. till May 1~, 1965_at 6:00 Le H. BALLIF ASSOCIATES. Consulting Engineers P. O. Box 1052 Pocetello~ Idaho LES H, BALLIF BRENT BALLIF Phone 232-1648 May 4, 1965 The Village Board Vill~e of Chubbuck Bannock County~ Idaho Re: S~anitary Sewer Study Job No. 65-32 Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request we have made a study of your Sanitary Sewer requirements and we are pleased to_submit the following report for your consideration. It is apparant tha~ two possibilities of sewage disposal for the Village of Chubbuck exist, (1) the connection to the Pocatello City sewer system and (2) a disposal system owned by the Village of Chubbuck. The topography of the Village of Chubbuck indicates that the naturaI. drainage for a gravity sewer collection system would be toward the East to the U.P.R.R. , then South to a connection with the Pocatello sewer system.. ~ln examinmtion of the Pocatello sewer system reveals that the nearest pipe line to the Village of Chubbuck is on Quinn Road near the U.P.R.R. right of way. This line is a 12 inch pipe line and delivers the sewage to a pumping station near the overpass on the Quinn Road. The City of Pocatello will not consider a connection at this point because the pipe line thru the northern part of the city does not have the capacity for the additional contribution from the Village of Chubbuck. This connect- ion would also require a pumping station to be provided by the Village of Chubbuck, which is not toedesirable. The other possible connection to the Pocatello city sewer system is located at the intersection of Kinghorn and Hawthorne Roads. This is a 12 inch line and the City of Pocatello will not consider a connect- ion at this point. The City of Pocatello is agreeable however to a connection to their 42 inch intercepter line at the intersection of U.S. 30 No. and Batiste Road. The logical location of a pipe line to this point is south along Hawthorne Road to Quinn and then west on Quinn to the point of connection. This line is shown on our Drawing Study No. 2. The alternative is for the Village of Chubbuck to provide their own disposal system. Two methods of disposal are available, (1) a Mechanical Treatment plant (similar to the City of Pocatello plant) and (2) the Stabilization Pond or lagoon type. An investigation of the Mechanical Plant indicates a cost greater than is economically feasible for a community the size of Chubbuck. The use of a Stabiliztion Pond system seems to be dictated for your consideration. The layout for this method together with the collection system is shown on our Drawing Study No. 1. The following data is submitted in connection with this report: 2 copies of Drawing Study No. 1 2 copies of Drawing Study ¥o. 2 2 copies of Cost Estimate Study No. 2 copies of Cost E~timate Study No. The figures in the cost estimate closley approximates what a contractor will bid on a project of this type, however the contingency estimate of six per cent may eventually be modified in proportion to the time elapsed from the date of the estimate snd the date of actual construction of the project. The elevations established in this study are actual elevations above sea level refer to U.S. Bench Mark L-6 located on the U~P.R.R. approximately 1400 feet south of Siphon Road. As indicated on the drawings the ground elevations are given above the line and the pipe invert elevations are given below the line, this was done in order to give the depth of the required trench at these locations. Elevations were determined and Bench Marks set generally at the street intersections and at the upper end of proposed collection lines. These Bench Marks are recorded and are available for use by the Village of Chubbuck at any future time. The pipe sizes used in the cost estimate are suggested sizes and are subject to revision if and when an actual design is mad~e. The stabilization pond quantities are an estimate based on our experience with similar projects and are subject to revision. The pumping station is designed for a population of 3000 people and a pumping head of thirty feet. This unit is com~ete with alternate pumps and controls contained in one steel housing and is installed under- ground. (We have just completed the installation of two of these units for the Lava Hot Springs Foundation which are furdcioning very Satisfact- orily). The cost of the pumping plant given in the cost estimate is firm as at this date, but is subject to price changes ~n the future. We have considered the use of an Areated Stabilization Pond and three polishing ponds to produce an effluent with approximately 90% B.O.D. reduction. This type of stabilization ponds was selected rather than an un-areated pond because of the saving in land area. However mechanical areators are required in the type we have selected, but the savings to be made in land costs, pond construction, and quality of effluent we believe will off-set the cost and operation of the areators. ~he cost of the areators given in the cost estimate are firm as of this date, but subject to price changes in the future. The cost of the land given in the cost estimate is approximate and is subject to revision. ~ study of the existing elevations dictate in general that the sewage be collected at the east end of Highway Avenue and then handled in one of the following methods: I - Pumped into s stabilization pond. II - Pumped to a higher elevation and ~rom there conveyed by gravity to the point of disposal or treatment. III - Conveyed by gravity to a connection with the City of Pocatello sewer system. STUDY NUMBER ONE(Refer to Drawing Study No. 1) This study proposes to collect the sewage at the east end of Highway avenue where a pumping station will be constructed to deliver the sewage to an areated stabilization pond, then by gravity thru three polishing ponds, from where the effluent of approximately 450 g.p.m, could be disposed of in either of the following methods: I - By pumping into the existing Fort Hall Drain. (This method would require clearance from the Fort Hall Agency). II - By diverting into adjacent irrigation dit6hes and used for irrigation. (This method would require clearance from the land owners that would use the water). STUDY NUMBER TWO(Refer to Drawing Study No. 2) This study proposes to collect the sewage(as in Study No. 1) at the east end of Highway Avenue w~ere a pumping station will be constructed to pump the sewage to the intersection of C~ubbuck Road and Hawthorne Road where it will flow by gravity south on Hawthorne Road to Quinu Road~ west on Quin~ Road to the Pocatello trunk line on U.S. 30 No., and t~en to the Pocstello city sewage treat~i~ent plant. The pressure line from the pumping station to the intersection of Chubbuck and Hawthorne Roads will necessarily paralell the gravity collection line from Hawthorne Road along ChuObuck Road to the U.P.R.R. tracks. Altho tbs trench depths from the intersection of Cnuhbuck and Hawthorne are not excessive~ several canal crossings will be required and some rock excavation will be enccumtered, which will increase the cost of the pipe line considerably. There will be a ¢onti~uimg service charge by the City of Pocatello for processimg the sewage thru their disposal plant. T~is charge has not been established and is not includ- ed in the cost estimate. We are enclosing a Brochure from the U.S. Department of Health [Education and Welfare setting forth the qualifications for Government participation im projects such as we are considering. After you have examined this brochure and if you have any questions you may direct them to: I~ynn P. Wallace Assistant Sanitary Engineer Construction Grants Section Division of Water SuptNF & Pollution Control U.S. Public Health Service Dept. of Health Education & Welfare Denver, Colorado 80202 We appreciate the opportunity of working with you on this project and if we can be of further service please advise us. L. H. Balli[ A~ ,elates Consulting [l.n~ ~eers