January 8, 1985
Minutes of regular council meeting held in the city municipal building,
January 8, 1985.
Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Jr., Councilmembers Becky A. Hopkins, Leroy S.
Quick, Thomas S. Nield,.Steven M. England, Attorney B. Lynn Winmill, Engineer
Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Cotant.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections and additions to the
minutes of December 11, 1985.
Councilwoman Hopkins moved to approve minutes of December 11, 1985 as written.
Councilman Nield seconded. All councilmembers present voted in favor of
PUBLIC HEARING - Application by George Shiozawa, Dan E. Kunz, Sanaye Okamura and
Kenneth A. Satterfield, for a change in the City's comprehensive plan and change
of land use district to General Residential (R-2) with respect to a parcel of
land containing approxiamently 64.07 acres, located west of Whitaker Road, west
and north of the E1 Cielito Reception Center, east of the Union Pacific Rail-
road right-of-way, south of Siphon Road. The property is more particularly
discribed in the application, which may be examined at the office of the Chubbuck
City Clerk. The property is presently zoned Industrial (I) in part and General
Residential (R-2) in part. Applicants are also requesting annexation of that portion
of land not presently in the City of Chubbuck.
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing opened.
Mayor Cotant asked who was in favor of the application. Mr. Kenneth A. Satterfield
was present. Mr. Satterfield is representing S.K.S. Development.
Mr. Satterfield stated it was the intention of S.K.S. Development to subdivide
the property in phases beginning by the E1 Cielito and working north.
Mr. Satterfield stated that since the Land Use and Development Commission Meeting,
S.K.S. Development has considered some recommendations. Mr. Satterfield asked
that the annexation portion of their request be modified to annex in phases,
rather than annex all at once. Mr. Satterfield stated they would like a change
in the Comprehensive Plan for the whole area except eight acres.
Mayor Cotant asked for opposition to the application. There was none.
Mayor Cotant closed the public hearing.
After considerable discussion it was decided to take no action because of
material change in the proposed amendment to the Land Use Ordinance and Comprehensive
Plan and there fore it would be improper to act tonight, action will be taken
at a new public hearing on February 12, 1985. Councilmembers directed the City
Clerk to make necessary public notice.
SEWER CLEANER - Engineer Steve Smart presented quotes on proposed purchase of
sewer cleaner. Councilman Quick gave a report on the used 1979 Aquatech he checked
on in Utah.
The council directed Engineer Smart to check out the 1976 Chevrolet Model
C-6500 truck chassis from Starline Equipment in Idaho Falls.
CRIME PREVENTION - Officers Dick Webb and Brian Emfield were present and explained
the Explorer Program. Officer Webb explained that the Explorer Post is a
part of scouting where High School kids can be associated with the Police
Department. Officer Webb stated he felt real good about the group he is working
Officer Webb asked if it would be possible to sent Officer Emfield to a
Exployer Training Conference in Los Angeles. The school is in April.
Councilman Nield expressed concern about insurance requirements being met.
Councilman Nield will look at the insurance policy to make sure the City is
covered on all basis. Attorney Winmill suggested involving Officer Ray Sandusky,
City Safety Officer.
AMERICAN HERITAGE AGREEMENT - Attorney Winmill stated American Heritage had decided to
ripe trie City --a lien for.$540 00 for each lot to insure the City gets paid.
After Mayor Cotant and all parties sign the agreement,Attorney Winmill will prepare
a de -annexation ordinance and present it to the Council.
Councilman England moved to authorize Mayor Cotant and Clerk Conlin to sign the
American Heritage Agreement upon Attorney Winmill correcting the minor errors
and verifying the lots with the City Clerk. Councilman Nield seconded. All
Councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
GROUP W CABLE AGREEMENT - Attorney Winmill reported the agreement had not been
approved by Group W Cable in New York.
Attorney Winmill stated he would prepare the ordinance and present at the January
22, 1985 council meeting if he could get the agreement from Group W Cable.
CLAIM - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT GROUP, INC. - Mayor Cotant and Council discussed
a claim presented to the City from Diversified Investments Group, Inc.
After discussion it was decided Attorney Winmill would type a cover letter and
turn the claim to the city insurance agent.
Myers were present from School District #25.
Dr. Allen stated the school board does not have an option to sell the.:proper,ty at
Teton and Victor. They feel this property will have a building on it in the
Engineer Smart stated the City on the stength of previous discussions has construct-
ed a force main and water line. Mayor Cotant stated tie reason the City went ahead
with this is the council had the understanding that in return the --City would recieve
the property at Teton and Victor to:offset the cost.
Mayor Cotant stated that the School District is going to have to be the
developer of the Whitaker Road Sewer Lift Station, Sewer and Water Line.
It was decided Engineer Smart would figure a statement of cost and send to Mr.
Myers, also Mayor Cotant would send a letter stating the position of the City.
CLAIMS - Computer print out claims and handcheck claims have been presented to Mayor
Cotant and Council.
After review Councilman Quick moved to approve the claims as presented. Council-
woman Hopkins seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
Smart presented advertisements for bids for proposed purchase of a roadgrader
and also a lawn mower for parks.
After discussion Councilman England moved to direct Engineer Steve Smart to
advertise for bids for a parks and grounds turf mower and also a used motor
grader. Councilman Nield seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
At 11:01 p.m., Councilwoman Hopkins moved, Councilman England second, with full
council approval to adjourn the meeting.
4ohn�O.Cotant, Jr., Mayor
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk