HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 16 1975 CM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 303
December 16, 1975
Minutes of the second regular council meeting held in the city municipal building
December 16, 1975.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr, Councilmen D~rain Kinghorn, Jack Menard, ~
Wayne.~ayl6r, Attorney-Don Burnett and Clerk Vera Armstrong.[ ~
Meeting called to order by Mayor Cotant at 8:00 p.m.
PUt~IC HEARING: Community Development. The City has applied for a community
development block grant of $117,000 to extend 16" water lines from proposed
million gallon water tank to the present 16 inch water line on East Chubbuck
Eoad. Mayor Cotant asked for any comments from those present and there were
none. This is the second hearing held by the city.
ENGINEER'S CONTRACT -Klane Forsgren presented an agreement between the City of
Chubbuck and Forsgren, Perkins and Associates, P.A., to serve as city engineer
for an undetermined time.
Engineer Forsgren stated he would like to furnish complete engineering program
to city for under $900.00 per month which would include surveying and other
engineering work as requested by City.
After some discussion Councilman Kinghorn moved the city enter into the agree-
ment for the first ~wo month of 1976 with Forsgren, Perkins and Associates, P.A.
Counc~lman Taylor seconded motion with all councilmen voting in favor.
ENGINEER'S CONTRACT - WATER TANK -Klane Frosgren presented an agreement for
Forsgren, Perkins and Associates, P.A. to serve as engineering firm to design,
prepare construction documents, obtain bids and supervise construction of a
one million gallon water resevoir adjacent to existing water tanks.
Mayor Cotant asked how much property is needed for tank placement. Engineer
Forsgren stated the tanks were very close to the west side of the property
and it would be advantageous to have more property to the west. The Council
decided that one acre including the property now owned by city shotuld be sufficient
to construct new tank.
Contract matter tabled until Attorney Burnett has a chance to review the agreement.
PARADISE ACRES STREET ACCEPTANCE -Klane Forsgren, Engineer representing Mortgage
Insurance Company requests street acceptance of the Paradise Acres Phase 1 Sub-
Mayor and Council told Klane Forsgren the city would like to have another engineer
inspect this construction prior to street acceptance of this portion of Phase 1.
Mayor and Council agreed to have Voetler and Associates inspect this construction
before the city takes any action on acceptance.
BAR X PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING - Mayor Cotant suggested holding this inform-
ational meeting with the Bar X residents January 15, 1975.
a meeting be held with the Planning and Zoning Commission, Traffic, Safe%y and
Beautification Commi~ee, Volunteer Fire Department, Police and Police Reserves,
City Personnel and Council to discuss city planning affairs. This meeting was
set for January 6, 1975.
NAMING OF STREETS - The City of Chubbuck has a duplication of street names. Fern
Street in Stuart Addition is a duplication of a street in Pocatello; Leah Street
in Heights Subdivision is same as street in Bannock County. It was determined
Fern Street would be renamed Afton. The Postal Department also suggested[ Boyd
Street in the Heights Subdivision be renamed as it was not a through street from
the Neider Addition. Mayor and Council decided it was not necessary to rename
the proposed street named Boyd in the Heights Subdivision.
Street renaming must be done by ordinance and Attorney Barnett suggested including
the address changes made by the city in 1975 in ordinance, as street address
changes also must be made by ordinance.
MARX BUNCE SEWER LINE - Mayor and Council discussed situation where Mark Bu_uce
has installed a sleparate sewer line to his garage. Th~ City has billed him
$200.00 hook-up fee and is billing him $9.80 per month for services. Mr.
Bunce has reported to the office he will pay the $200.00 hook-up fee but he
refuses to pay the 9.80 per month charge.
Attorney Burnett read from ordinance whereby exceptions of requirements could
be requested aud public hearing held on variance request. Attorney Burnett
informed council they could amend ordinance to provide for outbuildings or
Mr. Bunce could request an actual cost attributable to waste services.
ORDINANCE REQUIRING CURB, GUT'±'~ AND SIDEWALK - Mayor and Council discussed the
necessity of such an ordinance. Mayor and Council requested Attorney Bu~nett
draw up au ordinance regulating this construction and council will review.
FORSGR~, PERKINS AND ASSOCIATES, P.A. b~ll for easement releases and clean-up of
easement problems. Mayor Cotant asked if this bill of $2,000.O0 should be
sent to Oregon Construction as the easement releases were their responsibility.
The sewer project has never been closed. Engineer Forsgren was requested to
do some research on necessary steps to close the project.
ORDINANCE # 158 of the City of Chubbuck amending Ordinance ~76 providing the licensee
be Teleprompter Corporation instead of Bannock Cable TV Company and further
amending franchise fee to be $200.00 was read in full by Attorney Don Burnett.
This reading accepted as first reading of ordinance. Attorney Burnett informed
council he had received call from Teleprompter Corporation's Attorney requesting
ordinance not be adopted as yet.
ORDINANCE # 159 of the City of Chubbuck declaring the need for speed limits and
authorizing ths posting of speed limits within the City of Chubbuck was read
in full by Attorney Don Burnett.
Councilman Kinghorn moved to dispense with rule of readmng on vnree separate
days. Councilman Taylor seconded motion. Roll call vote: Kinghorn, yes; Menard,
yes; Taylor, yes. Councilman Menard moved to adopt Ordinance #159. Councilman
Kinghorn seconded motion. Roll call vote: Kinghorn, yes; Menard, yes; Taylor,
l) To add to pipe types - plastic pipe with proper bedding for up to an 8"
maximum lateras. 2) Manhole spacing be extended to &O0 feet between .~'manholes.
3) To provide that manhole covers be ~' to ~' below the finished grade of street.
Location of lines- recommendation that sewer lines be in middle of street.
5) Location of water lines - should be located at standard locations and lO,'ft.
from sewer lines. 6) Need for prime seal coat not necessary so Engineer suggested
omitting D, C and E; Page 3.
It was discussed how to make these revisions. Attorney Burnett suggested amend-
ing Sub Division Ordinance to include Standard Specifications as revised.
ENVIRO~$~NTAL IMPACT QUESTIONNAIRE - Engineer Forsgren informed council that
Pocatello City has retained CH2M Hill to do environmental impact study on Pole
Line Road construction and has sent a questionnaire for city to answer.
Engineer informed council he is recommendin~he study continue to 1-15 West
particular concern in the school areas.
FLOOD PLAIN AP~EA - The City of Chubbuck has received a certified letter from the
Government designating a flood hazard area within the City of Chubbuck and
requesting comments within 21 days.
After some discussion Engineer Forsgren suggested he write a letter stipulating
he feels the city does not have a flood hazard area.
TRANS~ OF FUNDS - City clerk requests transfer of following funds; $9~600
transfer from Waterworks FUnds as follows: $~,000.00 from ~3~.1 WW Administration;
$~00.00 from ~3~.2 WW Supply - Pump Maintenance; $1,000.00 from ~3~.3 W~ Pumping
Power and Utility; $1i1200.00 from ~3~.9 WW Equipment, Payments and Repairs; and
$3,000.00 from ~3~.90 WW :~ther Government and Contingent to ~3/~.5 Waterline
Transmission Fo_nd. Also $~000.00 from ~90 Other Governmental Purposes-Contingent
of General Fund to ~32 Engineering Fund.
Councilman Taylor moved to approve the fund transfers. Councilman Kinghorn
seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor.
ADDITIONAL CLAIMS presented to Mayor and CouncS~k.
Councilman Menard moved the additional claims be approved with exception of
following disbursements.
Sewer Construction Fund - $2,000.00 to Forsgren, Perkins and Associates P.A. for
engineering services to Chubbuck for sewer easement releases.
General Fund - $3,078.50 to Bengal Construction for paving from curb to present
paved street on West Chubbuck Road in front of Heights and on East Chubbuck Road
in front of Mobile Manor and Hilime Road.
Councilman Taylor seconded motion with all councilmen voting in favor.
ACCEPTANCE OF PORTION OF SAWTOOTH LANE - Blue Ribbon Homes- Fred D. Chase, President
of the Incorporation has requested that the portion of Sawtooth Lane bounded
by lots 18 through 28, Block 7, Country Acres ~th Addition be accepted for
Councilman Kinghorn moved the city accept this portion of street for acceptance.
Councilman Taylor seconded with all councilmen voting in favor of motion.
EASEMENT FO~ REX CHRISTENSEN SEW~ LINE - Attorney Burnett requested the name of
Ronald Powers wife so he could complete the sewer easement.
Meeting recessed at 11:30 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Friday afternoon.
Vera C. Armstrong, Clerk
j~ohn O. Cotant, Jr., M~yor