HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 14 1975 CM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 26g
October l&, 1975
Minutes of the reguls~ meeting of Mayor and Council held in the city municipal
building October l~, 1975.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotaut, Jr., Councilmen Dwaiu Kinghorn, Jack Menard,
Earl Romriell and Wayne Taylor, Ettorney Don Burnett aud Clerk Vera Armstrong.
Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Cotaut.
Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to September 23 minutes. The~e
being none the minutes were approved as written.
WA'±'~/tLINE EXT~ISION CHARGE - Mark Bunce, subdivider of Bunce Subdivision, has
been billed $15.00 per extension on water hook-ups. He would like to know
what the exact charge will be as he was told it would be the cost of the
copper pipe only. Mayor Cotant informed Mr. Bunce this would be checked
out with Mr. Jordon Stuart and a letter would be sent to him informing him
of the exact charge.
DEDICATED RIGHT OF NAY - Boyd Neider, 606 Boyd Street, informed Mayor and Council
a 50 foot dedicated public right-of-way to the Chubbuck School area lies
adjacent to his property on Boyd and he had received a letter to remove the
weeds on same. Mayor Cotant told Mr. Neider it was his understanding this
right-of-way was dedicated to the School District. Mayor Cotant and Mr. Neider
to check this out. '..
residents from Mobile Manor subdivision asked what the city was doing regardi_ug
the four mobile homes that apparently are not in compliance with the city
zoning ordinance of having the required frontage and square footage area.
Attorney Don Burnett told Mr. Anderson he had prepared.~a complaint for
Injunctive Relief against Mobile Manor, Inc. in regards to this ngn-compliance
of Zoning ordinance #98.
Mr. Anderson also told council the weeds have not been burned on all the lots
facing East Chubbuck Road.
Mr. Ned Hansen reported to Mayor aud Council a trailer in two parts had been
placed on a lot facing Chubbuck Road that was of different roof pitch and in
need of repairs. Councilman Kinghorn said it looked like the trailer was
also too close to easement.
Mr. Ned Hansen also said the fence design at entrance to Mobile Manor was
not being taken care of and they would like the fence or signs removed.
The question arose of the fence and sign on same being in compliance with
city ordinance.
TURNER SU~D/VISION - Doyle Chatterton, developer of Turner Subdivision asked
when the city would blacktop from curb which he installed fronting the
Turner Subdivision on East Chubbuck Road to the present asphalt street.
Councilman Menard informed Mr. Chatterton he would be required to put in
the gravel base as preparation to the blacktopping.
MOVING OLDER HOME ON EAST CHUBBUCK ROAD - A general discussion was had on the
older home moved to the 600 block of East Chubbuck Road and owned by
Rodney Parrish. Mr. Chatterton said he owns property just east of Mr.
P~rrishes and has better than $80,DO0.00 invested in two homes and is
concerned about the home~_ b~ ~finished. Council showed the plan Mr.
Parrish submitted when applying for building permit. Mr. Chatterton told
council he would not complain if the building were finished as the plan
Mr. Chatterton suggested Ordinance ~125 be amended to be m~ore specific and
have more control. Attorney Burnett said the ordinance gave a lot of dis-
cretion to building inspector and might be tightened up in this respect.
LIBRARY - Rodney Clark has contacted Councilman Menard and questioned if the
city would agree to help extend the water and ~ewer lines to north property
line of Portneuf District Library property. Council agreed that no more city
help could be given towards extension of water and sewer lines.
Anna Green W~s;' ~r~sen$ and expressed her concern of this street extension
to their building being passable this winter if they were not able to
get it paved. Councilman Romriell told Mrs. Green if she would call the city
when streets became soggy or impassable the city would help keep the street
passable this winter. Mrs. Green was told by Mayor and Council the street
would probably hold up better if allowed to settle through one winter.
CETA II PROGRAM - Mayor and Council discussed the hiring of an additional office
person. This employee would be an employee of the city but paid by the Ceta
program for a six month period. It is proposed this employee work as a general
city employee doing police office work as well as general city office work.
Councilmen request the opportunity to interview applicants.
Councilman Taylor moved the city approve the Ceta II Program and that this
person be an employee of the city in general and not police department only.
Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion. Roll call vote: Menard~ yes; Kinghomu%
yes; Romriell, no; Taylor, yes.
BAR X TRACTS SUBDIVISION - Tim Eriksen, County recorder has requested a represent-
ative of Chubbuck City attend a meeting at the Bannock County Courthouse at
3:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Mayor Cotant asked if any council member could
attend and represent the city. Councilman Menard said he would attend.
SEWER SERVICE LINE - Bart Parrish asked for inspection of a sewer service line
at 219 and 221 P~rrish Drive. Mr. BreD_nan told Mr. Parrish he would not
approve the service line because the ordinance requires a separate service
line to each house and Mr. Parrish has installed only one service line~ this
not being allowed by ordinance. Attorney Don Burnett will follow up on this
FIRE HYDRANT - James Chastain questioned the city installing a fire hydrant at
Siphon Road and Hawthorne intersection. Mr. Chastain was informed the council
agreed to install this fire hydrant as protection to city property at this
corner and the most appropriate place was where the water line is on Hawthorne
WATER Bill - Bill Reynolds was present and complained of paying the water being
used by the 5arber shop which is in the same building as his grocery store.
There is only one meter and water service to the building serv~the grocery
store, apartment.& barber shop. Councilman Kinghorn will meet with owner of
building, John Valenty, on this problem.
STANDARDS FOR CONSTRUCTION - The city desires regulations be drawn up for the
installation of all utilities. It was felt this should be added to the
Subdivision Ordinance ~97. Requirements for Installation of Underground
Conduit or Pipe lines should include these specifications and then this
supplement be added to Ordinance ~97 as an amendment.
FINANCIAL STAT~EWT presented to Mayor and Council.
CLAIMS P~ESENTED to Mayor and Council. After review/rig Councilman Romriell moved
the claims be approved. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion with an unanimous
vote in favor.
INVESTMENTS - City Treasurer informed Mayor and Council the contemplated in-
vestment of $~0,000.00 from WW surplus funds in Time Certificates of Deposit.
Councilman Romriell moved the clerk be granted authority to make this in-
vestment. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion with all councilmen voting
in favor.
GENERAL - Attorney Burnett informed Mayor and Council he has an employee
that could be used for any investigative or background work the city
might need.
Councilman Menard requested the follow-up-list of meetings be- prepared
by city clerk.
WATER REVENUE BOND - Attorney Burnett reported the city would be looking at 8% or
higher interest on sale of revenue bonds. Also a 30 year obligation might
be hard to sell. c
Mayor and Council agreed the city should approve a water revenue bond amount
that could be repayed within the current waterworks revenue. Attorney
Burnett said he would get with Engineer Forsgren on this figure.
Councilman Romriell moved the council instruct Attorney Burnett to draw up
a Water Revenue Bond Election Ordinance putting the water revenue bond
issue to the voters on November &th on the same date as general city election
and for an amount which the engineer advises can be handled within the
current revenue. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion. Voting was unanimous
in favor of motion.
BACK FLOW ~VALVE AT SHIOZAWA PROPERTY - Attorney Burnett informed council Mrs.
Shiozawa had called him asking if and when the city planned to install a
back-flow valve in their sewer service line. Mayor Cotant said he had been
checking into the cost of such a valve.
Q0uncilman Menard moved and Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion that meeting
be recessed until October 15, 1975 at 10:30 p.m.
hn O. Cotant~ Yr., Maydr
Vera C. Armstrong, City Clerk