HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 09 1975 CM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES
September 9, 1975
Minutes of the regula~ meeting of the Mayor and Council held in the city municipal
building September 9, 1975.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr.3 Councilmen Dwain Kinghorn, Jack Menard, Earl
Romriell and Wayne Taylor. Ct~rk V~a Armstrong. Attorney Don Burnett excused.
Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m by Mayor Cotant.
Mayor Cotant asked for corrections o~ additions to August 26 minutes. Councilman
Menard requested the following be deleted "with Councilman Menard and Romriell
suggesting $3500.00 participation." from last sentence of second paragraph under
Heights Subdivision. There being no other corrections the minutes were approved
as written.
PU~IC HEARING IT~4: Linda Joyce Reese, 206 Evans Lane is requesting a variance
of:~zoning to allow the placement of a mobile home at 208 Evans Lane as her
residence. Mrs. Reese informed council the kennel business takes a lot of time
at her place of business and she is living in an apartment across town. She
also told council she felt her request was because of hardship as She is being
divorced and has limited financial means. Planning and Zoning Commission re-
commended council deny variance request.
Councilman Taylor moved to deny variance request of Mrs. Reese. Councilman
Kiughorn seconded. Earl Romriell abstained from voting. All other councilmen
voted in favor of motion.
PU~.IC HEARING ITEM: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Branson, 252 Briscoe Lane, is requesting
a variance of zoning to allow the placement of a mobile home~ on their property
as a residence for Mrs. Branson's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Branson were not
present. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended council deny the
variance request.
Councilman Menard moved the variance request of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Branson be
denied. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion with all councilmen voting in
PU~.IC HEARING ITEM: Kent J. Parrish, President of Land Investments, Inc., requests
rezoning if necessary and a variance to permit placing mobile homes on property
owned by Land Investments, -~Inc. and as indicated on a submitted drawing. Rodney
and Bart Parrish represented Land Investment, Inc. and council informed them
action would be tabled on any mobile home court development because of a conflict
in trailer and zoning ordinance specifications or requirements. Discussion
followed on the development of the 85 ft. of property lying south of the platted
Mobile Manor Addition ~l which is already zoned Residential - 2 Trailer. The
lots .p~oposed when developed will not meet the R-2T square footage requirement
and w~ll not have any frontage ~acing a public street. Laud Investments, Inc.
proposes to provide off-street parking on the lot fronting Chickadee Drive on
the south for the lot lying directly south of the lots facing Chickadee Drive.
The council were informed the lots would only be sold in pairs of two.
Councilman Taylor moved the council approve a variance on the lot sizes on the
85 ft. lying directly south of the present Mobile Manor Addition ~l when platted
and subdivided for Residential -2 Trailer development as per drawing submitted.
Councilman Menard seconded motion. Roll call vote: Kinghorn, yes; Menard, yes;
Romriell, no; Taylor, yes.
PU~IC HEARING ITEM: John O. Cotant, Jr. is requesting a variance to allow the
development of four-plex units on a piece of property located at ~30 W. Chubbuck
Rd. and owned by Mr. Cotant. The described property has 200 ft. fronting West
Chubbuck Road and approximately 300 ft. in depth and is presently zoned Combined
Residential Livestock - R-2L. Multiple dwellings of not more than four units
are allowed as a conditional use in the R-2L zone. Mayor Cotant did not conduct
business of this hearing item.
Councilman Romriell read recommendation of Planning and Zoning Commission for
acceptance and also letter from Ken V. Carter opposing the development.
PUW.IC HEARING IT~- JOHN O. COTANT, JR cont'd.- After reviewing request and
proposed draw~_ug of development Counc~/man Romriell moved the variance request
of four plex construction on property at ~30 West Chubbuck Road as described
and submitted by Mr. Cotant be approved. Councilman Menard seconded motion.
President of council Wayne Taylor asked for vote, all councilmen voted in favor
of motion.
WATER QUALITY 208 AND HEALTH PLANNING ACT - Rod Watkins representing Southeast
Idaho Council of Governments explained the Health Planning Agency. Mr. Watkins
explained to council the agency is to be set up by Governor And~us. Purpose
of the agency is to do health planning and administer funds. Governor Andrus
recommends State Health Planning Agency with six sub Health Planning agencies.
Mr. Watkins presented a form letter supporting the statewide comprehensive
health planning based on the views and problems of each substate region as
developed by Subarea Health Councils. Mayor Cotant suggested this be taken
under advisement by counc~.
WA'I'~ QUALITY 208 PROGRAM - Mr. Watkins told council in 1972 a b~]l was passed
with certain .!water quality standards to be met which will curb pollution by
municipal facilities, industrial waste and agricu_lttaral runoff. Land Planning
program will have funds available under the Water Quality 208 Program to help
with land use planning. Mr. Watkins stated he would be glad to meet with the
city planning board on this land use planning which will be required under the
Local Land Use Planning Act just passed by Idaho Legislature. Mr. Watkins
presented a resolution whereas the Southeast Idaho Council of Governments
is a planning organization and whereby the city agrees to participate fully in
the w~ter quality planning process and agrees to implement out part of the
mutually adopted water quality plan. Mayor Cotant said this resolution would
also be taken under advisement.
~UNCE SUBDIVISION - Mark Bunce, developer of the Bunce Subdivision complained of
the 15.00 per lot charge for the eight foot extension of water line hook-up
to provide fn~ electrical installation in subdivisions. Mayor Cotant told
Mr. Bunce::_~he~y jwould check this out with the city personnel.
S2)fER ~ERVT6~_ REQUEST - Keith Robinson and Roger McAtee asked the mayor and council
what the engineers report was on serving the mobile home court in Tyhee. Mr.
Robinson was info~med the engineer said there was only capacity for an additional
200 homes in the Siphon Road sewer pump station after Paradise Acres is develped
and there is open space within the city limits which will require this capacity.
Mr. Robinson and Mr. McAttee were informed the engineer proposed the Tyhee area
be served by a line being ~ west to Hawthorne or Philbin and then running south
to the.main line on West Chubbuck Rd. Earl Romriell said perhaps the city could
do some more study but requested Mr. Robinson also do some study to seeiff another
possibility could be worked out.
RESOLUTION ~ 6-75 - Proclaiming a general city election to be held November ~ read
in full by Mayor Cotant.
Councilman Kinghorn moved the council adopt Resolution ~6-7~. Councilman Romriell
seconded motion with all councilmen voting in favor.
resentative to the SEICAA board of directors was discussed. Councilman Menard
suggested Francis Beck be appointed. Mayor Cotant said he would contact Mr.
Beck. An alternate should also be appointed.
TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Mayor Cotant informed council the waterline transmission fund
needed a transfer of funds to finish the year and suggest a $15,000.00 transfer
from ~3~.90 WW Contingent to ~3~.5 WW Waterline Transmissions.
Councilman Romriell moved the council approve a transfer of $15,OOO.00 from
~3~.90 WW Contingent to ~3A.5 WW Waterline Transmission fund. Councilman
Taylor seconded motion. Voting was unanimous in favor of motion.
SOUTHEAST IDAHO COUNCIL OE GOVERNMENTS - Request for dues - Mayor Cotant read letter
from SIC0~ requesting fiscal year 7~-75 and 75-76 dues. Mayor and council
paid dues in November of 197~ for fiscal year 197~-75 and the city should o~ly
owe for 1975-76 dues as the city had withdrawn from membership during 1973-7~.
Rod Watkins said he would advise the SIC0G finance department of this.
TAX C~RTIFI~ATION ~ESOLUTION #5-75 reed in full by Mayor Cotant. The city certified
the amount of 133,500.00 as the fiscal financial needs of the city fromj, g~neral
tax assessment. This amount sho~uld result in an approximate 3.5 mill levy.
Councilman Remriell moved the council adopt Resolution #5-75. Councilman Kinghorn
seconded motion with all councilmen voting in favor.
EL RANCHITO CHARITY FIESTA INVITATION to enter a local olympics contest read in
full by Mayor Cotant. Proceeds will be used for Scholastic Scholorships at I.S.U.
the YMCA and $200 for restoration of the Pocatello Stanrod Castl~e. Entry fee
is $20.00 and a team consisting of six members is needed. The event is Sunday
September 21st.
Councilman Menard moved the council forward the invitation to the Chubbuck Lions
Club. Councilman Romriell seconded motion. Roll call vote. Kinghorn, no;
Menard, yes; Remriell, yes; Taylor, yes.
R. Jay and Ralph Henderson that action on approval of the final plan of their
mobile home park development cannot be taken tonight because of a conflict or
discrepency in the city trad2er and zoning ordinance.
Mr. Ralph Henderson asked if they could proceed on lying the waterline on Hiline
Road. Councilman Menard a~ked if Hendersons had a profile of the proposed
waterline on Hiline Road. Council approved for Henderson Enterprises~ Inc.
to install the water line along Hiline Road to serve the Henderson mobile park.
Mayor anddcouncil discussed the casing and sewer pipe installation under the
RR tracks to serve the mobile park. Contractor Joe Campbell installed o~ly
33.5 feet of casing and the Railroad's plan and agreement to the city called
for 67 feet. Joe Campbell stated he received approval from a Mr. Coon of the
Railroad Company to case only the 33.5 ft. Councilman Taylor expressed a
firm belief the casing should be the full 67 feet with other councilmen voicing
same feeling, or at least the city should receive a statement that the Railroad
Company will be responsible for easing if an additional spur be put in at a
later date or any trouble results from ouly having 33.5 ft of casing.
WRECKER SERVICE -Mayor and council questioned Denny Jones as to why his lot was
full of wrecked cars again. Denny informed council these are wrecked cars
that insurance claims haven't been settled on and he cannot mo~e them until
the claim has been settled. Mayor and Council requested Mr. Jones clean up
his lot best he can.
G~ERAL DISCUSSIONS - Rodney Parrish suggested the railroad sewer casing to serve
the Henderson mobile park be cased to 67 ft. instead of 33.5 ft.
Mr. Parrish also suggested the water line to be installed on Hiline Road to serve
the Henderson mob~e park be installed on the east side of road.
Rodney Parrish also informed the council Joe Brennan had told him the meter
to serve his home on East Chubbuck Road was not tapped into the main line. Mayor
told Mr. Parrish the city would check this out.
Bart and Rodney Parrish told council they are trying to sell and develop the
lots in Mobile Manor facing Chubbuck Rd. and people are having difficulty pur-
chasing mobile homes with the required 2/12 pitch. Councilman Menard to check
out particular trailer in question. Mayor and council said if trailer
manufactmrers specifications quotec~ trailer pitch at 2/12 it should be acceptable.
Rodney Parrish asked if the one water hook-up to serve the lots on the south
side of Chickadee Drive covld be used to serve the lot to be developed directly
south of these lots on the 85 foot to be platted. They would pay the city
charges and have a separate meter put in to serve the south lots. Mayor and
council said they would'talk to Jordon and Joe on this.
JANITORIAL S~VICES - Council informed clerk the council chairs were very dusty
and janitorial services could be improved. City clerk to talk to Mr. S~ayden.
FINANCIAL STAT~NENT presented to Mayor and Council.
CLAIMS presented to Mayor and Council and reviewed.
Councilman Kinghorn moved the council approve payment of claims. Councilman
Menard seconded motion. All councLlmen voted in favor.
DEE GR~,W. NE SEWER CLAIM - Mayor and council approved the claim of $259.56 to Dee Greene to lower sewer service line so he could be served.
GENERAL PRO~.~M DISCUSSIONS - Councilman Menard said he felt the Cinema Theatre
building construction should be stopped~because the parking lot plans have
not been submitted.
Councilman Menard also requested the ~lashing light he installed at Hiline
Road and East Chubbuck Road.
Councilman Menard said a manhole on ~alenty Road was loose and needs repaired.
Also employee meetings should be resumed.
SEWER EAS~ENT - Council suggested Rodney Parrish hook the Parrish company store
up to the sewer service from Parrish Drive. Mayor and council told Rodney they
wonder about the wisdon of granting easement on city property which is commercial.
Rodney Parrish said the council had said they would grant an easement and this
is what he is expecting. ·
VALENTY SE~ER PUMP STATION - Mayor and council discussed the deficiency of the
Valenty Sewer pump station. Council suggested the city get with the engineer
and find out the problem and whatever needs done to make it operate efficiently
be done.
Mayor and council approved for clerk to attend CCFOA Institute in McCall
September 25, 26 and 27th.
Meeting recessed until further notice.
~era C. A~strong, Clerk
~/John O. Cotant, Jr., M~or