HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 06 1975 CMCOUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 6, 1975 Minutes of a special council meeting of Mayor and Council held in the City Municipal bu~lding May 6, 1975. Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Jr., Councilmen Dwain Kinghorn, Jack Menard and Earl Romriell, Attorney Don Barnett and Clerk Vera Armstrong. Meeting called to order at 8:10 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. Purpose of meeting is to take care of all items of business. SEWER SERVICE LINE - Engineer Doug Jensen explained a sewer service line problem of Boyd Fullmer, 715 Victor, to the council. Mr. FuLllmer had requested his sewer service line be eight foot deep, he installed his line from the house out to property line thinking the depth was eight feet, however, the sewer service was not eight foot deep and he is unable to connect to the servide line. F~ngineer Jensen said he would like to check the depth of the sewer servic.e line the contractor installed. Engineer Jensen suggested if Oregon installed line eight foot deep at existing dirt] line, Oregon should not be responsible for relaying Mr. Fullmer's line. If Mr. Fullmer's service line is lower than eight foot deep, then Mr. Fullmer would be responsible to relay the line. Cna appoint- ment was arranged for Engineer Jensen, Mr. Fullmer and Councilman Menard to check this situation at 12:00 o'clock noon Wednesday, March 7. BUNCE SUBDIVISION FINAL PI~T - Mark Bance and Engineer Doug Jensen presented blue line copies of the final Bance Subdivision plat for approval. After review by the Mayor and Council, Counc~man Menard moved council accept the Bunce Subdivision plat as presented. Councilman Romriell seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor. PUP~,IC HEARING ITEM: REZONING - Mark Bunce has requested the property platted as the Bunce Subdivision be rezoned from Agricultural-1 to Residential-1. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended this zoning change. Councilman Kinghorn moved the council approve changing zoning from Agricultural Transitional-1 to Residential-1 on the proposed Bunce Subdivision and for Attorney Burnett to draw up an ordinance for adoption of same. Councilman Menard seconded motion with all councilmen voting in favor. FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT WITH BANNOCK COUNTY - Mayor Cotant read the agreement prepared by Bannock County. Mayor and Council reviewed the agreement. It was noted the description of area was not clear and the question of protection on brush and forest fires was not mentioned. The City feels they are not equipped to cover brush type fires. Attorney Barnett noted Sections cited from Idaho Code have been repealed and new sections would need to be added. Attorney Burnett suggested the Mayor and Council determine the area to be served.hand he would draft a new agreement. It was also suggested the County provide a map of territory covered with residence areas numbered for location purposes. Mayor Cotant re- quested Attorney Burnett to correspond with County Commissioners on getting a new agreement drawn up. SEWER S~RVICE LINE-OUTSIDE CITY L]/~ITS- Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Millard, West Chubbuck Road~.-outside city limits, presented a drawing of proposed sewer service line into the Chubbuck main sewer line and requested permission to make this hook-up. Councilman Menard suggested an agreement form be provided and~executed for city file and reference. Agreement form recommendations included additional service lines not to be allowed in same service line, rates, total capacity and required inspections. Mayor Cotant also requested a drawing of the construction to become a part of the agreement and on file; Attorney Burnett said he could draft this agreement. Mayor and Council basically agreed this service liue would be approved · provided the above mentioned agreement was executed and plan approved by the city engineer. 195 STREET ANNEXATION-QUINN, HAWTHORNE & POLE LINE ROADS- Mayor Cotant informed Council that Engineer Jensen had met with Pocatello officials and it was suggested Pocatello City annex Quinn Road and Chubbuck City annex that portion of Pole Line Road and Hawthorne Road north of Quinn Road. An agreement needs to be drawn up for utility services and curb cuts along these streets. Councilman Kinghorn moved the City approve for Attorney Burnett to help prepare an agreement with the City of Pocatello, that Pocatello city annex and maintain Quinn Road and Chubbuck City annex and maintain Pole Line Road and Hawthorne Road north of Quinn Road. Councilman Menard seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor. JANITORIAL SERVICES- Mayor Cotant read a janitorial proposal by Jaek Slayden for cleaning services of the City Municipal building. Councilman Menard questioned if t~e service carried liability insurance coverage. After some discussion Councilman Kinghorn moved the city approve this service for 90 days trial. Councilman Menard seconded motion with all voting in favor. WATER LINES-HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION PLAT - Engineer Jensen discussed the possibility of the city paying cost of installing eight and ten inch water lines over the city required at least six inch water lines. Mayor and Council agreed the Heights Subdivision would be required to install the necessary size lines. Councilman Menard made motion, since engineers review of final plat has revealed a number of problems of such~ s~n~fi~c~uce that the~ correction may result in change to the nature of the°p~itself, therefor~ the city councd~ rescind its conditional approval of final plat of Heights Subdivision and the developer may resubmit final plat for renewed consideration when engineering recommendations have been corrected. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor of motion. TURNER SUBDIVISION - It was noted the sewer lines have not been installed as platted in this subdivision and that the city might need to amend the subdivision ordinance or come up with some provisionc.whereby the developer will need to develop according to plat approved. It was suggested a city permit of occupancy might help control problem. Newell Turner f~led the final plat and Doyle Chatterton purchased the property and is now developing the Turner Subdivision. Attorney Burnett has made recommendations on amendments to Subdivision Ordinance, one of which provides for refusal of utilities if there is not a valid plat. If plat is not developed as proposed the plat would become invalid. This provieion should protect the city for subdivision development according to platted plans. Councilman Menard suggested the Section #306, Uniform Building Code be ~mended to require the occupaucy permit provide that all other ordinances be complied with. PLANNED REVENUE SHARING - The City is required to plan the expenditures of 1976 fiscsl Federal Revenue Sharing revenue. Fiscal year for federal revenue is from July l, 1975 to June 30, 1976. After the city budgeting for 1975 this leaves one half of $~4,281.00 revenue to be included as expenditures to be proposed. Councilman Romriell moved the city plan to expend $11,071.O0 in street construction and maintenance and $11,070.00 to be expended ~u Waterworks transmission lines. Councilman Menard seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor. PORTNEUF DISTRICT LIbrARY Mayor and Council discussed waiving building permit fee £~ the library buildin~ as tax money and federal funds are involved in this public facility building. Councilman Kinghorn moved the city waive the building permit fee if Library District benefits. Councilman Romriell seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor. 197 BASEBALL - BARE RUTH TEAM - Doug Eldredge has requested the city participate on sponsorship of this team in the amount of $210.00. These boys will be l~ and 15 years old, five boys of each age and will play at Eldredge Park in Pocatello. Councilman Menard moved the city help sponsor this team in the amount of $210.00. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion aud all councilmen voted in favor. SEWER SERVICE LIRE - Councilman Kinghorn presented a bill for construction of sewer line from property line to main sewer line at the Dee Greene residence. The sewer service line installed by Oregon Construction was only seven feet deep which would not serve the Greene residence. Engineer Jensen said he would notify contractor and check out request for depth of line for a determination of responsibility. City Treasurer Vera Armstrong disclosed to Mayor and Council the contemplated re-investment of $80,000.00 in time certificates of deposit 6ut o£sthe General Fund and $20,000.00 investment out of Waterworks Fund. Meeting declared adjourned by Mayor Cotant at 11:~0 p.m. "John O. Cotant, Jr., ~ayor Vera C. Armstrong, City Cler~