HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 22 1975 CMCITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 22, 1975 187 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and CouncL1 held in the city municipol building April 22, 1975. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmen Dwain Kiughorn, Jack Menard, and Wayne Taylor, Attorney Burnett and Deputy Clerk Dorothy Ward. Meeting called to order at 8:00~p.m. by Mayor Cotant. Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to April 8 minutes. Jack Menard stated he would like added, the reason he wanted the Seaton proposed mobil home court rezone~ to R T-2 was that it is now zoned A T the city's highest zoning. Attorney Burnett asked to have added : He would further say, if council does not want to use R T- 2 classification as an interim, as planning device, then variance should be granted directly. Minutes approved with additions. PARRISH COMPANY STORE - E~L]/~QUENT SEWER CHARGE: Jack Mensrd reported on his checking of the sewer line to the Parrish Company. He suggested ~he line would be as enonomicsl to run from present stub in. Rodney Psrrish stated they had always planned on insts]] ing line from back of property, through property now owued by city. The Council could see no reason that an easement could not be given through city property. Jack Menard made motion to grant 5 foot easement slong with 10 foot utility easement, for an ut~ity easement to the P~rrish Company Store from City property at ~5~5 Yellowstone. Wayne Taylor seconded the motion. A13~ members v~ted ~ ~avor of motion. Jack Menard moved Parrish Company Store pay delinquent sewer charges since the Council feels the sewer line is reasonably awi l able . The motion was seconded by Dwain Kinghorn. All members voted in favor of motion. CHUBBUCK PLAZA ]IVDUSTRIAL PARK: Bill Cottle,of Chubbuck Plaza Industrial Park, reviewed the plans for the development of Park and the applyiug for a grant. All streets and sewers would become city property ifgrant received. Motion was made by Jack Menard to accept proposal from Chubbuck Plaza Industrial Park~. to Farmers Home Administration for their funding of developing of utilities in this area. Dwain Kinghorn seconded motion. All councdlmen voted in favor of motion. TENDOY COUNCIL: Ed Reese of the Tendoy Council of Boy Scouts of America stated the council has to move from their present location and would be interested in locating in the Chubbuck area. BUNCE SUBDMSION: Mark B~uce was~l~~ to present the preliminary plat of his subdivision. Jack Menard moved the City accept Bunce Subdivision prelimJ_uary plat. Wayne Taylor seconded motion. A]~ members voted in favor of motion. HEIGHTS SUBDMSION: Tim Shurtliff, engineer, asked that they might have condit~onsl approval of their final plat, so that they could advertise for bids on streets and other utilities. Jack Menard moved for approvsl of final plat of Heights Sub- division on condition and approval of Engineering plans, The City Engineer and P~blic Works Department to review same. Wayne Taylor seconded the motion. All Councilmen voted in favor. ANNE2fATION OF QUINN AND/OR HAWTHORNE ROAD: Doug Jensen reported City of Pocateilo in interested in annexing Quinn and Hawthorne road. The annexation has been read for the first time, he stated that the City of Chubbuck would have no right to access to the approaches if this annexation took place. Attorney Burnett stated he felt a joint agreement could be worked out with the City of Pocatello. Jack AMenard moved that M~yor Cotant, CouncdlmanEarl Romriell and Doug Jensen approach the City of Pocatello to work out a:~joint agreement on these streets. The motion was seconded by Dwain Kinghorn. All Councilmen voted in favor of motion. EAST S]])E OF YELLOWSTONE HI~tWAY: Mayor Cotant discussed the annexing of the east side of Yellowstone as suggested by the Traffic, Safety and Beautification Committee. The Mayor said this is so that the city could control the speed. It was decided to contact Ge9rge Shiozowa and the Rich estate to see if they wo~ld by agreeable. WATER BOND ISSUE: The Coaucdl feels that $350,000.00 wotuld instell a one million g~llon water tank, at $168,000.00, ~-lth the remainder for addtional improvements. Mayor Cotaut asked Doug Jensen to make au accurate estimate of cost of this plan , for a Public Meeting on May 13, 1975. REVENUE SHAR~G RESOLUTION: Mayor Cotant read Revenue Sharing Resolution, with All Councilmen agreeing to the benefits it renders. Jack Menard moved they adopt the resolution as drawn up by Attorney Bmrnett. The motion was seconded by DwsJ_u Kinghorn. Jack Menard, yes, Dwain Kinghorn, yes aud Wayne Taylor yes. MINGO SEWER LINE: Attorny Burnett said that consideration given by City for easement was set forth entirely in easement form; and that the city should not go beyond terms of easement form itself. The fact the letter to contrary had been later' Sent out by mistake wo~ld not change this result because apparently no reliance on the letter. EXCLUBION ORDINANCE #145: Attorney Burnett said' that the exclusion ordinance needs to be corrected. A lengthy discussion followed on how to handle this correction. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE # 1&6: Attorney Burner stated that a small piece of property North of Siphon Road between Paradise Acres aud Greener Pastures would have to be annexed. Attorney Burnett advised the City would have to publish twice and have a Public Heariug. There will be a Public Hearing to rezone on May 13, 1975, with the Plarmiag aud Zoning Commision meeting at ,7- p.m. and Council at 8:00p.m. ORDINANCE # 143 - EECLARING WEEDS A iNUISANCE: Mayor Cotant read by title only for third reading. Wayne Taylor made motion to approve ordinance as read. Dwain Kinghorn seconded the motion. Wayne Taylor , yes; Dwain Kinghorn, yes; Jack Menard, yes. REFUSE COLLECTION: Dwain Kiughorn will meet with the County aud City of Pocatello on refuse collection, on April 23 · 1975. The Council recommended that he carry the message that the City would like the county dump north of the city, be kept open six days a week if possible. ASSOCIATION OF ]~AHO CITIES: The Mayor aud Council authorised Dwain Kinghorn to attend Association of Idaho Cities conference in Idaho FAll s, Idaho on June 18-21, as official delegate, He will also attend the meeting of the AIC at the Bannock Hotel on May 13. SOUTH EASTEF~ IDAHO COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY, INC.: The Mayor and Council authorised the City to pay to the South Eastern Idaho Conmanmity action Agency the $500.00 that had been budgeted for this program. CITY PROPERTY: Dwatu Kinghorn made motion for the City to go ahead ~rith plaus to sell city property, known as ?Larkin property, at ~545 Yellowstone. Jack Menard seconded the motion· with ~ll members of the council voting in favor. Speed on East Chubbuck read was discussed. The Mayor asked that Jordon Stuart check the signs that the Traffic· Safety and Beautification Committe had suggested that be ordered. To order the ones that are needed aud have them inst~l_led. It was suggested that a Caution light be inst~ll ed~.~ Hiline and East Chubbuck ~d. Mayor Cotaut wondered about the feasability of a caution light at the corner of Stuart Park and Hawthorne Road. The railroad crossing on E~st Chubbuck Road was discussed with the Mayor saying he would write a letter to the Union Pacific Ra~road about the upkeep of the crossing. SEW-ER L]~T STATIONS: The Councilmen discussed the da~_ly inspection of the lift stations. It was unanimously agreed that a daily record should be kept of the inspections and signed by the person making inspection. Mayor Cotant declared the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.m. 191 Dorothy L. W~x~Deputy City Clerk I/John O. Cotant, Jr.~Mayor