HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 13 1977 CMCOUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 301
December 13, 1977
Minutes of the regular council meeting held in the city municipal building
December 13, 1977.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., attended from 9:20 p.m. until adjournment,
Councilmen Boyd L. Fullmer, Dwain A. Kinghorn, Earl L. Romriell, Wayne G.
Taylor, Engineer John Alder and City Clerk Vera C. Armstrong. Attorney Don
Burnett excused.
Chairman Earl Romriell called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.
Chairman Romriell asked for corrections or additions to council meeting minutes
o'F November 8, 10, and 15th.
There being none, Councilman Fullmer moved to approve minutes of November 8,
l0 and 15th. Councilman Taylor seconded motion with all councilmen approving.
IDAHO STATE TRANSPROTATION DEPARTMENT - Andrew Nielsen, District engineer, Robert
Harrison, Planner and Ryan B. Walz, Right-of-way agent, Idaho Transportation
Department were present.
Mr. Nielsen addressed council informing them that Mayor Cotant had requested
a count be taken in regards to the need for lights at the Chubbuck Interstate
Exchange. Mr. Nielsen said they were making a count at present and should
have results ~r areport some time around the first of the month.
Mr. Nielsen told council that in 1960 the State developed a landscaping
project for the Chubbuck Interchange, but the city of Chubbuck did not approve
for the maintenance at that time, however, Mr. Nielsen said times have changed
and the project has not been taken out of their Interstate program so they
decided to check with the city once more to find out if the city wanted to
go ahead with an agreement at this time whereby the State Interstate fund
would finance the landscaping and the city would then agree to do the
maintenance thereafter.
Chairman Romriell said the city was glad to have the opportunity to again
consider this proposal.
Mr. Nielsen said the city could have a month or so to give an answer and
also informed council the plans could be changed if so desired. A set
of plans was left with Engineer Alder for city to review.
Ryan B. Walz, Right-of-way agent for the 1-15W-Yellowstone - Hiway Avenue
Project left a proposal of payment and plans for acquisition of city property
in regards to the project.
Mr. Walz informed council the Idaho Transportation Department have come UP
with a fair market value of $10,900 for land, improvements and damages on
the parcels of property in the project owned by the city. Mr. Walz reported
that things are going well on the acquisition of property for the project.
Mr. Walz left the proposals and plans on acquisition of city property for
council to study.
letter he presented to the council some time ago in regards to the history
of his not hooking onto the sewer line, reporting a contractor had informed
him the city line was too low to serve him. City engineers, Forsgren, Perkins
& Associates told him the line would serve him. Mr. McOmber was later told
by some one from the city if he would go ahead and hook up to the sewer the
city would stand behind the sewer line being able to serve him. However,
he had it checked again by a contractor and was told the line would not
service his motel so he did not install his line.
NEW COLONIAL MOTEL DELINQUENT SEWER - cont'd - Mr. McOmber told council
that he had met with city Engineer John Alder this summer and determined
the line would serve the motel, but not the basement part of his business.
Mr. McOmber said he does not believe he should pay for service prior to the
concrete being poured in the bottom of sewer manhole.
Chairman Romriell told Mr. McOmber the sewer system did not have any way
of knowing his line was so low and the city main sewer lines were not
installed to serve the field drains of homes or to serve sewer pipes three
feet below the floor line.
Engineer Alder told council that it would have required relaying part of
the main sewer line to have served Mr. McOmber's basement at the motel.
Chairman Romriell told Mr. McOmber that an agreement was made in June
towards the payment of the delinquent sewer charges and the council felt
good about the agreement at that time.
Mr. McOmber again said he felt the sewer line was not ready until the manhole
was finished.
Councilman Kinghorn read a letter from Mayor Cotant to Mr, McOmber
instructing him to hook up to the sewer and the city would then make sure
the manhole bottom would be poured.
Councilman Fullmer proposed a settlement or a negotiation on a certain figure
to settle this delinquent sewer charge. Councilman Fullmer said there should
be no question on payment of monthly charge since sewer was installed in July.
Councilman Fullmer asked Mr. McOmber what he would be willing to pay as a
settlement of delinquent sewer charges to July 31, 1977. Mr. McOmber offered
a settlement of $1500 to dispose of this sewer charge problem.
After further discussion on a negotiated figure, Mr. McOmber was asked if
he would agree to pay $1800 on his back sewer charges to July 31, 1977.
Mr. McOmber said he would.
Councilman Fullmer moved the city accept a check for $1800 on the delinquent
sewer charges to July 31, 1977, and also to include in the check the monthly
sewer charge of $138 for August, September, October and November. Total
amount of check to be $2,352. Councilman Taylor seconded motion. Roll call
vote: Fullmer, yes; Kinghorn, yes; Romriell, no; Taylor, yes.
426 E. Chubbuck Rd. has appealed the Planning and Zoning Commissions decision
of denying a variance request to place a mobile home on her property.
Several council members voiced their opinion that the Planning and Zoning
commissions decision should be upheld.
Mr. Gibbs told council that after the mobile home is placed on foundation
it would not beamobile home, it is a double wide and looks like a
conventional home.
Mayor Cotant remarked to Mr. & Mrs. Gibbs that if the amount Mrs. Gibbs
plans to spend on a mobile home and foundation were put into a conventional
home the value would increase, wherein, he feels a mobile homes value
would decrease. Mayor Cotant added that of course, this is her personal
Council discussed the zone of the area and allowing placement of mobile
homes in residential zones.
Mrs. Gibbs said she would just like a nice home to live in.
APPEAL OF P & Z DECISION - cont'd - Councilman Romriell asked Mrs. Gibbs
is she would keep all her land, she answered she did plan to keep her
Mayor and council decided to table a decision on the appeal this evening
and further review with the Planning and Zoning Commission.
STREET SWEEPER - Mr. Yale Dick, Glen Dick Equipment Company, Boise, re-
presenting the Mobile Street sweeper, was present and asked if the city had
any question in regard to his street sweeper.
Mayor Cotant told Mr. Dick that Attorney Burnett has informed the city
the sweeper purchase would need to be bid if the city decides to buy one.
Later in the evening Councilman Romriell made motion that the city make
preparations to bid a street sweeper. Councilman Taylor seconded motion
and voting was unanimous in favor.
Perkins and Assoc. P. A. engineering firm and Roy Miller, Jr., developer,
were present to represent the presentation of the preliminary plat.
Engineer Smart said the idea of putting commercial along West Chubbuck Road
was basically a concept of energy conservation.
Councilman Romriell said he felt the city was too close to capacity to
furnish sewer to this subdivision and also said he felt the city could
be short of water in this area.
Mr. Miller said they proposed a neighborhood commercial facility because
this is the concept of modern city planning.
Mayor Cotant asked about a certain architectural control in the commercial
area. Mr. Miller said they would have no objection.
Councilman Romriell questioned the air pollution at the location of this
plat for residential development.
Engineer Alder said he felt the design of the development was good and he
felt the question might be, does the city want to approve development
outside the city limits.
Engineer Smart noted the plat shows a multiple family buffer zone between
the commercial and single family dwellings.
Mayor Cotant stated he would like to have time to review the plat
with the Planning and Zoning Commission, since the P & Z Commission did
not recommend approval of the plat.
Councilman Taylor remarked he felt the plat was a good subdivision and as
an outgoing councilman he felt the city should consider approving the plat.
Mayor Cotant told Mr. Miller and Engineer Smart he thought it would be
wise to hold the proposed zoning and annexation hearing so the city
could receive input from the residents in the area in regards to the
commercial aspect of the plat. Mr. Miller was in agreement with this
CATERING PERMITS - Neely's Bar has applied for a catering permit to cater an
event for the ISU Parks & Recreation Department on November 29, 1977 at
the E1 Cielito. Mayor, council and police approved the permit by personal
contact and this action need be ratified at this council meeting.
Bill Kalivas, Press Box has also applied for a catering permit to cater
an event for Dyke's Electric at the E1 Cielito on December 16, 1977. Mayor
council and police have also approved this permit by personal contact and
the action need be ratified at this council meeting.
CATERING PERMITS - cont'd - Councilman Romriell moved to ratify council
approval of the afore-mentioned catering permits to Neely's Bar and the
Press Box, Councilman Taylor seconded motion and all councilmen voted
in favor.
Bill Kalivas, Press Box has applied for a catering permit to cater an
event for KSEI Radio at the E1 Cielito on December 17. Police Department
have approved the permit.
Councilman Kinghorn moved to approve the above mentioned catering permit
to the Press Box. Councilman Romriell seconded motion and all councilmen
voted in favor.
RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE AND BEER LICENSES - City ordinance requires council
to approve renewal of liquor, wine and beer licenses before re-issuance.
Police department have approved renewing all permits,
Councilman Taylor moved to approve renewal of liquor, wine and beer licenses.
Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor.
have purchased Myrtle's Place and have requested the liquor and beer license
transfer and issuance of 1978 liquor and beer license. Police Department
have approved the transfer and issuance of 1978 license.
Councilman Romriell moved the council approve the transfer and issuance
of the 1978 liquor and beer license to S.L.B. Incorporated. Councilman
Fullmer seconded motion and voting was unanimous in favor.
Attorney Burnett has not had the opportunity to review this contract
so any action on same will be tabled until the engineer and attorney
can review.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT presented to mayor and council.
CLAIMS TO BE PAID IN DECEMBER presented to mayor and council.
After a thorough review, Councilman Kinghorn moved to approve payment
of the December claims. Councilman Fullmer seconded motion and all
councilmen voted in favor.
AUDIT REPORT - Mr. Ray Carter of Ken V. Carter, Co., Inc. presented the
report of the 1976 audit and briefly reviewed the financial condition
of the various funds with the mayor and council. Mr. Carter recommended
the council adjust the outstanding accounts on water, sewer and sanitation
after 90 days, as chances of collecting from that time on is very slim.
Mayor Cotant expressed his appreciation to Councilman Wayne Taylor as a member
of the council the past eight years. The other councilmen also expressed
their pleasure of serving on the council with Councilman Taylor.
1. Councilman Romriell said he felt it imperative that the Planning
and Zoning Commission understand their responsibilities in regards to
research and background knowledge with variance and conditional use
permit requests.
2. Councilman Romriell recommended Joe Chandler and Becky Hopkins as
members of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
3. Councilman Romriell said he felt the council should get with Rodney
Parrish in regards to his delinquent sewer charge and sewer hook-up.
4. Dead end sign on Lariat.
5. Center line street striping on East Chubbuck Rd.
SEWER MANHOLE - EAST END OF CHUBBUCK RD. - Jack Menard was billed for this
manhole installation at the time of the sewer project and has requested
an adjustment in regards to this charge.
After discussion on the matter, Councilman Romriell moved that Triangle
Investment not be charged for the construction of the last sewer manhole
on East Chubbuck Road as it should have been included in the sewer
project. Councilman Kinghorn seconded the motion and all councilmen
voted in favor.
SEWER EASEMENT - Glen Perry, 575 Homestead Rd., requested a cash settlement
instead of a sewer service line as agreed in his sewer easement to the
city for the main sewer line. Mr. Perry presented two bids he has
received to Mayor Cotant. The council requested Mayor Cotant to review
and discuss the matter further with Mr. Perry.
Councilman Taylor moved and Romriell seconded that meeting be adjourned.
All in favor. '-
(i/O'ohn O. Cotant, Jr., Mayor
Vera C. Armstrong, City Cler!?