HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 11 1979 CMCITY COUNCIL MEETIN December Il, 1979 Minutes of the regular council meeting held December ll, 1979. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr. Councilm, LeRoy S. Quick, Earl L. Romriell, Attorney 219 the city municipal building Boyd L. Fullmer, Dwain A. Kinghorn, Donald L. Burnett, Jr., Engineer Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Vera C. Arm;trong. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. Mayor Cotant asked for any corrections or additions to minutes of November 27. ! There being none, Councilman Kinghorn moved to approve minutes of November 27 meeting as written. Councilman Quick secol~ded motion with an unanimous vote in favor. PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLZ~ DWELLING COURT - Joseph R. and Jo Ann Osie hearing on their conditional use permit apl dwelling court. Mayo~]. Cotant asked Mr. Osier if he had a~ a production dwelling court. Mr. Osier sa Councilman Quick said he felt that trailer be equal to other residential home standar~ Councilman Kinghorn said he felt council h~ standards that will allow the larger and n~ streets should be wide enough to provide a~ Councilman Romriell noted that he felt the against trailer development at this locati~ city shouldn't have zoned the property Lim comprehensive plan zone. Councilman Fullmer stated the city has had ~ATION TO CONSTRUCT A PRODUCTION were present to continue the ication to construct a production more to add as to his plans for d h~ea~othing,, ~ more to add at this time. home living standards should Is. ~ve the responsibility to require ~wer type mobile homes. That lequate fire and police protection. surrounding neighborhood were ~n and he is not so sure ted Residential (R-l) in the time to make careful and thorough observations concerning this cond tional use permit application, observations being, 1) housing needs to provided, 2) city is anxious to have ground developed within the city~ 3) ~hat city needs to put certain restrictions on construction so proper development will take place, restrictions being especially important because the development borders residential areas. Joseph R. Osier remarked that in terms of ~luality of park, manufacturing takes care of the those standards, quality of utilities are monitored by the city, but as far as larger lots are concerl they plan a court where there will be no cl that people renting will be elderly and wi' lots. Mr. Osier added that mobile home mai After further discussion, Councilman Fullm~ use permit application subject to conditiol order to provide for an orderly developmen~ motion. Roll call vote: Fullmer, yes; Kit no. Vote being tied, Attorney Burnett research~ that in his opinion the mayor does not haw ~ed he will take issue because ~ildren and that the possibility 1 not desire to care for larger 'keting meets a home need. :r moved to approve the condi:tional s required by city council in Councilman Quick seconded Ihorn, no; Quick, yes; Romriell, the code and reported to council the power to vote on this matter. 221 PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL US£~PERMIT APPLICA-ION TO CONSTRUCT A PRODUCTION DWELLING COURlC°n~M~ayor and council discussed setting a list of conditions which they would require if th. conditional use were to be approved. Councilman Quick moved to table motion until a better understanding of conditions required are agreed upon. Councilman Fullmer seconded motion with all councilmen voting in favor. After completion of discussion on the condit Fullmer moved to take from the table the pre' conditional use permit subject to conditions Councilman Quick seconded, all council appro' Mayor Cotant asked for a vote on the motion use permit subject to conditions approved by vote: Fullmer, yes; Kinghorn, yes; Quick, Councilman Kinghorn made motion to impose co of the production dwelling court which will ' 1) Dedicate sufficient right-of-way to mt requirement as applied by the city en and Hawthorne Road. 2) Compliance with all Land Development ordinance requirements, with cash con possible credit for recreational faci' 3) Parallel parking of mobile homes to ti 4) Street and utility improvements to be years of issuance of conditional use I 5) A fee of $200.00 per lot, plus the exl OhS to be set forth, Councilman ,ious motion to approve the to be imposed by council. 'ed. ;o approve the conditional the city council. Roll call 'es; Romriell, no. ditions upon the development nclude the following; ~et the comprehensive plan ineer on ~est Chubbuck Road nd Land Improvement Standards ribution in lieu of park and ities created within the court. e streets. completed within two ermit. ense of hooking up the main water utility service according to thc 6) Covenants and regulations to the cour~ approved. 7) Screening fence of grape stake or equl parallel to the sidewalk along Hawtho~ Road. 8) Comply with General Residential (R-2) Ordinance except as follows; lots to and all units will be single family d~ 9) All mobile homes to be no less than dc construction. 10) Application for design review must be 11) Developer to buy 12 inch pipe and mat( Chubbuck Road to the southern point oi will install or developer to buy the ~ the 12 inch water line fronting the dc he chooses. Councilman Quick seconded motion. yes; Quick, yes; Romriell, no. Roll call water ordinance. are to be submitted and valent with some landscaping ne Road and West Chubbuck requirements in the Land]Jse be minimum 5,000 square feet ellings. uble side and have gable roof submitted and approved. rials for a water line from the developers property and city ipe and materials and install velopers property only, whichever vote: Fullmer, yes; Kinghorn, 223 LIQUOR CATERING PERMIT - Bill Kalavis of the Press Box has applied for a liquor catering permit to cater a function f~r Kraft Fool] on December 14 at the E1 Cielito Wedding Chapel. ~/~i After some discussion, Councilman Kinghorn to approve the liquor catering permit to Bill Kalavis of the Press Box to this funcion. Councilman Romriell seconded motion. All councilmen vo~ed in favor. SENIOR CITIZEN AVAILABILITY FOR GRANT AND BUILDING IN CHUBBUCK - Councilman Romriell informed council and mayor that he ~nd Engineer Smart had attended a meeting this day with Rodney Watkins, Direetor for Southeast Idaho Council of Governments and had been told that the ne~ complete in June and the senior citizens wil building, therefore, it has been suggested t given a period of trial time to find out if be met at the new community center in Pocate FEDERAL FUND AVAILABILITY - Frank Leibrock, Ham firm informed mayor and council that Federal through the Economic Development Administrat It will be labor intensive, and could be use~ buildings. Mr. Leibrock told council if they are intere: things, l) check on the unemployment rate in determine what the city wants to do in way o Mr. Leibrock advised city there would be a w of the grant possibility. ~lr. Leibrock added that if unemployment rises community center would be have the availability of this ~at this community center be ~he needs of senior citizens can lo. lton and Voeller Engineering Agency funds would be available on to be dispersed by counties. for the development of city ;ted, they should look at two the city of Chubbuck, and 2) = a project. ~ry short time to take advantage to 6 3/4 per cent the city would qualify.. Mayor Cotant thanked Mr. Leibrock for his ti~ of the availability of grant funds to the at' FINANCIAL STATEMENT for month of November prese~ CLAIMS TO BE PAID IN December considered for aPl Councilman Kinghorn moved to approve the cla Bannock County claim of $200.00 for use of 1~ seconded motion with all councilmen approvin! GENERAL DISCUSSIONS 11 Fire Protection, no further word from co~ County Fire District - city has requeste~ 2) Landfill costs, Councilman Romriell attel day, made a report to council and presen' proposed by the city of Pocatello. 3) Councilman Kinghorn reviewed the recomme~ Ordinance made by the Land Use Commissio~ to prepare hearing notice and copy of re~ ~e in bringing the information :ention of the city. ~ted to mayor and council. ~roval by mayor and council. ms with the exception of the ndfill. Councilman Romriell mty to fund Northern Bannock la resolution to this effect. ~ded a committee meeting this ~ed a copy of an approach ~ded amendments to the Land Use ~ and requested Attorney Burnett :ommended amendments. Councilman Quick moved, Fullmer seconded, wi'.~h full council approval~ that meeting adjourn at 12:30 a.m. ~ ~hn O. Cotant, Jr., Mayor~ Vera C. Armstrong, City Clerk Name of Applicant: BY THE CITY COUNCIL: A. Nature of Action: B. Action taken: lowing condition(s): Re: CITY OF CHUBBUCKDw~ ACTION SUMMARY On Apl The following ordinances and standards application: ~k~b~ ~e~',ue ~ The above ~on zs taken for ~he fol The applicant could take the followin action by ~he Council: Date BYM~ SEPH R. AND JO ANN OSIER ditional Use Permit - Production lling Court eal X Orzglnal Revzew~,~? Application approved ~ .... '~;~-~ Application denied Application approved on fol- were used in evaluating the actions to obtain favorable CHUBBUCK CITY COUNCIL: