HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 10 1979 CM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 129 July 10, 1979 Minutes of the regular council meeting held in the city municipal building, July 10, 1979. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmen Boyd L. Fullmer, Dwain A. Kinghorn, LeRoy S. Quick, Earl L. Romriell, Engineer Steven M. Smart, City Clerk Vera C. Armstrong. Attorney Donald L. Burnett excused. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. Mayor Cotant asked for any corrections or additions to council meeting minutes of June 26. Councilman Kinghorn moved to accept minutes as written of June 26 council meeting. Councilman Quick seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor. PUBLIC HEARING - Don Neves, 4815 Hawthorne, has appealed the ruling of the Planning and Zoning Commission denying a variance request to place a sign larger than ordinance allows in a residential zone. Mr. Neves would like to place a three by five foot sign and attach to his garage, with indirect lighting. Mr. Neves submitted a petition with thirteen signatures, of residents in area, approving placement of the sign. Mr. Neves told council he thought his location, which borders present commercial use, was a bit different from being in the middle of a subdivision. Councilman Kinghorn stated the Planning and Zoning Commission felt that a larger sign should not be allowed on a residential lot for a home occupation. Mr. Neves questioned why variances were allowed in ordinance if city has a blanket objection to allowing certain variance requests. Councilman Fullmer agreed that the location of Don's Studio is bordering commercial and questioned the practicality of a one foot by two foot sign, and voiced opinion that sign would be compatable to the location if placed on his building and the placement reviewed each year for possible objections to use. Councilman Romriell, stated that it has been a continual objection to have commercial extend into the residential area beyond Hawthorne. With all due respect to the Planning and Zoning Commission in protecting residential areas from commercial signs, he feels this particular location and particular sign could be approved if it is reviewed each year and reconsidered for neighborhood objections. Councilman Kinghorn asked the council to consider the position they put the Planning and Zoning Commission in by approving the variance appeal. Mayor Cotant said he felt this particular location warrants the consideration of allowing the sign. Councilman Romriell moved to grant the appeal of Mr. Neves from the ruling of the Planning and Zoning Commission. To allow the sign since no opposition has been noted from residents, because of locality and surrounding properties, with the understanding that if placement of sign proves not to be of the best use and generally opposed, that the sign is to be removed. Variance appeal a~proval to be reviewed yearly by Land Use and Development Commission. {Koll call vote: Fullmer, yes; Kinghorn, no; Quick, yes; Romriell, yes. k~;~Councilman Fullmer seconded motion. ~"~'ADBITION~gpC~ (~ '~.~.. ADDITION: Councilman Quick read from the minutes of the Planning and Zoning meeting and it was reiterated to Mr. Neves that his /~'/ business variance request was approved on the condition that ~' it be reviewed on a yearly basis. ~ ~ 131 PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL-Don Neves - cont'd - Councilman Fullmer asked that minutes reflect the discussions of the evening and that council does consider the concerns for the people in the area and that it is to be reviewed for further consideration. PUBLIC HEARING - VACATION OF A PROPOSED STREET TO BE KNOWN AS SOUTH BUFFALO RD. The city has requested the hearing concerning the vacation. Mayor Cotant told those present that the city has been advised this proposed street is at a poor location, and the city wants to vacate. Max Parrish asked if city has ever closed any other street, and added that city has rejected any development plans they have submitted. Mayor Cotant told Max Parrish and Mr. and Mrs. Kent Parrish that the reason the city decided on Residential - 1 zoning in the Comprehensive Plan zone, for property which this street will serve, is that a Planned Unit Development could be platted which could contain a combination of single-family residential, multiple residential and commercial development. Max Parrish said this particular dedicated right-of-way is the only practical access to their property which lies east of the canal and how can the city say they are going to vacate this only access, without providing another access. Mayor Cotant said the city considers the proposed street to be at a dangerous location because of being so close to a future four lane intersected street and it is the responsibility of council to avert a traffic problem. Mrs. Kent Parrish asked what the city proposed as an alternative. Max and Kent Parrish asked if the city would build an access street across the canal at a location south of East Chubbuck Road. Mfs. Kent Parrish asked if the city closes North Buffalo Road would the city build another road across the canal for the residents to the north, and if so, will the city build a road to the south to replace the access taken away by vacating South Buffalo Road. Mayor and council said the city is not in the business of building streets. Mayor Cotant said the city is looking for an alternative to this road. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Parrish asked if city would give the dedicated right- of-way property to the Land Investments, Inc. in exchange for them building a road across the canal at another location. Councilman Romreill said the city could consider this. Mrs. Parrish asked mayor and council if they would meet with them to make an on-site inspection to determine where an alternative street could be locate. Councilman Fullmer said he feels there needs to be a starting point and if city needs to meet and study the location, they should do so. Councilman Fullmer advised the Parrishes to take a look at area with renewed perspective because Of the residents outlook on commercial development, which could be included in a Planned Unit Development. 133 PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED SOUTH BUFFALO ROAD - cont'd - Engineer Smart said he would like to see cost estimates and evaluate the cost of constructing and developing one hundred sixty-five foot of street to serve the Land Investments, Inc. property versus the cost of building a bridge across the canal. Councilman Quick moved to table the public hearing to vacate the proposed South Buffalo Road for further evaluation and determination as to any possible alternatives. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion. All councilmen voted in favor. PARK SUBDIVISION - Mark Bunce has submitted the letter of request. Engineer Smart said the full inspections have been made and all construction has been approved. Councilman Romriell moved to accept dedication, maintenance of the street, water, and sewer line improvements constructed to serve the following lots in Mountain Park Subdivision: All of Block 1; All of Block 2; lots 1 through 20 of Block 3; and lots 1 through 4 of Block 4. Councilman Quick seconded motion. All councilmen voted in favor. Mr. Bunce requested a letter be sent to Bunce, Alder, & Bunce, Inc. verifying this action. CLAIMS - Mayor Cotant asked for any comments on approval of claims. After a thorough review of claims, Councilman Kinghorn moved to approve the claims as presented, including the additional claims as listed on the agenda, with the exception of claim to Earl L. Romriell. seconded motion with full approval of the council. Councilman Fullmer Councilman Quick moved to approve the claim of Earl L. Romriell, Councilman Fullmer seconded motion. Councilmen Fullmer, Kinghorn and Quick all voted in favor. Councilman Romriell abstained from voting. CLEAN-UP - Mrs. Dean Renfrow, 226 Mingo Lane, said she felt the city should do something about the junky condition of Mingo Lane. They have their place listed for sale and people will not even look at their place because of the conditions. Mrs. Renfrow said she would like to take Mayor Cotant and Councilman Romriell down Mingo Lane to look at the street. Mayor thanked Mrs. Renfrow for coming in. FIRE PROTECTION - Mayor Cotant announced that the city volunteer fire department will not answer any fire calls outside the Northern Bannock County Fire District. Councilman Romriell noted the city can be reimbursed for fires that are on federal land, and asked for a copy of the article from the City Report to be sent the Fire Chief and Fire Department personnel. GENERAL DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. Sprinkling park only and not streets at the Victor and Teton Park area. 2. Follow-up on safety aspects of canal along Hawthorne. 3. Meeting with Pocatello City regarding fire line water to the Pine Ridge Mall. 4, Wolfstone, Donley, false arrest insurance - Mr. Wolfstone has requested approval to insure the city for false arrest coverage. Councilman Fullmer to carry through on this item. 5. Fence between Mobile Manor and Briarwood. Council requests that Attorney Burnett send letter to developers of Briarwood. 6. Engineer Smart informed council he has received two bids on roofing job for well houses. Mayor Cotant asked Engineer Smart to get a bid from Earl Cellan and others if possible. 7. Sprinkler system for Bicentennial Park. Additional lines needed for complete water sprinkling coverage. 8. 135 Proposed street - Vic Herbert has presented a proposal for development of a street from Burnside east to the canal and then north to Evans Lane. This will be considered at a later time. Councilman Kinghorn moved, Quick seconded with full council approval to adjourn meeting at 11:30 p.m. Vera C. Armstrong, City C~rk