HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 26 1979 CMCOUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 26, 1979 111 Minutes of the regular council meeting held in the city municipal building, June 26, 1979. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmen Dwain A. Kinghorn, LeRoy S. Quick, Earl L. Romriell, Attorney Donald L. Burnett, Engineer Steven M. Smart, City Clerk Vera C. Armstrong. Councilman Boyd L. Fullmer attended the meeting at 8:25 p.m. until adjournment. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. Mayor Cotant asked for any corrections or additions to council minutes of Junel2. Councilman Romriell moved to approve the minutes of June 12 as written. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion. Councilman present all voted in favor. VACATION OF CIRCLE IN - Charlie Frasure has requested the vacation of Circle In Street. Mr. Frasure and Mr. Murray have sold the property bordering the street to a development company for the future development of a Chubbuck Plaza shopping center and Smiths Food King Store. At the last council meeting Mr. Frasure stated that he would provide an access street off Yellowstone that would line up approximately with Ward Drive. Richard Allen was present representing the new development concern, Production Marketing Association. Mayor Cotant told Mr. Allen that the city might be willing to vacate the street but the city will need to have assurance that another street will be provided. Richard Allen is to contact parties involved and correlate a special meeting with mayor and council for this purpose. Matter of vacation of Circle In street again table. DISPOSITION OF DOGS - Council has requested Chief Arnold Stone to attend meeting to discuss and clarify certain animal problems, namely, what to do with injured animals. Chief Stone said he had inquired and found it permissable to take slightly injured dogs to the pound. Chief Stone also told mayor and council it would be a great help if the city has a temporary holding cage or shelter for dogs that are picked up late at night or on weekends. IMPOUNDMENT OF VEHICLES - Mayor and council discussed the city's problem of impounding vehicles at a safe storage area. Attorney Burnett made the suggestions that city send a letter out to the wrecker services which are now providing service of storing impounded cars and notify them that they must provide reasonable safe storage for such cars within a certain period of time or city will need to secure this service elsewhere. Council agreed and asked Attorney Burnett to prepare the letter. LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL - Mayor Cotant requested Thain Christensen to arrange for two ball games to be played the morning of July 4th at the Chubbuck Days Celebration. Mr. Christensen was present and said he would arrange for the games. Mr. Christensen asked for council support in planning a little league tournament to be held in Chubbuck and requested a check in the amount of $35.00 to enter the Pd~atello Little League Tournament. IlS FORT HALL STUART lATERAL CANAL - Mayor Cotant called a recess to council meeting at 9:15 p.m. During the recess the mayor and council and members of the city staff made an on-site field inspection of the Fort Hall Irrigation canal as it runs along Hawthorne Road near Stuart Park and also running north along Hawthorne, and also the canal at the intersection of Hawthorne and Siphon Roads. Mayor Cotant called the meeting back to session at 9:45 p.m. following the recess. Mayor Cotant said the council is considering installing a yellow caution blinking light along with a sign warning that canal is dangerous with no canal bank. Engineer Smart said the battery operated blinker would need to be secured firmly. Attorney Burnett told council he would research as to how that road came into existence, and also what type of right-of-way the canal company has. Engineer Smart was instructed to recontact the Fort Hall Canal company concerning this situation and report back on some sort of clas~ of restraint system. FIREWORKS PERMIT - Denny Jones, 4705 Yellowstone has applied for a fireworks permit. In reviewing the application Councilman Fullmer advised mayor and council that Mr. Jones' copy of insurance does not show that he has finished product liability coverage. Mayor and council agreed that if Mr. Jones could meet the ordinance requirement of placing a stand one hundred feet from any site for storing or dispensing flammable liquids and provides proof of insurance they have no objection to the permit being issued. WATER METER CHARGES - Mayor Cotant told council that Dennis Leslie has asked for a redudtion in his minimum water rate for his apartments on Hawthorne Road as he has a six inch meter with a minimum billing charge of $120.00, his average bill is somewhat lower than this if charged by actual usage. Mayor and council discussed the proposal and requested that engineer meet with Mr. Leslie and also Mrs. Worona of the Camelot concerning their water meter charge protests. TIME CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT INVESTMENT - Councilman Fullmer moved to approve for city clerk to invest $1,985.00 in Time Certificates of deposit from the Water Revenue Bond Reserve Funs, also $5,440.00 from the Sewer Revenue Bond REserve Fund. GENERAL DISCUSSIONS: 1. City not t~ pay for fire calls in county when volunteer group answered calls. 2. Bannock County fire truck to be legally transferred to city - Attorney Burnett to follow up on this. Portable welders available for sealed bid at Pacific Fruit Express -- mayor and council approved for engineer to enter bid on welders. 4. Urban Services agreement with Bannock County - Attorney Burnett to follow through on setting up or requesting a meeting for this purpose. 5. City building plans. 115 ADDITIONAL CLAIMS - Councilman Kinghorn moved to approve the claim of Denny Jones for $687.07 for re-imbursement expenses for eight firemen to attend the State Fire School at Burl ey, also a $35·00 claim to pay a tournament fee to enter the Pocatello City Little League Baseball Tournament. Councilman Romriell seconded motion. All councilmen voted in favor. LAND USE, LAND DEVELOPMENT FORMS - Attorney Burnett presented the mayor and council and city staff with several copies of forms that will help implement the provisions of the new land use and land development ordinances and also forms to document action on applications concerning land development matters. GENERAL LIABILITY - Councilman Fullmer reported to mayor and council that Ron Howell with Kruse Insurance is pursuinq with Safeco, and other~ any better and more economical coverage that might be available to city. Councilman Fullmer informed council that Safeco provides a good coverage· Councilman Fullmer advised council to work with Ron Howell, Kruse Insurance Company on securing the best coverage for the best money. C°uncilman R°mriel] m°ved' Quick sec°nded !~~t, i~ , ith full council approval th t meeting adjourn at 11:30 p.em. 'j ~'g, 'ty ~