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May 8, 1979
Minutes of the regular council meeting held in the city municipal
building May 8, 1979.
Present: John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmen Boyd L. Fullmer, Dwain A.
Kinghorn, LeRoy S. Quick, Earl L. Romriell, Attorney Donald L. Burnett, Jr.,
Engineer Steven M. Smart and Clerk Vera C. Armstrong. Councilman
Fullmer excused until 8:30 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Cotant.
Mayor Cotant asked for any corrections or additions to minutes of April 24,
and April 30 council meetings.
There being none, Councilman Romriell moved to approve minutes of April 24,
and April 30 meetings as written. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion ~)~, ~v~
with all councilmen voting in favor ~ x~w~
~ ' ~k
ORDINANCE # 20~providing for direct legislative through initiative and J~
referendum was read in full by Mayor Cotant as~the third reading. ~_}~ ~m~
Councilman Quick moved to adopt Ordinance # 20,~L, Councilman Romriell
seconded motion. Roll call vote: Kinghorn, yes; Quick, yes; Romriell, yes.
RESTROOMS AT BICENTENNIAL PARK - Dean Peterson, 5732 Eve, was present at
meeting and objected to the location of the restrooms at the park. Mr.
Peterson said the restrooms have been placed 20 feet from borderline of
his property and they are entirely separate from the athletic sports
areas of the park.
Mr. Peterson also told council that he questioned the building being
built to code as there were two separate concrete pours on the
foundation, which leads him to believe there is a cap on the
foundation and he doubts that it meets code.
Parks superintendent, Larry Kohntopp was present and informed council
the second pour was necessary and that anchor bolts tied the pours
Mayor Cotant told Mr. Peterson the city plans to place shrubs around
the building which will make the area more attractive. Mayor Cotant
told Mr. Peterson the city would like some time to consider his request
of moving the restrooms as there would be a considerable cost involved
in moving the building plus the additional cost of moving water and
sewer lines.
USE OF ANIMAL SHELTER - The present agreement with the City of Pocatello
regarding the use of the Animal Shelter expired April 1, 1979. The
City of Pocatello is willing to renew the agreement under the s~me
terms for an additional year.
After some discussion~ Councilman Kinghorn moved to renew the agreement
with the City of Pocatello regarding use of the Animal Shelter for one
more year. Councilman Quick seconded motion, all councilmen voted
in favor.
FIRE STATION PROPERTY - The property upon which the older portion of
the fire station was built was a gift deed to the city from Roy L.
and Leona Getty.
In the consideration of building a new city complex, the moving of the fire
station to a central location with other municipal buildings and also the
consideration of the fire station being located at a less congested
area, Mayor Cotant has contacted M~. Leona Getty concerning a release
of a clause in the deed that reverts the land back to the ownership
of the Getty family if it ceases to be used as a fire station or
other similar city buildings.
Attorney Burnett has corresponded with Mrs. Gettys' attorney and a
consideration has been made to terminate the reversionary clause.
Councilman Quick moved to authorize the mayor to enter into an
agreement to obtain a release of the reversionary clause in the
present deed, not to exceed the amount of $1,500. Councilman
Kinghorn seconded motion with the vote of the full council approving.
MATERNITY BENEFITS - A new federal law requires employers with 15 or more
employees to provide -- for female employees and for employees' wives--
maternity benefits in their health care program that are equal to
benefits provided for other conditions.
Blue Cross insurance company has informed the city the additional
cost involved to put the coverage into effect is; $1.90 per month
for employee only and $5.75 per month for employee with one or
more dependents.
Councilman Romriell moved to install the additional coverage to
cover maternity benefits. Councilman Fullmer seconded motion. All
councilmen voted in favor.
LIFE SAFETY CODE - UNIFORM FIRE CODE - Mayor and council discussed the
advantage or disadvantage of having adopted these two codes.
Mayor Cotant suggested the city do some research and study on the
Life Safety Code and Fire Code to see if certain requirements in
the codes are needed or if city desires to keep in their entirety.
Attorney Burnett also agreed that city should study and modify the
ordinances if the city feels they desire to make any changes, or
repeal the ordinance adopting same if they so desire.
Mayor Cotant asked Engineer Smart for a report on these two codes
at council meeting of May 22.
THERMAL ENERGY - Councilman Romriell has suggested the city promote the
use of thermal ener§y and this be included in the comprehensive plan.
Attorney Burnett said he had entered in the comprehensive plan
that the city should encourage the development of these resources
so long as it is consistent with other provisions of the comprehensive
Councilman Kinghorn asked if Whittaker Road had been changed from a
collector street in the street plan of the comprehensive plan. Engineer
Smart said he would check this.
LEASE PURCHASE PROPOSAL - Attorney Burnett reported to council that
what the bank is proposing is a four year lease. Attorney Burnett
said his opinion letter will be that the city may not, by statute
or constitution, incur a debt or liability beyond a year and so the
lessors, or banks remedy in the event the city fails to perform in
any one year is limited only to the payment for that year. Attorney
Burnett said he thinks the bank contemplates a lease agreement
written to this effect.
Councilman Kinghorn moved to authorize the mayor to enter into
a lease agreement with Idaho First National Bank regarding lease
purchase of a tractor-loader backhoe, provided that the agreement
will be consistent with the statutory and constitutional limitations
on debt and liability and further providing that the equipment will
be a 1979 Case Model 680G backhoe, original cost of which does not
exceed $26,300, that the lease term will be four years with five
periodic payments at annual intervals of $5,994.70 each, that the
mayor is authorized to sign lease documents and that Idaho First
National Bank is the financing entity. Councilman Fullmer seconded
motion. All councilmen voted in favor.
COUNTY DISTRICT ZONE CHANGE near the Pocatello sewage treatment plant.
The city has been made aware that residents in the area of the
sewage treatment plant on Rio Vista Road are petitioning for a zone
change to residential, public hearing to be held at the county on
May 22, 1979.
Attorney Burnett said at this time a letter should be directed to
Bannock County Commissioners urgently requesting the earliest
possible meeting on planning for the urban service area and pointing
to this pending petition as one of the reasons why this planning
must be done right away.
Mayor and Council requested Attorney Burnett to prepare a letter
to the commissioners asking them to meet and plan for these urban
services and also to present the city's viewpoint at the May 22
Engineer Smart informed mayor and council the city needs to have
six inch trenches dug for the water line construction in the Bicentennial
Park, and need approval of purchase order to have the work done.
Mayor and council approved for engineer to proceed with the best
bid he can get.
RAILROAD CROSSING CONSTRUCTION - Engineer Smart reported on the
progress of the railroad crossing construction. Engineer requested
for council approval to contract with county to have gravel hauled,
and to be able to contract to have a road base laid and have the
paving done.
Attorney Burnett advised that if this street work could conceivably
be done by one contractor, to bid the work needed on the railroad
project so as to conform with Idaho Code requirements on bidding.
PIPE - Engineer Smart explained the circumstances of the two additional
claims for pipe to Empire Construction and Walker International. The
engineer was advised by mayor, council and attorney to thoroughly
check out if these items are from two separate sources before
making the purchases.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT for April presented to mayor and council.
CLAIMS TO BE PAID IN May presented to mayor and council.
Purchase orders to be signed by department head only are to be on
an emergency basis only. Among claims questioned were fire department
jackets, battery at Dale's Auto, and the euthanizing of two cats.
After a thorough review, Councilman Romriell moved to approve the claims~
claims without purchase orders are to be held until such time as purchase
orders are prepared and signed, then these claims are also to be paid.
Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion, all councilmen voted in favor.
Mayor and council directed city clerk to send out a note to vendors
that purchase orders are required on all purchases by city personnel.
SEWER SERVICE - Justin Lowder~ West Chubbuck Road asked if Pocatello city had approved his request to hook onto sewer line.
Mayor and council discussed the policy of sewer hook-ups outside
city limits. Mayor Cotant told Mr. Lowder that no firm decision
has been made by Pocatello or Chubbuck at this time.
LOCAL USE PLANNING WORKSHOP - Mayor and Oouncil approved for Attorney
Burnett to attend a Land Use Workshop to be held in Pocatello on
May 30.
1. Additional insurance for police officers, coverage on jail
facilities, coverage is only on name insured's facility.
Councilman Fullmer told council since we have no jail facility
we have no need for this insurance coverage.
2. Additional insurance that city provides for fire department
personnel. Councilman Fullmer reported to council that the
United Bankers Policy seems to have the most thorough coverage,
and that the fire department personnel feels a better benefit
is provided by the present insurance coverage of United Bankers
rather than Colonial Insurance.
FIRE PROTECTION - Mayor and council discussed fire protection in county.
No contract has been sent to city. Council voiced opinion that city
should have signed contracts and agreements if the city is to
continue fire protection.
Mayor Cotant said he would contact the county immediately.
WAGES FOR PART TIME EMPLOYEES - Engineer Smart has recommended a wage
increase for employees that have returned for a second season. Mayor
and council agreed to increase the hourly wage to $5.00.
CITY VEHICLES - Mayor and council agreed to limit the number of vehicles
to be driven to and from work by employees to the following 1) the "on
call" employee 2) the city engineer 3) the streets and water maintenance
superintendent 4) the police chief and 5) the police detective. These
could vary depending upon circumstances at the time of need.
GAS CONSUMPTION - Accumulative meter to be put on non-lead pump and city to
register all fuels daily and report to council monthly on consumption
control of these fuels.
Councilman Quick moved, Kinghorn seconded
to adjourn at 11:45 p.m.
Vera C. Armstrong, City Cl~rk U
witch cou~pcil approval for meeting
~n O. Cotant, Jr. , Mayor ~/