HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 27 1979 CM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 59 March 27, 1979 Minutes of the regular council meeting held in the city municipal building, March 27, 1979. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmen Boyd L. Fullmer, Dwain A. Kinghorn, LeRoy S. Quick, Earl L. Romriell, Attorney Donald L. Burnett, and Clerk Vera C. Armstrong. Engineer Steven M. Smart excused. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. Mayor Cotant asked for any corrections or additions to council meeting minutes of March 9, March 13, and March 20. Councilman Kinghorn asked for an addition to minutes of March 9, page~43, to read; "Council did agree for county truck to remain in the Chubbuck Fire Station and to be dispersed therefrom, however, Councilman Kinghorn told Mr. Horton the city reserved the right to discontinue housing of the Bannock County Fire truck at the Chubbuck Fire Station if or when any conflict might arise. With no other additions or corrections, Councilman Kinghorn moved to approve minutes of March 9, March 13 and March 20 as amended. Councilman Quick seconded motion with all councilmen voting in favor. PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL - Carol Burge, 1900 I~. Quinn, has appealed a Planning and Zoning Commission ruling denying the variance request to allow her to place a mobile home on the acreage she owns at 202 Briscoe. The home of Ms. Burge burned down several months ago. Bill Henry told council he was the father of Carol Burge, that he favored planning and zoning but trailers are being well built and very attractive, that he thinks the new trend is to allow trailers in areas. Ray Coles, 217 Briscoe said the present house is an eye sore and if the trailer home were put on a foundation it would be an improvement over the burned out house, however, he would not want to see a trailer park developed in the area. Mr. Dale Willford, 210 Briscoe, voiced the same opinion as Mr. Coles, and added that he would not desire the placement of a single wide mobile home. Councilman Kinghorn said he felt the city should be consistent in their actions, the city has set guidelines in wisdom and thought for the growth of the city, and have not allowed trailers in residential zones. Councilman Romriell asked Ms. Burge if she considered her request a hardship case. Ms Burge said that she definitely felt the burning of her home to be a hardship. Councilman Quick said that trailer homes in residential areas have a tendency to depreciate the value of the surrounding property. Councilman Romriell told Ms. Burge if the trailer was allowed at all, she would have to prove a hardship. Mayor Cotant told Ms. Burge the Planning and Zoning Commission and Council have spen~ the past one and one-half years holding hearings on comprehensive plan, zoning and subdivision ordinances and feel the city must adhere to the plans and ordinances for orderly development of city and that residents of the city expect the council to uphold the zones for their protection. 61 PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL cont'd - Councilman Fullmer noted it is important to review the fact that neighbors are not basically objecting to this mobile home, however would object to other type mobile homes, and said council has one of three choices 1) uphold the Planning and Zoning ruling, 2}table for further consideration, 3) reverse the ruling of the Planning and Zoning Commission. After considerable discussion, Councilman Quick moved to affirm the Planning and Zoning decision and ruling to deny the variance request to allow Carol Burge to place a mobile home on her property at 202 Briscoe, which is zoned multiple-family residential livestock (R-3L). Councilman Romriell seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor. Ms. Burge said she would appeal the decision. Attorney Burnett told Ms. Burge the matter has been appealed, but that she may ask for reconsideration of matter by asking city clerk to put the matter again on the agenda. GARBAGE PACKER AND CHASSIS BIDS - Mayor and Council opened the bids. All bids were F.O.B. Chubbuck and are as follows: STARLINE EQUIPMENT One Leach Packmaster-Model 2R $ 18,015.00 Delivery 90 - 120 days One 1979 Ford, CT~8000 Truck 33,700.00 Delivery within 120 days Total Price 51,715.00 Less Trade-in 5,500.00 Net Difference 46,215.00 WILLIAMSON EQUIPMENT E-Z Pack Model HC50 Packer 18,730.00 Delivery 90 to 120 days One 1979 Ford, CT-8000 Truck 33,185.13 Total Price 51,915.13 Less Trade-in 5,500.00 Net Difference 46,415.13 WESTERN ROAD MACHINERY One Pak-Mor Model RL-325 15,995.00 Less Trade-in 1,900.00 Net Difference 14,095.00 Delivery 30 days from receipt of truck chassis at Pak-Mor factory. STODDARD MEAD One 1979 Ford Ct-8000 Truck 33,469.71 Delivery within 17 weeks PAULS PONTIAC One G.M.C. Truck 24,203.00 Delivery within l0 days GOODE MOTOR One 1979 Ford CT-8000 Truck 32,672.13 Without Trade-in ONe 1979 Ford CT-8000 Truck 27,172.13 with Trade-in One 1979 Ford CTSO00 Truck with 44,713.13 one Heil Mark V Garbage Packer ARROWHEAD MACHINERY One Peabody "E-Z Pack" HC250 19,149.00 Packer Delivery - 60 to 80 days Mayor Cotant asked bidders consideration to take bids under advisement until they can be reviewed by the engineer for specifications. 63 BACKHOE BIDS - Mayor and council reviewed the bids submitted on a Case machine and a John Deer machine at the March 20 meeting. Mayor told council that two city bachoe operators have voiced preference for the John Deere machine, stating that it is a heavier machine. After a thorough discussion, Councilman Romriell moved to declare the bid of G. K. Machinery for a Case Backhoe with trade-in to be the lowest bid and to accept same. Councilman Fullmer seconded motion. Roll call vote: Fullmer, yes; Kinghorn, yes, Romriell, yes, Quick, no. MUNICIPAL SERVICES RATE ORDINANCE - Ordinance #197 was read in full by Mayor Cotant. A discussion followed concerning the water rates. Attorney Burnett was asked to reword water rate charges for better clarification. Reading of Ordinance #197 was accepted as first reading. ORDINANCE #198 - Amending Section 6 (1) of Ordinance #180 to prohibit location of any fireworks stand within one hundred feet of any site for storing or dispensing flammable liquids or gases. Ordinance was read in full by Councilman Fullmer and was considered the first reading by the mayor and council. NORTHSIDE PLAZA - Glen Marshall, developer of the industrial park presented an agreement to be recorded along with the Northside Plaza final plat. The agreement concerns the seven foot to be dedicated for the widening of Yellowstone Highway. The agreement was read in full by Mayor Cotant. Councilman Fullmer moved to approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the city. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion. Vote was unanimous in favor of motion. Councilman Kinghorn moved to direct city clerk to publish annexation Ordinance #195, annexing certain lands known as "Northside Plaza". Councilman Quick seconded motion, all councilmen voted in favor. WATER CHARGE - Alan and Sherry Brown, 4528 Burley Drive, informed mayor and council they had received a high water bill with a high water usage and their water has been turned off since January because of a frozen line. Mr. Brown was told he could ask for an adjustment because it's quite evident the water usage is from the broken water line. PIPING OF IRRIGATION DITCH on north side of Stuart Avenue north of Stuart Park. Rex Christensen, 5201 Lucky Avenue, asked council to consider piping this irrigation ditch. Mayor Cotant told Mr. Christensen that the 20 acres north of this street is being developed and subdivided and it would be best to wait and have it done at the proper grade at time of development. DAMAGE BY MOTORCYCLES - Mark Bunce, 755 E. Chubbuck, developer of Mountain Park Subdivision, asked if city has any ordinances concerning motorcycles on private land. Mr. Bunce told council that motorcycles has run on his subdivision and pulled up and knocked their engineering stakes down on their new development. Attorney Burnett said the criminal code Ordinance#185prohibits this type of trespassing, the problem would be apprehending the violaters. Mayor Cotant suggested no tresspassing signs be put up with reference to Ordinance #185, Section 2J, which prohibits this trespassing. ADDITIONAL CLAIMS - Two claims were presented to council for approval. A claim in the amount of $6,294.00 for the new police car and a $2.00 claim to Unigard INsurance Group, to reimburse payment of a police report the city did not have. Councilman Kinghorn moved to approve the claims, Councilman Quick seconded motion. Roll call vote: Fullmer, yes; Kinghorn, yes; Quick, yes; Romriell, nO, Councilman Fullmer moved, Quick seconded, with council approval that meeting be recessed until 4:30 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Vera C. Armstrong, City Cl~'~k 65