HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 13 1979 CM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 25 February 13, 1979 Minutes of the regular council meeting held in the city munucipal building February 13, 1979. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmen Boyd L. Fullmer, Dwain A. Kinghorn, LeRoy S. Quick, Earl L. Romriell, Attorney Donald L. Burnett, Engineer Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Vera C. Armstrong. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. Mayor Cotant asked for any additions or corrections to minutes of meetings of January 30 and February 6. Councilman Kinghorn asked that the proposed flat rate of $4.00 for single family residences be added to the January 30 minutes. Councilman Fullmer requested that an addition be made to his motion, page 23, February 6 minutes, to read "and allow the north~rnBannock County residents to investigate the possibility of contracting with Eastern Power County Fire District for fire protection. Councilman Romriell moved to approve minutes of January 30 and February 6 with the above additions as requested by Councilman Kinghorn and Councilman Fullmer. Councilman Fullmer seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor. GARBAGE CONTAINERS - Mayor and council discussed the problem of the public dumping into the commercial dumpsters within the city. PUBLIC HEARING - Gerald D. Cooper requests rezoning of property owned by Four-Way Holding on the south side of East Linden from a Multiple- family Residential (R-4) zone to a General Commercial (C-3) zone. Don Andra has purchased this property since the rezoning request was previously made to Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission have recommended approval of the rezoning request. Mayor Cotant asked Mr. Andra if he was aware of a proposed street through the piece of property he had purchased. Mr. Andra said that he was not aware of the proposed street when he bought the property. Attorney Burnett said the Comprehensive Plan has been adopted and the proposed street plan is in the comprehensive plan, that the city has held numerous hearings concerning this comprehensive plan and residents of city have had adequate notice of public hearings, Attorney Burnett asked that the minutes reflect that the decision to rezone property is apart from any fact that the city ultimately issue a building permit. After further discussion concerning the placement of a building structure on this piece of property with the road in the center, Attorney Burnett said if buyer believes there is a substantial problem in placing his commercial building on the property he purchased, perhaps buyer feels it would not be advantageous to have the property rezoned this evening. After considerable discussion and a further request by Don Andra, new owner, for property to be rezoned, Councilman Romriell moved to approve the rezoning of property as described in the public hearing and requested by Gerald Cooper, Four-Way Holding. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion, Voting was unanimous in favor of motion. An ordinance Will need to be adopted to rezone this property and will be prepared by Attorney Burnett and placed on agenda at next council meeting. BID OPENINGS - The city has published for bids on three items of equipment, a backhoe, garbage truck with packer and a power mower. Bid results are as follows: BACKHOE: Bidder Model Bid Price Elliot John Deere JDSIO 39,500.00 Prop. Trade-In 11,000.00 Prop. Net Prte28,500.00 27 Bidder Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Packer Garwood LP925 same same same Volume Cap. 25 CY same same same Chassis Ford LNT 8000 same same Ford GT 8000 Engine 3208 Cat same same same Bid Price 50,019.98 48.683.02 48,301.00 51,655.00 Trade-In 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 Net Bid Price 45,519.98 44,183.02 43,801.00 47,155.00 GARBAGE PACKER Bidder Starline Arrowhead Chassis Ford CT800 Ford LNT 8000 Engine 3208 Cat 3208 Cat Packer Leach 2R Peabody HC 250 Volume Cap. 25 CY 25 CY Bid Price 49,265.00 49,629.00 Trade-In 5,500.00 4,500.00 Net Bid Price 43,765.00 45,129.00 GARBAGEPACKER CONT'D Arrowhead Western Road Ford LNT 8000 3208 Cat Peabody HC 2~Pack-Mor RL225 LAWN MOWER BIDS Bidder Turf Equip Cliff Carlsen Boyd Martin Boyd Martin Model Toto 75 Hustler 275 Hustler 275 Hustler 285 Engine 4 cyl continental 2 cyl Kohler 2 cyl Kohler 2 cyl Kohler HP 24.5 hp 19 hp 23 hp Bid Price 5,769.00 5,700.00 6,825.00 7,320.00 FULL SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDING TRANSMISSION, WHEEL BASE, BRAKES, ETC. AVAILABLE FROM ENGINEER FOR A FULL COMPARISON. 25 CY 25 CY 51,189.00 46,073.00 4,500.00 1,900.00 46,689.00 44,173.00 All bids were taken under advisement. Council will meet at a later date, Will then make decisions and notify the successful bidders. Elliot G-K Mach. G-K,Mach MF Inc. John Deere Case C6se M F JD500C 680G 780 80 35,000.00 37,305.00 51,364.00 39,775.00 9,500.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 11,800.00 25,500.00 40,500.00 51,364~00 27,975.00 (27,500.00) (38,364.00) FIRE]PROTECTION - John Spanbauer told the mayor and council he had met with the Power County Commissioners, that they will take the request for fire protection under consideration. There seems to be a question of being able to bargain collectively or individually for this protection. Councilman Fullmer explained that insurance liability research found some areas to be of no problem or concern, but other areas of liability leaves the city in a very difficult situation. The fire protection matter will require further study before any contract C~n be entered into. Councilman Romriell asked if Chubbuck could afford to cover fires in Power County if the city does not contract fire protection service to Bannock County. This question was discussed and decided the city should make a study of the Power County costs on fire calls. Mayor Cotant said the city needs to review the current contract with Power County. Attorney Burnett advised city if there is no contract with Eastern Power County Fire District, the Power County Commissioners and Eastern Power County Fire District should be informed that the city cannot provide further fire protection. Councilman Kinghorn and Councilman Fullmer both noted that it should be made known to the fire department personnel that the department should not use the Bannock County fire truck for any reason. AMTRAK SUPPORT - Emilio Esquibel and Don Grace were present representing the United Transportation Union. Mr. Esquibel and Mr. Grace presented some figures on the operation of Amtrak and asked for city support in asking for continued service of the Amtrak transportation throughout this area. Mr. Grace asked the mayor and council to write their U.S. Senators and U. S. Representatives stating their interest in supporting continuation of Amtrak. Councilman Romreill moved that Attorney Burnett draw up a resolution in favor of continuation of the Pioneer Amtrak system. Councilman Quick seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor. ORDINANCE #194 - annexing certain lands known as the "Dell Road Area" and setting the zone of the same lands was read in full by Mayor Cotant. Councilman Quick made motion to dispense with rule of reading ordinance on three separate days. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion. Roll call vote; Fullmer, yes; Kinghorn, yes; Quick, yes; Romriell, yes. Councilman Fullmer moved to adopt Ordinance #194. Councilman Quick seconded motion. Roll call vote; Fullmer, yes; Kinghorn, yes; Quick, yes; Romriell, yes. NORTHSIDE PLAZA - Glen Marshall, told mayor and council that the Idaho Department of Transportation does not favor frontage roads. Mr. Marshall has submitted an industrial plat that is designed with frontage road al6ng Yellowstone Highway. Mr. Marshall left a copy of the letter he has received from the Idaho Department of Transportation. Mr. Marshall told the mayor and council that it will be necessary to redraw his plans. The Idaho Department of Transportation recommends approaches line up with present approaches if any approaches are now constructed or at 660 ft. intervals where no approaches are constructed. 29 NORTHSIDE PLAZA cont'd - Mayor Cotant suggested to Hr. Marshall that the 31 7 foot necessary for future widening of Yellowstone Highway be deeded to city when development planned. Mayor Cotant further said that the Federal Highway Act requires that the city offer a reasonable price, but that Mr. Marshall could then deed the 7 foot setback to the city for $1 .oo. Mr. Marshall noted that with this request for no frontage road along Yellowstone Highway, he would request the city to review the plan before he takes it back to the drawing board. Mr. Marshall suggested the designing of a wider driving surfaced street, possibly 44 foot instead of the usual 32 foot, rather than the construction of sidewalks. Mayor and council did not voice any firm feeling regarding the wider designed street instead of sidewalks. BOYS SOFTBALL LEAGUE - Councilman Quick told council that Kermit Morrison has asked to be relieved of the baseball commissioner assignment for the 1979 season as his little girl has a medical problem and he feels he will not have the time required for the job. Mr. Morrison has recommended Keith Farnsworth to be the baseball commissioner. FINANCIAL STATEMENT presented to the mayor and council. CLAIMS TO BE PAID IN FEBRUARY presented to mayor and council. Mayor and council instructed city clerk to deduct the 31 hours that Dan Stuart is short from his pay period, also that Merrill Steidley should be paid through the 12th of February but that he will be on suspension without pay for the rest of the month of February. Mayor and council asked that the claim to House of Glass to replace city building window be checked for insurance coverage and also for reimbursement from party breaking the window. Foulger Equipment bill to repair the Pickens Electric truck was reviewed. The city had borrowed the truck to use to put up the Christmas lights and the lift broke. Mayor asked the engineer to contact Ken Pickens concerning this bill. Councilman Romriell moved to approve the claims. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion with all councilmen approving. Councilman Quick moved, Romriell adjourn at ll:30 p.m. seconded with council approval for meeting to ~ohn O. Cotant, . Vera C. Armstrong, City Cler~