July 8, 1980
Minutes of an adjourned council meeting held in the city municipal building
July 8, 1980.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmembers Becky Hopkins, Dwain
A. Kinghorn and Earl Romriell, Attorney Lynn Winmill, ^City Engineer
Steven M. Smart and Secretary Dorothy Ward. Councilman LeRey S. Quick
was excused.
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Cotant.
Mayor Cotant asked for ~any additions or corrections to the minutes of June
24, 1980. There being none Councilman Romriell made motion to accept
minutes as written. CounCilwoman Hopkins seconded the motion with a
unanimous vote in favor.
PUBLIC HEARING ITEM' A proposal by Empey Sign Company for a conditional use
permit to erect one flat on-premise sign and one free standing on-premise
sign to be located at 4749 Yellowstone, Property - zoned General Commercial
Mayor Cotant reviewed the recommendations of the Land Use & Development
Commission held June 5, !980,
Mr. Jack Croly, Empey Sign Company, explained the type of signs that would be
erected. One free standing on-premise sign on top of the canopy with metal
supports and one flat on-premise sign placed on the building. !Ir. Croly
'said he had contacted the State Highway Department and there would be no
problem with the relocation of the highway.
Councilman Romriell made motion to allow a conditional use permit to erect
a free standing sign and a on-premise sign for the Yellowstone Marina, 47~9
Yellowstone, as requested by the Empey Sign Company, Councilman Kinghorn
seconded the motion, All voted in favor.
The council discussed at length the Restrictive Covenants with Mr, Ronald
Nelson. The council expressed concern with the Enforcement Clause, their
-feeling was that it put the resposibility of enforcement on the City of
The Council asked Attorney Winmill to make correction in the wording of the
Restrictive Covenants on page 10 - Enforcement - to read~ (a) Enforcement shall
be by proceedings at law by the owners in fee simple of any lot and/or City
of Chubbuck, at the City's option.
Mayor Cotant asked the Engineer if there was any problem with the final
plat and he said his concern had been the Restrictive Covenants and the
Deferred Dedication Agreement not being executed. Mayor Cotant read the
Deferred Dedication Agreement in full.
S & N ESTATES (.cent,)
Councilm~n Romriell made motion to approve the final plat of the S & ~1
Estates subject to change of wording in Restrictive Covenants and the
signing of the Oeferred Dedication Agreement. Councilman Kinghorn seconded
the motion with all voting in favor.
Engineer Smart read a letter from The Law Company, Inc., Steve ~'!ensel, Project
Manager, requesting permission to begin foundation work on the Pine Ridge Mall
connecting building. Mr. Wensel asked consent to proceed '~at his own risk"
as time was of essence to get'the foundations in before cold weather,
Engineer Smart said that the Building Inspector, gan Stuart, had recieved the
~construction drawings and the.~lans are with the consultant for a structural
check. He said tha{ normall~uld not issue a building permit - but they
- are asking to proceed at their own risk also they are the same people that
are developing the Ben Marche and ZCMI. He said code does state partial building
permit can be issued. The Council authorized Dan Stuart to issue a partial
building permit to cover foudation and concrete work until such time full building
permit can be issued.
Ordinance amending Land Use Ordinance No. 205 pertaining to signs, definition
"Child Care Center'~, livestock, side yard requirements, schedule of general
controls, production dwelling and mobile homes, etc.
Council discussed the Livestock Ordinance and how it applies to areas zoned
Livestock in Ordinance #98 and Livestock in the City Or~tinance #185 Section
Council discussed section dealing with mobile homes and trailer courts.
Coucilwoman Hopkins said city should allow only a certain percentage of new
development be used as mobile home courts.
Mayor Cotant suggested mobile home courts be approved subject to the Council.
Hayer Cotant read in full Ordinance ~ 219, amending Ordinance # 205 the
Land Use Ordinance.
Councilwoman Hopkins made motion to dispense with the reading of Qrdinance #
219 three times. Councilman Kinghorn seconded.'Hdpkin~, ~; Ki"nghbrn~ yes;
Ronriell, yes,
Councilmad Kinghorn made -motion to adopt Ordinance f219, deleting Section
5 and 6 from Ordinance # 2~5, and any refe~eoce to Section..5 a~d..§ ~ ~be
?reparatory paragraph refering to mobil~ hnm~ courts or trailer courts. Council-
woman Hopkins seconded the motion.~'Ropk~ns,'y6s, Romr'iell~, yes; Kinghorn
~ouncilwoman Hopkins made motion to continue the moritorium on mobile homes and
trailer courts for ninety days. Councilman Romriell secoflded the motion
with all voting in favor.
Councilman Romriell asked for the minutes to state the percentage requirement
for mobile homes to standard housing was not included in the ordinance, therefor
that portion of Ordinance #219 was deleted, requiring the moriterium be
C6uncilwoman Hopkins made motion to retire to Mayor's office for executive
session at 7~30 p.m, with Mr, & Mrs. Clarence Welch to discuss a property
acquisition. Councilman Kinghorn seconded the motion with all voting in
AFTER COMPLETION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION, Mayor Cotant called the meeting baak
to order in regular session.
BID OPENING - GEHERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE.? An advertisement for bids has been
requested for General Liability Insurance.
Bids were received from the following:
Davis Insurance Agency
Lloyd Hamilton Agency
(Kruse Insurance)
Insurance Designers
After review of bids by Attorney Winmill it was determined bids would be
taken under advisement until July 10, 1980, at 4:30 p.m.
ORDINANCE # 220 -amending Section 1-C of Ordinance No. 179 of the city of
Chubbuck, Idaho, to re-define "Subject Vehicl-e" for the purpose of said
Ordinance; and providing when this ordinance shall become effective.
Coucftwoman Hopkins moved to adopt Ordinance #22~ as amended. Councilman
Kinghorn seconded the motion. Roll call vote, Hopkins, yes; Kinghorn, yes;
Romriell, yes.
CLAIMS to be paid in July presented to Mayor and Council.
Claims reviewed ~ayor and council, Councilwoman Hopkins asked that minutes
reflect that money paid for trophies for Chubbuck Oays had been donated
by local merchants.
Councilman Romriell made motion to approve all ~laims. Councilwoman Hopkins
seconded motion, all councilmembers voted in favor.
ORDINANCE REGULATING SIGNS within the city; setting forth adminstrative provi~ions ~
concerning applicability of the ordinance, licensing requirements, fees and
enforcement; defining the terms used in this ordinance.
Engineer Steven Smart read ordinance in full at the request of Councilman
Councilwoman Hopkins made motion to dispense with rules of reading ordinance
on three seperate occasions, Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion. Roll
call vote Hopkins, yes; Romriell, no; Kinghorn, yes.
Councilwoman Hopkins made motion to accept Sign Ordinance #221. Motion died
for a lack of a second.
Councilwoman Hopkins made motion to adjourn at 10~00 p.m. until July 10, 1980,
~°~='c~"~/~t 4:30 p.m,, seconded by Councilman R~th~/~t~~-]fu~val'