February 26~ 1980
Minutes of the regular council meeting held in the city municipal building
February 26, 1980.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmembers Becky A. Hopkins, Dwain A.
Kinghorn, LeRoy S. Quicks Earl L. Romriell. Attorney Lynn Winmill,
Engineer Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Vera C. Armstrong.
Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Cotant.
Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to minutes of February 12 and
February 19.
There being none, Councilman Romreill moved to approve minutes as written of
February 12 and 19, 1980 meetings. Councilman Quick seconded motion, all
councilmembers voted in favor.
POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT - Chief Arnold Stone and Detective Jerry Rowland
presented a printed report of the months activities for the police
Detective Rowland also presented a six year comparison graph on number
of calls the department received and answered, e.g., prowler, juvenile,
larceny, accidents, burglaries, etc.
Chief Stone reported the roof of the police building was leaking and
they need a restroom in the basement.
PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Attorney Lynn Winmill presented a copy of the
pre-annexation agreement between the City of Chubbuck and American
Heritage Builders, Inc. Mayor Cotant read the agreement. Councilman
Romreill asked that the agreement note that American Heritage Builders,
Inc. has requested the annexation.
Mayor and council approved for the agreement to be sent to American
Heritage Builders, Inc. A hearing on the zoning and annexation of the
property is scheduled for March 11.
BUILDING PERMIT REQUEST - Mrs. David Edmunds~ was present and asked council
if they could approve for them to be issued a building permit for a
barn at 151Hiway Avenue.
The new land use ordinance prohibits livestock in residential areas except
on a conditional use permit. The Land Use and Land Development Commission
and the Council have taken action to amend ordinance to allow livestock
in areas where previously allowed under previous zoning Ordinance #98.
However, the amendment ordinance has not been adopted.
Councilman Romriell moved that the city issue a building permit to
David Edmunds for construction of a barn, size 24 foot by 36 foet and
that the placement of barn conform to the requirements in the animal
control ordinance and the uniform building code. Councilman Quick
seconded motion, all councilmembers voted in favor.
WILLIAM BROWN WATER ADJUSTMENT - Councilman Kinghorn reviewed a comparison
of Mr. Brown's water usage at 71.4% of past meter readings (which
registered in error) and the water usage of his two neighbors, the
Eborns and Quinns - over a seven year period, The total amount for water
is as follows: Brown, $644.70; Quinn, 667.40; Eborn, $648.45. The
adjustment would amount to $286.65, charging him 71.4% of former billings.
Councilman Quick moved to make the adjustment of $286.65 as recommended
by Councilman Kinghorn and as shown on study. Councilman Kinghorn
seconded motion, voting was unanimous in favor.
PLACEMENT OF TRAILER - Mayor and council discussed the sale transfer of
property which has a trailer on and is a non-conforming use. Earl Cellan
owns the property. No solutions to allowing the transfer were made. It
was noted the new interested buyers may request a conditional use permit
when the moratorium on applications for conditional use permits for mobile
homes expire.
1, SIGNS - Whether the ordinance should be amended to allow the use of
portable signs, to alter the limitations on projecting signs and to
change the regulations governing free-standing on-premises signs.
Mayor and council discussed amendments recommended by the Land Use
and Land Development Commission. The general consensus was not to
amend ordinance to allow the portable signs but make the other re-
commended changes.
Mayor Cotant asked Engineer Smant to prepare the amendment proposals
as discussed for consideration at the next public hearing on
EXECUTIVE SESSZON -Councilman Romriell moved to go into executive session. *&A~ion
Counc~l~ap Kingho~n s~c~Dded motion.*Roll call vote: Hopkins,yes; Kinghorn,
~es; ~U1CK, yes; Komr]e~, yes. ,
In exec tive se sion th~ copycat ~eiiberate~conCernin acquisition c-mart *correction
~nteres~ ~n rea~ proper~y wn~cn i~'~o~ owned by a pu61~c a~ency
A personnel matter was also discussed in the executive session.
Council returned to regular council meeting.
COMPRESSOR REPAIRS - Engineer Smart informed council the compressor the
city owns needs repairs. He told council a used 1972 model compressor
is available for the price of $4,500 with trade.
Councilman Kinghorn and other councilmembers told Engineer Smart they
thought the city should endeavor to find out the kind of repairs needed
to repair the present compressor.
Councilwoman Hopkins moved to adjourn regular meeting along with the Public
hearing on Land Use Amendments until March 4, at 8:00 p.m. Councilman
Romriell seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor.
C. Armstrong, City Cl~rk