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April 28, 1981
Minutes of the regular council meeting held in the city municipal building
April 28, 1981.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmembers Becky A. Hopkins, Dwain
A. Kinghorn, LeRoy S. Quick, Earl L. Romriell, Attorney Donald L. Burnett,
Jr., Engineer Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Vera C. Armstrong.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to
minutes of April 14, April 15, and April 21, 1981.
Councilman Romriell moved to approve minutes of April 14, April 15 and
April 21, 1981 with correction to minutes of April 14 concerning adoption
of Sign Ordinance #226, page 55, Councilman Romriell voted no to the
adoption of ordinance. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion, all council-
members voted in favor of motion.
SEWAGE TREATMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT with Pocatello for area south of 1-
86. Agreement read in full by Mayor Cotant.
Mayor and Council agreed that the contract agreement should be amended
to provide for per gallonage charge on all commercial, no minimum service
charge to apply to commercial businesses. The minimum service charge
should apply only to residences, and to them only because seven of the
fifteen residences are not on city water, and therefor, city is unable
to supply gallonage readings.
Smart asked Mayor and Councilmembers if the city would be interested
in pursuing widening and improving of Yellowstone Avenue on the west
side in the area of the Pine Ridge Mall.
Mayor and council in complete approval to pursue the possibilities and
costs involved in this project.
Mayor Cotant informed councilmembers the city is pursuing the widening
of the Chubbuck Road and Yellowstone Avenue intersection.
The public hearing request to change the comprehensive plan tabled at
the February 24, 1981 council meeting.
The city has received a letter from George Shiozawa, Dan Kunz and Kenneth
Satterfield requesting the council act upon their request to change
the Comprehensive Plan zone on the Kurtz and Shiozawa property, as they
would like to proceed with platting. They were all present, also Kent Kunz.
Mr. Satterfield asked the city to act upon rezoning the property they plan
to develop.
Attorney Burnett reminded Mr. Kunz, Mr. Satterfield and Mr. Shiozawa
that the city does not have control of zoning outside city limits and
can only rezone within the city limits, however, the council could change
the comprehensive plan and act on the rezone later.
PUBLIC HEARING CONT'D - SKS DEVELOPMENT - Councilwoman Hopkins asked if an
annexation agreement should be agreed upon first.
Mr. Kent Kurtz asked what an annexation agreement consisted of.
Attorney Burnett said it was an agreement between the owner and developer of
property and city that may provide for certain land uses, controls
to be imposed in the event of annexation and also may provide for certain
considerations to pay for the city to provide improvements in the area,
facilities to serve the area, and other cash considerations that the
city may deem reasonably necessary to serve the area once it becomes
part of the city.
Mr. Satterfield said the city was suggesting contract zoning.
Mayor Cotant asked what contract zoning was.
Attorney Burnett explained that contract zoning is a granting by the
city of a certain zoning or rezoning request in return for certain specified
controls in advance as to what will take place within the new zone.
Councilman Romriell said he sees no problem with changing the comprehensive
Councilman Kinghorn noted the city requested a master plan of development
to guide the city in knowing if the city cares to make a change in the
comprehensive plan.
In further discussion, Attorney Burnett commented to council, if city
considers changing the Comprehensive Plan and city desires any changes
regarding residential uses in close proximity to railroad rights-of-
ways, he would recommend the city do so prior to or no later than the
changing of the Comprehensive Plan.
Councilman Romriell made a motion to direct the City Attorney to prepare
the change to the Comprehensive Plan as requested by George Shiozawa,
Dan E. Kunz and Satterfield Realty, and also that Attorney Burnett prepare,
for the Councils consideration, proposed amendments to the Land Use Ordinance
as to residential uses along railroad rights-of-way. Councilman Quick
seconded motion. Roll call vote: Hopkins, no; Kinghorn, yes; Quick,
yes; Romriell, yes.
Councilman Kinghorn asked if city could put the requirements along the
railroad rights-of-way in the annexation agreement also, Attorney Burnett
gave an affirmative answer.
FIRE DEPARTMENT - Assistant Chief Dee Howell and Captain Eldon Muir were
present and requested permission for ten firemen to attend the State
Fire School in Twin Falls in June.
Councilman Romriell moved to approve reimbursement charges of $200.00
per person to attend the State Fire School at Twin Falls and to approve
for ten men to attend the Fire School. Councilman Quick seconded motion,
All councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
FIREMAN'S JAMBOREE - Assistant Chief Dee Howell requested a participation of
$1,000 from budget towards the Jamboree and training to be he,ld in Chubbuck
in July.
A discussion followed on using city funds for certain expenses involved
with the jamboree. Attorney Burentt advised council city funds could
not be spent on any items that were not directly beneficial to their
Mayor Cotant asked that Mr. Howell come back to city with actual breakdown
of expenses and city will consider participation again on allowable costs.
functional reclassification of certain streets within the city. The
streets being considered for change to arterial streets are Hawthorne
Road and Chubbuck Road and a proposed change to collector street for
Hiline Road.
Engineer Smart to get some further input on this proposed change from
the Idaho Tranportation Department.
ZONING - SCHEDULE OF CONTROLS DISCUSSED - City has received two questionable
land use applications; 1) an auto sales at 4653 Yellowstone which lies
in a General Commercial lC-2) zone, and 2) a mobile home repair and
service at 311 East Chubbuck Road which lies in an Industrial (I) zone.
After a review of the schedule of controls, Attorney Burnett and council
determined the auto sales at 4653 Yellowstone would fall under the Retail
sales in General Commercial (C-2) zone~ and the mobile home repair at
311 East Chubbuck Road would fall under Vehicle repair in the Industrial
(I) zone.
CLAIM - Mitchell Construction has presented a claim of $150.00 for some
additional costs they claim was caused by city inspection requirements.
Councilwoman Hopkins moved to reject the claim of $150.00 from Mitchell
Construction for the additional costs they claim was caused by city
inspection requirements.
GENERAL DISCUSSIONS: 1) General city clean-up.
2) Ordinance enforcement.
3) Work baseball fields with sand and sawdust.
4) Telephone system.
5) Blue print machine consideration.
Councilman Romriell moved, Kinghorn seconded with full council approval
that meeting adjourn at 11:20 p.m.
V~ra C. Armstrong, City Clerk~j/
(.ju~ . t, Jr., Mayor