March 3, 1981
Minutes of a special meeting, for workshop purposes only, held in
the city municipal building, March 3, 1981.
Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmembers Becky A. Hopkins,
Dwain A. Kinghorn, Earl L. Romriell, Attorney Donald L. Burnett,
Jr., City Clerk Vera C. Armstrong. Councilman LeRoy S. Quick and
Engineer Steven M. Smart excused.
GENERAL DISCUSSIONS: l) placement of equipment, etc. on city property;
2) sidewalk and greenery along Hiway Avenue.
SIGN CONSIDERATIONS - Mayor and Council reviewed the section concerning
signs that was originally in the Land Use Ordinance, also the Uniform
Sign Code. The decision towards getting an acceptable sign code
was that Attorney Burnett would modify the sign section that was
in Ordinance #205 so that it might be used along with the Uniform
Sign Code.
POLICE REPORT - Chief Arnold J. Stone was present and the following
police related items were discussed; 1) older cars parked in res-
idential areas; 2) commercial and industrial storage areas that
need cleaned up; 3) dogs running in city, and licensing of dogs;
4) progress of Neighborhood Alert and Crime Prevention programs.
MEETING adjourned at lO:O0 p.m.
Vera C. Armstrong, City Cl~k
O. Cotant, Jr., MayoFr