HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 09 2009 CM 81 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 2009 Minutes of a regular council meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, June 9, 2009. Present: Mayor Steven M. England, Council members Kent Kearns, Dennis Stoddard, Kermit G. Morrison, Rebecca Ponkow, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, City Treasurer Rich Morgan and City Council Ron C. Conlin. Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor England. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was led by Council member Kermit G. Morrison. INVOCATION was given by Kevin Quick, Tyhee Stake, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor England asked for corrections or additions to the Special Meeting Minutes of May 26, 2009, Regular Meeting Minutes of May 26, 2009 and Open House Meeting Minutes of May 27, 2009. Council member Kearns moved to approve the Special Meeting Minutes of May 26, 2009, Regular Meeting Minutes of May 26, 2009 and Open House Meeting Minutes of May 27, 2009 as read, Council member Ponkow seconded. Roll Call Vote: Kearns, yes; Stoddard, yes; Ponkow, yes; Morrison, yes. PUBLIC HEARING - Intent to sell at public auction real property of the City which is not used for public purposes, said property being Lot 1, Park Lawn Intersection Subdivision, a piece of property approximately 2,605.8 square feet that is 175.8 feet long on the north side, 143.11 feet long on the south side and having angular ends of 21.69 feet long on the west and 25.54 long on the east side. Based upon appraisals obtained by the City for properties in the immediate area, the City Council has declared a value for this tract of $5,212, or $2.00 per square foot. PWD Smart explained why the City wants to dispose of the property. Mayor England declared the public hearing open, asking if there is anyone to speak in favor of, neutral or opposed to the proposal. There being no one speaking in favor of, neutral or opposed to Mayor England, declared the public hearing closed. 83 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) June 9, 2009 PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED SELL OF LOT 1, PARK LAWN INTERSECTION SUBDIVISION - (cont.) Council member Stoddard moved the City sell at public auction, real property of the City, said property being Lot 1, Park Lawn Intersection Subdivision as described in the public notice, based on a declared value of $5,212., or $2.00 per square foot, Council member Ponkow seconded. Roll Call Vote: Morrison, yes; Ponkow, yes; Stoddard, yes; Kearns, yes. Mayor England stated this is a public auction, is there anyone that wants to purchase Lot 1, Park Lawn Intersection Subdivision at the price of $5,212. There being no bids from the public, Mayor England closed the public auction. Council member Stoddard moved to authorize Mayor England to negotiate the sell of Lot 1, Park Lawn Intersection Subdivision, then bring the proposal back to the Council for ratification, Council member Ponkow seconded. Roll Call Vote: Morrison, yes; Ponkow, yes; Stoddard, yes; Kearns, yes. BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION - Clark Anderson, Anderson Window Cleaning, 843 Homestead, Chubbuck has applied for a business license to go door to door selling window cleaning in the City. Clark Anderson, 843 Homestead explained his proposed business. Mr. Clark stated he does have a few employees that will knock on doors also. Council member Stoddard moved to grant Clark Anderson, Anderson Window Cleaning a business license to go door to door selling window cleaning in the City, Council member Ponkow seconded. Roll Call Vote: Kearns, no; Stoddard, yes; Ponkow, yes; Morrison, no; Mayor England, yes. Motion passes 3-2. ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER OF DEDICATIONS - HOMESTEAD ESTATES DIVISION 3, HOMESTEAD ESTATES DIVISION 4 AND CARDONA SUBDIVISION - PWD Smart recommended approval of the Acceptance of Offer of Dedications. Council member Ponkow asked PWD Smart if all punch list items are completed. PWD Smart stated they are completed. Council member Kearns moved to Accept the Offer of Dedications for Homestead Estates Division 3, Homestead Estates Division 4 and Cardona Subdivision as presented, Council member Morrison seconded. Roll Call Vote: Morrison, yes; Ponkow, yes, Stoddard, yes; Kearns, yes. 85 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) June 9, 2009 LOAN AGREEMENT WITH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FOR NORTHWEST SEWER INTERCEPTOR PHASE 1- $9.9 MILLION - Council reviewed the comments at Open House, May 27, 2009. Council member Stoddard asked when the payments will come due if this is approved. PWD Smart stated the first payment will be at the very least, a year from now. Discussion about when we might be able to collect connection fees. Council member Ponkow asked as connection fees are collected, and we are able to cover loan costs, will the increased rates be lowered. PWD Smart stated he is sure they will be. Council member Ponkow asked if as the fees are lower, if they are, can it be shown on the utility bills. PWD Smart stated that can probably happen. Council member Ponkow stated it would be good to show the citizens, rates will be lowered if covered by connection fees received. Council member Kearns stated he would like established on the front end what the beneficial impact to the existing sewer system and rate payers of this $9.9 million. PWD Smart stated we can, this would be an estimate only, probably about 10%. Discussion about City of Chubbuck’s Impact Area. Mayor England stated the sewer system for the entire City will be benefitted by this project because the general health of the system will be improved, will be modernized and will be extended because of taking the pressure off the Chubbuck line. Discussion about bidding procedures. Gerald McNabb, 12973 N. Philbin Road spoke in favor of the project. PWD Smart stated we went through a qualification process required by State Code. Carl Rees, 11366 N. Rio Vista Rd expressed concerned about access to his property during construction of this first Phase. PWD Smart stated Carl Rees and all property owners affected will have access to their properties. Council member Ponkow moved to authorize Mayor England to enter into the Northwest Sewer Interceptor Agreement, subject to the rate payers cost of paying for the loan be listed separately on the utility bills, Council member Ponkow seconded. Roll Call Vote: Kearns, yes; Stoddard, yes; Ponkow, yes; Morrison, yes. Mayor England stated, when we put the wording on the utility bills we will make sure Council’s intent is there. 87 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont) June 9, 2009 2009-2010 FISCAL YEAR ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET - City Treasurer Rich Morgan presented the 2009-2010 FY Enterprise Fund Budget. This is the second 2009-2010 FY Budget discussion. CT Morgan presented the estimated new construction roll amount. If all is taken this amounts to an approx. additional $127,000.in property tax revenue. CT Morgan presented a graph showing water, sewer and sanitation revenues. Discussion about increasing utility rates to keep up with capital improvement funds. Council member Stoddard suggested the accomplishments of City be put in the Monthly Newsletter to the residents. Council member Kearns suggested something be put in the budget for acquisition of water rights for future. Discussion about revenues and expenditures for the recycling program. CT Morgan stated the Sanitation Fund is not in as good of shape as Water and Sewer Funds. Discussion about Sanitation Fund rate increase. The 5% increase will not cover expenses. Council was concerned about sanitation expenditures being more than revenues coming in. CT Morgan stated he will send the spread sheets to the Council, along with including the sanitation depreciation monies in the sanitation budget. Council tabled the 2009-2010 FY Budget until the June 23, 2009 Council Meeting. CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims presented to Mayor England and Council. Council member Kearns moved to approve computer print-out claims as presented, Council member Stoddard seconded. Roll Call Vote: Morrison, yes; Ponkow, yes; Stoddard, yes; Kearns, yes. 89 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont) June 9, 2009 At 9:13 p.m, Council member Stoddard moved, Council member Ponkow seconded, with full council approval to adjourn meeting. *tevenngland, M Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk