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August 25, 2009
Minutes of a regular council meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, August 25,
Present: Mayor Steven M. England, Council members Kent Kearns, Dennis Stoddard, Kermit G.
Morrison, Rebecca Ponkow, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven
M. Smart, City Treasurer Richard Morgan and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin.
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor England.
PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was led by Police Lieutenant Ken Quinn and Boy
Scout Nathan Mortimer.
RECOGNITION - Chief Randy Severe gave recognition to Detective Lt. Jean Higgins for her
service to the Chubbuck Police Department. Chief Severe presented two certificates to
Detective Lt Higgins.
INVOCATION was given by Bishop Timothy Kmetz, Mountain Park Ward, The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor England asked for corrections or additions to the August
11, 2009 regular council meeting minutes.
Council member Kearns moved to approve the regular meeting minutes as read, subject
to on page 119, (Council member Morrison voted yes on adopting Ordinance #673),
Council member Ponkow seconded. Roll Call Vote: Kearns, yes; Stoddard, yes; Ponkow,
yes; Morrison, yes.
PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 - All interested persons are
invited to appear and show cause if any, why such budget should, or should not be
City Treasurer Rich Morgan presented the proposed 2009-2010 FY Budget.
Mayor England declared the public hearing open, asking for comment in favor of, neutral
or opposed.
Tyler Medina, 4781 Misti spoke in opposition to the Animal Control and Fire
Department’s budgets. Mr. Medina stated he felt there is not enough funding set aside in
the 2009-2010 FY Budget for Fire Department and Animal Control. Mr. Medina
explained how he though the budgets should be funded. Mr. Medina stated he is against
August 25, 2009
PUBLIC HEARING - 2009-2010 FY BUDGET - (cont.) -
the roundabout on W. Chubbuck and Philbin Roads being constructed. Mr. Medina said
he watched the intersection, and does not feel a roundabout is needed at this time. Mr.
Medina said the City is spending monies on this big project we do not need. Mr. Medina
stated he felt the TIFF District should be eliminated.
David Eliasen, 5125 Tree Valley Road stated he felt there are two items not in the budget
that should be. Mr. Eliasen stated there should be more monies given to the Fire
Department and Animal Control Departments. Mr. Eliasen complained about the way
HS&R funds are being spent. Mr. Eliasen stated the W. Chubbuck and Philbin Roads
roundabout is not needed.
Kristen Medina, 4781 Misti stated she would like to reiterate what her husband just said.
Mrs. Medina spoke opposed to the proposed 2009-2010 FY Budget. Mrs. Medina said
she would like to see the TIFF District eliminated.
Gloria Howell, 4663 Flora Drive, Pocatello, Idaho spoke in opposition to the roundabout,
Fire Department and the Animal Control Budget.
Eileen Jackson, 7600 W. Kalsilometes, Pocatello, Idaho spoke against the 2009-2010 FY
animal control budget. Eileen Jackson wants the City of Chubbuck to consolidate with the
City of Pocatello Animal Shelter.
Desiree Eliason, 5125 Tree Valley Road spoke in opposition to the roundabout on Philbin
and W. Chubbuck Road. Mrs. Eliason stated she is not happy with the Fire Department
Budget and the way they are handling the services. Mrs. Eliasen stated we do not have
adequate fire protection in the City.
Eileen Jackson, 7600 W. Kalsilometes, Pocatello, Idaho spoke against the 2009-2010 FY
Animal Control Budget. Eileen Jackson suggested the City of Chubbuck Animal Control
Department consolidate with the City of Pocatello Animal Control.
Mayor England declared the public hearing closed.
August 25, 2009
ORDINANCE #675 - Appropriating the several sums of money deemed necessary and sufficient
to defray all expenses and liabilities of the City of Chubbuck for the Fiscal Year beginning
on the 1 day of October, 2009 and ending on the 30 day of September, 2010 and
designating the different funds to which shall be drawn and paid, and known as the
“Annual Appropriations Ordinance of Fiscal Year, 2009-2010".
Mayor England read Ordinance #675 by title only for the first and final reading.
City Treasurer Rich Morgan gave explanation of increase to 2009-2010 FY Animal
Control Budget.
Discussion about upgrades to the Chubbuck Animal Control Shelter.
Council member Ponkow stated she believes CT Morgan did a great job with what we had
to work with, but we could have did better at looking at some things to improve on,
Council member Ponkow stated she is disappointed we did not.
Council member Kearns stated we need to continue with our strategic planning. Council
member Kearns stated we need to get on paper, a specific Strategic Plan to present to
citizens, justifying budget line items.
Council member Kearns moved to dispense with the rule of reading Ordinance #675 on
three separate days, Council member Stoddard seconded. Roll Call Vote: Morrison, yes;
Ponkow, yes; Stoddard, yes; Kearns, yes.
Council member Kearns moved to adopt Ordinance #675 as read, Council member
Stoddard seconded. Roll Call Vote: Kearns, yes; Stoddard, yes; Ponkow, no; Morrison,
yes. Motion passes 3-1.
RESOLUTION #6-2009 - to pay all the estimated expense of said City, that there be levied
against all the taxable property of the City, the following amounts for the fiscal year,
Council member Stoddard moved to adopt Resolution #6-2009 as read, Council member
Kearns seconded. Roll Call Vote: Morrison, yes; Ponkow, no; Stoddard, yes; Kearns, yes.
Motion passes 3-1.
Mori Byington, BTPO stated the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
created many different programs to stimulate the national economy.
August 25, 2009
Report and map attached.
The application is due September 15, 2009 and, if awarded, the project must be ready to
bid by September, 2011.
The BTPO Policy Board has directed staff to prepare application for two potential
projects. The first is replacement of the I-86 Chubbuck Interchange overcrossing and the
second is the Siphon Road interchange. The North Portneuf Valley Connectivity Projects
title was chosen to most reflect the scope of the project. This project will:
Extend Bench Road north to the new I-15 interchange near Siphon Road.
Extend Siphon Road east to the new I-15 interchange.
Widen Siphon Road from Yellowstone Highway to Hiline Road.
Realign the intersection of Hiline Road and Siphon.
Realign the northbound main line of I-15 west to allow existing main line to be
used as off ramp for I-86 and Siphon interchange.
BTPO is submitting the 30.9 million dollar request on behalf of the Cities of Pocatello and
Chubbuck, Bannock County, and Idaho Transportation Department. One of the
requirements is for the agencies who will own the facility to agree to the improvement and
the application by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (BTPO).
Council member Stoddard moved to support the North Portneuf Valley Connectivity
Project, (Siphon Road Interchange) Project Summary Plan as presented, Council member
Ponkow seconded. Roll Call Vote: Kearns, yes; Stoddard, yes; Ponkow, yes; Morrison,
PWD Smart stated all the infrastructure improvements have been completed and
recommended the Park Meadows 11 Addition be approved.
Council member Kearns moved to accept the offer of dedication from Park Meadows 11
Addition as presented, Council member Morrison seconded. Roll Call Vote: Morrison,
yes; Ponkow, yes; Stoddard, yes; Kearns, yes.
ORDINANCE #676 - Amending Chubbuck Municipal Code Section 18.12.030 (A) to allow
temporary use of storage or shipping containers in residential areas; providing for
definitions, permit process and penalties. PWD Smart explained this revised ordinance.
August 25, 2009
ORDINANCE #676 - (cont.)
Council member Stoddard moved to dispense with the rule of reading Ordinance #676 on
three separate days, Council member Kearns seconded. Roll Call Vote: Kearns, yes;
Stoddard, yes; Ponkow, yes; Morrison, yes.
Council member Kearns moved to adopt Ordinance #676 as read, Council member
Morrison seconded. Roll Call Vote: Morrison, yes; Ponkow, no; Stoddard, yes; Kearns,
yes. Motion passes. Motion passes 3 -1.
CLAIMS - Computer print -out claims presented to Mayor England and Council.
Council member Stoddard moved to approve computer print -out claims as presented,
Council member Morrison seconded. Roll Call Vote: Morrison, yes; Ponkow, yes;
Stoddard, yes; Kearns, yes.
Mayor England stated because of a couple issues that have came up for September, and
given we have a three week period between the second Council Meeting in September
and the first one in October, he recommends the seconded Council Meeting in
September be held September 29, 2009 instead of September 22 "d, 2009. CC Conlin
will publish the change.
At 8:38 p.m, Council member Stoddard moved, Council member Kearns seconded, with full
council approval to adjourn meeting.
teven M. England, ayor
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk