January 81", 2008
Minutes of a regular meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, January 81", 2008.
Present: Mayor Steven M. England, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Kent Kearns, Dennis
Stoddard, Richard Morgan, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven
M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin.
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor England.
PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was led by Jaden Chavale, Troop #135.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor England asked for corrections and additions to the regular
meeting minutes of December 11"', 2007.
Councilman Kearns moved to approve the December 11", 2008 Council Meeting
Minutes subject to the following corrections; 1) Page 227, bottom paragraph,
Councilman Stoddard moved to accept the Tailwind Subdivision Acceptance of
Dedication instead of Councilman Kearns, 2) Page 231, Councilman Quick seconded the
2006 -2007 Annual City Street Finance Report instead of Councilman Morgan,
Councilman Morgan seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
APPROVAL OF DECEMBER, 2007 computer print -out claims presented to Mayor England and
Councilman Quick moved to approve the December, 2007 computer print -out claims as
presented, Councilman Morgan seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
ADMINISTRATION OF OATHS OF OFFICE - City Clerk Ron Conlin administered the oath of
office to newly elected officials of the City of Chubbuck, Council members Kent Kearns
and Kermit G. Morrison.
stated Councilman Quick served 30 years on the Chubbuck City Council. Mayor England
presented a plaque noting the number of years he has served on the City Council. Mayor
England presented Councilman Quick with Councilman Quick's picture that hangs in
City Hall Foyer.
Councilman Quick gave comments and thanked City residents for allowing him to
service these years.
At 7:42 p.m, Mayor England adjourned the meeting and invited the newly elected Council
members Kent Kearns and Kermit G. Morrison to take their Council Seats.
January 8`h, 2008
Meeting was called to order at 7:42 p.m. by Mayor Steven M. England.
Present: Mayor Steven M. England, Council members Kent Kearns, Dennis Stoddard, Richard
Morgan, Kermit G. Morrison, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director
Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin.
STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS was given by Mayor Steven M. England.
ELECTION OF PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL - Councilman Kearns moved to nominate
Councilman Dennis Stoddard to be 2008 President of Council, Councilman Morgan
seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
CARDONA SUBDIVISION FINAL PLAT - David Tebo, EHM Engineers, Inc, Twin Falls,
Idaho stated this is a 3.7 acre subdivision, two lots at 4856 Hawthorne Road. Mr. Tebo
stated they are proposing the residence on Lot 2, Block 1 be separated into separate
parcels. The rest of the area other than the residence will be considered Lot 1, Cardona
Limited is preparing plans to present to the City for Lot 1.
PWD Smart recommended that if this Cardona Subdivision Final Plat is approved, it
should be conditioned upon final approval of engineering drawings.
Councilman Stoddard moved to approve the Cardona Subdivision Final Plat, subject to
City Staff approving all final engineering construction drawings, Councilman Kearns
seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
BEER AND WINE LICENSE APPLICATION - Hector Martinez, Taqueria La Costa, 4618
Yellowstone Ave. has applied for a beer and wine license to sell beer and wine at their
restaurant business at Taqueria La Costa, 4618 Yellowstone Ave.
All departments recommended approval of the beer and wine license.
Councilman Kearns moved to grant Hector Martinez a beer and wine business license to
sell beer and wine at Taquaeria La Costa, 4618 Yellowstone Ave, Councilman Stoddard
seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER OF DEDICATIONS - Park Meadows 6`h, Park Meadows 7 "', Park
Meadows 8 "', Park Meadows 9`h , Cambridge Estates Division No. 2, Ratliff Subdivision
Division No. 1 and Victorian Village 3`d Additions.
PWD Smart recommended the Council Accept the Offer of Dedications as presented.
January 8 ", 2008
Councilman Morgan moved to approve the Acceptance of Offer of Dedications of Park
Meadows 6 "', 7', 8", 9`h Additions, Cambridge Estates Division No. 2, Ratliff
Subdivision Division No. I and Victorian Village 3`d Addition as presented, Councilman
Kearns seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
INTERCEPTOR - PWD Smart stated he has been negotiating with JUB Consulting
Engineering for the design engineering of the NW Sewer Interceptor. PWD Smart
explained the contract proposal.
PWD Smart stated the design project will start a major collector at the Pocatello
Treatment Plant, north.
Councilman Morgan moved to authorize Mayor England to enter into agreement with
JUB Consulting Engineers for design of the NW Bannock County Sewer Interceptor line,
Councilman Stoddard seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
CLAIMS - Computer print -out claims presented to Mayor England and Council.
Councilman Stoddard moved to approve January computer print -out claims as presented,
Councilman Kearns seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
At 8:20 p.m, Councilman Morgan moved, Councilman Morrison seconded, with full council
approval to adjourn meeting.
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Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk