January 14, 1986
Minutes of the regular council meeting held in the city municipal
building, January 14, 1986.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmembers Becky A. Hopkins, Leroy S.
Quick, Thomas S. Nield, Steven M. England, Attorney B. Lynn Winmill, Public
Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Cotant at 7:30 p.m.
INVOCATION was given by Bishop William O. Schmitt, 48th Ward, The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections and additions to the
minutes of December 11, 1985.
Councilman Quick moved to approve the minutes of Decemb6r 11, 1985 as read.
Councilman Nield seconded. All co-un~i~me~b~rs Voted in favor of motion.
APPROVAL OF CLAIMS - Mayor Cotant asked the council if there was any question
concerning claims for December to be paid in January.
After reviewing, Councilwoman Hopkins moved to approve claims as presented.
Councilman England seconded. All councilmembers'voted in favor of motion.
ADMINISTRATION OF OATHS OF OFF~CE - City Clerk Ron C. Conlin administered the
oaths of office to the newly elected officials of the City of Chubbuck; Mayor
John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmembers Boyd L. Fullmer and Leroy S. Quick.
City Clerk Ron C. Conlin then presented Certificates of Election to newly
elected officials.
Councilman England moved, Councilman Nield seconded, with full council approval
to adjourn the meeting.
Mayor Cotant then re-called the meeting to order with newly elected officials.
Councilman Boyd L. Fullmer present, along with those previously present and
listed above.
STATE OF CITY ADDRESS was given by Mayor Cotant, relating past accomplishments of
city together with future plans for the city.
Mayor Cotant made the following Departmental Councilmember assignments.
Councilwoman Becky A. Hopkins - Fire Department
Councilman Leroy S. Quick - Police Department
Councilman Steven M. England - Recreation and Parks Department
Councilman Boyd L. Fullmer - Insurance needs of the City
ELECTION OF PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL - Councilwoman Hopkins moved to nominate Council-
man England as President of the Council. Councilman Qu~ck seconded~ All ' -
councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
the names of; Evan Byington, 5742 Moses; Ted Corrington, 5065 Cole and Bob
Anderson, 4990 Valenty Road, to be members of the Land Use and Development
Commission. Councilman Quick moved to direct Mayor Cotant to appoint Evan
Byington, Ted Corrington and Bob Anderson to the Land Use and Development Com-
mission. Councilman England seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of the
said he would represent the council at the Land Use and Development Commission
Meetings for the first six months of 1986.
WINE LICENSE APPLICATION - Tina Miller, Yellowstone Service, 4260 Yellowstone Ave.,
applied for a wine license to sell wine at Yellowstone Service, 4260 Yellowstone.
After review Councilwoman Hopkins moved to approve a wine license to Tina Miller,
Yellowstone Service, 4260 Yellowstone Ave. Councilman Fullmer seconded. All
councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
Lynn Winmill stated Earl & Peggy Ellis have entered pleas of guilty to a federal
indictment. That in lieu of criminal prosecution by the State of Idaho and
forfeiture pursuant to statute, Earl & Peggy Ellis shall convey any and all
interest they have in either real or personal property to the City of Chubbuck
and the City of Pocatello to be divided as representatives of those cities see
fit, no matter where or in whose possession said property may be held, except as
set forth in Exhibit A.
After discussion Councilman Quick moved to ratify action taken by Attorney Winmill
as that of the council and direct Mayor Cotant and City Clerk to execute any
documents that may be necessary to verify the ratification. Councilman England
seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of the motion.
the agreement creates a way the City of Chubbuck and City of Pocatello can
liquidate the property, the agreement calls for the establishment of a trust
which will probably be administered by a bank. Attorney Winmill suggested the
council might want to call a special meeting to establish the trust.
After discussion Councilman Fullmer moved to direct Mayor Cotant and City Clerk
Conlin to enter into the Intergovernmental Agreement-Joint Property Administration
on behalf of the council. Councilman Quick seconded. All councilmembers voted
in favor of motion.
FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICERS - Fire Chief Cary Campbell presented the following names
to Mayor Cotant and Council to be considered as Fire Department Officers:
Battalion Chiefs: Bart Parrish
Earl Cluff
Captains: John Roeder
Eldon Muir
Dee Howell
Jeff Barber
Fire Chief Campbell also asked that Steve Hocking be the first alternate if for
any reason one of the Captains resigns.
Councilwoman Hopkins expressed concern that Jeff Barber was injured at the
railroad. Fire Chief Campbell felt that Jeff Barber's injury is temporary and
there is several assignments Jeff could do while he is on light duty. Fire Chief
Campbell said Jeff Barber would not respond to fires until he is able.
Councilwoman Hopkins moved to approve the recommendations of Fire Chief Cary
Campbell. Councilman Quick seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of motion,
RESIDENTAL SEWER RATES - Public Works Director Steve Smart stated that in October,
the council adjusted sewer rates for non-residential customers, at that time
Steve said he would look at the residential sewer rates.
Public Works Director Steve Smart suggested adjusting the sewer rates as follows:
Single Family Residential $9.10 per month
Multifamily Apartments 7.50 " "
Motel Units 4.05 " "
Public Works Director Steve Smart stated that these increases are based on the
increase in the cost of treatment charged by the City of Pocatello
After discussion it was decided Attorney Winmill will prepare a resolution for
the January 28, 1986 Council Meeting.
ORDINANCE - UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE - It was decided to move this ordinance to the
January 28, 1986 Council Meeting.
ORDINANCE - LICENSING OF AUTO WRECKERS - Officer Jerry Rowland stated the Police
Department was planning to meet with the local wrecker operators and discuss the
ordinance. The ordinance will be put on the January 28, 1986 Council Meeting.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT for December presented to Mayor Cotant and Council.
COMPUTER LEASE AGREEMENT - POLICE DEPARTMENT - Attorney Winmill said a good way to
get the computer the Police Department wanted to buswould be to lease the
compute~thencharge that expense to the trust fund, then purchase~the computer
at the end of the lease.
Councilman Quick and Chief Arnold Stone have found an IBM ATC computer, Council-
man Quick stated the IBM ATC is compatible with information that is already
on the computer disc for inventory purposes.
Councilman Quick moved to approve the lease of a IBM ATC Computer through the
funds generated from the sale of the Ellis property. Councilman England seconded.
All councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
BID - POLICE CARS - Sealed bids for police patrol vehicles were recieved until
2:00 p.m,, Wednesday, December 11, 1985.
After review Councilman Quick moved to reject all bids because the police cars
can be acquired for less on the open market. Councilwoman Hopkins seconded.
All councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
Councilman England moved to authorize Mayor Cotant and City Clerk to enter
into a lease agreement with Gelco Co. on terms set forth previously to the
City Council, which provides that if Glens Chevrolet can provide and agree
to lease to the City at the same or a better rate, the City would accept Glen's
Chevrolet bid, since the City has a preference for a local vendor. Councilwoman
Hopkins seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
1) Councilman England reported there would be a Swimming Pool Committee Meeting
January 22, 1986 at 6:00 p.m. to elect a chairman.
At 9:00 p.m., Councilman England moved, Councilwoman Hopkins seconded, with full
council approval to adjourn the meeting.
~bhn O. Cotant, Jr., Mayor
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk