January 13, 1987
Minutes of a regular council meeting held in the city municipal building,
January 13, 1987.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmembers Becky A. Hopkins, Leroy S.
Quick, Steven M. England, Boyd L. Fullmer, Attorney B. Lynn Winmill, Engineer
Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin.
Meeting called to order at 7:34 p.m. by Mayor Cotant.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections and additions to the
minutes of December 9, 1986.
Councilman Quick moved to approve the minutes of December 9, 1986, with the
following correction: Paragraph 2 on Page 201 should read~"After discussion,
Councilman England moved to authorize Mayor Cotant to enter into agreement to
the acquisition of the Tanabe Property with the purchase price of $75,000.00
in a single cash pa~ent in 1986, or two installments with any deferred portion
of the purchase price bearing interest at no more than 10%, with the first install
ment being $50,000.00 in 1986 and the second installment being $27,500 O0 in
19 7.. Councilwoman Hopkins seconded. All Counc~lmembers present voted in favor of
the motion.
LICENSE APPLICATION - DeeAnna M. Smith, Interstate Service & Sales, 4260 Yellowstone
Ave. has applied for a license to sell wine and beer at 4260 Yellowstone Ave.
Councilman Fullmer moved to approve a license to Interstate Service & Sales,
DeeAnna M. Smith, 4260 Yellowstone Ave to sell beer and wine. Councilman England
seconded. Vote was unanimous in favor of motion.
LICENSE APPLICATION - Patricia Lee Boring, Mr. Petrol's Pantry #1, 4752 Yellowstone
Ave. has applied for a license to sell beer and wine at 4752 Yellowstone Ave.
Councilman England moved to approve a license to Patricia Boring, Mr. Petrol's
Pantry #1, 4752 Yellowstone Ave. to sell beer and wine. Councilwoman Hopkins
seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of the motion.
STATE OF CITY ADDRESS was given by Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., relating past
accomplishments of the City together,with future plans for the City.
Mayor Cotant made the following Departmental Councilmember assignments.
Councilwoman Becky A. Hopkins - Fire Department
Councilman Leroy S. Quick - Police Department
Councilman Steven M. England - Recreation and Parks Department.
Councilman Boyd L. Fullmer - Insurance needs of the City.
ELECTION OF PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL - Councilman England moved to nominate Council-
man Boyd L. Fullmer as President of the Council. Councilman Quick seconded.
All councilmembers voted in favor of the motion.
RESOLUTION - A Resolution, expressing disappointment with the reported recommendation
of the State Board of Corrections to build the new state maximum security
prison in Boise;icalling upon the state legislature to evaluate the prefer-
ability of placing the prison in eastern Idaho; endorsing any of the
proposed sites in eastern Idaho.
After discussion Mayor Cotant stated at this time the Resolution should be tabled,
although Mayor Cotant and Council support and appreciate the effort the City of
Pocatello has put forth.
Councilman Fullmer suggested the City of Chubbuck follow-up with a letter to
the new Governor Cecil Andrus indicating the City feels strongly about an
eastern Idaho site being picked for the site of the maximum security prison, if
they pursue building the prison. Mayor Cotant stated the City of Chubbuck would
send a letter to Governor Andrus.
BIRTH DEFECT PREVEN%ION PROCLAMATION - Mayor Cotant read the proclamation in full.
After discussion Councilman Quick moved to authorize Mayor Cotant to proclaim
January 21st. through January 30th, Birth Defect Prevention. Councilman Fullmer
seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
Fullmer stated he had visited with the Executive Committee of the Bonneville
Senior Citizens Center in reqards to their request of financial help from the
City of Chubbuc~
Councilman Fullmer stated that with the loss of Federal Revenue Sharing and the
City of Pocatello charging rent and power charges after January 1, 1987~they
are coming up short financially.
Councilman Fullmer stated the program is good. There are over 100 participants
from the City of Chubbuck,
Councilman Fullmer said the meals are required to be provided, but the Center
asks for contributions from the participants and they are collecting more each
time from volunteer contributions, but there is still a need to ask for financial
help from the City of Chubbuck-to accomplish payment for the meals provided.
Councilman Fullmer suggested the City of Chubbuck find a way to contribute to
the Bonneville Senior Citizens Center-now, and then take into consideration
when working on the 1987-88 Fiscal Budget.
Councilman Fullmer suggested the City of Chubbuck contribute $500.00 in this
years budget.
Councilwoman Hopkins said she felt the City of Chubbuck should help support
the Center~ but~questioned why the City of Pocatello would charge the Cente~
Councilman Fullmer made motion the City of Chubbuck would 1) Contribute $500.00~ s
to the Bonneville Senior Citizen Center this fiscal year~ 2) Take into consider-
ation in the 1987-88 Fiscal Year Budget some funding for the Senior Citizen Center
The contributions are subject to no reductions in services.to the Bonneville
Senior Citizens Center. Councilman Quick seconded. All Councilmembers voted in
favor of the motion.
Mayor Cotant stated he would look at the current budget and see if
there might be a way of contributing more than the $500.00 this year.
Mayor Cotant said he would report at the January 27, 1987 Council Meeting.
After discussion Councilwoman Hopkins said the City Personnel Policy and Report
on work sessions should be part of a Special Meeting held on January 20, I987,
at 4:00 p.m.~
After discussion it was decided to use the 3-part Speed Letter Rediforms for
the service requests discussed at the last Council Meeting.
PURCHASE OF TANABE LAND - Engineer Steve Smart gave a report on the purchase of
the Tanabe Land.
Engineer Smart reported he had polled the Council on the agreement~the Tanabe
and Kuroki interests preferred.and the Council was agreeable with the agreement.
Attorney Winmill reported he had prepared a letter for George Shizowa to act as
Tanabe and Kuroki's agent and accept the checks, but Mr. Shizowa signed the
letter and had not pick up the checks-as of January 13, 1987.
Attorney Winmill stated Ben & Shige Kuroki, Tanabe Medical Center and Tsuneo Y.
Tanabe have been sent the lease agreements, but have not signed and returned.
CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims and additional handcheck claims presented to
Mayor Cotant and Council.
After review, Councilwoman Hopkins moved,to approve the computer print-out
and handcheck claims as read. Councilman Quick seconded. All councilmembers
voted in favor of the motion.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER presented to Mayor Cotant and Council.
QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 1ST. QUARTER ~resented to Mayor Cotant and Council.
Discussion about notes in Staff Meeting minutes regarding B & C Construction
asking approval to land a helicopter on his property on Valenty Road.
Councilman Fullmer asked if the City of Chubbuck was covered on all aspects,
if there was a problem with the helicopter landing. Attorney Winmill
suggested the City require Mr. Nestor provide the City with verification
that he has obtained any approvals that might be necessary and that the
landing area does comply with whatever standards that might be in existence.
Also, the only property he can land on, is his.
Discussion about any problem with Fire Codes or Building Codes with operators
or owners at the Pine Ridge Mall, should be discussed with the Pine Ridge
Mall Manager Bob Mitchell.
3) Mary Bunce was present at the meeting and asked what plans the City of
Chubbuck might have on maintaining city streets. Mrs. Bunce felt it is very
important the City of Chubbuck keeps on the maintence of city streets.
4)_ Discussion about sending a weekly calendar to the press telling them of City
meetings, events and etc. happening during the week. The Council felt it
was a good idea.
At 9:14 p.m., Councilman Quick made motion to move into executive session meeting
for the purpose of consideration of personnel matters.as authorized by Idaho Code
67 -2345 (b). Councilwoman Hopkins seconded. 100% of Councilmembers voted in favor
of the motion.
Discussion about The Ben Franklin Deferred Compensation Fund.
No action or final decision was made.
At 9:34 p.m., Councilman Fullmer moved to adjourn to regular council meeting.
Councilman Quick seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of the motion.
BEN FRANKLIN DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM - Mayor Cotant explained to the Council
how the deferred compensation plan works if an employee wants her or his monies
from the plan.before retirement or leaving employment with the City.
After discussion Councilman Quick made motion based upon information presented
to the council concerning the financial hardship, the council determined that it
was appropriate to request the release of the funds being held by the Ben Franklin
Co. pursuant to the City's Deferred Compensation Plan. Councilman England seconded.
All councilmembers voted in favor of the motion.
At 9:44 p.m., Councilwoman Hopkins moved, Councilman England seconded, with full
council approval to adjourn the meeting.
John 0. Cotant, Jr., Mayor
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk