January 12, 1988
Minutes of a regular meeting held in the city municipal building,
January 12, 1988.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmembers Leroy S. Quick, Steven M.
England, Boyd L. Fullmer, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, City Clerk Ron C. Conlin.
Councilwoman Becky A. Hopkins and Public Works Director Steven M. Smart was
INVOCATION~was.given_by Coupcilman Leroy S. Quick.
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Cotant.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES~- Mayor Cotant asked for corrections and additions to the
minutes of December 8, 1987, special meeting minutes of December 16, 1987,
December 17, 1987 and December 21, 1987.
Councilman Fullmer moved to approve the minutes of December 8, 1987 as read.
Councilman England seconded. All councilmembers present voted in favor of
Councilman England moved to approve the special meeting mi~nutes of December 16,
1987 as read. Councilman Fullmer seconded. All councilmembers present voted in
favor of motion.
Councilman Quick moved to approve the special meeting minutes of December 17,
1987 as read. Councilman England seconded. All councilmembers present voted in
favor of motion.
Councilman Quick moved to approve the special meeting minutes of December 21,
1987 as read. Councilman Fullmer seconded. All councilmembers present voted in
favor of motion.
APPROVAL OF CLAIMS - December computer print-out and handcheck claims paid in
January=presented to Mayor Cotant and Council.
After review, Councilman Fullmer moved to approve the computer print-out and
handcheck claims as read. Councilman Quick seconded. All councilmembers voted
in favor of the motion.
ADMINISTRATION OF OATHS OF OFFICE - City Clerk Ron C. Conlin administered the
oaths of office to the newly elected officials of the City of Chubbuck;
Councilmembers Steven M. England and David A. Landon. City Clerk Ron C. Conlin
then presented Certificates of Election to the ~ewly elected officials.
Mayor Cotant then re-called the meeting to order with newly elected officials.
Councilmember David A. Landon present, along with those previously present and
listed above.
STATE OF CITY ADDRESS was given by Mayor Cotant, relating past accomplishments
of City together with future plans for the city.
Mayor Cotant made the following Departmental Councilmember assignments:
Councilman Boyd L. Fullmer - Fire Department
Councilman Steven M. England - Parks & Recreation Department
Councilman Leroy S. Quick - Police Department
Councilman David A. Landon - Council Representative to Land Use Development
Commission~& Council Representative to the
Chubbuck Day Committee.
ELECTION OF PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL - Councilman Fullmer moved to nominate Council-
man Leroy S. Quick as President of Council. Councilman England seconded.
All councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
PUBLIC HEARING - A proposal by the City of Chubbuck to change the city's
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Pattern and the existing Land Use District
in the Paradise Acres Subdivision, excepting block 18, and in the Greener
Pastures Subdivision. It is proposed that the land use pattern and Land
Use District be changed from Limited Residential R-2 to Single Family
Residential R-l. Streets affected by the change would be: Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, Joel, Noah, Moses, Eden, David, Ruth, Eve, Sorrell, Lariat.
Mayor Cotant asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of the
change. There was no comment.
Mayor Cotant asked if there was anyone present to speak in opposition to the
change. There was no opposition to the proposal.
Mr. Gene Gallaway, Pocatel~o, stated there are some lots in Phas~ III i
of the Paradise Aces, that have not been developed, Mr. Galloway was concerned
these lots would not be included in the change. Attorney Holmes stated the
way the description reads, these lots would be included in the change of the
city's Comprehensive Plan~if this proposed changeis approved.
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed.
Mayor Cotant suggested the Council not act upon this proposal until, Mayor Cotant,
The Land Use Development Commission and The Council meet together fo~ discussion
on the proposal, at 6:30 p.m., January 26, 1988. After discussion the Council
tabled the=proposal until the JanQa~y 26, 1988 Council Meeting.
A VARIANCE - Randy Broadhead, 850 Todd was present.
Mr. Broadhead stated there is a garage at 710 Cana~ that was built by the
developer several years ago. The initial intend was to put a house on the
property and sell as residential property. The house was never built, in the
mean time the lot and garage has been used as a storage area.
Mr. Broadhead said he is in a position now, that he needs a facility to store
his cleaning supply business equipment, chemicals, etc. and would like to
purchase this garage for this purpose. Mr. Broadhead said he does have earnst
money on the property at this time. Mr. Broadhead said there will be no phones,
advertizing, etc. at the property.
Mr. Broadhead said his intentions are to clear weeds out,.paint the garage and
clean the property up. Mr. Broadhead said there is n~ toxic chemicals in his
cleaning supplies that would be stored there.
Mr. Broadhead said there would be no excess traffic in the area because of
proposal. There will be no freight delivered at the property because there
will be no one there.
Mr. Keith Holverson, 698 Canal, directly to the east of the 710 Canal property
stated he felt Mr. Broadhead wanted to put a business on the property, he sa~d
he has two small children and felt the business might create extra hazards for
his children.
Fire Chief Cary Campbell expressed concern of chemicals that might be stored
in the garage. There is a fire hydrant 40' from the garage.
Mr. Broadhead said he will be storing some vehicles outside the garage. Mr.
Broadhead said it is not his intend to clutter up the lot with vehicles.
Mayor Cotant stated the property has been a continued problem with weeds, lack
of clean up since it was built. The lot has never been in compliance with city
Mr. Broadhead stated this would be a temporary arrangement.
Councilman England stated there are children playing on rocks, on the property
now. This could be more of a hazard the way the property is now, than if the
property was cleaned up and utilized.
Councilman Fullmer suggested putting a 6 month review if the variance is approved.
Mr. Holverson asked, why,=if there was never a variance granted, ~cah!t~be
zoning violation be corrected now. Mayor Cotant stated Officer Phelps has been
working on this problem.
Mr. Broadhead said most traffic would be during day light hours. There would be
some emergencies,after hours, but they~would be minimal.
Mr. Broadhead stated he would work with Chief Campbell inregards to chemicals
stored in the garage.
Mayor Cotant stated when a Land Use & Development Commission decision is over-
turned by the City Council, a revie~ with the Land Use & Development Commission
and the Council should take place before a decision is made.
After discussion it was decided the Land Use & Development Commission and the
Council will meet January 26, 1988 at 6:30 p.m. to review the proposal. It was
decided notices will be sent to individuals within the 300' radius~prior to
a decision.
The Appeal was tabled until the January 26, 1988 Council Meeting.
BEER LICENSE APPLICATION - David Nutting, Big Bear Chevron, 4259 Yellowstone Ave.
has applied for a beer license.
Police Department has approved the application.
After discussion Councilman Fullmer moved to approve a beer license to
David Nutting, Big Bear Chevron, 4259 Yellowstone Ave. Councilman England
seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
CLAIM - "D" Y~qR WASH - Duane Kearn, "D" Kar Wash, 5024 Yellowstone Ave. stated
on December 26, 1987 the water to his business was shut off without notifying
or consulting him. Mr. Kearns submitted a bill for loss of business, labor &
equipment rental to thaw out the frozen ater lines due to the water being
turned off.
After discussion ~ity Clerk Ron Conlin was directed to submit the claim to
the City Insurance Co.
in full.
Councilman Quick moved to direct Mayor Cotant to proclaim January 24th through
January 30, 1988 "Birth Defect Prevention Week". Councilman Landon seconded.
All councilmembers voted in favor of motion.
Discussion about implementing a snow removal ordinance. Attorney Holmes
was asked to review snow removal ordinances around the State.and report
to the Council.
2) There will be a "Town Meeting", Tuesday, January 19, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. at
Chubbuck City Council Chambers.
3) C~ty was asked to plow extra, mn Chastin Drive:during:shew storms.
FINANCIAL REPORT for the month of December presented to Mayor Cotant and Council.
At 9:20 p.m., Councilman England moved, Councilman Quick seconded, w_ith full
council approval to adjourn meeting. ~oh~O. ~i~'~
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk